I Prayed have prayed
Lord, give us eyes to see and ears to hear what You are doing, so that we might respond as You desire.
Reading Time: 7 minutes

On April 8, 2024, the path of a total solar eclipse is set to cross some of the United States, Mexico, and Canada. The eclipse, which some are calling the Great American Eclipse, is to be the first the U.S. has seen since 2017.Ā 

Who is praying on the wall?


Many are anticipating the day in excitement over what they may get to see, while others have begun advancing conspiracy theories that the phenomenon is a bad omen for Donald Trump.

The Gospels mention signs in the sun, moon, and stars that will be made manifest as the return of the Lord Jesus to this earth draws nearer (see Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24, Luke 21:25ā€“27). Some Christian believers are seeing this eclipse as some sort of biblical message to America.

My own response to all of it, though, is to pray. Shouldnā€™t that be our response to everything?Ā 

A Local State of Emergency?

In mid-February, news of the eclipse caught my attention through an online article. The story said that Bell County, Texas, had issued a disaster declaration and state of emergency for April 8. County officials thought it best to do that because of the influx of spectators expected to travel there to view the eclipse. Given the current population of nearly 400,000, county officials are anticipating double or even triple that number in the days leading up to the eclipse. They are advising citizens to stock up on groceries, fuel, and water, ahead of any shortages. There could even be phone and power outages, they warn. Bell County Judge David Blackburn says these are just measures to ensure everyone stays safe.

I’d never heard of any city declaring such an emergency over an eclipse, but within a week, my social media page was flooded with the postings from people who believe something evil is coming and that this is why citizens are to prepare. Others are saying the eclipse is a distraction ahead of something else. Those prone to think the worst will believe what they want, but as for us, we’re to do what intercessors do: pray.Ā 

Let’s pray for the safety of all those who will travel to see the eclipse. Pray for protection and for peace in the cities. Pray that there would be no shortages or a lack of any sort.

A Biblical Message to America?Ā 

An intercessor sent me a YouTube video on which a Texas pastor named Troy Brewer talked about the eclipse. His teachings are rich in Hebrew roots and in interpretations and biblical signs. Brewer asserts that this is no ordinary eclipse, but rather a warning to America. Noting the path of the eclipse, he asserts that seven of the cities over which the eclipse is to pass are called “Nineveh,” including Nineveh, Texas. Fact check sites confirm that two American towns named Ninevah will be in the path of the total eclipse, Nineveh, Indiana; and Nineveh, Ohio, but six other towns named Ninevah will experience a partial eclipse.Ā 

Well, what do you think of that? Not one Nineveh merely, but at least two, and possibly more. But before crossing over Nineveh, Texas, if it does, the eclipse will cross Jonah, Texas. Brewer talks about how these events are to occur under the constellation Cetus (sometimes called ā€œthe whaleā€). The path includes Williamstown, Kentucky (where a life-size replica of Noah’s Ark is located), and also the community of Rapture, Indiana.

Isnā€™t that interesting? What if the passing of this eclipse through Nineveh, Texas, is a sign to America?Ā 

The book of Jonah is about a wayward prophet, as we know. Even though the book bears his name, the prophet Jonah is not the story’s hero. The hero of the book of Jonah is the LORD. That book is the story of God’s warning to the wicked capital of the evil Assyrian empire that His righteous judgment is about to befall them. Here were a people so wicked that Jonah, the prophet God had chosen to deliver that message, decided he wanted nothing to do with it. Jonah hated the Ninevites. So rather than warn them, he boarded a ship going the opposite way. After ending up overboard, saved by a three-day detour inside the belly of a great fish, Jonah gets vomited out. In the course of his time inside that fish, however, Jonah has reconsidered his options, and now he returns to do what the Lord had commanded from the start: go to Nineveh and warn the people of impending judgment. The result was quite unexpected.

So the people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them. Then word came to the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, laid aside his robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. . . . Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way, and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do itĀ (Jonah 3:5ā€“10).

The book of Jonah gives us the keys to praying for our nation.

  • God is looking for intercessors.Ā 

Ā ā€œArise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me”Ā (Jonah 1:2).

This verse says the wickedness of Nineveh has come up before the Lord. A similar statement is made in Genesis 18:20ā€“21 about Sodom and Gomorrah. Abrahamā€™s response is to intercede for these wicked cities. Abraham was Godā€™s friend, and intercessors are similarly friends of God. God is still looking today for those who will stand in the gap (see Ezekiel 22:30). Will you be one?

  • Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Like Jonah, some Christians might like America (or certain Americans) to be destroyed. Some believe the nation deserves judgment. This is true and it was true of Ninevah. But the Lord is merciful. In the wilderness He refrained from exacting total judgment upon the willfully disobedient Israelites (see Exodus 32:14). He relented when Amos interceded for the nation (see Amos 7:3ā€“6). And God similarly relented when the Ninevites fasted and repented upon Jonah’s warning. We’re not asking for any sort of unsanctified “mercy” by any means, but rather to have more time to see souls saved because that is what the Lord desires more than wrath (see 2 Peter 3:9).Ā 

“And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left ā€” and much livestock?”Ā (Jonah 4:11).

  • Wayward prophets must return to the Lord and be faithful to His calling on them.

There are times when God hides His prophets for their protection, or during times of their development and training. But there is nothing good that results when prophets hide due to bitterness, or resentment, or fear. In 1 Kings 18:13,Ā  we’re told that Obadiah hid 100 prophets in two caves. Although his heart was to protect them from Jezebelā€™s slaughter, these men were called to be Godā€™s mouthpiece; instead, they were silenced by fear. Perhaps this is why Jezebel’s reign was effective, because the prophets were silent.

By contrast, Elijah who faced that same threat of death, faithfully chose to declare the Word of the Lord to King Ahab.Ā 

Are We Being Tested?Ā 

The number 40 in the Bible is understood to symbolize testing and trials. Jesus was 40 days in the wilderness, where Satan tempted him. Israel was tested in the wilderness for 40 years. Nineveh was given 40 days to consider the warning of the Lord and take action. From the eclipse day, April 8, to the Day of Pentecost, May 19, 2024, there are 41 days according to the Gregorian calendar.

One must ask: Are we being tested? If so, what will your response be?Ā 

But He answered and said to them, ā€œAn evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matthew 12:39ā€“40).

Jesus and JonahĀ 

There are many similarities between Jonah and Jesus. Jonah slept on a ship during a storm. Jesus slept in a boat during a storm. Jonah’s three days and nights in the belly of the great fish are comparable to the three days and nights of the Lordā€™s death, burial, and resurrection. Many have questioned whether Jonah miraculously lived in that fish’s belly for three days. Some argue that Jonah died and was resurrected when he was vomited out. Either way, the resurrection of Jesus is what we live for. He died for us and as us, that we might live for Him.

As the Pharisees looked to the heavens for signs, so do many people today. Jesus is the greatest sign and wonder the world has ever known. While those obsessed with conspiracies look elsewhere, we must always look to Jesus.Ā 

[L]et us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, . . .Ā  let us run with patient endurance . . . looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection]. Ā (Hebrews 12:1ā€“2 AMPC).

As this verse states, we are running a race; let us strip off every unnecessary weight. It’s not easy to run when you’ve got weights on. That would tire you out quickly. Perhaps there are things in your life that are holding you back, things you may not even be aware of; seek the Lord about anything you might need to let go.Ā 

This verse talks about sin that entangles, and that’s precisely what sin does: It will trip you up, and you will get all tangled up in it. If there is any sin you recognize as weighing you down now, renounce any involvement with it, repent of it, and turn completely away from it.

