The Desperate Need for Intercession
Donāt Miss This Opportunity for Breakthrough in Gospel Outreach
Are Humans Hackable?
Answered Prayer in Finnish āBible Trialā
Russian Soldiers Turn on Their Superiors
The Desperate Need for Intercession
America is dying, divorced from a church that once worked passionately to fuel it. If we hope to save our nation, we must do so on our knees, engaged in constant intercessory prayer.
From The Stream. Behind the greatest evangelist of the Second Great Awakening ā Charles Finney ā knelt a man of intercession: Daniel Nash….
Weeks in advance of an outreach by Finney, intercessor Nash ā along with Abel Clary ā would come, praying within the community, crying out and asking God for His intervention in the hearts of men.
Nash had been a burned-out pastor. But through prayer during an illness had found personal revival with God. And through prayer would go on to fuel a national revival.
History belongs to the intercessors ā we are the ones who are really stirring up national revival and change.
A Nation in Crisis
We are now in 2022 ā a long time past the days of Charles Finney and Daniel Nash. But our nation is in more need now than even then….
In 4 short years, America will be 250 years old ā the only democratic republic in history that has survived this long.
This is a pivotal moment, and we all know as Christians with discernment that America is at a crisis point. Will we make it to Americaās 250th birthday?
When we think about America right now ā the decay in our educational systems, media, entertainment, government, business ethics, and more, we must look ourselves straight in the face and realize that we, as believers in Jesus, are not having the greatest impact on our culture….
National Prayerlessness
I believe the root of this failure is our individual loss of a daily connection with God.
We donāt pray. We donāt spend time with Jesus….
If God doesnāt awaken the Church in this hour in history, we are in trouble….
Back to the Basics
Prayer. It is the first spiritual discipline that we all think we know and understand ā but really, few of us do.
If we truly understood prayer and realized the value of it, we would prioritize it in our lives and in our local churches. Unfortunately, in our American Church culture, our prayer meetings are the smallest gathering on our weekly or even monthly calendars….
A woman told me the other day that she is a member of a church with over 3,000 members and their weekly prayer meeting has only 2 people attending it….
Does your church have a corporate prayer meeting? How often is the prayer meeting?Ā How many people come to it?…
Prayerlessness is rooted in a key problem: We donāt really believe prayer works….
Prayer is a Real Commodity
When we pray, God hears us, and He collects those prayers. This is an incredible picture of prayer that is something that we can get our heads around….
Just like we go to the bank and deposit a check ā prayer is a deposit. Just like we look at our investments on our phones and buy and sell stock ā prayer is a stock purchase. Just like we invest in our marriage by spending time with our spouse ā prayer is an investment in relationship.
If America is going to see revival ā and better yet, another Great Awakening ā we need to cry out to God. We need to ask Him to grow faith in our hearts to believe that when we talk to Him, He hears us. And that when we petition Him, it changes hearts and lives….
What America Needs Most
What does America need in this important moment in history?
America needs YOU! Your participation. Your heart. Your care. Your prayers. Your votes. Your engagement in the culture.
Your intercession.
Are you encouraged by this article? Share to inspire people to intercede in prayer.
(Excerpt from The Stream. Article by Bunni Pounds with Christians Engaged. Photo Credit: Jon Tyson on Unsplash)
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Thank you for this! It was filled with wonderful information and revelation. It has opened my heart to a different way to a better prayer life.
Thank youšš¼ā¤ļøšš¼
I pray each of your children realize how important coming before you daily in humility and earnest prayer is to the evangelization and salvation of hundreds of people. We ask for forgiveness for the Laodicean church of America and personal lack of daily fervent prayer for Your will to be done and great revival to begin. Have mercy on us for the atrocities being commited in this country and by our government. You are El Elyon, mighty sovereign God and we pray your will and plans be done.
Please keep in mind that most of the time prayer meetings are held late morning or almost noon on a week day! This has always boggled my mind as to why churches do this.! People have to go to work or go to school and can’t cut that to go to a late morning or midday prayer meeting. If churches would perhaps take a poll and find out what would work time wise for their congregations then maybe this would change. Just a thought.
We have a church on nearly every street corner and yet our nation and culture steeps deeper in sin. The church mirrors what it was called to change. We have not made prayer a priority and we have not preached the full and true gospel. We have la lot of programs though. We’ve been waiting on God to act, when God is waiting on The Church. John Wesley said, “God will do nothing but in answer to prayer.” God, light a fire under and in Your children with a call to prayer and repentance. Make prayer to us as essential as breathing.
Yes, America , Christians need to prioritize their day by starting it with prayer What the world needs is a nation of praying people and love for God, His word and for one another
The Church in America gave up its authority when it willingly closed its doors instead of opening them to pray in the Spirit for healing of all who were afflicted by Covid and name this virus for what it is – a deceitful attempt to overthrow our liberty. Open your doors to Holy Spirit and all the gifts. Hear Godās prophets and stand against abortion, socialism, and this evil, illegitimate administration. Pray for God to show forth His Glory and bring the billion souls harvest prophesied by Bob Jones. Bless you, Lord Jesus! You are mighty to deliver!
YES, AMEN!! We are about to see with our own eyes the MOST AMAZING move of God that HE has ever done on the earth for Jesus to be made known and lifted up! God WILL REMOVE these THIEVES and ALL of their evil. He will RESTORE this nation for His glory because HE made AMERICA and it BELONGS to HIM! Holy Spirit invade us, Your people and set us on Holy FIRE of LOVE for Jesus to DO and SAY what You want in Jesus name!! Let’s DO this thing Jesus because YOU PAID for Your Bride and HARVEST!! This nation belongs to You and the devil CANNOT have it in Jesus Name! Amen! GLORY to THE KING who REIGNS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!
Pray without ceasing! Don’t laugh, it can be done. If you pray in the Spirit, simply do so all day as you go about tasks that don’t require thinking.
And remember YOU have the power over the devil — so chase him off too.
GOD Bless you all — We must save our country in order to save the world. Its GOD’s plan.
