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God, we thank You for the success of this movie. Use it to change hearts, minds, and lives, Father!
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This powerful film has become a huge hit across the nation. Praise God!

From CBN. The faith-based film about a former Homeland Security agent who embarks on a journey to rescue hundreds of children from sex traffickers is now the no. 1 movie in America, beating out summer blockbusters like “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny”.

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Angel Studio’s “Sound of Freedom” grossed $14.2 million in sales on the July 4th holiday, landing it in the top slot at the box office. …

“From the very beginning, this movie had me choked up, tugging at my heartstrings. It effortlessly keeps you on the edge of your seat, igniting a fire of determination to see the bad guys brought to justice and the innocent children saved. I cannot recommend it enough – Jim Caviziel’s performance is truly awe-inspiring. You can feel the passion and dedication he poured into this role, leaving a lasting impression on your soul,” said one review about the film. …

Angel Studios is the streaming and distribution platform behind the film.


“Thanks to fans around the country, ‘Sound of Freedom’ earned the top spot as America’s number one movie on Independence Day. We’ve received numerous messages telling us theaters are either packed or sold out. This movie has now taken on a life of its own to become something more than that, a grassroots movement,” said Neal Harmon, CEO of Angel Studios.

Supporters say it is no surprise the new film is resonating with audiences as the family-friendly, movie-making powerhouse is behind “The Chosen” – the most successful crowdfunded project of all time. …

Now, Angel Studios’ adult thriller is scoring a high note with audiences. It topped $10 million in pre-sales and has received a 85% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

“That’s an impressive number for a movie that isn’t relying on a glossy big studio marketing campaign. It’s also another sign of the buying power of religious moviegoers, who helped propel this spring’s ‘Jesus Revolution’ to an improbable $53 million at the global box despite the fact that the biggest star in that movie was Kelsey Grammar,” reported Variety.

As CBN News reported, the feature stars Jim Caviezel as federal agent Tim Ballard who had been working in the Child Crimes unit for 12 years, but was beginning to lose hope. He rescues a seven-year-old boy who was kidnapped, along with his sister, by brutal traffickers. When the boy asks Tim to find his sister, Tim discovers his life’s mission: rescuing children from sex slavery. …

Have you seen Sound of Freedom yet? Share your thoughts about and prayers for the movie below!

(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: Fred Hayes/Getty Images for Angel Studios)

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Maynard Beck Sr
July 16, 2023

Interesting that in the follow-up to the Jim Caviezel movie, “Epstein Island” and “Far-right” conspiracies are being conjured up by the woke media…

Margaret Davis
July 11, 2023

Excellent movie, go see it!

Alberta Snyder
July 10, 2023

Father God you are an awesome God may you receive all the honor and the Glory for this movie and the the people who made it and the children’s lives it is going to save.

July 9, 2023

Like everyone else who saw the movie, I was amazed! Yes, all the acting was AMAZING! The movie is SOOO well done! The message is critical! Tim Ballard’s (and his wife’s) sacrifice is amazing! What a difference can be made by even one individual who is willing to not care for himself, but will care for the things of others!

July 9, 2023

I saw the movie today. I was bawling as I watched it. I just kept saying, “God show me what I can do. Show me what I can do.” I began to cover my family in prayer. I will share with my friends, family and church and we will give, pray and send emails to our leaders.

Darlene Estlow
July 8, 2023

Thank you Father for what you are revealing and for saving many children. Bring your healing power into their lives. We ask you to destroy the industry that does this to children. Bring many of those who are leaders in this business to repentance and faith in you.

July 8, 2023

I saw it…I highly recommend it…we all need to get our heads out of the sand, not just on this issue but all issues plaguing our nation due to sin and loss of God in our lives! Children are our precious commodity! We sexualize them with clothes, peer pressure, etc. Let them be innocent for as long as they can! Protect them all Jesus, and bring the lost ones home! Amen

July 7, 2023

Lord, thank you that these evils are being revealed. Lord I lift up to you all people of all ages that have been abused in this way…. so many Lord have been abused in this way-, where they should have been cherished and protected-,instead were mistreated by strangers- but usually by family members-, and other trusted people close to a family.. and go through life broken and wounded -,their wounds affect other people.. and as recently it has been revealed that the core of these wounds are definitely spiritual wounds- and very probably grounded in curses-,Lord-, I pray you Lord, can bring light and life to these hidden and wounded areas.. and that as people seek healing- that the church, at least, can find it in their hearts to be kind and understanding, towards those who they may not have known previously had been victimized in this way.. much as when someone has cancer- people never treat them the same-,and they are not necessarily ostracized but are held at arms length, out of fear.. let people who have been sexually abused -,Lord, in their lives- be accepted in the loving kindness of healing Lord- that only you can provide- in your Holy Spirit power-, and received somewhere into a healing environment Lord-,hopefully in the power of your Holy Spirit- in the family of God.
In Jesus mighty name, Amen

