I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, the practices of the New Age have infiltrated our schools, causing many students to turn to paganism as a source of stress relief and comfort. Show us how to fight against this deceptive movement, which is growing larger by the day.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

The New Age isn’t just targeting adults anymore. This esoteric movement, rooted in paganism, has crept its way into our nation’s educational system. With promises of stress relief, behavior management and healing, the New Age practices of smudging and yoga are being extolled as a new hope for America’s troubled youth.

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Proponents of these New Age practices will point to the fact that today’s students suffer from anxiety, academic stress, attention disorders, emotional imbalances and abuse. Therefore, there’s a great need to alleviate these issues through strategies such as mindfulness, meditation and focused breathing.

There’s no denying that children in our schools are in need of healing from anxiety, stress, and a myriad of traumas. But before prescribing smudging and yoga as a “cure-all,” one must carefully consider the pagan roots of these New Age practices. Moreover, what will impressionable youth be taught to accept and integrate into their lives?

What is Smudging?

Smudging is a ritual that imitates a Native American ceremony where “sacred plants” such as cedar, sage, sweetgrass or tobacco are placed into a container and then ignited with a wooden match. An Indigenous awareness website explains, “The flames are then gently blown out and the smoke, which heals the mind, heart and body, is wafted over the person, either by hand or with an eagle feather. The person being smudged pulls the smoke to them and gently inhales the smoke. The ashes traditionally are returned to Mother Earth by disposing them outside on bare soil – it is believed that the negative thoughts and feelings have been absorbed by the ashes. A person can smudge themselves, or, someone can lead a smudge by holding the container and directing the smoke over others.”

Minnesota Schools Allow Smudging

In 2023 a bill was introduced in Minnesota by Senator Mary Kunesh that would permit Indigenous students to smudge in Minnesota public schools under staff supervision. In 2024, this bill passed the Minnesota Senate as part of an omnibus education policy bill. Prior to the introduction of this bill (S.F. 2998), a policy had been implemented in the St. Paul Public School system which allows individual or group smudging in school buildings when conducted under the directed supervision of an appropriate school district staff member.

Smudging is considered a form of prayer which can promote mindfulness as “another form of meditation.” One of the goals of burning various medicinal plants is to cleanse oneself, and to connect with one’s inner spirit, as well as the Creator.

Supporters of this practice believe the ritual can help students stay calm by clearing the air of negative energies and removing barriers to learning. Smudging can be done before the school day begins, during lunch, prior to a meeting, or before a test or stressful event. How often and where it’s done, is up to each school and its administrators. Minnesota has a prohibition on the use of tobacco products in its public schools, but an exception has been made for American Indian ceremonial practices.

After the St. Paul Public Schools voted unanimously to support smudging in classrooms in 2022, Senator Mary Kunesh, a descendent of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe said, “We found a spot for our LGTBQ students to join and come together in our schools. We found a spot for Muslim students to have a quiet moment to pray throughout the day. Now, we are sitting here with an opportunity to extend the opportunity for our Native kids here in Saint Paul. As you heard, smudging isn’t a traditional practice — it’s something that is intentional and mindful to settle our minds — that’s the intention of this policy.”

Smudging and the Occult

The New Age movement, which borrows its practices from many cultures and religions, considers smudging to be an important part of cleansing one’s aura (internal energy field), or a way to deter “bad vibes” and spirits. The smoke from the “sacred plants” are touted as a method to drive away evil. Psychics, witches and those who practice the occult assert that smudging removes “unwanted influences” and protects them from spiritual and psychic attacks. It is also touted as a way to open a person’s eyes and ears to the spirit world.

While burning sage or other plants is not inherently good or bad, it’s the intent behind the practice that matters. When it comes to smudging in schools, this practice draws students into a pagan ritual that’s actually a form of idolatry. They are taught that “sacred smoke” can drive out bad energies, memories and feelings, when the truth is that only God can heal their wounds. The smoke becomes the idol that cleanses and saves, rather than the blood of Jesus. Satan and his demons cannot be driven away by sage or other medicinal plants. God, however, can guard us from evil.

2 Thessalonians 3:3, NLT, says, But the Lord is faithful. He will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.

Teaching students to put their trust in a ritual in order to find peace or healing is contrary to God’s will. Instead, Jesus asks us to put our trust in Him alone, allowing Him to drive out sin and evil.  

Yoga in the Schools

While allowing students to smudge in schools is a more recent development, the integration of yoga into the educational system has been going on much longer. Millions of people in the United States practice yoga and this number continues to grow. Dr. Laurette Willis, founder of PraiseMoves Fitness, warns that yoga is “the missionary arm of Hinduism and New Age Spirituality.”