Look toward Jesus and away from every distraction. Distractions compete for our time and attention, to keep our eyes off the prize, but remember: Jesus is our prize; He is our exceedingly great reward. Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus means we will be aware of the distractions and diversions when they come.

Letā€™s pray right now:

Our Father, in Your word, You mention signs in the heavens. If this eclipse is Your warning to a rebellious nation, let us heed Your call to forsake our wicked ways and every unrighteous thought. It is written in Isaiah that we can return to You, for You will have mercy and abundantly pardon. Have mercy on this nation and also on the people called by Your name. Lord, we pray for prophets who have run from their call due to fear, persecution, or even apathy. We pray that prophets will arise to speak the true words of the Lord. We pray for all Christians who have run from the Lord and from their assignment. Bring them back, and let them pick up where they left off. We pray that just as Nineveh heard the word of the Lord, so America would humble herself and do the same, for the sake of Your great name and of the harvest. Please help us to be wise and win souls. The signs in the heavens are an indicator of the nearness of Your return. However near or far that may be, Lord, You know. But let us be found with oil in our lamps and without spot or blemish. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.Ā 

What are your thoughts about the eclipse? We’d like to know. Share your insights and prayers below.

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go toĀ SpotifyĀ orĀ Anchor and listen to her podcast. Photo Credit: Matt Nelson on Unsplash.

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April 2, 2024


We currently have someone in the Whitehouse who is clearly not a believer in Christ and has encouraged hate towards Christians while claiming to be a devout Catholic. He is lost and actively promtes the sacrifice of children before they are born, and just recently declared the Day Believers in Christ celebrate Christ Resurrection (Easter Sunday), International Transgender Day of Visibility. I myself found this highly offensive as a Christian and was initially angry as many other Christians were, but I let than anger go and have made the decision to forgive him for his actions as he is lost and not being led by God. Many of our countries leaders and politicians are truly lost. Our leaders in the Whitehouse have clearly turned against God and Freedom of religion, is nearly gone with the the one in true belief being in God’s one an only word being the target. In other words as seen in many other nations such as Nigeria, China, Pakistan, etc Christians are the primary targets and Martyred for there beliefs. Christians in the United States are also being targeted maybe not through violence yet, but at places of work. schools. even being arrested for preaching and sharing God’s word and about the love that God has for all of us on the street. He gives us free will and let’s us decide whether or not we decide we want to make the commitment to follow Him or face his Judgement for those who turn there backs on him and speak against him.

You say you don’t believe Trump is a Christian however Trumps actions show otherwise although he does make mistakes as all Believers in Christ do. However only God knows Trumps heart and his true intentions as he does with all of us. Not all people who go to Church on Sunday or Saturday depending on the denomination are True Believers in Christ. Also no Chrisian is perfect, it is those who don’t believe and don’t know Christ who believe that everyone who is a Christian or claims to be a Christian is supposed to be perfect and do nothing wrong. It is the Non-believer who is misled and believes that Christians are supposed to be accepting of everyone. Believers and followers of Christ are instructed to be loving toward those who are lost and not pass Judgement. Our duty is to pray for those who are mislead, but we aren’t required nor does God want us to be accepting of those who make Decisions in their lifestyle or life choices that defy God’s word. However we show that we care about there eternity by praying for them that they change in there ways and that God works on there hearts so they turn to Christ and repent and ask for forgiveness of our sins, along with making the decision to follow Christ. Once that decision to follow Christ is made we are still going to sin, so repentance needs to be a regular daily thing and to be forgiven we need to forgive those who have wronged us. So my word of wisdom is ask God for discernment on issues that come up personally or politically. You will find that if you are truly hearing from him that his revealing answers will surprise you. An example in my area where I reside in the Northeast in a state I can’t stand I know there are a ton of false teachers in many churches out here. In many of the town squares there are churches that hang pride flags. blm flags, and when I check there websites the most important message is missing when it comes to scriptural doctrine, That message is of the offer of God’s forgiveness through his son Christ shedding his blood for us giving us the opportunity to repent and accept Christ as our Lord and savior. These false teachers have also fallen away from other very important messages and teachings in Gods word. as God does not make mistakes in our creation and they teach that he does.

In regards to Trump being a Christian what many don’t know is that Trump came to Christ while he was in The Whitehouse during his presidency. Those things the left claims Trump participated in or did happened prior to him making that commitment to follow Christ. If it is true that he became a believer and gave his life to Christ during that time in the Whitehouse as our nation’s leader his past sins were forgiven that day. A True Bible believing church should not be passing judgment or making assumptions that statements that are potentially or possibly false for political gain should not be making Judgements towards anyone because as previously mentioned only God knows ones heart.

However Mr. Bidens actions have been observed and his actions show that he is against God. Again though it is not for the True believers in Christ to judge, we are called to pray for Mr. Biden and for his salvation and that he would be turned from his deceitful ways and see the truth and the light in Christ and make a decision to follow him and repent. Scripture talks about everything that is going on in the world today and I myself believe that the United States is on a path to destruction but I also believe there is still time for a great revival and for people to come to Christ and repent. However I believe the time we have is very limited, but only God knows the Date and the time of the potential judgement coming to the United States and if it truly is which I believe it is. However those who are Born Again in Christ and Saved are safe knowing there is eternal life with him.

Roberta Mohlmsn
April 1, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father , please help our nation to repent. Help all of us to see our need for repentance snd to come close to you. To follow your ways and follow you more closely. We especially repent of gender change snd all the sinful body changes that are going on. Open our eyes to righteous living and help us as s people turn from our wicked ways. Have mercy on us dear Lord and turn us to you. Please hear our prayers . I. Jesus ā€˜ name Amen

John A. Bedford
March 23, 2024

It has always been my belief that as the Feast go the next one, as inferred in Scripture will be the Feast of Trumpets. Yet these events are a cause of concern or at least alert. The signs are real and town names et al pointing forward. We surely must humble ourselves, forsake wickedness of being human stuff and pray for our nation and fellow Christians. So let us live by faith for deliverance, in the coming days… Easter was First Fruits, may we be Raptured as the “second fruits? Or Raptured at Pentecost, as perhaps the Holy Spirit departs, Or live now in “days of judgement” until the Feast of Trumpets? Anyway we shall live as ones rejoicing in this day “the day the Lord has made!”

Yet, thanks for your insight. Our family of Christians really are in awe as we witness the days the prophets longed to see… really the fulfillment of Scripture as it gave us light into Gog and Magog, Israelā€™s return to the land, the return to Jerusalem and nearness to the last days treaty through the Abraham Accord with the establishment of Christlum..

So now to prayer!


Sue Hogue
March 19, 2024

I believe in the Lord. I believe Jesus is coming back to save us

March 19, 2024

God is sovereign. Any eclipse that has ever happened or will happen is in His control. I rest in that and continue to pray for His will on earth as it is in heaven!

March 18, 2024


March 18, 2024

Yes, this IS from God, ALL of it! Father, please help USA REPENT and make Your Son LORD once again! In Christ’s Name, Amen! šŸ˜ƒ

jeffrey daly
March 18, 2024

YES! and pastors and intercessors not just in the USA but globally will be spending time in prayer closets or church services on March 24 praying for repentance. http://www.globalrepent.com. ” Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ holy Name, may Your gift of repentance spread across our land. May Your people called by Your name, humble themselves and pray and seek Your face and turn from their wicked ways so that You will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.”

