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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would bring revival to the culture of America. Reshape our society so that it loves what You love and hates what You hate, Lord.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As the left has pushed harder and harder for diversity and equality, it has ironically chased believers out of the public square.

From The Federalist. This spring I got an email from 4-H, a club I participated in as a child, effectively communicating that my Christian family need not apply to summer camps and other activities sponsored by the quasi-public organization. (County governments often sponsor 4-H activities.) This email was signed by a 4-H staffer who put pronouns in his signature and told me, “Youth are assigned cabins based on gender indicated on the 4-H camp application and registration,” suggesting children were roomed by gender identity rather than sex.

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Naturally, I was concerned that my tween daughter and son might be roomed overnight with an emotionally disturbed camper or counselor if I enrolled them in this camp. Based on numerous reported stories, I know that if this did happen, the camp likely would not even tell me, so I’d only hear about it after the fact from my kids….

Everywhere We Go, Someone Wants to Talk Dirty to My Kids on the Public Dime

It’s not just places kids get naked. It’s everywhere. I cannot take my children to the public library anymore, either, because the shelves are so full of pornographic and hostile books that it’s not a safe place for them. There, too, self-righteous LGBT activism has resulted in effectively banning my children from yet another public place and weaponizing my own tax dollars against my children’s safety.

The shelves and displays in our library are full of books telling my children lies such as that “men can become women” and “some boys have girl brains” and “gender is a social construct.” I’m happy to have these conversations with my children when they are ready, but I know my six-year-old, and he is not ready.

My eight-year-old is not ready, and neither are my 10- and 11-year-old, frankly….

It Won’t Happen, And When It Does, You Bigots Will Deserve It

These all prove that rapidly rewriting American laws to ignore sexual differences has effectively banned Christian families from equal participation in public facilities and activities. It’s not just Christian families, it’s any family that thinks it imprudent to lodge their sometimes undressed daughters with an emotionally traumatized male at summer camp or to obtain swimming lessons at a public pool.

This all descends from the massive bait and switch inherent to the LGBT policy agenda. We were told it was only about extending government sanction to what consenting adults do behind closed doors. We were told it was about allowing people to visit loved ones in hospice and inherit without legal difficulties. It wasn’t going to affect our families, remember?…

Men and Women Are Different, And That Matters

The fact is that equating homosexual relationships to marriage very often requires explaining adult sexual behaviors to tiny children. Erasing the differences between the sexes in marriage also leads irrevocably to erasing the differences between the sexes everywhere else, from bathrooms to pools to summer camps….

Thus upending the natural sexual order has resulted, not in the falsely promised “equality,” but in simply flipping which social system will rule. For what we were prevented from discussing or even seeing was the fact that these two regimes — treating the sexes as different and complementary versus seeing them as neutered and interchangeable — are mutually exclusive….

Children Are No Longer a Protected Class, They’re Targets for Groomers

So instead of achieving equality, what we have really achieved is the subversion of children’s developmental needs to adult desires….

Therefore all who believe in protecting children from marinating in sexual imagery and ideas everywhere they go are the new underclass in our political regime, and in many cases no Republican officials will even recognize our legitimate concerns, let alone fight for our daughters….

How are you praying for our culture and our kids? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Ben White on Unsplash)

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Darlene Estlow
June 6, 2022

Father, we ask for your protection around our children. Their innocence is being stolen from them and we pray that you would deliver them from the shame being foisted on them. Forgive us for the wickedness that is all around us. Forgive us for any part we have in it that we are not aware of. We pray for your work in those agents of wickedness that they would be delivered and work for you. We praise you and thank you that you have uncovered this and brought it into the light so we can do spiritual battle against it. Thank you Father, that you are working and revival is coming!

June 6, 2022

Think back to “Pizzagate!” The party in power today is the party that partied with Jeffery Epstein! I’ve seen photos of obama and chuck schumer with Epstein in questionable scenarios. I watched Hillary Clinton and her assistant laughingly talk about pool parties where chdren as young as 9 years old were in attendance. Why? Why would a president care so much about transvestites? Why would lunch money be withheld from schools that attempt to protect girls bathrooms? Saints, I believe we are dealing with wickedness that we haven’t seen before! We had better stay in warfare on our knees until we have recovered America from the snare of these worshippers of lucifer! FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect all of our American children and the intecessors’ families from the devil and his demons and their plan to steal, kill, and destroy our country! Thank YOU GOD for continuing to expose the enemies’ plans, and also thank YOU for bringing these plans to naught in JESUS NAME! FATHER GOD, bless YOUR children as we battle in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!


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