Yoga 4 Classrooms is an organization which helps schools integrate yoga into their learning environment. Their website explains that Yoga 4 Classrooms “empowers school communities with mindful strategies that are easy to learn and implement in a few minutes or less in a typical classroom space,” by providing resources and training for teachers and administrators.

One school in Des Moines, Iowa uses Yoga 4 Classrooms to help them plan their day. The students of Edmunds Elementary start their mornings with yoga-based movement and mindful meditations that “prepare them for learning time.” To date, Yoga 4 Classrooms “has been implemented in more than 60,000 classrooms, reaching over 1,200,000 students worldwide.”

Many schools offer after school programs that teach yoga, or in some cases, it can be made into a specials class like Art or P.E. One teacher integrates yoga by posting a wall of pockets in the “calm down” corner of her classroom. Each pocket is labeled with the desired outcome and contains a card with instructions for a yoga pose. No matter what yoga program is used, however, breathing and focused meditation are key components.

Is Yoga Simply Breathing and Stretching?

While many parents and educators might think that the poses and breathing exercises of yoga are harmless and not tied to a religious practice, the truth is that yoga’s foundation comes from pantheism, which elevates the worship of everything as god. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj, which means “to yoke” or “to unite.” The question is, what is one uniting with?

Swami Vishnudevananda, one of the movement’s most influential leaders, explains that yoga “prescribes physical methods to begin…so that the student can manipulate the mind more easily as he advances, attaining communication with one’s higher self.”

George P. Alexander is a Christian believer who grew up in India, which is considered the birthplace of yoga. He reveals that yoga poses are “offerings to the 330 million Hindu gods,” and thus, each pose is an act of worship. Westerners believe they are exercising and breathing, but “to a Hindu, yoga is the outward physical expression of a deep spiritual belief. You cannot separate one from the other.”

It’s essential to note that Hinduism, a religion that forms the backbone of yoga, teaches that the human body contains a dormant serpentine force (Kundalini spirit) that is coiled up at the base of the human spine. Through exercise (such as yoga), meditation and focused chanting, one can release this force, opening the third eye. This will allow a person to tap into universal consciousness.

How Do We Respond?

Smudging and yoga are rooted in pagan traditions, yet they are both being celebrated and promoted in the public schools. The children in America are facing more problems than ever, but instead of turning to Jesus Christ, they are being catapulted toward New Age practices that can open doors to the occult.

Intercessors, the time to pray is now. It’s important that parents, grandparents and guardians are aware of what’s going on in their local schools so they warn their loved ones of any programs or classes that encourage rituals and practices which are not biblical. Oftentimes, teachers and administrators are simply looking for ways to help their students and they are unaware that activities (such as smudging and yoga) have occult/New Age connections. You can gently educate them and pray that they will be open to hearing the truth. Additionally, you can attend school board meetings and maintain contact with legislators in your state, so you can voice your concerns about these kinds of issues.

Lord Jesus, our students do not need to rely on rituals, ceremonies, yoga poses or “mindfulness” in order to cope with the difficulties of this world. Instead, we pray that students would put their hope and trust in You. Ultimately, this will bring the peace and healing that our youth need.

Have you seen yoga, smudging or other New Age practices in your local schools? As Christians, how should we respond when we see this happening?

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and former teacher who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at 67owls.com and 100trumpets.com. She is also the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus and Hallelujah’s Great Ride. Photo Credit: Shubham Sharan on Unsplash.

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January 29, 2025

Lord, please open the eyes of school boards, administrators, teachers, parents and grandparents to recognize these New Age and occult practices for what they are. Cause them to be banned in our schools! Replace them with Bible 2 School or Lifewise Academy Biblical learning opportunities during the school day. Wake up Pastors and your people to unite in standing against this evil infiltration.

Nancy Rife
January 27, 2025

I’m so glad to see this article!
Lord, help us get these occultic programs OUT of our public schools!! In Jesus Name Amen!

January 27, 2025

What about yoga poses and breathing that are done in Christian settings? I go to an exercise class at a Christian church that has weekly exercise classes. Once a month we do one that has Christian praise music and some yoga stretches and breathing. The instructor will sometimes tell us to pray or focus on an aspect of God during the yoga, and then we have a Bible study afterwards. Do you still think this type of yoga is problematic for Christians? I would love opinions and insight.

    Mary Beth S
    January 27, 2025

    Maybe this is your nudge from Holy Spirit to quit! I’m sure there are alternatives. Honestly, a Christian setting does not guarantee freedom from what is evil. I grew up in an institutional church setting – nursery to adulthood, and it was a joke (albeit not really funny) among my compatriots that “we learned to sin at church”! I received no instruction about the occult until adulthood, and had several things to repent of by then.

Karl Bonner
January 26, 2025

As a Druidic Pagan, I find this kind of spiritual paranoia to be amusing.