March 17, 2024

Oh Lord I know the cup of our iniquity as a nation overflows. We humbly bow and acknowledge our sins before YOU. We ask You to forgive our sin and grant us grace to turn from all sin.. that we might turn to You with all our hearts and carry out the mission You gave each one of us to do for YOU. We bow We bow We bow and call upon You to save us in this hour. In Jesus Mighty Name and According to Your Will Father. Amen

March 16, 2024

Wow, once again a well-written insightful and prayer-challenging message from Gloria. How can any of us who claim to be Jesus followers ignore this call to prayer? I hope and plan to take time between April 8th, the date of the Eclipse, and May 19th (Pentecost, and the 41-day mark between dates) to fast and pray for not only the nation, but the Church. It is God’s people who need to lead the charge in repentance. God has been dealing with me and revealing to me the need to forgive, and the roots and path of UNforgiveness that I have allowed to take hold in my spirit. These roots have been the cause (along with pride), of deep brokenness and separation in my relationship with Him and others over the past several years. Listening recently to a powerful sermon by Alan Jackson on forgiveness has helped bring light to that. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIA8r57Stpo]. We all need to examine ourselves as Gloria points out in this article. The King is coming. We need to be ready always. The ‘Ninevites’ are hungry, and I believe ripe for repentance and salvation.

    March 18, 2024

    Praise the Lord that your eyes have been opened and your heart has received healing from UNforgiveness. What a blessing and new beginning for you! The Lord is good. Amen

John Swiniarski
March 15, 2024

To all who would think that the phenomenon is a bad omen for Donald Trump!!!!!

Mr. Biden is in the highest office in the US, and his masters are controlling, ruining This country And taking freedom from God’s people. Also, I must mention, attacking President Trump with false accusations, legal charges and trying to remove him from voting ballots!!! Don’t you think they’re most likely to be judged if they don’t repent!!!

    March 18, 2024

    Psalm 62:3,4
    One morning I awoke after seeing a leaning fence (natural, not painted) and heard the name Trump. I looked up the word fence in the KJV of the Bible. This is the only place that the word fence appears is in Psalm 62.
    Lord let us remember that You Father God knows all, sees all, is everywhere and are in control. Yet we must surrender all to You. You are our blessed Savior. Lord open the eyes of our hearts to see You and Your truth. Let us hear from You. Let us boldly proclaim Your truth, love and mercy to all who will hear. Draw us nearer to You. Amen

March 15, 2024

Fascinating, well-researched and insightful article.
Tis late so will only briefly comment. But good and true followers of Jesus can differ on secondary issues without dividing.

Eg some see these dark, turmoiled times as the hand of God’s judgment and/or the final end of all things.. And while Jesus did warn that those who refuse to believe in Him will be judged and condemned, He did NOT come to judge or condemn but to save- if we chose to believe and be baptized.( That is, if we refuse His “Rescue” on the Cross we are rejecting the only way or means Father God provides to save us.)

Further, both throughout.Biblical history in Scripture as well as human history of the Church since Christ confirm Jesus’ words (about John.14) all believers will undergo suffering and even “tribulation” but to not fear because He, Jesus, has overcome the world.

But per the late Christian historian, Dr. Marshall Foster, it is quite common for believers throughout history to interpret End Times Biblical prophecy through the lens of the trials and”tribulations” of their day– that is often see such events as “the end of the world” and sadly (no reflection on anyone now personally) be overcome by fear. This is quite humanly understandable.
Eg very roughly per Dr. Foster, for about 500 to 1500 years, Islamic jihadists were invading Europe from the south, while the fierce, brutal Vikings were attacking from the North. It was a terrifying period that many believers saw as the end of the world. But courageous Christians from all faith walks repented and rallied together in what could only be described as God’s amazing grace that spared Europe. Dr Foster who has worked with Kirk Cameron details several such historical periods in a series he taught originally called from Terror to Triumph.

Yet we are definitely in the end of the End Times and in some very dark and evil times as Scripture predicts. The question is how do we interpret these last of the last days? Through what lens do we view these times? Fear or faith? ( this said respectfully to believers of all viewpoints.). Per the notes in my Spirit-Filled Believers Bible edited by another faith giant passed on, Jack Hayford, sincere, honest believers can hold one of several legitimately possible interpretations of Revelations(though one particular viewpoint is more popularly known and accepted.).

Pardon length here, but I believe bottom line we can’t say or be sure how prophecy unfolds, (except that per Jesus, all believers of all ages in history will undergo “tribulation” but we are not to fear because He, Jesus, has “overcome the world.” Secondly, Scripture is clear as prophesied many times since Eden’s fall, that Jesus totally defeated and destroyed satan and his works on the Cross. ( tis late but can share verses later if anyone desired. And furthermore, that Jesus has delegated and given to His true believers His Power and Authority in His Name(eg like a Power of Attorney) to exercise and enforce His total and eventual victory over satan in our generation(quick rundown per memory ā˜ŗ) (Eg Matt 16(church against gates of Hell), Luke 10, Revel. 12 plus victory eventually assured as trust and obey: 1 John 5:4-5, Romans 8:12 to end,key vs. 37, 1 Corin 15:56-57) Even facing worst of circumstances, that is, even facing death, we are destined to overwhelming victory (Romans 8:37).
I suppose point here is although we believers may differ in our interpretations of End Times, Scripture I believe makes clear: (again not faulting any believer in these dark, tough times)
Faith is the power of God in believers’ lives. God has not given us a spirit of fear, .. ”
We are all a mix of hopefully growing faith and declining fear. But overall, I believe it’s fair to say, ( on this and any issue)
The currency of God’s Kingdom is faith, that works through love.It’s message is in the end Good News that brings hope and peace.

Satan’s kingdom of darkness operates on fear that “kills, steals and destroys. It’s message is ultimately “Bad News.)
To make clear, bad times do not.necessarily equate to bad news eg if such comes from Father God’s loving discipline or chastening to refine His children(Hebrews 12) Nor do good, prosperous times necesarily show God’s approval on a people largely compromised with the surrjounding culture.

But perhaps good ” test question” for us each to ask ourself.
Do my views on end times, even in the apparent worst of circumstances( as in these times?), leave me in ultimate hope, peace and victory? Or with litte or no hope, but honestly, only with despair.
As Bill Johnson of Bethel Church wisely observes, “Any area of my life lacking hope is under the influence of a lie from the enemy.”

This following is a private question between us and.God. Plus also to always remember there is NO shame, guilt or condemnation for those of us in Christ.. (Romans 8).
Just some thoughts on perspective or lens through which we interpret such events as this eclipse. Just to add, that I believe, satan as the jealous and fallen angel, who cannot create even “one ounce of mosquito spit,” will therefore seek to deceive with counterfeit versns of God’s works of power to deceive
(Eg while God in Genesis says He created the sun, moon and stars as His signs, satan seeks to counterfeit God’s “real deal” with his big lie of astrology.

    March 30, 2024

    Check out SkyScroll.org, Vans. You may be interested to hear this take on it.

Fred Rivenburg
March 14, 2024

I had not heard of the eclipse until reading this. I agree with the idea of praying for God’s mercy and for our repentance.

March 13, 2024

I pray Lord that you have mercy on our nation and hear the many prayers of your faithful. We pray for revival in all parts of our nation and across the globe. We pray that the evil blinders on so many who call good evil and evil good be lifted and they and we follow the biblical values given to us through the Jewish nation.