Thank you for such a motivating article about Intercessory prayer! I will share it with many others, because it so worthwhile and āspot onāā¼ļøš
Will pray
Perhaps the church needs to come to grips with how past doctrine has marginalized many, and that will begin the healing necessary to bring humans back to a Godly perspective?
Heavenly Father – We thank You that we are made in Your image and to have a personal relationship with You. Holy Spirit, descend upon us believers to put in us a passion to make intercession for our church, our nation, the world, etc. Take away distractions that the enemy uses to keep us otherwise occupied.. Thani You, Triune God.
Almost 20 yrs ago, God continually spoke the words,āRebuild, Revive, Renewā into my spirit. We started a small weekly intercession grp @ that time and still meet . He is merciful if we repent . May God awaken pastors from a fallen foundation & bring a massive revival in our land as He continues to expose and reveal evil and deception!!
I am at a point that I do not know what to pray. For America or against what America has become?
I think both are appropriate & much needed. Intercession for repentance and revival through the power of the Holy Spirit!
Vaughn: First, secure yourself into a quiet place. Completely clear your mind. If you haven’t already done so, confess your sins and thank Jesus for washing them way at Calvary. Then ask for a filling of the Holy Spirit to supernaturally direct your prayers to be in alignment with God’s. Do this daily and you will begin to look forward to spending time with the Creator of the Universe Who literally loved you enough to die for YOUR sins on the cross. I will be praying for you.
Pray for America to be CLEANSED and HEALED so we can FULFILL God’s purpose for His glory! He is well able to REMOVE this evil and deliver us from ALL the giants in our land for they are NO match for OUR ONE TRUE GOD, Yahweh! He made America to begin with and He will REDEEM this nation for that is what our King does! We MUST pray that we are filled with Holy Spirit and do what God wants us to so it will NOT EVER get like this garbage again! WE MUST GUARD THE NATION’s GATES, OUR FAMILY’s GATES, and ALL the gates! He’s coming, get ready! He’s about to BLOW YOUR MIND! He loves you and He STILL WANTS THIS nation to be a city of a hill for His SON! Be blessed and FULL of hope in Jesus Name!
Vaughn, Prayer for the Lord to save our country, is quite different than the prayers to save and wake up the Churches! If we have our strong praying church — that church will be the power to put the
God fearing Christians back into the government.
Meanwhile, we can pray for the Lord to stop those in authority from putting bad laws into effect, and/or from them breaking our laws that do hold our country together! WE MUST REMEMBER: THE CHURCH IS GODS WORD AND HIS PLAN. We ARE His Word!
Yes Iām encouraged and inspired by this article and the sacrifices made by people fighting on the frontlines for this nation.
Iām gonna pray and worship and remember Moses with his hands lifted up on the hill at Rephidim.
This nations hands have fallen but If our hands remain raised up then those fighting on the frontlines will prevail.
“This nations hands have fallen but If our hands remain raised up then those fighting on the frontlines will prevail.” Mine are raised Israel, love your boldness.
Yes. This has been on my heart as well. Made my heart very encouraged. That I’m not alone.
I’m going to go through it again and pray through it. I’ve been praying this for my church and the other churches here in Nevada and the world!! Thank you so much for sharing this.
Romans tells us simply that where sin abounds Godās grace abounds all the more. We who believe this and the other Truths of the Logos Word need to lead in the process of prayer. Samuel said, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by not praying for you.. iIf the second great awakening started with a discouraged pastor named Nash , why canāt another great awakening start with only one individual in every State? I surely think and believe that there is at least one who could initiate this in our country.
Sure, I get it the wicked surround us here in America, but if God is for me, who is really against me.
I will pray for the President and Vice President. I will pray for both houses of congress. I will pray for my Governor and State legislators. I will pray for Putin and Xi and Zalensky and I will even pray for Kim Jong Un. Who am I to decide whether these or anyone is irredeemable? The Church of Jesus Christ was raised up for such a time as this.
Lord, Father God, hallowed be Your NAME. Reach this lost world through Your Church . Raise us up. Teach us how to pray. Show the world that You are truly real and that You still work through us beyond anything we could imagine. In JESUS NAMEāAmen
I agree with Kathleen here in this column. After following The Reawakening America Tour started by General Flynn and Clay Clark.. and also the wonderful blessing of discovering Dutch Sheets,. about nine months ago- I would say that America has seen the error of her ways and is in the process of repenting greatly. Additionally if anyone has followed the reawakening America tour at all- it has also become apparent that America is in the throes of Revival now period. God is a gracious God that meets us more than halfway much more quickly than we often realize. The outpouring of capable and talented activists at the Grassroots level in all facets and areas of our society in our country here in the USA is really inspiring- so much has been revealed about the evil that is now being pulled out by the roots not only in government but an education Healthcare, ,entertainment, and education and other areas. Just think of the mama bears at the school board meetings. If you guys want encouragement and go to the Iowa Mama site to see all the hard work those ladies have been doing.
They always start The Reawakening tours in the mornings with worship. When clay Clark originally contacted General Flynn about his part in the Kim Clement prophecy, he said” is that me in that prophecy.. “?And then-,” I think we are supposed to get people back to church”( paraphrase).. and general Flynn replied” Yes.. I think it’s you.. and I know-, we’re supposed to do that”.. Clark was dumbfounded.
So that is what they are now Is. Phenomenal
Lord I Thank you that as you have corrected us and drawn us closer to discipline,and that we as a country and a people are responding. Lord forgive us for our many years of apathy and growing dependent on the god of convenience caring. I stand in the gap for my brothers and sisters and even for myself and I repent and I pray forgive us ..It is true that a huge percentage of the church decided to abdicate their position as Salt and Light in the Civic Arena , – however I think that the remnant of Believers that have stayed the course in that Arena and have participated in standing against evil-have made great Headway.. and those that had hidden from the force of evil have started to come around ..Of course we have to seek the correct news sources to know about that.. Sources which are often mainly as much of prayer Outlets as they are new sources.
