I Prayed have prayed
LORD, thank You for sending Yeshua and empowering Him to send our Helper, the Ruach Ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit). We ask for a fresh anointing.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

This testimony may help explain the often reported exodus from the Church of the college-age children of believers. It also challenges each of us to consider if we have what is needed to be effective intercessors today.

Have you taken your place on the wall?


In the natural, malnutrition is caused by a lack of nutrients. Malnutrition can occur as a result of one’s choosing not to ingest enough of the right nutrients. It can also occur when one has a condition or ailment hindering the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

The former is voluntary, the latter is not. Both are detrimental, and without intervention, both lead to the deterioration unto death of the physical body. In the spiritual, our malnutrition results in spiritual death that has eternal consequences.

Experience in the organized Church permeated my entire precollege life. I was born, christened, and raised in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion denomination, regularly engaged with the black Baptist church (as was the norm for weekly revival meetings in our town and throughout my early adulthood), and often exposed to the pentecostal stream — specifically, the Church of God in Christ (COGIC), by a wonderful man and woman of God during my teen years. For many years after, I was active in large, nondenominational congregations outside of the black Church.  Despite this, I now know that my ancestral and traditional churchgoing experiences amounted to nothing more than dead works — all form and no function, temporary emotional responses, rather than being made alive in and living for Christ, a form of godliness that denied and rejected His power.

How could this happen? How could I go so far astray from the Bible I was spoon-fed as a child? There is no one person or organization to blame, because at some point in my adult life, despite a lifetime of church exposure, I made a choice. Rather than immerse myself in Scripture, seeking God for myself, I chose membership and fellowship in congregations whose doctrines and traditions quenched the Holy Spirit. I chose to continue eating from the trough of scraps, settling for a proxy relationship with Christ. This despite experiencing a slow and painful death in my spiritual and personal life, when no amount of income, professional advancement, serving, and giving to churchdom was sufficient to do what only God by His Spirit can do.

To fit in, I deadened myself and tried all manner of religious, material, and eventually godless things to feel alive. I chose to spiritually starve myself, and having chosen to continue eating empty calories, I became mal(under)nourished. Young people who are chasing fulfillment and meaning through drugs, self-cutting, orgies, ethnic hatred, gender denial, and transcendental religions are experiencing that same malnourishment. They don’t know it (yet), but only their surrender to the one true God will fill their emptiness.

Why would I and so many others who identify as Christ followers ever choose to starve ourselves of Him or to ostracize the Helper, whom Yeshua promised He would send? I attribute my choice to ignorance, initially. Then, it became something else. I wanted to fit in and was lulled into believing that a form of godliness was good enough. We were kind, generous, serving people who sang moving songs; we were — it was — good enough for heaven.

We don’t serve the gods of religious “good enough.” Right now, before another sun sets, ask God if you are in a Holy Spirit–quenching, seeker-sensitive, Universalist, or interfaith-accommodating congregation. If you are, and being there to speak truth and to expel demons is not your God-given assignment, take heed. You will likely not have enough spiritual strength and nourishment for the coming battles. You certainly will not be ready to make disciples of the lost for whom God has especially called you. Matthew 24:24 warns that if possible, even the elect will be deceived by false prophets and false messiahs. In 2 Thessalonians, the apostle Paul warns about a great falling away of those who once confessed Yeshua as Savior and Lord. Both of these scriptural references address those who had once heard, accepted, and followed Yeshua. What a sobering consideration it is to recognize that those who will fall away originate from having once been inside of God’s house. Having considered the truth of the falling away prophesies in the Bible, we are well-equipped to avoid being among that group if we choose the narrow, more challenging way.

LORD, today we recommit to receiving the Holy Spirit as our God-gifted, Yeshua-sent Teacher, Counselor, and Guide. Today we recommit to the truth of Romans 8:11, declaring that He is the same Power living in us who raised Yeshua from the dead. Cause us to discern and to reject any strange fruit and every doctrine of demons.

If reading this is challenging you to seek deeper sanctification, share your thoughts and prayers below.

Mavourene Robinson began in full-time ministry in 2014, campaigning for the Howard County Public Schools’ Board of Education in 2017–2018, and for the Maryland Senate in 2022. A lifelong learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and domestic policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in intercession for family, government, education, and religion. She releases prophetic insight at Judgment Begins in the House. Photo by Gianna Bonello on Unsplash.