Bill Johnson
July 7, 2023

I haven’t seen the movie yet but certainly plan to do so!! I have been familiar with the ground Operation Underground Railroad for several years. They do a great work!! God bless this movie as it brings attention to a problem that certainly needs to be addressed. God’s Richest Blessings on all who had a part in bringing this to the big screen!!

July 7, 2023

Lord thank you for brothers that you have raised up as heroic Warriors that are able to be strong conduits of your will and power to execute these missions of love and hope to save and protect Children of America and the world

Bridget Bonczyk
July 7, 2023

Father God, Thank you for exposing this evil. Thank you for Jesus and Holy Spirit who orchestrates movies such as “The Chosen,” “Jesus Revolution,” and now “Sound of Freedom.” Bring believers as well as non-believers to this movie. Am believing for a harvest of souls: salvation, healing and deliverance. Am believing God will hold those accountable who traffic with children here and abroad. Thank you for exposing this issue and the evil that is being done. Use leaders in America who are in positions to change this evil of trafficking children. Thank you for giving them protection, wisdom and favor. I speak Psalm 91:1-4 into their lives: “You who sit down in the High God’s presence, spend the night in Shaddai’s shadow, say this: “God, You’re my refuge. I trust in You, and I’m safe! Thank You that You rescue us from hidden traps, shield us from deadly hazards. Thank You, God, for Your outstretched arms and how You protect us under them; Thank You that we are perfectly safe; and Your arms fend off all harm.” (The Message). Thank you for hearing our prayers for the children. Thank you that Your will is being done. I love you, Jesus. May You be glorified as El Elyon, The God Most High and El Roi, The God Who Sees. Amen and amen.

July 7, 2023

We saw it July 4th and it was heart wrenching! Your emotions go through a variety of ranges from the very start and as the movie progresses all theway till the end! Just remind yourselves…. But for the Grace of God go I. Many of our children as well as us when we were children could have been a victim of sex trafficking. Think how many are and the horror for families affected but evn more so for the abducted kids! I prayed the prayer and pray in general for God to continue moving throughout our world opening people’s eyes and minds to Satan and his sins such as this! Our theater had 4 sold out shows the day we went and the evening one was on the way!
At the end of the movie we all erupted in to an ovation and cheers! It truly felt good to know there are so many others out there who are also angrya and aghast at what is happening in our country! The news would have us think this is all the norm. Don’t fall for it!

Tracy White
July 7, 2023

Father, thank you for exposing the evil and true extent of sex trafficking through the release of this movie. I pray that it will bring conviction and repentance to the Church, beginning with Pastors, church leadership, parents and children who are addicted to pornography. Bring restoration and reconciliation to the families that have been torn apart by pornography and adultery. The sex trafficking industry is driven by the insatiable lustful desires of those who are bound to pornography.
II Chronicles 7:14 and My people, who are called by My Name, humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear [them] from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land. In Jesus Name, Amen.

July 7, 2023

This movie and the people who made it are already under attack.
Satan wants to stop people from seeing it and taking action.
Please pray!

Drake Dottie
July 7, 2023

Yes i saw the movie in fort myers fla. i was so grieves in my heart to learn that the NUMBER # 1 destination of all those trafficked children is USA. We all need to repent for our nation once again caused death and destruction to our precious children.
Father we stand in Faith repenting for our nations horrific sins against our children. We ask that all those involved in these sins will be brought ro repentance in name of Jesus . We are ao thankful for Angel studios awake ing us all to horrors inour nation. Father in Jesus name we declare a blood bought shield of protection from Jesus for these little angels. Father we ask tht you will save and cover all childrwn in Jesus Blood Amen

Daniel Cave
July 7, 2023

Watched it july 5th. Very eye opening. Praying that America wakes up to the evils going on like child sex trafficking abortion and woke agenda. Repentance and prayer are vital as well as getting involved financially. I don’t believe these evils can be overcome without intercessory prayer and fasting by the whole body of Christ

July 7, 2023

This movie is incredible! So well done! I was exhausted when I went but it kept me alert bc it was so compelling! God bless these heroes 🙏


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