To our knowledge, not a single state, school district, or individual school has banned students from wearing masks in the classroom.
Yet, the ever-politicized Office for Civil Rights within the U.S. Department of Education has decided to use the heft of the federal government to investigate states that don’t mandate children to wear masks.
The Office for Civil Rights tries to disguise the word “mandate” by using the term “universal masking” throughout its press release announcing the investigation of five states that have banned mask mandates.
Again, no state has banned “universal” masking; several have prohibited mask mandates….
The office’s argument is that if schools don’t mandate every child to wear a mask, that could have a disproportionate impact on students with special needs, and…violate their federally protected access to Free Appropriate Public Education…
Indeed, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends children over the age of 2 wear masks while indoors. Yet, as Heritage Foundation senior fellow Doug Badger recently noted, “The leading study on which the CDC bases this recommendation found that the COVID-19 infection rate in schools requiring students to wear masks ‘was not statistically significant compared with schools where mask use was optional.’”…
Seven states—Arizona, Florida, Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah—have banned mask mandates. The Office for Civil Rights is currently investigating five of them: Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah….
But President Joe Biden’s Department of Education seeks to turn…legal requirements on their head by focusing instead on a modification of group behavior and taking the emphasis off the individual student with a disability altogether…
Choice—not federal mandates and investigations—is the answer, something several states have already recognized within the COVID-19 context.
Amid ongoing debates around coronavirus-related mandates, Florida is providing families access to the Hope Scholarship school voucher program if they find their child’s public school mask requirements to be too lax or too rigid.
Arizona recently followed suit…Lawmakers in Tennessee are considering similar options…
As the American Federation for Children’s Corey DeAngelis explained in The Wall Street Journal, “Democrats favored this school-choice proposal more than Republicans, with support at 82% and 78%, respectively. …
Education choice is an answer to the ongoing debates around school closures and coronavirus-related mandates. And as the 2021-22 school year begins, more children than ever have access to school choice options…
…[S]tate leaders should enable parents to take their money elsewhere if their child’s school doesn’t reopen to in-person instruction, or if they disagree with masking or COVID-19 vaccination policies at their child’s school, finding those policies either too rigid or too lax.
Do you favor the opportunity to have more school choice? Share in the comments below!
(Excerpt from The Daily Signal. Article by Lindsey Burke. Photo Credit: Izzy Park/Unsplash).
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According to HIPAA, mask mandates are illegal on federal level.or have I missed something?
Oh, the hypocrisy of it all. Those who want to mandate mask wearing ( muzzling) of children in the name of “protecting children” need to put their efforts into protecting children from abortion. Parents should be allowed to kill their children in the womb, in the name of choice, but have no choices regarding the health and well being of children in the schoolroom? Give us a break!
Oh, Precious Heavenly Father, Please wake up our country! We have turned our backs on You (just like the Israelites), facts no longer seem to matter. It is about politics, and not about protecting Americans. Our world is failing! As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. And know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Please start penetrating the USA with Your truth. Use us, Your people mightily for our country. Please God, cause us to be wise as the serpent and gentle as the dove. We Your Church, have failed. Please bring a revival, another great awakening to our lands. We have blessed by You for so long, and it is plain, You are giving us over to our own rebellion. We need you Lord! Change me Lord! Remake me Lord! Until father, spirit, Jesus we are one!
LORD God, it was You who breathed into us the breath of life, and You who have commanded us not to quench the Spirit (which is Your breath).
Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You have been given all authority in heaven and on earth, for You have made all things, and without You nothing was made that was made.
Please give us the courage to obey You, and not man, for we can do nothing without You; yet, with You, all things are possible.
Blessed be Your name!
The weak minded and feeble Biden administration and their deep state warthogs will weaponize any department they can. This administration is insatiable with lust, power and control. °Lord God, give us daily wisdom on battling the enemy that continually seeks to overwhelm us through the use of areas of government that were originally intended to serve the people. Amen.
I favor freedom. Period. Without dragging in some excuse like handicapped children. They will benefit by free choice. If the masks work and you have one on for Pete’s sake just trust the thing. It’s proven that most people who got covid did wear a mask. It’s also been proven there’s a cure for covid flu. We need ALL the medical field to prescribe it at home before people get so sick they have to be put on a ventilator and thus die. Racking up money from the government for each death reported. I’m praying for all to be exposed. That people will begin to sue the hospitals and doctors if necessary. Money talks. Take out the trash Lord. Put a stop to needless killing.
Yes my family agrees with “choice” for mask and vax. Northern rural new york state is forcing masks in schools!! We are stuck..home schooling is the only option. And not possible for everyone! there are no totally private schools in the area, catholic schools still follow the state mandates because they get funing from the state!! We still have to pay school taxes and they are very high! Please pray for no mandatory vaccines for these helpless children and families that dont agree with the jan! Its a scarey time we all so frustrated! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Why is it that all yeah at Kroger (Nashville TN) I kept hearing their propaganda about the masks every three minutes. And it also said “ children under 12 are not affected and do not need a mask“ so why do they now!? Praying for this evil to be cut down!
They should just leave us people in South Carolina alone to make our own choices especially now the Supreme Court of South Carolina said no mask mandates in school just last week.
This masking issue is not about health but about control! God help us to stand for truth!