Donna Dickson
March 13, 2024

Pastor Troy Brewer has amazing revelation on the signs on the sky, and how it relates to biblical prophesy. 7 years ago there was an eclipse in August that passed through the US and passed through 7 cities names Salem, now it is supposed to pass through 7 cities names Ninevih. That cannot be a coincidence! God is speaking! I pray America will listen!

    March 18, 2024

    God is orchestrating the heavens right before our eyes. Sun, moon and planets as well as the star constellations. Are we not told to watch and pray? To know the signs?
    Thank you all for your prayers.
    Exciting times we are in.

    Lord, place the urgency of prayer on our hearts and to organize prayer watches across our nation. Amen

Suzanne Hoffman
March 12, 2024

I live in the small town of Ennis TX which is a prime location to view the eclipse. We are expecting several thousand people to come to our city. While I believe God uses signs and wonders to turn our attention to him, the Lord showed me a great harvest field of souls and a once in a lifetime opportunity to reap a harvest for his kingdom. Please pray for our community in this area to take up the call for workers and evangelist to come to our city to win souls.

March 11, 2024

Before I comment I want to ask if anyone here has been led recently to read Amos? I felt strongly to read Amos very recently and was awed by how it reads like todayā€™s America (even though it is about Israel). Especially the verses about justice being skewed and those that would not report wrongdoings for fear of no justice or having it turn on them. (Amos 5:12-13 NIV). On verse 13 I read Matthew Henryā€™s commentary on it for his interpretation of it. Also in the beginning of Amos it talks of an earthquake. It just reminded me so much of America today and yes, Canada too (really the world) but felt it was about America to me and possibly why I was led to read it.

I can see both points of commentators here saying itā€™s a normal scientific event and others who say this could be a sign for the U.S/Canada. Either way we should be praying for both and all the world to turn to the Lord, and I do have to wonder if with all thatā€™s going on with Israel and a lot of this countryā€™s reaction to it, plus all the other terrible things going on that possibly this could be a warning. However, I understand peopleā€™s caution because things like this are part of just the natural course of science, I guess time will tell but meantime, as the author asked, we should pray as always for our nation and world to repent.

March 11, 2024

When in panic, when in doubt, run in circles scream and shout!!
For Heaven’s sake it is an Eclipse of the Sun.
It has happened before. . . . .
It does not rock GOD’s Throne!
OUR FATHER holds this whole world in HIS Hand including the Sun!

Barbara Hughes
March 11, 2024

On March 2nd I had a short dream early in the morning about 2 am. The Lord just show a bunch of dates flashing past and stopped on April 8th. Then I saw the number 32… I Lord instructed me to celebrate Easter (Passover) on the lunar calendar and definitely not on the solar calendar. The dream ended. Still don’t know what the 32 meant. Praying for discernment.
Father, please give the Bride discernment regarding your signs and dreams. We want to serve You with all our hearts during this time of unrest in the world. Help us to have a closer relationship with You and clear directions and marching orders from Your throne. Thank you Jesus for your love and warnings. Amen

    March 18, 2024

    Several years ago, in 2021, I saw 888, with a line across the top of the 888 and below the 888. Making them look like hour glasses. I knew that it was about God’s timing. When I read my first article concerning the recent Eclipses and the one to come on April 8th, my spirit began to move. I also recall seeing in this dream, a line of men in beige trench coats standing shoulder to shoulder. Didn’t have time to count how many, but probably no more than 8-10?
    Lord we trust you to make Your plans known as You see fit, in Your perfect timing. Amen

Alison Heitman
March 11, 2024

My husband and I are part of the body who have come back to the Lord. We had been wounded in battle and our hope became lost. In His Grace and Mercy, not only did we pick up where we left off but have been advanced. We agree with this prayer and will continue to decree it.

    March 18, 2024

    Praise God for your healings and glad you are both back!

Gene Steiner
March 11, 2024

Not only 7 cities named Nineveh in the US are in the path of the eclipse, but also Nineveh, Nova Scotia, Canada; and Jonah, Texas, too.

We pray judgment from God will be averted, no catastrophic earthquakes either ;which have been prophesied for Missouri and points east). We pray in Jesusā€™ Name! Amen

    Cynthia Stevenson
    March 11, 2024

    We want judgment. It’s way too late to expect The LORD to wink His Eye at this wicked and idolatrous nation, beginning with the flesh pot apostate “church”. Behold, your nation is left to you desolate. And your govt sponsored entities are all going down. Oh, and signs are for the unbelieving, not the believing.

      March 11, 2024

      God is merciful!

        Cynthia Stevenson
        March 11, 2024

        Yes, He is. But He is also The Righteous Judge. He will hide His in the day of trouble. Pray He remembers mercy, for this nation is toast. Voter registration tables set up in the churches, political shilling for candidates, golden calves erected, false prophets, lying pastors, graft, the world operating in full in the church. He will surely show who are His. The path is strait and narrow, not carnal and worldly.

March 11, 2024

I donā€™t Iā€™ve them a thought or wars and rumors of wars or red heifers. I am called to live humbly having the attitude of Christ. Am I interceding? Serving? Praising and giving thanks? Are my eyes fixed in Jesus so I have perfect peace ? Am I feeding daily on the Bread of life- consuming the Word of God rather than worthless MSM news? Thanks for this insightful perspective!

Ana Sanchez
March 11, 2024

Lord my heart is heavy , the left wants full term abortion propositions on the ballot and the conservatives want to counter with yet a different shorter term abortion measure. Do not allow either one to succeed Lord. We will not see your favor as long as this nation continues to kill babies.

    March 11, 2024

    So true, Ana. So true!
    People who would complain of the pain of a broken little finger think nothing of the pain and atrocious agony of a little tiny baby being aborted from its mother’s womb.
    Matthew 18:6
    “But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

Jeanie Ellis-Ponder
March 10, 2024

Im not sure why Donald Trump was brought into this article. Can you explain the bad omen comment!

    March 11, 2024

    I don’t think the author is saying it is if her opinion that the solar eclipse is a bad omen for Donald Trump, but that there are many conspiracy theories out there and that is one of them among many others. Many are speculating about what the solar eclipse means… but the author reminds us that rather than speculate, to look to Jesus and to pray for wisdom, understanding, and discernment.

Tom Ebert
March 10, 2024

Solar eclipses not that specialā€”they happen all timeā€”on average once every 18 months. Itā€™s not necessary to read that much into this one.

    March 11, 2024

    Yes they do happen all the time, however, the significance of April 8th is itā€™s on a Jewish Holy day

    March 18, 2024

    The month of April is going to be filled with activity in the sky. Some of which very, very, very, rarely happens. Not mentioned here. Keep our eyes open and on Him!
    Luke 21:8, 25
    Jesus is coming soon!
    Praise God.

March 10, 2024

I am being attacked night and day with high technology so I do think it is a warning to America! Secret Societies are very real and many innocent people are being hurt badly by evil people and doing Satans work

    March 11, 2024

    Praying for you. God’s protection and the blood of Jesus . šŸ’

March 9, 2024

Re: “Well, what do you think of that? Not one Nineveh merely, but at least two, and possibly more. But before crossing over Nineveh, Texas, if it does, the eclipse will cross Jonah, Texas. Brewer talks about how these events are to occur under the constellation Cetus (sometimes called ā€œthe whaleā€).”

Matthew 12:38-42, KJV, mentions words: “Jonas”, “whale”, and “Nineveh.”


So the people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them. 6 Then word came to the king of Nineveh; and he arose from his throne and laid aside his robe, covered himself with sackcloth and sat in ashes.

“Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee.

But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.

The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.” (Matthew 12:38-42, KJV)

“Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Him asked that He would show them a sign from heaven. He answered and said to them, ā€œWhen it is evening you say, ā€˜It will be fair weather, for the sky is redā€™; and in the morning, ā€˜It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.ā€™ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of [b]the prophet Jonah.ā€ And He left them and departed.” (Matthew 16:1-4, NKJV)

Hallelujah ā€”
“. . . and indeed A Greater Than Solomon is here.. . . .
and indeed A Greater Than Jonah is here.” Father GOD, Lord Jesus Christ, And The Holy Spirit is with us!!! Jesus Christ Himself Personally preached / preaches The Gospel of Repentance,

“. . . Jesus came to Galilee, preaching The Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD, and saying,
ā€œThe time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of GOD is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel.ā€” (Mark 1:15, NKJV)

” . . . how much more will your Heavenly Father give The Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!ā€” (Luke 11:13, NKJV)


Re: “From the eclipse day, April 8, to the Day of Pentecost, May 19, 2024, there are 41 days according to the Gregorian calendar. But according to the Jewish calendar, the Celebration of Shavuot (Pentecost) is on May 18, 2024, which totals 40 days.”

The upcoming April 8, 2024 eclipse will occur on the same day – a few hours before sundown on the actual Biblical New Year Day of 5784.

The New Year according to God’s Word:

“And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt saying,
This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.” (Exodus 12:1-2)


ā€œThe Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, ā€œThis month shall be for you the beginning of months. It shall be the first month of the year for you.ā€


“Rosh Chodesh Nisan 2024 / ×Øֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ × Ö“×™×”Öøן 5784
Start of month of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar
Rosh Chodesh Nisan for Hebrew Year 5784 begins at sundown on Monday, 8 April 2024 and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, 9 April 2024.

Start of month of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar. × Ö“×™×”Öøן (transliterated Nisan or Nissan) is the 1st month of the Hebrew year, ”


Interesting: “There are 8 places in the world named Nineveh!”

According to https://geotargit.com/called.php?qcity=Nineveh,

“There are 8 places in the world named Nineveh!

Nineveh can be found in 2 countries throughout the world.

In some countries the place can be found more than once. For example America.
America has the highest number of places called Nineveh, spread accross 7 regions.

The majority of the cities named Nineveh can be found above the equator.
The northern most place is in the region New York in America. The southern most place is in the region SB in Solomon Islands.

Number of places named Nineveh per country:

There are 7 places named Nineveh in America.
There is one place named Nineveh in Solomon Islands.

Cities named Nineveh in America.
Nineveh – Virginia – America
Nineveh – Texas – America
Nineveh – Pennsylvania – America
Nineveh – Ohio – America
Nineveh – New York – America
Nineveh – Missouri – America
Nineveh – Indiana – America

Cities named Nineveh in Solomon Islands.
Nineveh – SB”


“The heavens declare The Glory of GOD;ā€Ø and the firmament shows
His handiwork.

Day unto day utters speech,ā€Øand night unto night reveals knowledge.

There is no speech nor languageā€Øwhere their voice is not heard.

Their line has gone out through all the Earth,ā€Øand their words to the end of the world.”
Psalm 19,:1-4, NKJV

Nineveh was an exceedingly great city ā€” repented:

I believe that this is a message of repentance for all as Jonah 4:11, NKJV, says, “And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their leftā€”and much livestock?ā€”

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March 9, 2024

This nation is in great peril. As is the world. Gods grace is far above what we deserve.

Pamela Derrer
March 9, 2024

Actually the ellipse is very important. It goes over certain cities which are called. Nineveh. Everyone knows Nineveh in the Bible. Even they did repent . Jonah was in the belly of the whale 3 days, but repented and obeyed God. Jesus was in the grave 3 days and rose from the grave. Yes this is very important. Eventually, Nineveh stopped obeying God and was destroyed. We need to repent and Obey God, simple. Help US!

    March 11, 2024

    Then let our nation REPENT – starting with each church that proclaims to follow Christ!

      Cynthia Stevenson
      March 11, 2024

      Finally a point made worth heeding. Thank you and The LORD bless you.

T Mc
March 9, 2024

Yes, well said God Fearer, I looked closely at the map and it will pass over five towns named Gomorrah and three named Sodom, with variant spellings of course. And also in the north is the town with the French name Le Conspirator as well as the one with the indigenous name of Dontbecilly,

God Fearer
March 9, 2024

The eclipse is not a message from God. It is a predictable event based on the movement of heavenly bodies in the solar system.
It is predicted by scientists, not preachers.
The fact that it goes through a few towns with Biblical names is not a miracle or a sign, but a coincidence.

    March 10, 2024

    Indeed God Fearerā€¦.the many many failings in America and the world certainly require more time on our knees however an eclipse is predictable as math . They are no different than a full moon every month!!!
    Father may your Holy Spirit bring repentant hearts to our Land. We ALL agree that revival is needed and we look to YOU not your creation !!

    March 30, 2024

    Check out SkyScroll.org and then let me know what you think. I would be curious.


Susan S.
March 9, 2024

The eclipse on April 8th 2024 may have prophetic implications for the US and Canada. We do need prayer, fasting and repentance. However, I believe that the eclipses of August 2, 2027 and March 20, 2034 have prophetic implications. In August 2, 2027, there will be totality in places including Cadiz, Gibraltar, Benghazi, Siwa, Luxor, Mecca and Sanaa. There will be a partial eclipse in Jerusalem( over 80%) as well as a partial eclipse in cities such as Casablanca, Lisbon, Madrid, London, Paris, Rome, Athens, Beirut and Damascus. The eclipse of March 20, 2034 will have totality just north of Medina as well as parts of Kuwait, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and China. There will be a partial eclipse in Jerusalem (over 70%).

    March 9, 2024

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you for your faithfulness to sit in your prayer closet and hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. This is definitely “forerunning Wisdom and strategic counsel and intel” to bring before the LORD as well. As soon as we have served the Lord in this “whole season of getting through the Amalekite warfare and lawfare of PURIM-for both Israel and America, and prepping for the Eclipse and Passover and the Feast of First Fruits Resurrection”, I shall inquire of the LORD with regards to the wonderful insights you have shared, that we may STAND WITH FAITH and be LIGHTS and BRING HIM GLORY! I have read many of your comments and prayers in the past, and hold you in high esteem, and count your insight to be excellent. PEACE be with you and yours!
    Your sister in Christ,

      Susan S.
      March 9, 2024

      Thank you but I think that you are giving me more credit than I deserve. May the grace, peace and blessings of God be with you always.

Nancy E. Johnson
March 9, 2024

Thanks so much for this balanced word. I will mark down the date to be preparing in prayer for all who may be involved. But how to awaken Christians to be praying every day in constant awareness of the needs for our nation and the world?? I do believe we will have to go through serious times because of our national sins and I know we deserve God’s judgment, but that doesn’t make it any easier to contemplate. With Job and Jonah and a multitude of others, God will carry us and care for us as we trust Him. My hope is in my Risen Savior and Lord of all Creation!!

    Mari Williams
    March 11, 2024

    Remember, Almighty GOD is our loving, Heavenly Father. No obedient child is afraid when they hear their Daddy’s key in the lock when he comes home, rather they run to meet Him.
    Our Beloved Heavenly Father, open our eyes to see YOU in all Your Glory and to see Your wonderful Son The Lord Jesus Christ. Grant us to sit close to you Our Father and hear what You would say to us, that we may dwell in peace and safety. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Marianne Strenger
March 9, 2024

When the gravy is flowing there is not much need for seeking God. I know when things are hard and tough, people will seek for a power beyond themselves to help.