So Lord-, I Thank you and I pray you would continue to encourage us- and help us-and gird our loins with strength- and give us the words.. as you told Moses- ” go to the people, and when you get there- I will put the words in your mouth, I not the God of your mouth?..”
( I struggle with this fear myself a lot) the mighty name of Jesus,Amen
Yes, He is the God of our mouths! He says in Psalm 81:10, I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth, and I will fill it. And in Hebrews 4:12, we read His word is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. You stirred my heart as I read your prayer. Amen Herb!
Lord God Almighty I pray for Herb that you show him how important it is to have faith in you to do all your good acceptable and perfect word of your will! For our life in you is not hard to do but it is impossible to do it without holy spirit help to depend on your power in all we do! For we always need you to know your wisdom! Like knowing that your Angels and the enemy Angels of Light and wolves in sheepskins are seen not by what they look like but by what fruit their work truly produces and NOT what they promise it will produce! Like those who say we must break eggs to make omelets but then we see ONLY the leaders get to eat what they want and throw out the rest in trying to hide the truth!
Father we pray for a fresh anointing on your Ekklesia . We thank you that our prayers do not fall on deaf ears. You hear us cry out. We believe that You will save our nation and break every chain that binds this nation. Thank you for freeing us from the yoke of slavery Lord.
I think Christians have not understood the immediacy of our connection with God through Jesus Christ. For years I hadn’t understood how God who is in heaven could hear my prayers, and everyone else’s too. For anyone who realizes the Presence of the Holy Spirit, this should be a “no-brainer.” It dawned on me one day about 15 years ago when I “saw” God. He stunned me with the understanding of His Presence. God is Spirit, and if He lives in us, He is present in everything we do, say, or think. He’s everywhere. We live and move in Him. His Knowledge is within us. He knows everything about us–better than we know ourselves. So of course, He instantly hears and responds to our prayers. But He commands us to trust Him and to pray according to His good pleasure. What is He doing? How can we serve Him? The answer to those questions are found by faith in His Holy Spirit.
I am thankful that he is so patient with me, Desiring that none should perish
Joan — OUTSTANDING analysis of the Holy Spirit ( The living God in us).
He knows, and is every part of us! It gets sweeter when you hear
Him in our language. Or when he gives you a problem to try to solve. (Those are usually because he cannot utter the words. smile,
yes, remember his words are creative). AND your words can be those creative words too, when you pray them! WOW!
Pray for Church to come alive with passion for telling THE GOOD NEWSā!
I know our Lord has a deep love for you and for me. I know for certain that He hears prayer. “And if we know that He hears us…whatever we ask…we know we have what we ask of Him.” 1 Jn.5:15 Dear Intercessors, let us grab hold of this promise and take it to the Throne of Grace on behalf of America and our people…. and plead for the revival of America! Father God ~ make America great again!! Great in faith, great in courage, great in love, great in worship. All praises to the King of Kings. Amen
Prayer is the answer to our fallen world. Father please bring us to our knees, and show us how to cry out to you.
We prayed that today in Paris, Texas Ephesians 1:17-19, āthat the eyes of their understanding would be opened!! Amen
Yes we need to pray that another revolution occur that returns us to our roots in the Bible and prayer !!!
I think this is a limited view of where we are. After following Dutch sheets Give Him 15 for over a year, praying with thousands who pray with him and praying with IFA, again thousands are praying, my personal prayer life has grown tremendously and I am hearing more and more from Holy Spirit how to pray. Remember our Lord can work in many ways. What He did to bring revival in one century is not going to be the same in our time. Another point to remember is that God always has a remnant and those of us interceding may be that remnant God is and will use to see our nation turn back to Him. I also recommend books by Thomas Schlueter, Return of the Priests and 2 sequels on intercession. And always we have to keep our eyes on Jesus, His Word, and His promises for His Bride! HE is the Faithful One and as we seek Him He will keep showing us how to pray.
I agree with you completely..and-
Amen to Dutch!! His encouragement has really been a coduit of the Lord’s blessing and instruction for me…since about..last September..maybe. Also following the reawakening america tour..started by a Godly man..General flynn..and co- authored with ClayClark..has really been an inspiration as to how many dedicated, courageous,and capable people there are stepping up- and out -in grassroots activism to stand against evil. That movement started about ..almost one year ago..been to many states. Clark was the focus of the same prophecy that President Trump was covered Kim Clement..I think it was in 2009
It might be ..2 years started
In Godās word, we read how the further generations got from Israelās miraculous delivery from Egypt the more they aligned with the wicked.
Here we are asking ourselves what can God do that my phone canāt?
If we sift through redacted history, we find that in 1607 this nation was consecrated to God. āThis nation is a city on a hillā and āFrom here the word of God will go out in to all the world.ā
We were consecrated again by Presidents Washington, Lincoln, Reagan and Trump, not to mention by the Constitution.
The United States of America has a covenant (more like a contract than an Abrahamic covenant) and it will do us well to remind God that we remember.
It is no wonder that evil didnāt take long at all to try to undo the consecrated words.
Father, I pray for a personal revival, not because Iām righteous but because Iām so messed up that I need one.
I pray for my nationās revival as well because we have thrown marriage back in Your face. We told You that Your idea of gender is flawed and that Your prized creation, the baby in the womb is little more than a spent candy bar wrapper that needs to be thrown out. Some of our judges judge in favor of death and accept bribes to legislate from the bench. Some of our senators, governors, mayors, congresspeople, presidents, vice presidents and actors worship at the altar of baal. And, we, me, have been silent too long.
Father, they have awakened a hibernating mama bear, theyāve poked the lioness. Cause Your Church to roar! Empower Your saints to honor the sacrifices of the first century saints and our founding fathers!
I bind the actions of wicked men and loose heart turning power upon them.
Father, rebuke, bind, cast down, expose and expel every demonic influence over the Untied States of America and lead us to finish what You started.
Give us God fearing, word of God loving leaders.
In Jesusā name.
Let it be so.
