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Pray that our leaders would seek God’s wisdom in revamping health care.

Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious that rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. (Pr. 8: 10-11)

The draft legislative texts that will make up the American Health Care Act cleared two House committees this week amid vociferous complaints about the legislation, seemingly from all quarters. At some level this is understandable. After all, nobody expected the Democrats to stand up and applaud a replacement for the Affordable Care Act. And for Republicans, three other factors contribute. First, health-care reform is hard, and there are widely varying views of the best policy. Second, these are draft bills, not final legislation. The markup process is supposed to identify and modify unpopular provisions. Finally, the bill’s scope is limited by the budget reconciliation rules that fast-track Senate consideration. It is simply not possible to embody the full range of policy issues in a reconciliation bill, and some disappointment directly follows from what has had to be left out.

Given these circumstances, any bill designed to achieve 218 votes in the House and 51 votes in the Senate is going to generate some dissatisfaction for all involved. Nevertheless, the bill is an important step away from the ACA and a clear step forward on health-care policy.

Some broad themes are clear. The ACA was a one-size-fits-all, top-down approach to policymaking. In contrast, the AHCA moves decision-making to the grass roots by providing funding, but permitting states flexibility in how to deal with costly preexisting conditions, provide reinsurance and other stop-loss protections that permit insurers to function effectively, and trusting state insurance regulators to run their markets. Even the significant Medicaid reform needed to ensure the program’s long-term sustainability carries enormous freedom for states to tailor their programs to their populations. (Contributor: By Douglas Holtz-Eakin for The Washington Times – Douglas Holtz-Eakin is president of the American Action Forum and former director of the Congressional Budget Office.)

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Iris M.
March 17, 2017

Please don’t take away funds from Medicare. It already pays doctors too little, and some doctors are wondering if they can continue to take Medicare patients. I don’t want to lose my doctors. Instead, defund Planned Parenthood, and quit paying such a huge part of the UN budget. Let other nations pay their fair share. What’s wrong with Japan, Singapore, So. Korea, Germany, Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich nations, China, etc. paying their fair share? Besides, we should cut off all foreign aid to countries that practice religious persecution and other human rights violations.

Please reserve any help for those below the poverty line, and able-bodied people should be required to work to receive benefits. Of course a repeal of Obamacare would result in more people being without health insurance; after all, when many healthy people are given a choice, they’ll opt not to take insurance. Let them choose! Please don’t give any aid money to illegal aliens.

Let’s carefully craft a health care bill and not rush anything through in a hurry.

Do pray for God’s wisdom in this matter.


Judy Keiner
March 17, 2017

Since when does taking from Medicare to pay for Medicaid acceptable. I am back to work and paying into Medicare so I resent stealing from the money I am paying in only to give it to someone who does not work. Also if this healthcare is so great why is it that the astute members of congress in both houses have their very own cadillac healthcare plan????? I think we need to hammer on this more. They should be covered by the same plan they design for us. Time to drain the swamp literally!

Deborah Welch
March 16, 2017

Just wondering…where in the constitution does it read that it is the responsibility of the Federal Government to provide anyone health care. Is that what protecting the country from foreign and domestic enemies? Somebody needs to protect us from the Federal Government!

I did not realize the constitution states that the Federal Government was a business.wow..silly me
And can someone show me what Federal Government takeover has ever prospered in the black?
I suppose I need to re-read the Bill Rights and the Constitution.

March 15, 2017

since when did the federal government do anything effeciently?
Remove barriers to competition and stop allowing and encouraging monolopies
In healthcare. When real competion is promoted, then the free enterprise system
Will deliver high quality healthcare at the best possible price. Insurers should be allowed to compete and not be allowed to cherrypick clients.
The big pharma is ripping off the system because of special interest groups profiting from preditory pricing enabled by a corrupt system
It will only improve when the federal government learns to govern and then refuses to interfere with the free enterprise market system, which has always proven to be the most efficient.
There is too much greed and not enough competition in provider services.feds need to stop their over reach into healthcare and promote an effecient free enterprise healthcare market.

Pat Coe
March 15, 2017

We the people clearly asked for a complete repeal of this money-grab scheme…no tweaks. Repeal this evil plan to take over 1/6 of the economy. If we wanted more socialism, we would not have elected Mr. Trump as president. I pray that the Lord God Almighty will expose the sham and cause the people to notify congress of same. Then that God would cause them to do the right thing!

Leigh Stricklalnd
March 15, 2017

If this is the bill introduced by Paul Ryan BEWARE Citizens. This does not repeal Obamacare! This is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and it should BE DEFEATED at all costs!! Do some investigating and get the whole picture!!!

Nancy Mould
March 15, 2017

may God bless you and protect the USA!

March 15, 2017

No, it is not a good start! It pits the pre-born against the people who can’t get any med insurance because of cost. It does NOT eliminate any of the problems in Obamacare NOR make any worthwhile corrections. The only way to deal with the problems the gov has created in health care is complete repeal and start from scratch. Better to pray for that.

Dorothy Black
March 15, 2017

Praying that our administration will seek God for wisdom in revamping this health care system

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