I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, as wars and rumors of wars continue plaguing our world, we easily become anxious. Help us remember that one day You, Prince of Peace, will bring an end to all conflicts and redeem the earth!
Reading Time: 5 minutes

It was a dark, dreary Christmas Eve in the muddy trenches of the Western front during World War I. The living conditions were frightfully, if unsurprisingly, unmerry, as soldiers on both sides battled frost, freezing rain, and more. But in the midst of this wartime misery, something remarkable happened. For a brief time, Allied and German soldiers ceased firing upon each other during the cold winter holiday. In what was perhaps one of the most unexpected moments in history, these enemies came together to celebrate Christmas. This anomalous event became known as the Christmas Truce, and to this day it fascinates historians, who cannot fathom how such peace and goodwill could spontaneously emerge during a bloody war.

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World War I began in July 1914 and quickly escalated into a global conflict. Nevertheless, many believed it would all be over by Christmas. Unfortunately, it was painfully obvious by December that weary soldiers would not be spending Christmas near a warm fire with family and loved ones. They would continue to be dodging bullets, not opening gifts.

And so Christmas arrived among the many miles of trench lines near the Belgium-France border, where groups of British, French and German soldiers were sometimes only 30 yards from each other. Between them lay a strip of no manā€™s land ā€” a strip that would become the most unlikely setting for the singing of Christmas carols and the playing of makeshift football.

According to most accounts, the Christmas Truce began with faint sounds of Christmas carols drifting from a few trenches. Marmaduke Walkinton, of the Queen’s Westminster Rifles Unit, described what happened: ā€œWe were in the front line. We were about 300 yards from the Germans. ā€¦ On Christmas Eve, weā€™d been singing carols, and this, that, and the other, and the Germans had been doing the same. And weā€™d been shouting to each other ā€” sometimes rude remarks; more often just joking remarks. Eventually, a German said, ā€˜Tomorrow you no shoot, we no shoot.ā€™ ā€

Anthony Richards, head of Documents & Sound at the Imperial War Museum explains: ā€œThere was lots of opportunity for each side to communicate with the other, and this was a regular thing which happened right from the start of trench warfare. But communication would often be in the form of soldiers from one side shouting over insults to those in the other trenches. But what was interesting at Christmas is that both sides actually started to communicate in more friendly terms. It really began with the Germans singing Christmas carols and setting up Christmas trees on top of their parapets. And so, they came to very much empathize with one another.ā€

An artillery officer shares his recollection: ā€œI remember very well Christmas. I remember Christmas Day, when the German and the French soldiers left their trenches, went to the barbed wire between them with champagne and cigarettes in their hands and had feelings of fraternization and shouted they wanted to finish the war. And that lasted only two days ā€” one and a half, really, and then a strict order came that no fraternization was allowed, and we had to stay back in our trenches.ā€

The way the Christmas Truce was observed varied, depending on the location of the trenches in the front line. In some areas, the truce transpired on Christmas Eve, while in others it occurred on Christmas Day. According to some accounts, as many as two-thirds of the soldiers on the British-German front participated, including Belgian and French soldiers. In total, thousands of soldiers were involved in some way. In most places, the truce lasted until Dec. 26 (which is known as Boxing Day in Great Britain). During this unusual time of peace, some took the opportunity to bury their dead. Letters from soldiers to their families described how former enemies helped each other form makeshift crosses to mark the graves in no manā€™s land.

One soldier described an unlikely game of football: ā€œWe shared goodies with the Germans, and then from somewhere, somehow, this football appeared. ā€¦ It was a proper football, but we didnā€™t form a team game in any sense of the word ā€” you know, it was a kick-about. Everybody was having a go.ā€

Soldiers exchanged such presents as biscuits, pudding, and jam. Some traded helmets and hats, while others exchanged belt buckles and buttons.

Sadly, the Christmas Truce came to an end when the high commands of both sides stepped in to make sure this kind of fraternization and merrymaking would never happen again. And as the war dragged on and got more brutal, any desires to make peace with the enemy became increasingly rare.

By January 1915, however, newspapers across Europe had caught wind of the truce and begun printing the letters of soldiers. Eventually photographs would follow, some of which ended up on the front pages. Intrigued readers grappled with the question of how a spontaneous peace not initiated by political or military leaders could occur during such a terrible war. There was much debate about whether the truce was a good or bad thing, and some believed the truce was real, while others thought it was a myth. Even so, the many letters and on-site photos revealed to the world that a brief peace did in fact happen, regardless of who did or did not understand why.

An Imperial War Museum video explains:Ā ā€œThe Christmas Truce would come to be remembered as something of a blip in the regular conduct of war. It conflicted with the patriotic aggression required by both sides. It also served to highlight the great contrast between war and religion: how can you fight a war of aggression while also celebrating Christmas, the traditional time for peace and goodwill?ā€

Certainly, wars did not cease after the Christmas Truce or the end of World War I. They continue to this very day, bringing grief and hardship to everyone involved. Jesus said: “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. ā€¦ for nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom ā€¦ ” (Matthew 24:6ā€“7 ESV).

It can feel overwhelming to witness the wars Jesus spoke of. Sadly, the truces made by sinful humans never bring any true and lasting peace. In fact, we know that as we draw nearer to Christā€™s return, we will continue to experience the dreadful birth pangs of war. Yet, we do not lose hope.

Why not? Because the King of kings, Jesus Christ, has promised us that one day He will bring an everlasting, glorious peace to our planet. Isaiah 11 reminds us that the wolf shall dwell with the lamb and that the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord.