Harvest Church has begun an interessory prayer as part of our Wednesday meeting. We will keep you in prayer. May God protect you in your ministery
I so agree. I get distracted so easily by so many things, even good things, but if I believe God has called me to intercession, and I believe He has, that needs to be priority #1. Help us all, Lord! We are weak, but You are strong! Break my heart over what breaks your heart! Help us to be faithful to the task, no matter what we see in the natural, because You are working, always working, in answer to our prayers. In the powerful Name of Jesus, Amen!
Every prayer is answered; yes, no or not now
Before we pray we must repent
And be willing to change.
I see few that are humble and teachable
We are stiff necked
This is what I see and my opinion
“America needs YOU! Your participation. Your heart. Your care. Your prayers. Your votes. Your engagement in the culture.” Indeed ! Humbly all of the above is critically needed always! I do believe, after fasting, prayer & intercession & voting is the engagement in culture ! The church has sat on the side lines far too long and have remained silent.
We must as the Body of Christ, rise up in all areas of society/culture and ENGAGE in activities of influence to facilitate change in direction from man’s desires to God’s desires.
Becoming actively involved in education, government, media, entertainment etc. is critical. There should be more of us that represent God’s Kingdom than there is from those who oppose it . Rise up and Stand as Ephesians 6:13 says: āWherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.ā
Dear Sally, thank you for reaching out to us intercessors so we can pray for you. I am pleased that you have a connection to IFA. I have a Godly sister with some dementia issues but she is still a strong prayer warrior. We prayed for you today to be completely restored and back in action as the Holy Spirit works His wonder way in you. In Jesus name.
Before COVID we worked with a Prayer and Healing ministry. It was shutdown with the lockdowns. More recently we joined an online Christian international prayer, intercession, and discipleship outreach. Prayer requests flood in daily and I can tell you that the need is great. It’s not just America, but the world that is suffering. The demonic is working overtime. I encourage you, all of you, pray and keep praying. Intercede and keep doing so. Fight against the darkness. You are a light in a dark world. Let the light shine. Prayer and intercession light up the darkness and drive it out. Keep praying.
Sally, 1Peter2:24, Jesus died for you to be healed. Live by this and claim it every time you feel affects of the dementia. You have the mind of Christ. Let it be your mantra! Sickness cannot stay in our bodies that are temples of Holy Spirit.
It saddens me to see all that read these and there are hardly any shares!!
I been diagnosed with dementia. I used be interccesser. I cant talk or hear clearly. I want to pray again. I cant concentrate. I had a stroke 4 yrs ago!
Am praying for you Sally.
God knows your heart. May He bless you. Praying for healing in your body and mind.
I’m praying for you Sally. Dear Lord, hear Sally’s prayer. Fill her with your Holy Spirit and heal her mind and her body. Fill her heart with prayers and grant her peace.
Sending prayer, Sally. Praying God’s blessings upon you. Praying healing and good health upon you.
I been diagnosed with dementia. I cant concentrate. I used be intercessors. I want pray again. I cant talk or hear clearly. I had a stroke 4 yrs ago!
Thanks so much for this article I have been teaching on prayer and the necessity of prayer for the times that we are living in. It is time for an awakening in the Body of Christ and for the church to arise in a demonstration of the power of God. We need more intercessors for the last great awakening and end time harvest of souls.
S. Burns
I believe, as Christians, we know America has been dying a slow death. A very large portion of that death is our fault. We have not been involved. We became sleepwalkers on a daily basis & now we see the price. And face it, we are surprised at how hideous the price is. Evil is rampant unlike anything we have ever seen. We are witnessing what happens when God pulls back His protective hand from a nation.
Oddly enough, the week following Biden’s fraudulent win (let’s not kid ourselves, we all know that even if we don’t say it out loud), it was almost like I could feel a shift in the spiritual atmosphere. I’m sure many of you reading this can testify that you could sense it too. Although I couldn’t pinpoint it at the time, I know now what it was. That was a unleashing of hell upon our land. We see now as it manifests itself daily. Not only was the body of Christ not fully prepared for this (because the vast majority were not in tune but asleep) but because our elected officials (some who are Christians) decided that it should be “politics as usual” and instead of drawing upon Christ for the courage & wisdom to fight fraud, deception and lies….they caved. Now many of those same people who are leaders find themselves back-peddling to try and recoup damage they know they had a hand in. Another lesson – those put in authority who do not or refuse to adhere to God-designed principles for governing (including challenging dishonesty) must be willing to risk everything, including their titles or character, to stand up for those Godly principles. I’m not blaming them. I’m just stating its a portion of what happened. It may seem “easier” (wide road) at the moment to go with the flow (less pressure) but accountability, based on God’s universal law, will catch up. It did. Those in leadership who could have done something (narrow road) did not.
There are times where I sense that God has allowed what we presently see to “wake the body of Christ up”. We forgot how to pray. At times, we became too busy to pray. Our priorities have been wrong. God is not a God of convenience. We can’t “fit him in where we feel like it”. The body of Christ has lost a lot of daily discipline because its “not exciting”. God is trying to return us to priority – that being putting the Living God of the Universe first. It’s hard to see a nation turn around if we, ourselves….are not “turned forward to Him first”.
I find that I am as guilty as anyone. My passion to pray, as of late, has taken a beating. Some times I feel almost lifeless. It wasn’t that way just a couple+ months ago. Because I am weak, I must learn again how to depend on God to supply the passion as I am obedient to the call for prayer. There are a lot of things tugging for our attention but none must be more important than this. WE MUST remind ourselves that God hearing us doesn’t depend on how we feel. what we see, etc. Answers to prayer we must have and they come in God’s timing, not in mine. I’m like each of you. I desire deeply to see great revival across our land. Great deliverance and healing. I deeply desire that justice would be served across America not for revenge but to show that God is in charge, his commandments are NOT to be ignored and that his mercy and love are great. I yearn to see God & His ways respected in our land again.