January 26, 2025

The devil will introduce any demonic practice in our society to defer our schools from re-incorporating prayer back into the classroom. Until 1963, prayer was the norm.

Heavenly Father, as we return to your kingdom mandate of raising up our childen in the admonition of the Lord, may our children be schooled to start their day in school recognizing and worshiping. May they turn to Spirit to call their anxiety and depression and, also appeal to you for wisdom and knowledge to utilize in the classroom. In Jeus Name we pray!

Darlene Estlow
January 26, 2025

Thank you Father for making us aware of what is happening. Help us to fight this and protect our students.

Kathy Schmeichel (prayer call host)
January 25, 2025

I live on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservations which straddles the border of North and South Dakota. Although I am not Lakota, I have lived all my adult life here, 46 years. I am now retired, but taught in public schools on the reservation.
Smudging is a regular, common activity as part of ‘cultural’ expression.
I agree with the point of this article, both smudging and yoga open doors to paganism.
In addition to these 2 obviously religious practices, there is a more devious program that is pervasive in public school across the country. One other person mentioned it in the comments: SEL or social, emotional, learning.
Often SEL activities are led by the school counselor and in my experience, the teacher leaves the classroom. SEL introduces ‘imaginary’ friends to elementary students. The way they are introduced uses language similar to having a ‘spirit guide’ openly occultic.
PLEASE-parents, grandparent, concerned adults, find out what is being done in your local schools under the disguise of ‘character education’ it is often SEL.
We ask you to protect our vulnerable children and youth. The enemy has sown so much confusion through our public education system. Help parents to listen to what their children say about what they ‘learned in school’ each day. Ask probing questions and be vigilant as our enemy truly prowls around like a lion stalking prey.
Father we thank you for the shift toward Biblical values we are seeing in many places across the land, may the outpouring of Holy Spirit permeate every part of our society. May we see reformation begin in each of the 7 mountains of our society.

    January 25, 2025

    Thank you for informing us, Kathy. (I learn so much from intercessors here!) It’s alarming, the amount of indoctrination in schools these days!

    Heavenly Father, please open our eyes and bless us with discernment, and guide our youth and be their refuge and their fortress, in Jesus’ Mighty Name!

Donna Fisher
January 25, 2025

I use one yoga pose that stretches my hip flexor muscles as they tighten up and this stretch helps eliminate pain in the muscle. I do this before I walk. Basically I do this stretch everyday. I consider myself to be a child of God and only worship Jesus Christ. I am a firm believer in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I find Smudging to be discusting and how anyone can believe that the smoke takes away your anxiety is rediculous! But many will believe this. Only Christ can see us through our fears and problems. I look at the stretch I do that originates from yoga just as a stretch for my muscles., that I physically need to
Strengthen it. There is no worship involved in another god. It just helps eliminate my pain. Please advise.
Also breathing in and breathing out when your having anxiety helps and I focus on Jesus when I do that and recite scriptures about fear and worry. Such as in Isaiah 41:10 and Phillipians 4 to be anxious for nothing. Mathew tells us about worrying. I refer to all these scriptures to see me theough.

    Kathy Schmeichel (prayer call host)
    January 25, 2025

    I have a dear friend who was a yoga instructor in South America, she has educated many on the inherent spiritual danger of yoga. Each yoga position is based on a Hindu deity.
    Not all stretching is yoga position inspired, and I agree that stretching is vitally important for anyone to do, especially before exercise.
    I think the most important point here is to be aware and not unknowingly invite unwanted spirit activity into our homes.

    Mary Beth S
    January 25, 2025

    I agree with Kathy, Donna. Just to clarify that you are not practicing the occult, state it emphatically to the spirit realm, and make sure people understand it as well. All the enemy can do is counterfeit what God has created, so certainly you can stretch and breathe without any association with the occult. However, it is important to renounce and reject that association with the occult, and cease claiming it as a “practice” or “ritual” you observe. It does not matter what your intent or motivation is. The enemy legalistically observes what you do, and certain actions open you up to demonic attack.
    1 Thessalonians 5:22 – “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” 

    January 27, 2025

    I think it is fine that you do this stretch daily.

