I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us to love one another and respond to one another with grace and humility.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

You may have heard questions and controversy concerning many prophets. Insults and mockery point to the many prophets who said President Trump would be re-elected, and some even use the word landslide. We did not see it happen as they said. So does this mean they are false prophets? Short answer…no.

To understand what a false prophet is, we have to go to the Word. Several passages describe characteristics of false prophets, including Jeremiah 23 and Ezekiel 13. They prophesy lies and make up dreams and visions. But the false prophets’ main tool is deception. They intentionally deceive people into sinning and turning away from God. According to Deuteronomy 13:1-5, a false prophet is one who encourages others to turn their back on God and worship other gods. In verse 5, the Lord himself calls them “false prophets who encourage rebellion against the Lord.” 

I have heard many people cite Deuteronomy 18:21,22 to discredit prophets for “missing it”: “How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?”— when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.

So, if it doesn’t come to pass, the Lord has not spoken. The penalty for false prophets who led people into idolatry was death. It does not mention that here. But it does not say the false prophet had spoken presumptuously. It says, “the prophet has spoken presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.”

If we use this one verse to condemn all prophets who “miss it” as false, then what about Nathan?

In 2 Samuel 7:1-5, King David wants to build God a temple and Nathan replies, “Go ahead and do whatever is in your heart, the Lord is with you.”  Later that night God speaks to Nathan and tells him that David will not be the one to build him a temple; it will be his son Solomon. Did this make Nathan a false prophet? Absolutely not. I believe Nathan spoke presumptuously.

What about Agabus? In Acts 21:10,11, Agabus warns Paul that the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem will bind him and turn him over to the Gentiles. He even does a prophetic act by binding Paul’s hands and feet with his belt, showing him what will happen. Further in the same chapter (vs. 26-39) Paul is bound by the Gentiles, not the Jews. Did that make Agabus a false prophet? No. His prophecy about Paul was right. Paul was indeed bound and turned over; however the details were off.

With that context in mind concerning the election–we have yet to see the actual results. There is so much being uncovered right now. For those with eyes to see, we know that a major injustice took place on election night. How can people conclude that what the prophets prophesied is wrong?

Prophecies are often conditional, meaning the recipient has to do their part. You don’t just sit back and twiddle your thumbs. Ninevah is a great example of this. Jonah warned of God’s judgment and Ninevah responded by humbling themselves in fasting and repentance. God relented of his judgment.

Several prophets were calling for America to humble herself and repent before and leading up to the election. I believe these were true words from God. Many said God told them President Trump would be re-elected. They spoke out in faith and are standing on and believing in that word. Just because they prophesied and we didn’t see the instant manifestation doesn’t mean they’re false. We (the church) are the recipients of those words, waging war for them. We are fasting and praying to see justice concerning the election and the future of our nation(s). This means we could still see Trump’s re-election.

There are two more simple biblical guidelines to tell if a prophet is from God.

1.The prophet’s foundation must be built upon Jesus Christ and nothing else. (1 Cor 3:10) For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have—Jesus Christ. (1 Jn 4:2,3 NLT).  If a person claiming to be a prophet acknowledges that Jesus Christ came in a real body, that person has the Spirit of God. But if someone claims to be a prophet and does not acknowledge the truth about Jesus, that person is not from God.  Again the emphasis here is on the prophet’s relationship with Jesus. If Jesus is not the foundation and if they deny the truth about Jesus, then they are false.

2.What fruit are they producing? In Matthew 7:15, Jesus said you can identify false prophets by their fruit (deeds, actions). A true prophet should have a record of being accurate. This is only a small part. I believe character should be very important. Good character for a prophet means owning up even when you’ve heard incorrectly. What is the fruit of the prophet’s words? Whether it’s an encouragement, edification, exhortation, or even a warning, true prophetic words will bear good fruit. Many of the prophets who have prophesied Trump’s re-election do have such records of accuracy documented on their media pages. They have accountability, as well as bearing good fruit for Jesus and godly character.

The Bible calls for us to test prophecy, and we should, but we also shouldn’t despise prophecy or the prophets. (1 Thess 5:20) I remember when a certain king named Jehosaphat was surrounded on every side by his enemies. It looked hopeless. Jehosaphat was terrified and called for a corporate fast. One man prophesied and it encouraged the king to obey the word. Jehosaphat would later proclaim this verse in 2 Chronicles 20: 20 “Believe in the LORD your God, and you will be established; believe his prophets, and you will succeed.”

Had the prophets not shared any re-election prophecies, when the “new president-elect” was announced, the church might have thrown up her hands in defeat and conceded. Instead, the prophecies have given the Church hope. They have awakened the church to repentance and the necessity of fasting and intercession for our nation. The prophecies have borne good fruit. If God said President Trump would be re-elected to the prophets, what will our response be? Let’s not be found fighting each other. Remember what we are fighting for is bigger than this election. Think about what is truly at stake. Remember who our real enemy is in this battle.