*Light the fire in me again Lord God Almighty. Sometimes we don’t recognize small embers for what they are – the start of something that can become a raging fire. Those embers are prayer & intercession – You wanting to hear from us daily & passionately. America was established by You Lord. But we have fallen far from You. We fell because we absolutely have NOT paid attention to Your history lessons as set forth in Your Holy word. God forgive us and have great mercy on us.
Expressed so well, I feel like I must have written this myself for it expresses my innermost feelings and of a few others I pray with. Be encouraged, our God reigns, and I believe as long as there is a crying out of His people though few, and any movement of real repentance, our God will with hold His hand of judgement. Yes my friend, we must fan those embers. Keep sharing.
that God is doing! I’ve seem so much answered prayer thru IFA<=, it has greatly encouraged me to pray more. So many things that God is doing in our nation and in Ukraine! I thank Him and praise His holy name!
Amen! I am also encouraged by what God is doing (even in my own life) He is FAITHFUL!! šššš
Heavenly Father you are mighty and merciful and with you nothing is impossible. Fill us according to Romans 15:13 with your hope. Grant us the courage of little David facing Goliath. The battle is and always has been yours. Empower us to not only finish the race but to finish strong! For you are our coach out author AND our finisher! And your word promises that you will strengthen & stablish us. 2 Thes 3:3 You will preserve us. Ps 116:6
Lord help us finish strong We need you!
Glory to God ššššāāļø
Thank you so much for this very important reminder!
What was happening at the tower of babel was so concerning and dismaying to the Lord that he scattered them and changed them so they couldn’t communicate. I highly doubt the one language this worldly endeavor would have produced was the Holy gift of tongues. In fact we are seeing an unholy reenactment of the tower of Babel now. Perhaps their unholy language is technology and AI.
Other than that maybe you’re trying to say if the enemy can united through language in a unholy way than how much more can we, the church, unite in a holy way like through tongues? Well God can do anything and if he wants to do that he certainly will. But I think there’s a case to be made for Love and unity being that language in the church in a much more profound way. Because the church is wholly divided. I love your heart my sister! Joining with you in praying for the body of Christ!
2 Chronicles 7:14
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Father, lead your church into prayer. Forgive us for ignoring you and talking to you. Revive the hearts of your people to want communion with you. Revive my heart, Father, that I may pray!
This article is so right on.
Our hope and longevity as a nation rests in the arms of our Creator, Father God. We need to turn from the wicked ways of the world and embrace salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Jude 1:20
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
20 But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [[a]make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit;
We tend to limit this Scripture to our personal prayers, I believe we are to progress through corporate prayers. An edifice is a massive structure. I believe we are to progress into a massive Body of Christ, that’s united in the Spirit by the Holy Spirit, as in Psalms 133.
In Acts, they were in one place and of one mind, on one accord, and the Holy Spirit filled the house and sat on each of them, making them one body. Genesis 11:1-9 the Lord caused the men to speak in different languages to hinder their building a tower to heaven. Verse six states:
Genesis 11:6
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
6 And the Lord said, Behold, they are one people and they have [a]all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do, and now nothing they have imagined they can do will be impossible for them.
In the Book of Daniel, Daniel and three other servants, through prayer shifted the belief of a king and nation. Their prayers caused Angels to be sent on their behalf, changed the Kingās word, who decreed that Danielās God, was God. Four men praying broke the powers of darkness over the nation. In other words, they caused a paradigm shift through prayer.
Isaiah 56:7 (KJV)
Even them will I bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine, house shall be called a house of prayer for all people.
Matthew 21:13 (KJV)
And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Mark 11:17 (KJV)
And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves.
āMy house shall be called a house of prayer,ā has been ringing in my ears for months. Jesus prayed continually, he went aside and prayed, He asked the disciples to watch, while He prayed. The disciples fell asleep; he asked them can you not watch with me one hour? Matthew 26:36-49
Jesus cast out the money changers and established His House Shall Be Called A House Of Prayer.
The Kingdom of God is moving and conquering the powers of darkness by the Spirit, not by our power or might! We are more than conquerors, through Christ, therefore, advancing into a higher realm we are empowered to conquer; dominions, thrones principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. The Lord releases His Glory upon the prayers of the righteous to destroy strongholds over His people.
The Church Age as we know it is changing. We are in a new era and new revelation is being poured out by the Holy Spirit. God is commissioning new assignments that are designed to unite the people of God, bringing them on one accord. Not by doctrine or denomination, which brings divisions, but by the Holy Spirit, who unites and makes us one! God always has a remnant that obeys Him, thatās able to focus on the will of the Father, to pray, and prophecy in order to establish Godās will. Daniel prayed, repented, and stood for a Nation, which caused Angels; Gabriel and Michael to wage war in the Heavens, until they could breakthrough to Daniel with an answer to his prayer. Daniel 9 (KJV)
Recently I had a vision of a huge waterfall, that was radiantly white, coming out of heaven. It was alive and moving with great power. Itās roar was devastating, to the point that I thought it was sent to destroy. But, I heard the Lord say ādo not think of it has destruction.ā āIt is the prayers of the righteous, whoās fiery trials have purified them and elevated them into a higher level of authority and power in My Name.ā
I believe the waterfall I see, is the combined forces of many Daniels being anointed to pray, unite in the Spirit and align with the heavenly host to WAR, CONQUER, AND SUBDUE the powers of darkness ruling the kingdoms of this world in the Spirit Realm. That we may release the Presence and Glory of God, in order to establish THE KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!
In closing I pray, Father, in the name of Jesus, may we be filled with a new and refreshed anointing by the Holy Spirit. May we each receive divine appointments and direction according to Your will. May we rise like an edifice, progressing by praying in the Spirit and uniting as one Body of Believers in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. For this is where You have commanded the blessings and life forevermore, Amen. š
oh how convicting this is for me personally! Not talking about prayer, studying about prayer but actually praying! I agree wholeheartedly, prayer is the necessary foundation for everything and the hope for us as Christians wanting God to save our nation, we must be the intercessors in prayer for our country. I often ponder why prayer doesn’t take precedence – could it be that it is less tangible than other things such as providing food, medicine or shelter – doing things where we see immediate, tangible results? We are called to walk by faith, not sight – that is what prayer requires of us plus coming away from our physical realm to enter into the spiritual with our Heavenly Father and spend time with Him. Convicted I need to spend more time in prayer – God draw us all to You 24/7.
