I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray against woke politics and preaching in our entertainment and economy.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The NBA has embraced fully woke progressivism.

From PJ Media. Over the past several months, we’ve seen corporations take big financial hits for embracing wokeness. …

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The sports world is notorious for embracing wokeness in recent years as well. …

But the godfather of wokeness in both sports and business is the National Basketball Association (NBA). The NBA embraced wokeness when embracing wokeness wasn’t cool, and Outkick’s Clay Travis asserts that the NBA’s downward slide over the past few years is a slow-burn version of what’s happening with corporations like Bud Light. …

Travis writes that “this past season’s five-game NBA Finals averaged just 11.64 million viewers, one of the lowest audiences on record and a continuation of the NBA’s collapsing ratings. Indeed, four of the five lowest-rated NBA Finals of the past 30 years have occurred in the past four years. (12.4 million viewers in 2022, 9.91 million viewers in 2021, 7.45 million viewers in 2020.)”

“How did this happen? How in the space of a generation did the NBA, which created tens of millions of monster fans in the Jordan era, lose so many viewers?” Travis asks. …

Travis contrasts the leadership of David Stern, who was the commissioner of the NBA during the league’s ’90s heyday, with that of Adam Silver, the current commissioner. In his view, Stern “did everything he could to build the largest fan base possible,” while Silver “let politics guide him instead of the game itself.” …

“As the NBA has embraced woke politics, most notably in 2020, the NBA’s audience has collapsed even as, significantly, the audience for college basketball, both women’s and men’s, and the Super Bowl has set all-time highs,” Travis writes. …

What do you think of the “wokeness” that has invaded our sports, entertainment, and culture? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from PJ Media. Photo Credit: Marius Christensen on Unsplash)

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July 11, 2023

So glad the NBA is losing popularity because of their woke stand and their promotion of far left ideas. May the whole NBA dwindle and die if they continue in their ways. College basketball seems a much better way to go. It’s more normal politically for the USA and more oriented around friends and family. Let’s take a stand as the young player from Turkey has done. He now calls himself Kanter Freedom. He counted the cost and chose the Godly way. His outspoken bravery is a wonderful example for us. His life is beige threatened by the Turkish government but he’s sold out to Jesus just as the people were in the book of Acts. The time we’re living in now is very similar to what happened in Acts. God is working through those when are willing in the same powerful way.

Jackie Prentiss
July 11, 2023

Good hit them in the pocket. And Christian’s STOP supporting these demonic teams. NFL, nba, NHL etc. Stop it already.

July 10, 2023

Father, touch their hearts and convict them of sin, righteousness, and judgement. In Jesus’ name, Amen

July 10, 2023

We stand,declare, that all dominion,power, principalities, might and every name that is named ,not only in this world,but also in that which is to come: and has put all things under HIS FEET, and gave HIM to be the head over all things to the church.which is HIS body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all. JESUS name is the authority that GOD almighty the FATHER has given us to destroy the power of the evil one. Thus we call out that all of us the Bride of JESUS: take up the keys of life and death that JESUS took from satan when HE died and was buried, went to hell 3 days, resurrected and went to GOD almighty our FATHER. Under the power of the HOLY Spirit we will destroy the power of satan teaching of worlds woke indoctrination.


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