Neil Sogge
January 25, 2025

Lord, it is alarming to me that so many people professing to be Christians also practice yoga. In more recent years, through a Native American friend, I also became aware of the smudging practice. And now, Lord, it is disconcerting, that these pagan ways are being utilized in the public school. May your spirit move on many Christians to realize they are compromising when they engage in yoga. May your spirit also move on the Native American community. There are Christians in that population segment who unfortunately think their Native American spirituality can be harmonized with Christianity. That is a lie from the devil. May You break the yoke. Raise awareness among the people the dangers of the New Age. Move of parents to go to their education officials through school board meetings, or perhaps more personally, to press upon them how the New Age practices in school are a harm and need to be stopped. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pamela Derrer
January 25, 2025

Revelation 22 The River of Life
Then the angel showed me the River of the water of Life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of GOD and of the Lamb, down the middle of the Great Street of the City.
On each side of the River stood the Tree of Life, bearing 12 crops of fruit. Yielding its fruit every month.And the leaves of the tree, are for the healing of the Nations. No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and the Lamb will be in the city, and His servants will serve Him. They will see His face. And His name will be on their forehead s.And they will Reign forever and ever.
: Behold”, I am coming soon!!Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophesy in this book: The Bible, Revelation. Let him who does wrong , continue to do wrong. Let him who is vile, continue to be vile, let him who does right, continue to do right, and let him who is Holy, continue to be holy.
Behold, Jesus is coming soon! My reward is with me. And I will give to everyone according to what he has done!!!Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go thur the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts. The sexually. Immoral, the murder ers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood!!!
I am praying against these 2 practices that people are Allowing in the schools. May Jesus reveal the truth. And may they understand that Satan is using these 2 practices to lie, deceive the children and to take our children away from the living God. Anyone who teaches lies, deceptions, tries to deceive our children, may Jesus reveal the truth and remove them from any kind of authority in the schoos. In Jesus’s name! Amen

Amethyst Johnson
January 25, 2025

This is a great article. I am going to share it with my kids. Thank you for informing us. We cancel the agenda of the enemy to get yoga in schools in Jesus name

Mary Beth S
January 25, 2025

Cultures – whether societal, bacterial, or agricultural, have to do with development and production. Culture – whether personal, family, societal, ethnic, national, etc. – must bow to the Truth of God’s Word and the revelation and instruction of Holy Spirit in order for us to develop Godly character and mind. May we reject and renounce any and all else!

Mary Beth S
January 25, 2025

When I returned to school in the 90’s to get my early childhood education degree, I was concerned about a trend in education called “multiculturalism”. While educating about various cultures is necessary and good so we understand our fellow man, that does not necessitate “practicing”. Considering ideas is dangerous enough for developing minds, especially those without the influence of Holy Scripture. But “practicing” certain rituals can actually open people to demonization, as Lori points out. The church is in desperate need of discerning “syncretism” – the mixing of what is holy and good, with what is common, profane and evil. It is prevalent even within the body of Christ, and needs to be addressed and eradicated.

January 25, 2025

Thank you for this article! I’m a public school counselor and have been refusing to put yoga and mindfulness/meditation into the school I work in even though it’s in the required SEL curriculum. I encourage all parents and teachers to pay attention to the lessons in the classrooms. Yes, even in Texas!

Phil Lundblad
January 25, 2025

Heavenly Father your Church has been given the resources to demonstrate your love, and show the pagan gods who you really are. We pray that you’ll raise up with in these generations the Spirit of the prophet Elijah, and have a Mt Carmel showdown, to set yourself apart for those who are hungering for a spiritual experience. In the mighty name of Jesus.

Cathy Vaught
January 25, 2025

We need massive revival in the church right now. Our youth needs to be reached, so they can experience awakening and revival. Jesus is the only One who can turn our youth around!
Man has an innate desire to worship. Our youth, like the rest of us, will worship something. Let it be the worship of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and God the Holy Spirit!

January 25, 2025

The church has failed in reaching our youth with the love of God. Lord gives us new and culturally relevant strategies to reach our youth. Raise up teachers, administrators and school boards that will stand for truth and righteousness and not be compromised. In Jesus name

Lori Meed
January 25, 2025

In our work in inner healing and deliverance, we set people free often from a Kundalini spirit picked up doing yoga. The levels of enlightenment supposedly achieved through yoga are eerily similar to the 33 degrees of free masonry. The body of Christ must be awoken!

Lori Meed
January 25, 2025

Absolutely excellent article Angela. Thank you for articulating clear boundaries between was is holy to our God and what is pagan.

January 25, 2025

Dearest Heavenly Father: We pray that you will continue to expose and eradicate all practices dreamed up or introduced by the devil that teach reliance on anything but You and your word. Help adults — Pastors, teachers, administrators, and parents — to bring back Good News Clubs like we had when I was in school which allowed children to meet before and after school, on school premises with adult sponsors to pray, study your word, and assemble and associate with other like minded students who know you are the Way the Truth and Life. Father as we study Revelation we see that in the beginning YOU were in the midst of the lampstands (7 churches) and where we need you to be in each and every school as well. We come against all practices that are pushing you to the outside but are grateful Father that you promise you will be standing at the door knocking and will abide with anyone who answers your knock. We give you all Glory, Honor, Power, and Praise for you ALONE are worthy to be Praised.


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