I believe this nation started to die when prayer was removed from the schools; we have continued to spiral downward since then. I believe we are in the end times; if we just look around and see what is happening in our nation and in our world. I pray for discernment; for people of faith to influence others. I also believe this is not my home; we should be preparing for the place where we all hope to end up, in the house of the Lord. No one can predict when this will happen, but the Lord did say there would be signs. May he open our hearts and souls to know the signs. He has blessed this country, as no other, except for the Jewish people, but they disowned Him, and now we are doing the same.
I am in total agreement with you. The signs are all here and we ate praying for the trumpet. We are just passing through this place and I pray constantly for the return of the new heavens and a new earth. This is not my home!! Praise God and may his Kingdom come!!
This nation started to die when Dads did not their children when they were little to love the LORD.
Many Didn’t show them when they were little (in the life we lived before their eyes) that GOD was a GOD worth living for.
Now those children have grown up and now believe and vote for the God hating Democratic Party and their ideas.
So when things like prayer in schools, abortion and homosexual marriage rose up to challenge GODs laws it was not important enough to fight against because for to many this was not enough to rouse up the will to fight against these evil things.
Now the hedge of this nation is torn down. Psalms 80:12
Because a nation that forgets GOD and despises GODs laws shall be broken down and left without walls and it’s hedge of protection symbolized by the southern border.
Without GOD and his laws the Bible says in Psalms 80: 12 that other nation with take advantage of her and pluck away at her.
All too true. We once had a weekly prayer meeting attended by well over a dozen. It is down to just 5 including my wife and myself. We pray the Lord will light a new fire of devotion in our church and churches everywhere.
Prayer comes in many and different forms. The Mass, the Rosary, The Chaplet, meditation, devotional prayers from memory, reading of books from noted Catholic authors, ( other sources I cannot recall ). The effort alone to pause for a moment and vocally/mentally say the name of Jesus, is a commitment to prayer. Do it.
In the Orthodox Church prayer comes 8n the form of the Divine Liturgy. Presanctified Prayers, group prayers and individual prayers. We all need to pray for everything and especially revival.
Itās not that we have lost faith in the power of prayer, itās that we have felt that we no longer needed intercessory prayer. Crisis always brings people to their knees. God, in His mercy, is allowing our country to be in crisis!š
Oh Lord, strengthen our spirit man,cleanse us with your blood and help us to cry out to you in prayer. Our hearts break for the condition of our country and only You can help us! We repent for not being salt and light. Fill our mouths with your words and give us boldness. We renounce everything contrary to your will and say Thy kingdom come and will be done. We acknowledge that you have all power and the government is on your shoulders. Have your way,route out and tear down every bit of corruption and delusion.Just as You are the One and only God we are all your children made in Your image as male and female. Protect our children and fill them with your spirit!!! We ask for a double portion of your spirit and make their hearts passionate for You. Fulfill your purpose in them and in our families. In Jesus name
” Protect our children and fill them with your spirit!!! We ask for a double portion of your spirit and make their hearts passionate for You. Fulfill your purpose in them and in our families. In Jesus name” This greatly spoke to me Marcella, Amen and may our Lord bless this as well as your entire prayer! Amen.
The future belongs to the Intercessors. Lord, make us hungry for you and you alone! Create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us. Cast us not away from your presence and take not your Holy Spirit from us. Restore unto us the JOY (attachment) of our salvation and renew (revive) a right spirit in us again. We humbly beseech you Lord Jesus, Amen
Father, my heart cries out to you to hear the voices of your children. We need you desperately. You alone can heal our hearts, our homes, and our churches. We ask you in the holy name of Jesus to wake up our hearts to hear your voice, love your word, and join together in praise of your faithfulness and mercy!
My church has weekly prayer meetings. The Brooklyn Tabernacle has powerful prayer meetings every week. I don’t know about others. I pray constantly over news stories. We pray for a list of needs at dinnertime. So, be of good cheer. Intercessors are out here.
The Lord loves a cheerful giver and there are many ways to do so. You gave me a smile, thank you Mango.
Thank you! Yes, our Nation and the Church are in desperate need of prayer. The enemy has been trying to silence us “to long!” š·
Most of the topics in IFA are off limits in my Church’s prayer meetings.
You are not alone. I received the same reaction from my pastor. Father, forgive them, they know not what they do. Open their eyes to the truth and our need for powerful, scripture fed, spirit led prayer. Open their eyes to the depths and deprivation of this evil world system that can only be overcome with good, which begins with prayer. Denial of truth is not a church tool, but one the enemy loves to see the church use while pretending ministry.
Awesome prayer and powerful testimony of answered prayers. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me.
God bless you.
Lord Jesus, We ask forgiveness as the Body of Christ that has become PRAYERLESS. Forgive us Lord and may we be renewed and seek a spirit of intercession that would overtake us. We love you Lord and we thank You for hearing us. We BLESS YOU!
Powerful, thoughtful and ever so necessary
I was praying when I got distracted by this article. Good one but it took from my prayer time. Maybe He wanted it so I could pray about it. I pray social media wouobe such a distraction
Heavenly Father, I come to you asking that You and your exalted Son would once again open the windows of the stratosphere and send a mighty blast of the Holy Spirit across our land and around the entire globe. The whole world is turned upside down by dictators and national leaders who have been led astray from the obligations You set for them to act for the good of their people in righteousness and justice. Jesus commanded the disciples and other believers to wait in Jerusalem until You and He would send another Comforter Who would help them turn their world upside down with truth and righteousness. Help us today to ask, seek and keep on knocking until You grant a sunammi of spiritual cleansing to our nation/s as promised thru the prophet Isaiah (59:19,āso they will fear the name of the Lord from the west and His glory from the rising of the sun FOR HE WILL COME LIKE A RUSHING STREAM WHICH THE WIND OF THE LORD DRIVES ALONGā
What you are saying is so true , God ‘is calling more people to gather in prayer.
