I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for the protection of the Supreme Court. Let this court be nonpartisan and unbiased, and let its members serve You faithfully in all they do.
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If Harris wins, it could mean some major changes to the nation’s highest court. What might be in store for the SCOTUS?

From CBN. Should Democrats win the White House in November, it could mean eventual changes for the Supreme Court.

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After dropping out of the race, President Biden proposed a plan that calls for a constitutional amendment and elements aimed at the Justices.

Congress would need to play a major role in this process. Each aspect of his proposal would need wide support on both sides of Capitol Hill and any constitutional amendment would also go to the states for ratification.

While Vice President Kamala Harris has not mentioned this subject during her presidential campaign, she did express support when the president announced his plan. …

Biden’s three-pronged proposal includes:

  1. A constitutional amendment that prohibits blanket immunity for presidents – a direct jab at the court’s July ruling that declared immunity for official acts as president, affecting Donald Trump’s legal issues.
  2. Setting 18-year term limits for Supreme Court justices rather than the current lifetime appointment.
  3. A binding code of ethical conduct for justices.

In a White House statement, Biden described his mission as a desire to restore trust and accountability to the American people. Since then, the plan has been met with criticism. …

For a closer look at what’s before lawmakers, we spoke to Regent University Law Professor Brad Jacob about the president’s first prong.

“A constitutional amendment requires two-thirds of the House of Representatives, two-thirds of the Senate,” Jacob pointed out, and he sees that as very unlikely.

“The minority party almost always has more than a third of each House, and then it would have to go to the states for ratification and get three-quarters,” said Jacob. …

In calling for term limits, Biden also proposes allowing presidents to nominate justices every two years for 18-year terms. …

Jacob says a possible alternative to the 18-year term limit would be endowing justices with a senior status. “You’re still a justice, you still collect your paycheck for as long as you’re alive, but you become a senior status justice, which means you don’t normally sit on cases.” …

As for ethics, all nine justices signed a formal Code of Conduct last November, after public pressure and closed-door negotiations. Some Democrats criticized it, however, over a lack of enforcement, demanding congressional intervention. …

Share your prayers for the Supreme Court below.

(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: Mathieu Landretti – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=130159633)

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Eileen Lauriann Fields
October 13, 2024

This is the lefts way of getting justices that agree with their destruction of the very fabric of our society! They want total control of the Supreme Court and that’s against everything that the Constitution is about! He’s totally ignoring the Separation of Powers! No one branch is more powerful than the other! Leave it alone!

October 11, 2024

These are sensible suggestions and worthy of mature consideration.

October 11, 2024

Lord, I pray that the leaders of this land read and study the constitution. This American government is by the people and for the people. Remove these corrupt politicians in both parties and raise righteous leaders from the Federal to the local levels in government. I am asking. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Missy Dice
October 11, 2024

Mighty God, may Your will be done in our Supreme Courts of the United States of America!! We need Your intervention. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and earth!! In Jesus Name. Amen.


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