I Prayed have prayed
Father, we come against transgenderism and the harm it has done in prayer. We ask You to rip this evil ideology out of America entirely!
Reading Time: 5 minutes

President Trump’s recent executive orders combatting transgenderism are answers to our prayers, but the battle isn’t over. Here are five things you can be praying for as we continue to wage war in the spiritual realm.

From The Christian Post. President Trump’s January 28th executive order declaring the end of medically trans-ing children in the United States has been most welcome news in a protracted and brutal fight.

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The enormity of this action in addition to the other EOs on gender ideology extremismsports, and K-12 indoctrination should be acknowledged as it is encouraging to see the weight of federal agencies empowered to address this scourge forcefully. Yet those who’ve been drawing attention to these issues for years know how deeply embedded and well-funded the movement to dissociate children from their bodies is in our institutions.

As many rightly expected, the EOs are already being challenged in courts and the battle lines are hardening, though some have decided to cooperate with the new order. Prominent hospitals, including Children’s Hospital LA, which is home to the largest pediatric gender clinic in the country, have announced that they will be pausing so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors. Meanwhile, The New York Times editorial board is defending the core claims of trans activists and decrying the EOs as cruel.

Amid all this movement, now is the time to pray harder than ever before. It’s time to intercede that the depth of depravity of what has been happening in the shadows and in medical facilities nationwide be exposed for all to see. Being mindful that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers, principalities, and spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:12) here are five things to pray for as the tide, at long last, begins to turn against this monstrosity.

1. That the crimes of WPATH and their doctor allies would be fully exposed

One of the most appalling ways in which this insane child abuse has been furthered in prominent medical groups is with the veneer of respectability by a group of activists posing as medical experts. I’m speaking of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH). To be sure, some doctors are in their ranks, but given what has been uncovered in the WPATH files, the WPATH tapes, and in books such as Dr. Miriam Grossman’s Lost in TransNation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness, these are not professionals guided by sound medical ethics.

Crucially, Trump’s executive order rightly calls for the rescindment of WPATH’s guidelines, including their latest version of their standards of care (SOC-8) which, I’d like to remind everyone, includes a completely insane section identifying “eunuchs” as a type of “gender-diverse” people. None other than Rachel Levine, a man who claims to be a woman and the former assistant secretary for health in the Biden administration, helped shape the WPATH guidelines, appallingly arguing against any age restrictions for these barbaric procedures. It has been this ruthlessly monstrous group that has insidiously co-opted purportedly mainstream medical associations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Endocrine Society.

Pray that this depraved organization is exposed more broadly for all to see.

2. For lawyers fighting medical malpractice lawsuits on behalf of detransitioners

As victims of these medical crimes continue to come forward and file lawsuits against the clinicians that fast-tracked them into sterilizing hormones and body-mutilating surgeries, the attorneys with Center for American Liberty and Campbell Miller Payne will be heading to court, suing the therapists and doctors that irreversibly harmed countless young people.

Notably, the Wall Street Journal recently took notice of the case of Clementine Breen, who is suing arguably the most infamous trans activist pediatrician in the country, Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy. Other detransitioners who have lawsuits in motion include Chloe Cole, Prisha Moseley, Luka Hein, and Isabelle Ayala.

Pray that she, and all other detransitioners seeking compensation, receive justice and that the supposed professionals who harmed them will be fully exposed and removed from their positions of influence.

3. For families that have been torn apart

There is no nightmare quite like the transgender one when it invades a home and ruptures a family. We will probably never know the extent of the damage that gender ideology has wrought – marriages that have been torn apart, stolen years of childhood, siblings of trans-identified youngsters who suffered neglect as they were forced to watch their brothers and sisters be swallowed up in confusion, and the fractured relationships between parents and their children. What I hear most often from people all over the world is this sentiment: “This ideology destroys families.” Many of these heartbreaking stories are poignantly recounted on the PITT substack.

Pray that God restores them. For those looking for a practical way to join in prayer with specifics, I recommend They Cried Out To The Lord: 31 Days of Prayer for Parents of Trans Identified Children by Mark Anderson Smith, a Scottish dad who knows this searing anguish personally.

4. For children and young adults still caught in this cult

As the executive actions start to be carried out and as policies are implemented, the young people who have been captured by the cult belief that they were born in the wrong body and need to undergo irreversible surgeries and take dangerous drugs in an attempt to become the other sex are digging in their heels even more. Anecdotally, in recent days a woman I know whose granddaughter is ensnared in this madness told me that in light of President Trump’s election and subsequent executive orders, she is further cutting off her family members, going no-contact. This typifies cults, sadly, and their victims are so deluded they do not realize just how much confusion they are steeped in as they continue down this path.

Pray that God would have mercy on them and that their confusion would be broken.

5. For spiritual cleansing of the land

Ever since I encountered what we call gender ideology and realized the depth and breadth of how it had captured our institutions, I have believed this was a ferocious battle in the realm of the spirit. For non-Christian CP readers, there is simply no way to avoid a certain amount of Christian-ese here.

Spiritually speaking, with evil policies now being repealed, funds being withdrawn from entities committing these medical atrocities, and relevant agencies empowered to take further action, I liken what is now happening to Asherah poles being cut down and altars to Baal being destroyed. This is most welcome news for those of us who have been contending against this madness for many years.

Pray that this wickedness be uprooted and cleansed from our land.

When the saints of God pray, the heavens shift, and nothing is too difficult for God.

Brandon Showalter spoke about the President’s executive order on a recent episode of Pray with America’s Leaders. You can watch that episode embedded below:

Add your own prayers in the comments below.

This article was originally published at The Christian Post. Used with permission. Photo Credit: Thiago Rocha on Unsplash.

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Susan CC
February 16, 2025

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens… The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him. So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man He made into a woman and brought her to the man.Male and female He created them and He blessed them and named them Man when they were created….do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Genesis 1:27; Genesis 2:18-22; Genesis 5:2’ 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Your Word is truth Lord. I pray revelation for all who are deceived by this lie: children, parents, doctors…everyone. I pray You will snatch each individual in the grip of the enemy, right out of his hands. They are examples of Your workmanship, bless them in this knowing and show them (personally and profoundly) they are Yours alone. I am asking in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your perfect Son, who purchased them at an unquantifiable price, that they will glorify You in their bodies. Amen


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