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January 12, 2024

We’re being raised in churches and even Christian schools without having read the Bible. Some churches are even teaching only “they” can interpret the Bible for their congregation. Even church “Bible studies” don’t involve a Bible. Jesus said, “Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” He was quoting Deuteronomy.

We need to read the whole Bible. God Himself promises to teach us.

Churches don’t even allow people to schedule a time when we can meet in the church to pray.

These have been my experiences. So I quit going to these “formal” churches and now gather with a small group to intensively study the Bible and pray together. I’m amazed at what God is teaching us.

Jeannie Huppert
January 10, 2024

Our Father God Told CM to go places & be a witness, where many Christians would not go: new age meetings, burning man in the desert, etc. 1 comment she said stands out to me. When asked where she suggests these people go after having accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord & Saviour, she responded, “I don’t know where to tell them to go where they won’t get chewed up & spit back out again.” On & off for almost 50 yr. I got as involved as I could in a Charismatic church: phone prayer partner, food & clothing giveaway, choir, etc. The Pastor was excellent at preaching & teaching; but like Eli & David, he never disciplined his children/flock. However I was treated as “the stepchild”. They were soooooooooo much better than I for at least a dozen “reasons”. Now I look for a church who DOES WHAT GOD’S BIBLE HAS TOLD US TO: LOVE = respect; work with people; NO one is perfect but Jesus Christ; etc.

Cathy Tomlin
January 10, 2024

Wonderful article. “The traditions of men have rendered the word of God non effect. “”God bless

January 10, 2024

I pray that our children who are young adults now will have robust vibrant faith that is not dulled by culture or by what they see happening around them both in the church and in the world.

Candy Sterling
January 10, 2024

This message is so very true. we must know the Word of God to be able to discern illusions of truth for the real truth. excellent message. Take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God and pray THE WORD!

January 10, 2024

Thanks for sharing your wonderful story!! What you said can be applied to every life and every stage of life. We must check our lives at least periodically with what the Bible says. The word of God is inerrant. The Bible is our perfectly accurate compass for our lives. We must read and apply the Bible daily, one to one with God, as well as regularly attending church. This will give us the wisdom we all need in regard to God’s truth.

    Jon Frazier
    January 11, 2024

    Yes, but depending on where you live in the country, it might be tough finding a church that the pastor and a large percentage of the congregation aren’t woke or worse. Otherwise I say Amen

Mary Beth
January 9, 2024

It is important to take responsibility for our own spiritual growth, or this is what can and probably will happen. Our primary teacher should be Holy Spirit, our primary “primer” should be the Bible, and our primary response to it should be “given what I just read, LORD, how then should I live?” Being spoon-fed also results in malnutrition, and being completely dependent on man’s teaching can actually end up poisoning you. I am not against taking advantage of learning from other believers, seasoned and gifted teachers, books, etc., but even that should be led of Holy Spirit. He can and desires to devise a customized curriculum for each of us, if we will but seek Him. But when you do, be prepared to have your world turned “right-side-up” in an upside-down environment, including sometimes fellowship with other believers. But when you find other like-minded seekers to share your journey with, it can be electrifying!!!

Ron Glenn Deere
January 9, 2024

A bona fide, true reading and study of God’s Word causes one to realize that the whole of it is written for people who have given all to follow Christ. If all of God’s Word calls us to give all to Christ then we who are in Christ NEED to do this or else give up Christ.

January 9, 2024

Thank You for Sharing this Ministry!

Victoria Z
January 9, 2024

so on target and well stated. i made a similar discovery, although caucasian and different churches i reached the same conclusion: that attending church, church activities, serving, and works are not the Savior who clearly said He IS the way, the truth, and the light, who John tells us clearly IS THE WORD, who was WITH God and WAS God from the beginning.Revelation 19:13 tells us His name IS THE WORD, that the overcomers will overcome by the blood of the lamb and THE WORD of our testimony…could it be any more clear? Being IN CHRIST is being IN THE WORD, reading it meditating on it, living it. Abiding in the vine is abiding in THE WORD. Father in the name of Jesus i pray this bold prayer: that all the people who call themselves yours, and think they are yours, would discover Jesus IS the word, the only name by which men can be saved, and may they immerse themselves in your word, and find all the nourishment, refreshment, protection, and security in your love and mercy that we all as humans crave, yet dont always recognize, trying to fill those needs with other things and other people. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. Your word says draw near to God and he will draw near to you, and when we seek you we will find you. May we finally get it straight that you said you honor your word above you name…we need your word daily, and the more we seek you in your word, the more we find you there ready and willing to teach and encourage us in a way no man or church program can. In Jesus name thank you.