As written in the prophets, I withheld rain from one city and allowed in another, but you did not returnā€¦.He allows famine for all to turnā€¦. Our prayer should be that His grace flow upon the rebellious hearts so they may turn to Him in their difficulties and trials.

For He wishes none to perish.

Shpend Shyti
March 9, 2024

A wonderful article. A blessing for everyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear.

March 9, 2024

I have not read the comments. I have read the article. Are you all aware that there is also a Nineveh in Nova Scotia Canada and that falls under this eclipse as well? If you are not aware I just thought I would like to bring it to your attention.


    March 9, 2024

    Dear Ariella,
    Greetings my sister! Please go and read my comment under “Michelle” and you will see that I DID share that Nova Scotia Canada also has a “Ninevah”. I DID encourage our fellow intercessors to pray with love for the Canadian Ekklesia–you DO HAVE some amazing people who are strong in their faith in Canada–maybe not many–but YHWH always WORKS WITH A REMNANT! It is NOT the size of the army that wins the battle, but STRENGTH COMES from HEAVEN and those who DO STAND will be given a DOUBLE PORTION of GRACE and OIL to be “BONFIRES OF LIGHT” in the darkness. I always notice when Canadians’ posts are embedded in the comments at other sites/other communities. You guys are not forgotten by Americans! Canadians also have a “LION FOR CHRIST” who roars the TRUTH in Artur Pawlowski! Wow! What a man of God! I was told by the Holy Spirit to pray for BOTH AMERICA and CANADA (and our Native Tribal-Indigenous Peoples in our lands) every day and to see us “as ONE HEART”–since we are close neighbors. When I “swing wide the Gates for the King of GLORY to come in” daily to the E,S,W, and N over America (Psalm 24) I also STAND for Canada and pray for you guys, too. Start STANDING on the WALL to OPEN the GATES to CHRIST via the HOLY SPIRIT –in ALL 4 DIRECTIONS to BRING in HIS DOMINION, and SLAM the GATES SHUT against attacks, schemes and any weaponry being used against you.(Isaiah 54:17). USE your consecrated MOUTH like a SHOFAR in your prayer closet and be BOLD and “push back the battle at the gates” (Isaiah 28). DO a Scripture study of that which “YHWH DETESTS”, “HIS JUSTICE from HIS THRONE” and “how justice is meted out against the acts of the wicked”. GOD SEES the CORRUPTION! If The Holy Spirit is telling me to DAILY pray for CANADA and the Canadian Ekklesia, in my prayer closet…then there must also be OTHER Americans who are also praying in a likewise manner. We are just “spread out on the wall far from each other–but our prayers are HEARD! BE AT PEACE and BE A LIGHT. He HEARS EVERY SINGLE PRAYER you pray!

Joy Tanner
March 9, 2024

I believe we are being warned to not divide Israel!

Patty Allen
March 9, 2024

Thank you for this article by Gloria Robles. It is packed with wisdom and maturity. It is difficult to stay focused on the issues God has assigned each of us to pray over. There are so many rabbit trails that pop up and divert our attention from the task at hand. A spirit of panic spreads easily. Panic dilutes our faith. Without faith we cannot please our Lord. Our impact and success depends on our praying and declaring in faith rather than fear. Thank you again, Gloria.

Cindy Spurgeon
March 9, 2024

I read and prayed the prayer. What a powerful message. Thank you for this eye opener.

~ Blessings

March 9, 2024

Brooke Ligertwood released a song 2 years ago. Upon hearing it, I was impressed to change the words ā€œNinevah oh Ninevahā€ to ā€œAmerica, Americaā€ and make the song a daily prayer. The words can apply to America and to us as the citizens in this wonderful country. I share it with you that you might also take up the song/prayer as the Lord leads. This has been in/on my heart/lips for 2 years. Maybe itā€™s for such a time as this.


Father God have mercy on us, on America. Direct us to our knees, to surrender our very lives and will to You. Amen.

    March 9, 2024

    Beautiful voice and song. Thank you for bringing this to the table.

    America oh America is abosultely appropriate!

    Blessings to you. I am and will be praying with youā€¦


March 9, 2024

This certainly hints of Conspiracy Theory, but none the less “Father in your wrath remember mercy.” Hab. 3:2 ……..”When your judgements come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. But when grace is shown to the wicked, they do not learn righteousness, even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil, and do not regard the majesty of the Lord. Isa. 26:9, 10
Vermont had a town named Sodom, but was later changed to Adamant. Thank you Lord!

Karen W
March 9, 2024

Thank you, Gloria; however, your post states: “Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus means we will be aware of the distractions and diversions when they come.” Calling for “prophets” is in fact a distraction. Too many false prophets have already arisen and are the definition of “distraction and diversion,” causing confusion and angst in the Body. Additionally, the sign of Jonah analogy was taken out of context. Let’s all re-read Matt 12:39-40. Jesus wasn’t speaking about end times, rather He was pointing to Himself, His resurrection that would convince the skeptics of Who He Is. Let’s keep faithfully praying, watching, standing, abiding, and keeping our eyes on Him and not get distracted by solar events that have been happening regularly since creation. Blessings and love to all.

March 9, 2024


This pastor talks about the eclipse and Nineveh and As in the days of Noahā€¦.its good.

Debra Askew
March 9, 2024

I pray for God’s anointing to fall upon the called prophets of the Lord, God has a way of showing anation our needs for him. I am reminded of Ezekiel’s call from God to warn his people, his refusals to warn, he would suffer, Ezekiel 3:20-21,God’s warnings are his Mercies, God spoke to Ezekiel another time 33:8-16..Mercy triumphs over judgment. Lord have mercy, Christ have Mercy, we need you šŸ™

March 9, 2024

GOOD NEWS , Provided that you are. READY ! If. NOT A Chance too GET RIGHT

March 9, 2024

This is a 3 PART WARNING with YESHUA-JESUSā€™ NAME WRITTEN IN HEBREW over AMERICA as THE ALEPH-TAV. (Pause for a momentā€”and contemplate Yeshua seeing all the Anti-Semitical riots in America-His GRAFTED IN NATION to the NEW COVENANT, and mourn the SILENCE on the part of many in the American churches!) I am incredibly thankful for the Intercessory EKKLESIA which understands the COVENANTS and prays for Israel and STANDS with HIS INHERITANCE! (Lev. 25:23)

In the original Hebrew, GO TO BIBLEHUB and use either the ā€œInterlinear or Hebrew tabā€ā€”and it will help you SEE the original Hebrew, ALEPH-TAV is written over 7,000. Aleph-Tav is Hebrew, and Alpha and Omega is in the Greek…but Jesus was Jewish…let your eyes see how many are STANDING AGAINST HIM and HIS INHERITANCE LAND in America! (YHWH is written 6,823 timesā€”for a very specific purpose as well!) You can see The Aleph Tav and study its importance as a Character Trait of Messiah, if you ā€œstudy like a Bereanā€ (Acts 17:11). If you seek to ā€œstudy to show yourself approvedā€(2 Tim. 2:15) He will reward your efforts and you will be IN AWE!(Eccl. 3:14)

