The Need For Revival In the Next Generation
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The Need For Revival In the Next Generation
The younger generations lack the passion for God and the biblical values of their parents. In times like these, we must pray for revival.
Studying the sobering results of Dr. George Barna’s research, “Millennials in America,” I felt fear for the future with this, the largest generation in our history.
I listened intently as he shared some of his key findings. Here are some of the startling discoveries:
– Almost one-half of young adults prefer socialism to capitalism.
– A foundation of absolute truth has been replaced by relativism with feelings and friends forming one’s worldview.
– Nine of 10 are syncretists, picking a mixture of beliefs from different religions so as not to appear “intolerant.”
– Being “born again” doesn’t result from repentance and faith in Christ’s sacrificial, substitutionary death and Resurrection but refers to being a good person, doing good deeds to merit one’s salvation.
– Only 28% believe the Bible is the Word of God.
– The overwhelming majority reject the concept of an all-knowing, all-powerful Creator and do not accept the biblical/historical view of Scripture, sin and salvation.
Similar Times in Scripture
Two portions of Scripture come to mind when the younger generation drifted dramatically from God.
“That entire generation passed away, and after them grew up a generation who did not know the Lord or the deeds that He had done…” (Judg. 2:10, MEV).
“Moreover, in those days I also saw Jews who had married the women of Ashdod, Ammon and Moab. Half of their children spoke in the language of Ashdod, yet none of them could recognize the language of the Jews” (Neh.13:23-24).
Upon assessing the situation in his day, Nehemiah was definitely not complacent in confronting some of them with righteous anger. He “cursed”… “beat”… and “plucked out the hair”… of those responsible for “doing all this great evil who are behaving unfaithfully against our God…” (Neh.13:25; 27).
Scripture does not rejoice over Nehemiah’s actions but does record them! In our day of comfortable, compromising and cowardly “Christianity,” it’s refreshing to see a leader not being silent and submitting to the fear of man.
More Sobering Data
Apart from deception assaulting the younger generation in the area of morality, Dr. Barna’s research reveals chilling beliefs in the realm of spirituality.
– Two out of three millennials believe they are “Christians,” yet their responses indicate they are not true disciples following Jesus as Lord.
– Three out of four believe all religious faiths are of equal value.
– 56% reject the existence of absolute truth.
– A scant 4% of millennials hold to a biblical worldview regarding God, life and morality.
– Only one in four millennials believe they can trust Christian pastors.
– A high percentage identify themselves as “DONTS,” meaning they don’t know or even care if God exists.
Inspiration from Five Divine Interventions
Before anyone succumbs to cynicism and pessimism concerning the future of the millennial generation, let’s remind ourselves of God’s sovereign intervention in similar seasons of history where outpourings of His Spirit broke through the darkness.
– First Great Awakening: I’ve been to Northampton, Massachusetts where Jonathan Edwards helped ignite God’s miraculous intervention in the darkest period of the 1700s that resulted in unbelievable societal transformation.
– Second Great Awakening: I’ve had the privilege of ministering repeatedly at Oberlin College, a ground zero destination where in the 1800s, Charles Finney was catalytic with others in bringing sweeping revival fire to America in what is now known as another great awakening that revolutionized society.
– Azusa Street Revival: I’ve been to Bonnie Brae Street with revivalist Lou Engle where at the turn of the 20th century, a handful of people gathered and soon God poured out His Spirit in an unprecedented way in Los Angeles, birthing the Pentecostal movement that today has reached almost a half billion people worldwide! And God used a humble one-eyed black man, ironically named William Seymour (“see more”), who wanted to see more of God in his day!
– The Jesus Movement: In one of the most turbulent times in America’s history, God rescued me from a 60s “Lost Souls” rock band and swept me into a revolutionary youth-centered Jesus revolution that saw millions of sons and daughters converted and changed by the power of the living God! I joined with Dr. Michael Brown, Mike Bickle, Greg Laurie, Keith Green and others in a heaven-sent move of God that birthed Calvary Chapel, The Vineyard, Contemporary Christian music and a cover story on Time magazine!
– Brownsville Revival: Revival broke out in Pensacola, Florida, and providentially God planted me in the midst of a divinely orchestrated move of His Spirit where in a five-year period, two million came from across the world and 200,000 were converted to the glory of God!
Seven Common Denominators
Dr. George Barna’s excellent research revealed sobering data. It’s our time to seize the opportunity, remembering God’s sovereignty and the church’s responsibility. Historically, we find common denominators to guide us.
1. Passionate and prevailing prayer.
2. Genuine repentance and living lives of happy holiness.
3. Freedom for the Holy Spirit to move in spontaneity under godly oversight.
4. Rekindling lifestyle evangelism and consistent, compassionate outreach to the lost and those suffering in poverty, persecution and exploitation.
5. Rediscovering the passionate preaching of the Word of God.
6. Restoring a healthy fear of the Lord through a revelation of divine judgment and experience of Holy Spirit conviction.
7. Most importantly, rekindling the fire of first-love zeal and simple devotion to Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
Here’s the Deal: “‘In the last days it shall be,’ says God, ‘that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams'” (Acts 2:17).
The time has come—let’s respond and see revival fire fall.
How are you praying for the next generation of intercessors?
(From Charisma News., article by IFA Board Member Larry Tomczak. Photo Credit: Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash)
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Jeremiah 32:27 “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too difficult for Me?
Luke 17:1 Jesus said to His disciples, “It is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come, but woe to the one through whom they come!
John 6:65 Then Jesus said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to Me unless the Father has granted it to him.”
Dear Heavenly Father, I believe disappointment is a tool of the enemy. And I believe this discontent is influencing the falling away of many of our children. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Eternal Encouragement, the disappointment that is shrouding these would be removed. Because nothing is too difficult for You, would You also remove the stumbling blocks that have come in the way of this generation’s unbelievers? You say woe to the one through whom they come. Would You let these stumbling blocks know they are in Your crosshairs and know Godly sorrow, repent and be saved? Jesus says no one comes to Him unless You grant it. May it be Your pleasure to fulfill this in lives of countless youth today, for Your Glory Lord and their good. I ask this and so much more in the Faithful Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Disciple the Nations: Bringing the Kingdom to our institutions! New converts need to be equipped in character formation a well as doing ministry. Also, being taught a Biblical World View and seeing the Corporate Image of God developed in converts. Knowing God through worship is key! (Ephesians 4:11-6).