January 9, 2024

Lord, thank You for this timely message. Forgive us for being
distracted from You our Lord and Maker. Help us to pray
afresh in our Spirit language and to reconnect with our
body of faith. Let hearing Your voice be our top priority.

January 9, 2024

LORD, today we recommit to receiving the Holy Spirit as our God-gifted, Yeshua-sent Teacher, Counselor, and Guide. Today we recommit to the truth of Romans 8:11, declaring that He is the same Power living in us who raised Yeshua from the dead. Cause us to discern and to reject any strange fruit and every doctrine of demons

January 9, 2024

Thank you!!!!!

Brian Lynch
January 9, 2024

Excellent article. Lord, please guide us and direct us by Holy Spirit to be strong in our faith, and to seek out deeper sanctification in You. Right now, in the mighty name of Jesus, I bind ALL of the evil, debased, ungodly spirits that have infiltrated Your church. I loose a spirit of love, truth, and power upon the Body of Christ. By our thoughts and actions, please, help us to live to our privlilige level as Christians. Show us how to be salt and light to this ever darkening world. Thank You, Lord Jesus.

Linda Rice
January 9, 2024

I’m glad this author took responsibility for her decisions.

Julie Blake
January 9, 2024

I read an interesting book called “Already Gone” about young people leaving the church and though many leave at college age they were “already gone” before then. That most check out in middle school (!!) but don’t physically leave until they go off to college as many move away from family.

Lord, help us to reach the youth and young adults! To instill in them a desire to be in a true relationship with You, to not just know about you, but to truly know You and have a love for You above all else! Give us the words to speak to those around us to lead them to You so they can experience the fullness of Your presence each and every day, that they will have a desire to seek Your face and abide in Your shadow. Surround them with godly influences that can speak into their lives. Open doors that lead to You and close doors that lead from You, so they can walk in the path You have prepared for them. In Jesus name I pray, amen!

Mary D
January 9, 2024

Thank you, Mavourene,
So, so many of us grew up in Churches that had nothing but Form, Ritual, and Tradition, which I’m not knocking because those things have their place, But there was No Holy Spirit Power! Many were not taught and were not encouraged to read the Word of God. I don’t know if the Priests and Ministers even knew the Word of God outside of the official readings, and that is not condemnation but a long observation.
You learned your Denomination’s doctrine, official prayers, some Bible Stories, and maybe felt sorry that your neighbor who went elsewhere was so unenlightened and being lead the wrong way. I know it sounds unbelievable but it was a very real thing! It became a routine of showing up and doing your Duty. After all if you did A then B would naturally follow, right? God knew who the good guys were. We were on our way to Heaven.
Hell and Repentance were rarely if ever mentioned and over time, Spiritual Deadness which one didn’t see or understand and Rebellion crept in because “Why are we even doing this?”followed. Some Denominations made it very easy by telling you that one only had to attend Church on a few special Holy Days to meet their obligation. Many came to believe that was all that was needed, especially after WWll and prosperity entered the picture. There was no great need to cry out for relief from War or Financial Depression.
Unless one was given a desire by God to want more, and to see more, then you believed you were on the right track. Nothing more needed! God was a vague solution. Many were fearful and legalism solved it or He was an all loving, no consequences Santa Claus and would forgive whatever, no big deal! Talk about confusion!
I do not condemn, because I was one of those people along with many Generations who believed in God and wanted to honor God. And I Thank God that He sees Hearts! And He is still Calling!
It is wheat and tares time. The Church slept BUT God is NOW calling and separating. I pray in His Great Mercy He will draw many. As Dutch Sheets wrote last week, “Holy Spirit brings a remorse, then Revelation that leads to repentance and turning back!
Our Spiritual Enemy enjoyed sitting in our pews and buildings as he threw his Veil of deception and slumber over the people. The spirit of religion and legalism enjoyed their moment, BUT GOD! He is tearing and lifting that Veil! Holy Spirit is on the move and He really has and is doing a New thing as the darkness falls. He is calling His own people to Repentance! To Humility, To Prayer and Intercession, to Seek Him and spend time with Him, to listen, and to learn the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son! Millions are hearing this for the first time! He is renewing, restoring, refreshing and in His Mercy He is waking the Dead!