Election insiders have asked us to share that there is tremendous fatigue among those who are fighting for a fair and true election. They need our prayer support to continue the fight. We have also been informed that some of the vote fraud whistleblowers are experiencing great pressure and intimidation that is causing fear. Intercessors, pray! As Gloria has said so well, what we are fighting for is bigger than just this election. Don’t believe the media. This isn’t all about President Trump. It is about a free, fair, and just republic. And our prayers are needed now more than ever.

Author Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor to listen to her podcast Something To Share. (Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

If God said President Trump would be re-elected to the prophets, what will your response be?

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Antony Barbera
August 25, 2024

I’d say they are like prophets in ancient Israel who were called “false prophets” who made political predictions that were soothing to the ears, but not from God.

April 19, 2021

Let”s not be dumb! President Trump won the election and is the legal president of the USA. This is why the church is in the trouble it is in? There was a hostile take over of our government and a premeditated play by play “in your face” executed plan of election fraud. Oh church how deaf, dumb and blind are you? Get rid of your religious spirits and wake up!

April 19, 2021

Absolutely President Trump won the election and the election was stolen. The goat nation/anti-christ christians and the rhino republicans voted of their free will but still President Trump won and is the legal president of the USA. What you have in Washington is a coup! A hostile take over of our government and the church still sleeps. The church and Americans go back to their entertainment as terrorists of the deep state steal, kill and lie?

Mary M Scott-Nelson
February 14, 2021

I will continue to say what I’ve always said, “If God said it, it would’ve happened!” An election in 2024 is another time, not 2020. And after Trump’s reaction and behavior behind his lost this time, Thank God he lost. We see a lot of demonic flaws in his character. It’s no need to keep stretching those prophecies to make people believe them. God is definite, He is God, he don’t play like that He can’t lie. So trying to twist the scriptures to suit your thinking is not good. Just be what Trump cannot be, BE HONEST, God is truth too.

Mary Scott-Nelson
February 11, 2021

No pun intended, but truthfully, if God had really said that Trump was going to win, Trump would’ve won, and by that landslide those Sid Roth prophets were saying too.. I believe they each are so in like with Trump, that they mistook their own desire to be from God, and just spoke their desires. But God don’t make mistakes, God don’t lie, nor do He play with mankind. If God says it, God will bring it to pass. We need to realize that our “mouths are made to eat homney”, ( gran-ma said). Those men and women need to apologize, and repent that’s all. Now that God has shown them that they don’t rule in the kingdom of men, He does. This earth is the Lord’s and the fullness there off, the world and they which dwells therein. God love all peoples, Republicans and Democrats alike. Abortions are just as bad as lying before Him. So stop trying to fit God in your selfish politics. IJS.

January 8, 2021

You have all been blinded by your own political idolatry. Your so-called battle for ‘a fair and true election’ is a fantasy built on nothing but the false rumors and lies of one man and those who would follow in his shadow of selfish ambition. This man’s character is plain for all who have eyes to see—he is the antithesis of Christ—but he identifies with your political god, so you shoehorn him into the ‘good’ side of your simplistic, black and white narrative—even as his spits in the face of democracy itself.

January 3, 2021


December 16, 2020

Interesting that you quoted the NLT version of that verse. Others read that such a prophet should be put to death. It seems God has zero tolerance for people who improperly speak in His name.

Not saying we should start executing self-proclaimed prophets who’s words don’t come to pass, but they ought to be shunned, and perhaps some sort of church-based disciplinary action is in order.

Enough of the excuse-making people. We were misled. Being accurate part of the time does not cover up the errors.

This all being said, I continue to pray for justice and for the soul of the nation.

Donna Brooks
December 12, 2020

God is faithful! He acts when the timing is right. His ways are greater than our thoughts. He delivered the Israelites when it looked impossible. The sea was before them, the mountains on each side & the Egyptians behind them; then God did the impossible & parted the sea. Everyone knew then that God intervened & the glory was His!

    Mary M Scott-Nelson
    February 11, 2021

    Donna, that is very true concerning Israel. God had given the word that He would deliver them, and He did just as He said. He also prewarned Moses that He would harden Pharaoh’s heart, for a purpose. Everything God said came to pass, there is no need in stretching what was said, or trying to fit God where He is not. The Election came and went and Trump lost because more people voted for Biden that what voted for Trump. See it is not Christian to look down on others like Trump and the Republicans looked down on Biden. Every where there is true Believers, prayers were being prayed that God would suffer Trump to be replaced: because it was plain to see that Trump was going to destroy the Constitution of America and replace it with his own laws and orders while he ruled as a Dictator. When his plan to take the country over during the election, he tried to do it through blatant force, that climaxed in the rioting at the Capital. So for our sakes we would do good to purge Trump from our desires, because God has proven that Trump is not His choice.

D. Haynes
November 26, 2020

I believe the word of the Lord through the prophets of God that have spoken. President Donald J. Trump is our next president for four more years. This is a fight to finish. The Scripture says in Galatians 6:9, “Don’t be weary in doing well, for in the proper time we will reap if we do not give up”. We as people of God must content for the faith, and not quit. There is more at stake than just this election. It is the desire of Satan to destroy this nation. I believe God is not finished with America, that he still has a purpose for it. This is indeed a spiritual battle, but greater is he who is in us that he who is in the world. There are more for us than there are against us. Let’s keep praying and believing in the word of the Lord.