And your right, some parts of the body of Christ need a new fire , a vision of what God is able to accomplish through His Holy Spirit. There is power in prayer.
There is another side to this , in the last several years I see the army of God rising up all over the United States crying out like never before !
In our area there is a 24 / 7 prayer ministry, and I see people in this community binding there hearts together in prayer. Smaller groups of 2 or 3 intercessors also meet on a regular basis. I know of numerous churches that have prayer ministries right here in this region! Praise God!
I was involved in a prayer ministry for many years.
Thank-you for calling us to a higher standard of prayer!
Thank you for your stiring call to pray. I receive your exhortation.
Powerful powerful my heart is moved because prayer is what going change the direction of our country and shift the world
In 2004, I was gifted “Daniel Nash: Prevailing Prince of Prayer” written by J Paul Reno. Inscribed within….”Susan, this little book changed me…” I am committed to reading it again today as I have not thought about this little book for years. As I have pondered this article, I was reminded…
Galatians 1: 15,16 NLT But even before I was born, God chose me and called me by His marvelous grace. Then it pleased Him to reveal his Son to me…
“Keep your life so constantly in touch with God that His surprising power can break through at any point”
John 6
v 29 āThe work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.ā
v 44 “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day.
v 65 Then Jesus said, āThis is why I told you that no one can come to Me unless the Father has granted it to him.ā
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray it will please You to reveal Jesus Christ to the countless today. We can do nothing without You. Jesus said, the work You would have us do is to believe in Him but You must draw us first Lord. There are so many things we don’t understand but I believe You will draw us into knowing just as You have drawn us in our belief. Jesus demonstrated the power of being constantly in touch with You. He prayed, He blessed, He healed, He saved, He resurrected. Jesus Christ died to give us access to You. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask that the prayer lives of ALL of us who have received this gift, will be deepened for Your Glory. Amen
Weāve been very concerned and praying hard for, the church for some time now. Weāre believing God for a great outpouring of Holy Spirit, and not just at our own church, but throughout the USA and beyond. We pray we live to see this. Weāre getting on in years, so weāre also praying for others to be raised up to intercede. Jesus is our only hope!
Father God, our Way Maker, our Miracle worker, our Light in the darknessā¦our God that is Who you areā¦and itās not just words to a song ā¦it is truth!!! We exalt You, Oh God, our King forever!! We praise Your Name forever and ever!! Let us praise You everydayā¦for Great are You LORD!! You are MOST WORTHY of praise!! No one can measure Your Greatness!! āLet each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.
āLet each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power. āI will meditate on Your majestic, glorious splendor and Your wonderful miracles
ā(āPs. 145:4-5NLTā¬ā¬).ā We thank You for the miracle of Jesus that through faith in His Righteous Blood to save us and forgive us upon our asking and repenting You bless us with Your grace, we are saved by Your grace, out of Your great mercy and love lavished upon usā¦what a miracle!! You give us Your Spirit that we can have a relationship with You, Lord God, our Abba Father, King of kings, and Friend. Thank You for giving us Yourself!! Thank You for the miracles through prayer that I have personally witnessed through prayers of faith and BELIEVETHā¦that You have placed upon my heart and the prayer teams heart that You have allowed me to be apart of under Your guidance. I have personally seen my brother in 2 years of being in hospital more than out ā¦with 38 surgeriesā¦some major, some more minor, dying 4 times on the table, being brought back to life for a very rear lung disease, a daily whale of a roller coaster rideā¦but who has now home and living life with his familyā¦healed by Your merciful & gracious hand!!! I saw my little great niece born with serious intestinal trouble and they didnāt think she would liveā¦after an extended hospital stay and surgery and colostomy bag put inā¦and thought would be for a lifetimeā¦is now 4 years oldā¦happy, healthy, wide open with no colostomy bagā¦praise You God forever for answering our prayers!! For my son, who lives You, who took his eyes off Jesus when going through a divorce and opened a toe hold for the enemy in his lifeā¦and opened up stronghold after strong hold for 3 yearsā¦who spent 2021 more in jail than outā¦But You instructed my heart to never give up just pray and have others pray for him too. What a miracle You have done Lord God in 4 months time through fasting and prayer. Strongholds where brokenā¦.went from not having a job for basically 2 years to have a job ā¦liking it and doing well, went from rejecting Your counsel to receiving Your counsel ā¦Your prodigal has come running homeā¦praise Your Worthy Name forever. A good friend of mine was healed of cancer through Your hand, by the prayers of manyā¦a marriage of a good friend was restored by Your hand through prayerā¦You have saved souls through prayer and fasting and are at work in others lives to do the sameā¦You are doing mighty works in the Ukraineā¦You are doing mighty works in America despite all the negative out there. Help us never give up but just pray and keep on praying and never stop prayingā¦for You are workingā¦Your always working!! This is just the tip of the iceberg of what Youāve allowed me to witness and be apart of in prayerā¦as the song says, āprayer can reach as far as God can reach, prayer is just as strong as God is strongā¦ā thank You God for these truths ā¦we donāt worship prayer we worship the One Who places prayer on our heartsā¦YOUā¦we praise the One Who intercedes for us in Your ear ā¦JESUSā¦we praise the Holy Spirit Who guides us in prayerā¦we canāt pray effectively without You, Your Son and Your Holy Spirit and faith that also comes from You!! Your not done with us!! Let us keep to pray and obey!! Your awe-inspiring deeds shall be in every tongue!! I/we will proclaim Your greatness for generations to come. Everyone shall share the story of Your wonderful greatness!! Of what You are about to do in America and the world!!