Pam Johnson
January 9, 2024

May our hearts cry for peace, joy, fulfillment be met in intimate conversation with You! May the prodigals return to true faith and relationship with you! Not dependent of form or buildings but upon the inner religion of conduct thru relationship! May they love your guide book the Bible!

Lori Meed
January 9, 2024

Mavourene, thank you for transparently sharing your transformation! Glory to God! This is a holy exhortation to us all to stay on fire, passionate for our First Love and being filled daily by Holy Spirit! Take heed all who have a form of godliness without its power! Awake oh sleepers! Repent and turn and receive His fullness. How we need you Ruach Hachodesh! Spirit of Truth come and fill us again. Forgive us for living separately from Your empowering. In Yeshua’s name we pray!

Jim Pickens
January 9, 2024

A valuable reminder.

Prayer Warrior
January 9, 2024

Please pray for me as I have started recently attending an A.O.G. Church and have realized the church leaders are not living fully surrendered lives. I daily seek the Lord for counsel on what to do next- to stand in prayer and wait for these mountains to move or go back to not attending a church at all. Please agree with me for wisdom that the Lord will direct my steps.

    January 9, 2024

    Dear Prayer Warrior,
    As I prayed for you, what came to me is that maybe you shouldn’t pray about whether you should leave, but whether the leaders should be. Father, reform them or remove them from leadership. I also pray for you to have right discernment. So often we all misjudge others. Lord, if these leaders are downtrodden, discouraged, misunderstood, then help them in that way. We pray for all of our churches and for ourselves to be who and what You want us to be so that we will not lead “these little ones to stumble” (Luke 17). Bless this prayer warrior with wisdom and clear prayer direction. I also pray that you would show this prayer warrior and all of us if there are any acts of service that you would have him or her do for the leadership of the church.

      Prayer Warrior
      January 9, 2024

      Thank you so much for your prayers. This has sincerely touched my heart and mind. I became aware that the Pastor was following some new age teachings of manifestation and very secular sites. I knew something wasn’t right from the beginning but it wasn’t until later that it was revealed to me. I’ve never been in a situation like this nor did I ever think that I would be. Part of me wants to leave but the other part wonders if they just haven’t been taught or don’t know the truth or how necessary it is to live a surrendered life. Thanks again for your prayers in my time of need. ❤️ The Lord bless you.

        January 10, 2024

        Lord thank you so much for prayer warrior, the tender to You heart, the deep, rich, humble trust in You and us to share, to ask for prayer.
        I too ask You give discernment Lord, wisdom too and clear daily direction.
        So often we want a month or longer plan and You so often give only daily portions, which is good and merciful in the long run! We’d try to help, like so many others did in scripture or get really scared!
        Thank you Lord, for loving us so well, with loving kindness, understanding us and this beautiful, messy, often times dangerous world we live in, where there is nothing new under the Son, even though it, the evils, may shock us to stupor, You ALWAYS are ready with Your good plan.
        Glory to our Lamb Who was slain and Who Lives Forever to Reign!
        Remember Whose you are christian!

          prayer warrior
          January 11, 2024

          Thank you so much 😭 for your sweet and kind beautiful encouragement. God is so gracious, He saved me in all of my mess and I’m so grateful I really want to help others so much. What comes to mind is that we count the cost and yes Jesus is worth it, He always has been and always will be. Things have already began to change I am so thankful 🙌😭 God I glorify you and I adore you. Thank you for my brothers and sisters in you Lord. Bless them Lord in every area of life, renew their strength, revive us O great and beautiful wonderful Lord 😭 you have shown me through this that apart from you I can do nothing, but with God anything is possible. Thank you for being there in my mustard seed faith time 🌱🕊️ lol 🙌🤗 Bless you for taking time to help me in my time of need 😭 May God bless you, sincerely

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