The First Arm of the Three Eclipses, happened on a NEW MOON CONJUNCTION (Psalm 81, Isaiah 66:23, 1 Samuel 20). It BEGINS the ā€œPaleo TAVā€ over America which LOOKS like an ā€œXā€. It passed over America, in the Carbondale area of Illinois called ā€œLittle Egyptā€ on 8/21/2017. The entire area is rife with Egyptian symbols of IDOLATRY! We should not be serving “the gods in Egypt”! The Pathway crossed over 7 Salems (in Hebrew Salem is ā€œSalaamā€-Shalom)ā€”and then exited OUT of America. In many ways we see that ā€œPEACEā€ left America and chaos and division broke out.
The Second Arm of Warning with His Aleph-Tav, passed on 10/14/2023. It made the beginning of the “A” aspect-which in the Paleo Hebrew & it looks like an “Ox”. Yeshua is the STRONG OX to whom we should be YOKED as Believers. It was a ā€œRing of FIREā€. Go study Joshua Chapter 10. What Joshua experienced, not only as a military commanderā€”but also as an intercessorā€”was an Annular Eclipse, a ā€˜RING of FIREā€. Some scientists have traced the date. It exited OUT America at CORPUS CHRISTI, TX. Yes, ā€œBody of Christā€ TX. The Lord called me to STAND in prayer all day and repent by proxy for America, from Joshua 10.

The Third and Final Arm of the Eclipse Warning to REPENT AND RETURN to the LORD will take place on 4/8/2024. It happens on a NEW MOON CONJUNCTION. (Biblical ASTRONOMY and the BIBLICAL MOVEMENT of the Heavens as it relates to SCRIPTURE is what Daniel understood and what is spoken of in Job.) This goes back to Genesis 1:14–the sun, moon and stars are for SIGNS and APPOINTED TIMES. The Appointed Times are THE FEASTS of the LORD. 28 Times in Lev. 23 He says “these are My Feasts, these are MY APPOINTED TIMES” and that is confirmed with 28 “times” in Ecc. Chapter 3! YHWH is the HEAD and not the tail–by this 3 part warning He is showing He is STILL ON HIS CALENDAR from Exodus 12:2. Please go carefully read the ENTIRE EXODUS-PASSOVER ACCOUNT because Yeshua is OUR PASSOVER LAMB and it is HIS ALEPH-TAV BLOOD which is on the MERCY SEAT in 7 POWERFUL DROPS!(Lev. 16:14, Hebrews 9 and 12). HE is the GOSHEN DOOR we need to GET BEHIND in 2024! “Let us therefore KEEP THE FEAST”(1 Cor. 5:8) LET us pray hard for Anti-Semitism and Replacement Theology to be BROKEN OFF the BODY of Christ in America that Scripture can been seen CLEARLY so we will “understand the times and know what America should do”: REPENT! (1 Chron 12:32)

4/8/2024 COMPLETES HIS NAME as The ALEPH-TAV, The First and the Last, The Beginning and the End, thus it completes what looks like the ā€œX-TAVā€. For the SECOND TIME–it will pass over “Little Egypt”. It will also pass in the area for Eagle Pass, TX and yes, there are 6 American Ninevahs and 1 Canadian Ninevah on the pathway for a total of 7 (is what I have seen). (Let us pray with love for the Canadian Ekklesia, as well!) LET us pray for REPENTANCE for every city on the pathway!
The Holy Spirit told me that the ā€œmottoā€ for these warnings are as follows, as regards Yeshua-Jesusā€™ Character Trait as THE ALEPH-TAV. ā€œRemember this, keep it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. Remember the FORMER THING, those of LONG AGO; I AM GOD and there is no other; I AM GOD, and there is none like Me. I make known the End from the Beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I declare, ā€œMY PURPOSE will stand, and I WILL ACCOMPLISH MY GOOD PLEASUREā€(Isaiah 46:9-10).

What is HIS PURPOSE? What is HIS GOOD PLEASURE? It is that we REPENT and RETURN and LOVING OBEY HIS WORD so that our nation can once again, by the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT ,(Zech 4) bring GLORY to GOD and ADVANCE the GOSPEL which is our covenantal VOW to HIM.

Many Americans are angry that our leaders are not holding to the Constitution (enforcing our laws) and are thus ā€œlawlessā€ and unrepentantly and persistently pursue Proverbs 6:16-19, Proverbs 17:15 and Proverbs 20: 10 and 23. How many people ā€œgrieve and lament the detestable things doneā€ in our churches and the lack of loving obedience to GODā€™s WORD and HIS COMMANDMENTS? HOW MANY are PREACHING REPENTANCE before Our Loving and Forgiving God? GO and READ Ezekiel Chapter 8 and 9:4 and 1 Peter 4:17. We are in the TIME of the GREAT SHAKINGS so that He can CLEANSE what is NOT of HIM. He has been SO patient with us!

America is a COVENANTAL LAND! YHWH chose Israel, but WE CHOSE HIM! Our Pilgrim ancestors DEDICATED AMERICA using SCRIPTUREā€”go READ Deut. 30 (which is what the 1630 pilgrims used as a dedication vow). He wants us as a NATION to KEEP OUR VOWS and RETURN TO HIM. He has an Everlasting Abrahamic Covenant with them, so that He has a place to GATHER THEM so they can HEAR about Messiah! There is a beautiful Remnant of believing Jewish and Arabic Christian believers in Israel. We should be STANDING AS ONE NEW MAN with them!(Exodus 12:38, Exodus 12:49, Ruth 1:16-18, Romans 9-11, Ephesians 2, Rev 7 and Rev. 19)
His Eyes and His Heart is FOCUSED on our vows from 1607, 1620 and 1630ā€”because those who helped to ā€œsettleā€ our land, ā€œhad their hearts set on pilgrimageā€ (Psalm 84:5) Psalm 24 in 2024–is all about a spiritual ascension in our hearts to GOD!
Celestial warnings are very serious. Ninevah was given only 40 days. America will have been given 7 years to REPENT AND RETURN.
PLUMBLINE of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS coupled with PSALM 99 was also dropped over America on 11/15/2022 by 2 prophets at David’s Tent in Washington, DC. We were told that intercessors must “be the ones to push back the battle at the GATE” via prayer.

Finally, as 4/8/2024- is a NEW MOON CONJUNCTION and is EXACTLY 14 days-the number all though Scripture for MESSIAH- before PASSOVER 2024–and there is a PASSOVER VIGIL which we can KEEP to PRAY FOR AMERICA that night (Exodus 12:42). We can be the ones repenting and calling for a HOLY SPIRIT INVASION to PROD REPENTANCE. We can ASK for DIVINE COURSE CORRECTION…that we may experience a GREATER EXODUS out of our “confinement”(Egypt in Hebrew is Mitzrayim-which means place of confinement).
NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE with Our God! BELIEVE! PRAY! REPENT! And have HOPE, because it is HIS GOOD WILL to save us if we will humble ourselves for He receives back the prodigals! If Ninevah repented and PAGANS called for solemn assemblies, fasting and prayer…let us PRAY American churches will do so as well! (His EYES are watching!)
Each heart which repents and stands by proxy in repentance is PRECIOUS to HIM. He always works with REMNANTS!

    March 9, 2024

    Fabulous post, Michelle; thank you for your faithful and informative research.

    All I can add is Hurry, Jesus, hurry! Maranatha!