āThe Lord is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. The Lord is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all His creation. All of Your works will thank You, Lord, and Your faithful followers will praise You. They will speak of the glory of Yourv kingdom; they will give examples of Your power. They will tell about Your mighty deeds and about the majesty and glory of Your reign. For Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. You rule throughout all generations. The Lord always keeps His promises; He is gracious in all He does. The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads. The eyes of all look to You in hope; You give them their food as they need it. When You open Your hand, You satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in everything He does; He is filled with kindness. The Lord is close to all who call on Him, yes, to all who call on Him in truth. He grants the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cries for help and rescues them. The Lord protects all those who love Him, but He destroys the wicked. I will praise the Lord, and may everyone on earth bless His holy name forever and ever (āPs. 145:8-21ā¬ āNLTā¬).ā Thank You for being such a faithful God Who keeps Your promises from Your Word given to our hearts!! We love and praise You, our Beautiful, Majestic, Holy, Righteous, Just, Faithful, Loving, Gracious and Merciful Father!! In Jesusā Name we pray Who is Lord, Saviour, Redeemer, Deliverer, Overcomer, Conqueror ā¦Who ever lives to make intercession for us!!! Amen!!!
Glory, Hallelujah & Praise for your Wonderful testimony, it Blessed my heart & Iām otitis encouraged many as they read it also! Godās still on the throne! HALLELUJAH, waiting for us to ASK !
“Help us never give up but just pray and keep on praying and never stop prayingā¦for You are workingā¦Your always working!!” Amen and Amen Venisa to this bold statement and your bold faith. Amen.
Venisa, I thank God for your faithfulness to His word!
THANK YOU for your message. It is close to my heart. YES, I believe that prayer changes things.šš
Thank you for this article as it behooved me to pray. Praying for the Spirit to move mightily in churches this very weekend that pastors will preach the Truth with boldness and hearts will be opened and repentance will happen.
Thank You Father for this posting regarding the importance of intercession. You know my history of interceding, but somehow I have become lazy & slothful I guess. I talk with You thoughout each day, but that’s not the same as I used to pray. Forgive me Father – and help me to be the intercessor You called me to be!
Indeed our country is dying… so many souls have been deceived and are lost without Your
intervention. It breaks my heart what they are doing to the little ones… so much evil!
Again, I thank You Father for Your forgiveness and restoration! In Jesus Name, Amen & Amen
I can totally relate to that.
I pray every day for not only the US, but all countries of the world. I pray that the hearts, eyes and ears of people will open so they can understand, see and hear the Truth about GOD and Jesus Christ. I pray for the Churches who preach lies, commit sacrilige and heresy against GOD, as easily as walking. I pray for the unsaved leaders of countries that they would get right with GOD. If they don’t, GOD will consider them and their people as HIS enemies and they shall be purged from existence. These things are very serious things to pray about. I take it very seriously. Everyone should!
We live in a small community and I have been instructed to hold a service of Praise, Worship and Prayer time every 4th Sunday evening at 6:30 at New Hampton Christian church in New Hampton Missouri. The last service the theme Amos 5:15. Establish justice at the gate. Decreed that for USA North, South, East, and West. Also read Psalm 101, and 2 Chronicles 7:14-16. The Lord has been speaking to us. Praise God! The Church is rising up out of her sleep. Continue to pray in your areas. Thank you Lord!
Dear Abba, Thank you for the Intercessors For America leaders, their godly wisdom and discernment and for all who participate in writing encouraging articles. and all the wonderful guests who come to pray and speak. I am grateful for You to have ordered my steps to participate in this group and for the prayer points we receive daily from the real news that is not being manipulated. I love You, Jesus! I trust in You! Love, one of Your daughters
We are a tiny church in eastern Oregon but we do a 24/7 prayer for ucraine and weekly prayers for US our government and what the Spirit leads us to do Iām telling you this to encourage you we are few but God is on the move
Yes ma’am, He is! Amen Lorelei, tiny? No, GIANTS!
Amen! I totally agree with this message . Praying has become the greatest tool for me because as I pray I see the miracles that the Lord brings to pass. So now we just need to pray and ask the Father to deposit into more people the power of prayer into more peoples lives
Our church is about 250 and we have 2 that weekly pray When pray is called by the pastor few come One lady recently called for prayer for Ukraine but only one week He is our Help !!
Thank you kindly Jesus š I love you
Thank you Almighty God and Lord please let more start praying and fasting for our great nation. Amen
Dear Father, help those who believe in you come together in mighty prayer, that we might have your spirit in these troubled times, that we might be able to give a reason for the hope that is in us to those round about us, that they might turn from their wicked way and humble themselves, that our nation can humble itself and pray that we might once again have your blessings on our nation. Father we have left your commandments and we are reaping the consequences of our misguided actions, please intervene in our nation for our children’s sake for they are innocent of the havoc in our country. Father we need you every day.
May God convict pastors to keep the word pure without changes to compromise with the world and churches who have fallen to mega church agendas of numbers without the purity of the word since the Word is one with God they are taking God out and distorting His truth. He is also truth and life.
We thank You that You have made provision for everything we need to live a godly life and we have squandered opportunities by not engaging with Holy Spirit as is evidenced by the small numbers in prayer meetings. Forgive us for our indifference and apathy. Light the fire of our candles Lord, to seek Your face,, hear Your whispered directions and follow through with action. Turn our nation one by one back to You. Thank You Father.
Amen to this articleā¦The church cannot and must not stop interceding. We are the body of Christ. If the church stops praying, we stop breathing.
Proverbs 18:21 (KJV)
Death and life are in the power of the tongueā¦
Eph 6:18 (KJV)
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
My thoughts immediately went to this hymn. Let it be an encouragement as to why we must stay in prayer.
Let it Bless youā¦and donāt stop praying, praising and worshiping
Yes praying for more watchmen on the wall from every city, state nation and mother tongue will be praying. Praying for more 24-7 in person prayer.
We thank you Heavenly Father for your believers who are praying for America, I pray you will bless them. Reveal yourself to America, reminding hearts that repentance is required and getting back to what Jesus, Yahshua said, “If you love me keep my commandments”, to save this nation.
In Yahshua, Jesus’ Name.
i will pray