I Prayed have prayed
Father, You know the way forward. We ask You to guide those in our legal and judicial system towards the right strategy to protect the preborn and end abortion. We ask that the laws of this nation will be used for righteous purposes.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the political battle over abortion continues, both sides have started using private cause-of-action laws in attempts to tip the balance.

Unlike typical laws that rely on government enforcement, private cause-of-action laws donā€™t have a government penalty attached to them. Instead, the measures allow lawbreakers to be sued by private citizens.

In theory, private cause-of-action laws shouldnā€™t count as state infringements on rights, even when they penalize actions that are unconstitutional for states to prosecute. Thatā€™s because such laws are enforced by the citizens themselves.

Thus far, that method seems to allow both pro-life and pro-abortion legislators to make laws that previously would have been struck down by the Supreme Court.

InĀ Texas, a recent law hasĀ bannedĀ abortion after the detection of a heartbeat.


The Texas bill effectively dodges the Supreme Court by having citizens restrict abortion with lawsuits…

Because of [Mark] Dicksonā€™s work, [leader of Right to Life East Texas] 34 towns in Texas have completely outlawed abortion using laws similar to the statewide Texas law. Most places that passed these ordinances have less than 3,000 people…In total, 350,449 Texans now live in towns that have outlawed abortion.

So far, the private cause of action seems to work. The Supreme Court hasĀ denied an appeal by groups that support abortion…

Katie Glenn, the government affairs counsel of Americans United for Life, says the court doesnā€™t yet have legal grounds to overturn the Texas law…

ā€œYou have to demonstrate that youā€™ve suffered harm to file a lawsuit and they havenā€™t demonstrated that,ā€ she said. ā€œSo the court is going to let the law go into effect.ā€…

However, laws that dodge constitutional precedent can be double-edged swords.

In California, legislators recently voted on aĀ bill that could use a private enforcement mechanism against pro-life protesters…

The billā€™s text bans photographing abortion clinic patients, providers, and assistants for online display…[T]he person photographed can sue them or bring an action seeking injunctive relief.

According to Susan Arnall, the director of outreach and engagement at the Right to Life League, the bill effectively bans photography in public anywhere near an abortion clinic…

ā€œThe First Amendment protects speech in public places,ā€ she said…The public sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood is a public space.ā€

But because Californiaā€™s law depends on private enforcement by lawsuit, itā€™s possible that the Supreme Courtā€™s previous rulings on similar cases wonā€™t apply, said Arnall.

ā€œThe analogy is the same,ā€ said Arnall. ā€œJust like Texas is attempting to curtail abortion rights using a private cause of action, so too is California attempting to curtail First Amendment rights.ā€…

What do you think about this twist and the way that pro-abortion advocates are utilizing a similar strategy? Share in the comments, and add a prayer for protection of the preborn.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Article by Jackson Elliott. Photo Credit: Michael A. McCoy/Getty Images).

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Susan CC
September 24, 2021

Father, You are “the strategy” to protect the unborn. You are God, there is no other. Jesus Christ is our savior, there is no other. The Holy Spirit is the mighty work of creation and salvation in us, there is no other. I am praying for a miracle. I am praying all eyes will be on You when this victory is proclaimed. Amen

Herb s Johnston
September 23, 2021

Lord,evry time a challenge is overcome, satan finds a way to entangle it in administrative red tape,..then it gets backed up in bureaucratic re-do’s,over and over again..so we pray,I pray,that this would be a way forward, upheld by our prayers, continually-that the enemy would finally be defeated in his war on the souls of humanity, and that we also will finally be strong in not succumbing to the evil that causes pregnancies that are in situations where the mother cannot care for herself..please let babies be granted to those who want them…and for those that still falter, may their hearts be turned towards a heart attitude that is encouraged to seek You,Lord,as their comforter and provider. In The Mighty Name of Yeshua,..Amen

Marsha Bashor
September 23, 2021

Lord I canā€™t stand it anymore. The evil is so rampant. But you Lord God are much more powerful, and your ways are so wonderful.
Let these new types of laws be made against abortion and at the same time also let them be made to protect our First Amendment rights.
Only you know how it is possible that Roe v Wade can be overturned to save the babies. Please do it Lord. We keep asking and knocking. In the name of your son Jesus I pray šŸ™šŸ”Æ

September 23, 2021

Father put confusion in the enemies camp and give Christians a heart to adopt and make a saved child one of their own. Give us a heart of compassion to spend time with youth loving them as a grandparent would. Jesus loves the little children of the world!


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