We can be sure that Jesus has seen the wars fought from the trenches and fields, and from the bombers and submarines. But the peace Jesus brings is one that surpasses all understanding. His death on the cross paid the penalty for our sins so that we could have true and lasting peace with God. Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1 ESV).

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmastime, we must remember that the Prince of Peace is on the throne. Better yet, He is coming back! Hallelujah! An eternal truce will be made as every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Jesus, we thank You for the gift of lasting, eternal peace that comes through a relationship with You. True peace with man is not possible, but with You, it is guaranteed. At Christmastime, and every day of the year, we give You praise, honor, and glory. You are worthy, Lord!

Even as wars continue throughout the world, how has Jesus given you peace? What scriptures or experiences can you share that point to this marvelous gift? Ā Ā 

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger, and home-schooling mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the U.S. You can visit her blogs atĀ 67owls.comĀ andĀ 100trumpets.com. She is the author ofĀ Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, and her firstĀ childrenā€™s book,Ā Hallelujahā€™s Great Ride, was released in September 2023.Ā Photo Credit: A.C. Michael ā€” The Guardian [2]/[3] Originally published in The Illustrated London News, Jan. 9, 1915, PD-US, Wikimedia Commons.

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Grant Windholz
December 24, 2023

Absolutely! The Prince of Peace gave all believers a blue print of what exactly will happen to the world and mankind in the book of Revelations. Jesus Christ is the only way for existence. Believe in Him before it’s too late!!

Darlene Estlow
December 23, 2023

Thank you Angela. It is a beautiful story of what God did during World War 1. We praise God for his promises and look forward to that coming day of peace!

Linda Hunt
December 23, 2023

Thank you so much to IFA for making us aware of the needs and goings on in our government, for making it possible and easy to communicate and pray for our leaders!

Lori Thomas
December 23, 2023

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ !

Just-as-if-Iā€™d-never-sinnned !

What else can we say ? but Glory to God in the highest! and on earth ā€¦. Peace! To men of good will !

Romans 5:1

December 23, 2023

Thank you for this article that will be a blessing to share this Christmas with believing and unbelieving family members. Jesus is truly the HOPE for all in all ages and lands!!!!!

Ron Glenn Deere
December 23, 2023

Often in the midst of our wars big and small, the Lord attempts to enact peace. I say “attempts” because we must be the ones to “play it out.” Often the trouble is that we don’t recognize the Lords actions. We just continue warring.
It the case that you cited, both sides did not recognize the other side being composed of human beings. It took approaching Christmas and the evidencing of Christians on both sides of their faith. In surprise and joy the “other side” erupted in joy and the same “evidencing.”
May the Lord give us “eyes to see” his gracious workings that we will be agents of His peace.

Verna Knox
December 23, 2023

Left to the common people most would stop the wars and live in peace. Politics and the desire for power and control are the devil’s tools. He operates with fear to quell the voice of the people.
We must continue to stand up, stand strong, pray and watch. Come soon Lord Jesus.
We stand firm with Israel. May the peace of Jerusalem be manifest in the hearts of men and the revelation of Jesus Christ, Messiah come to Jews and Muslims and all the nations.
We look to you, Father God, for our salvation and the salvation of the nations.

Nancy Rife
December 23, 2023

Wonderful article, Angela!!
Lord, let Your peace rule and reign in our hearts worldwide this Christmas season! Draw our hearts closer to You, closer to being who You have called us to be in this world! In Jesus name, am!

Brian lynch
December 23, 2023

Jesus has given me peace beyond understanding. Anything on this earth that is man-made is fickle, temporary, and subject to change . Therefore, my hope and trust is firmly in Jesus. HE never CHANGES, He is dependable and trustworthy. Whenever I hear of anything that is negative, or ungodly, I thank Him that He is still in control. The Word states that, in all things, we are to give thanks. Personally, My opinion of war, is that it is wrong. I pray for it to end quickly. I pray that the differences between the warring nations will be quickly resolved.

Melvin Washington
December 23, 2023

Good news trump isnā€™t in the polls thank you Yeshua!

Lori Meed
December 23, 2023

I love, love this story! I have a book about it and we would read to our kids each year around the holiday days. Great reminder that we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities in the heavenly realms, those spirits that desire War.
Thank you my friend for a lovely article and a wonderful reminder!

Frances Kulls
December 23, 2023

It was the higher ups who forbade the frontline soldiers to make peace. The higher ups in their comfortable homes far from the front lines. It is the lawyers who forbid sparring parties from communicating with each other. The lawyers would lose money of the parties made peace. But the Highest One came down from His comfortable home and became one of us on the front lines. He made peace through His own body on the cross.

Deb C.
December 23, 2023

Oh how I needed this article today.

Yahweh Yireh, the LORD will Provide; Jesus the Christ, Prince of Peace; Holy Spirit, Paraclete.

You proclaimed through Isaiah (41-43),
ā€œSo do not fear, I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.ā€
Thank You for Your Word and these words for I do look around and see the mangled mess of this nation and this world, this age of abuse of power, betrayal and bitterness. BUT God sees ALL – thank You for giving me a discerning spirit. I want to be spiritually sensitive to Your Word and Your Presence, help me to see with Your eyes and hear with Your ears!

2 Chronicles 20:15 -He (Jahaziel) said: Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you, ā€œDo not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but Godā€™s.ā€
Great Strategist, Elohim, Mighty Creator, the battle is not mine, but Yourā€™s. Gird me to take my position and stand firm in the power of the LORD Jesus Christ – for there is nothing, no one more powerful – seen or unseen (No matter what they think or say!!!). Do what You have said You will do. Renew and rebuild this nation on Your tenets, principles and precepts with Your mighty outstretched Hand. Bring peace as only You can.

In Jesus Name..



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