      March 9, 2024

      Thank you, dear sister for receiving what He has had me carrying on my heart for 7 years! Today is an ANSWERED PRAYER and I am so humbled to FINALLY be able to share it on a platform where “there is a chance” people will “hear what The Spirit is saying”. PLEASE PRAY for hearts to be OPEN to COMING into ALIGNMENT with the THRONE of GRACE, MERCY, JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS…for JESUS is SO WORTHY of our REPENTANCE and LOVE, OBEDIENCE and DEVOTION!
      Thank you again for your kindness…may YOU be RICHLY BLESSED and experience HIS DOMINION as you “get behind” YOUR GOSHEN DOOR and COME UNDER HIS BLOOD and pray and intercede! I am believing for MIRACLES!

    March 9, 2024

    Thank you so much Saint Michelle šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ˜˜āœļøšŸ•Žmay we stand and set all our affections on Yeshua Hammashea!
    yes after I got born again immediately the Lord put a special love in my heart towards his first born thatā€™s what I believe the Israelites are his first born, but prodigal
    Remember, the story ā€¦
    and the church is his second born, because we all the product of his grace and mercy and truth! Love you saints as we seek the truth His Glory!
    Hheā€™ll turn us also into intercessors because our heart is so broken whatā€™s happening we want more and more to come all of these generations all these nations to turn to the living God, the true Messiah God help us šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ„¹šŸ„²āœļøšŸ™Œ
    I was praying this yesterday:
    (as Iā€™m reading in Saint Job!)

    May His lamp and His, Adonai
    Elohim s friendly counsel be over our tentsšŸ™šŸ¼ā›ŗļøšŸ™Œ

    The Lord saved me out of anti-Semitic spirited familyšŸ„¹
    Shabbat shalom

      March 9, 2024

      Dear Ektrne,
      Greetings and Shabbat Shalom to you too! Thank you for sharing your testimony! Yes, those in the Land are PRECIOUS to Our Father. I love praying and calling forth the list in Rev. 7 of the Tribes of Israel to come into Salvation and speak (Romans 9:4-5 and Romans 11:29) DAILY OVER THEM as an Isaiah 62 Issachar Intercessor-WATCHMAN.

      I also couple that with praying for salvation for those from the 12 Tribes of Ishmael list (Genesis 25:12-16) because ABBA is doing MIRACULOUS things in calling forth the Arabic Harvest. He WASHES AWAY the hatred from Islam and they come into faith without REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY. AMAZING! RAMADAN ENDS on 4/8/2024–the SAME DAY as the THE FINAL “ALEPH-TAV” ECLIPSE OVER AMERICA to repent. We have a WONDEFUL OPPORTUNITY to stand in the OPPOUTE SPIRIT and pray for SUPERNATURAL ENCOUNTERS with YESHUA for all Muslims to bring them out of darkness and INTO THE LIGHT!
      The SEED of ISAAC and ISHMAEL are standing TOGETHER as ONE BODY as a WITNESS during in this war. Our God does GREAT THINGS with a CONSECRATED REMNANT! So, we can have GREAT HOPE that NOW is the APPOINTED TIME to BREAK OFF the history of Anti-Semitism and REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY in the Western churches…for all who will open their hearts.
      May abundant blessings be yours!

    March 30, 2024

    Thank you Michelle, you have obviously spent tome time on this!
    You might wish to check out SkyScroll.org


Lorrie Crismon
March 9, 2024

Dear LORD,
You are the One Who is high & lifted up, Who inhabits eternity, whose Name is Holy: ā€œI dwell in the high & holy place, & also with him who is of a contrite & lowly spirit, & to receive the heart of the contriteā€ (Isa 57:15).
Father, since all has been prepared by You, please give us a heart of wisdom, & greater sensitivity to Your Holy Spirit so that we will be sober minded for the purpose of prayer, & so that we not fail You or miss opportunities to give the testimony of Jesus within our spheres of influence. May we be determined as Paul when he declared: ā€œI press on, if so be that I may apprehend that for which also I was apprehended by Christ Jesusā€ (Phil 3:12). May the power, the might, & the weight of the glory of the LORD arise over the earth, the sky, & the seas. Please pour out Your Spirit of the Fear & the dread of the LORD so that Your humanity will repent with a contrite heart.

March 9, 2024

Father God we bless You for who You are.
We thank You for Your Holy Word which reveals to us that we are to observe what is going on in the sky. To watch, wait and pray. To know the times and seasons. To seek You for Your wisdom and guidance. You orchestrate the activity of the sun, moon, planets and stars. They come into alignment as You direct them. It is not by coincidence. It was not coincidental in the days of Jonah or since. I thank You for Your messages and messengers. I respond to what You have done, are doing now and will be doing in the near future, not only for America but other nations as these eclipses unfold. May we all be attentive and discerning as You remind us of our need to call and cry out to You.
Americans, ā€œCome back to God!ā€
Revive us again!
May we repent as a nation of our many sins against You Father God so that we may again be a nation that honors You and is pleasing to You. I thank You that You are slow to anger and a forgiving Heavenly Father. We thank You for Your Son, Your love, mercy and grace. In Jesus’ precious name we pray. Amen

On July 7, 2021, I saw in a dream 888 with a straight line touching across the top & bottom of the numbers. They appeared as hour glasses, side by side. I knew that it was regarding God’s timing. I also observed several men, standing closely, about shoulder to shoulder in a lineup, wearing trench style coats. It may have been 8? It was a quick glimpse.
When I read the date of the upcoming eclipse, April 8, my spirit was moved, I was reminded of the dream. I began to research the past lunar and solar eclipses across our nation. Another was 8.21.2017.
I seem to recall that 8 is associated with creation & a new beginning. I am praying for this to be a good, new beginning. Please pray for our nation to REPENT and turn back to God. For new believers to come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Revive us again, Lord!
I do believe that this is a call to WAKE UP!

March 9, 2024

What if Jonah represents the true Believers / Followers of Jesus, The Christ; who are of the same mind of Jonah?

What if these true Believers / Followers of Jesus, The Christ would choose to “see” that our Loving, Gracious, Merciful heavenly Father is issuing us an invitation?

What if He is giving us an opportunity to obey and avoid the belly of a whale experience?

The choice is ours. Will we exercise our free will, humble ourselves, pray, seek His Face and turn from our wicked ways?

Will we obey? – – – Matthew 28:18 – 20 “And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen”

My prayer: Is that we will hear and obey and see with our eyes:
“The earth shall be full of the Knowledge of the The Lord as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:9 b)

Daniel Felice
March 9, 2024

This is the second time about this eclipse for April 8. Steve Cioccolanti, a man of God spoke similar words this past Sunday, 3/3/24. He spoke of the eclipse going over 11 cities named Nineveh, including one in Canada. It could either be a good sign or not, but he did stress in praying over this nation that it would be revival and nothing less. But that is Godā€™s decision. So Nineveh in the book of Jonah as read as God did not destroy it due to their fasting and prayer was effective in Godā€™s eyes, so let this eclipse be the same.

Jeri Burley
March 9, 2024

Lord – cause a pondering and contemplation prompted by this phenomenon – Psalm 119:59-60:
I thought about my ways, and turned my feet toward Your testimonies. I made haste, and did not delay to keep Your commandments.

T Mc
March 9, 2024

Let’s face it, it is just an eclipse. They come around at regular intervals – do no harm or probably much good. Let go of all, the fanciful conspiracy nonsense – it is a normal eclipse.

    March 9, 2024

    Get behind me Satan, for you are a cursed stumbling block! God tells us in His Word that there will be signs in the heavens and we should heed the warnings! Praying and fasting for lost souls is not too much to ask! So I will do so for you, in Jesus name amen!

      T Mc
      March 10, 2024

      Thank you Cathy, it is always so helpful to get a gracious comment. Blessings to you.


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