    Mary M Scott-Nelson
    February 11, 2021

    Now you talk about being deaf, blind and !!!!! The election is over, the majority voted another person into office. Trump’s fraud lies had no weight, not even in a court of law, 60 courts to be exact. And you still believing those lying prophets, and looking for Trump to win? Well he even tried to highjack the whole country to hold on to power over this country, and still didn’t succeed. So bring yourself back into the realm of truth and reality.

Patricia Scahill
November 26, 2020

I continue to intercede, decree and declare, in the spirit. I believe we are in a spiritual battle for the soul of our nation, Godly principles and for our country. This President and his legal team need our prayers, God’s wisdom and strength as they move forward. We must pull up what is hidden in the spirit. This is deeper and more demonic than ever before in our lives. It is dark vs light. I do believe the prophets and as the Lord has shown me, there are bits and pieces coming out and it is happening, not how we expected but it is and it shall. With all against this president, God is for us and for this nation. President Donald Trump will be our President for a second term. We can’t make excuses for why God didn’t do it our way, we just need to believe He said it and He will do it. I’ll leave it there.

Patricia Theopistos
November 24, 2020

I believe we are indeed to test the prophets but what Ms. Robles left out in the Deut 18 verses is that God says in verse 20 that the prophet who speaks presumptuously shall die. And Also Agabus did indeed tell Paul rightly that the Jews would take Paul captive. They did indeed. Acts 21:37-31, the Jews indeed grabbed Paul and then in verse 32 the Romans took Paul from the crowd of Jews. So her thinking that the Jewish leaders didn’t bind Paul is a mistake, but she is right that the Romans then took him prisoner from the Jews. A prophet can’t make real mistakes in prophecies. But it is a fact, God can do something different than He has said and that is only in the case of repentance.
And she is right about saying that any prophet who would encourage anyone to turn away from the Lord and His Word would be someone who is a false prophet.

November 23, 2020

I absolutely stand with the prophets and will continue to fast and pray alongside them. We MUST continue to fight in this spiritual war and pray for supernatural strength!!

    Mary M Scott-Nelson
    February 11, 2021

    Another disillusional sister, help Lord! The scriptures also says men would believe a lie rather than the truth. So it is your prerogative to keep standing with liars.

      February 12, 2021

      Not now. There are false prophets who exist and I will Not be disillusioned with them.

Deanna Schmidt
November 22, 2020

I believe the prophets and I will continue to fast and pray.

Sam Milavec
November 21, 2020

I am standing with the prophets. I am praying an believing as God has said that He does nothing but that He tells his prophets. I will continue to stand in Prayer, in faith and in godly war.

Lisa C Murphy
November 20, 2020

To truly understand what is happening in America and the World, Please download a free app called GIVE HIM 15

or go to Dutch Sheets on YouTube
or dutchsheets.com

November 19, 2020

You are delusional if you believe that God told you that Conald would win this election…. Accept the truth and rule of law and act in a Godly manner.

    November 21, 2020

    Perhaps you’re not familiar with voting laws and the very reason why we have an electoral college…?

    LORD, we thank you for the wisdom you gave to founders of this nation as they established a nation “under God” and under the rule of law. We thank You that our elected officials are not above the laws of perjury, nor above review and accountability to the people of the land. Most of all, we thank You for Your Court as the highest court, and Your Throne of righteousness and justice. You do not equivocate. Please open the eyes of the vast populous in the U.S. and around the world, so that we can see beyond the censorship of the mainstream media and big tech. Please strengthen those who have courageously stood up to expose and denounce the fraudulent “votes” and manipulation techniques employed in numerous states. Please give them wisdom and endurance to testify to what they have seen and heard. We don’t want a false tally. We ask You to give us the truth, even if it hurts, which it almost certainly will for most of us! We love You, O LORD, our Strength. Let Your ways be known throughout the earth! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

      December 16, 2020

      I haven’t read all of the posts here, but yours seems to me to be the best one.

      Mary M Scott-Nelson
      February 11, 2021

      And God did just what you asked,. There was no fraud, or steal, or rigg. If there was it would have shown up in some of thos courts, if they had any real evidence they would’ve surely taken it to the courts. Trump lied about election fraud just as he did in saying Obama was not born here in the USA. He is a elementary minded Bully, who refuses to take NO. He thought himself to much to loose, but he has, and he lost fair too.

    November 21, 2020

    This site is for Gods intercessors only. Please leave it alone if you are not one. Intercessors don’t give in, they pray it in.

    Jacque P.
    November 25, 2020

    norm you are delusional if you believe the media selects the President. Why are you on this site troll? The President did win on Nov 3rd by a landslide. You need to accept that fact and while you are at it ask Jesus into your life before it is too late.

      Mary Scott-Nelson
      February 14, 2021

      No need being mean because someone else has a clearer take on the matter. Intercessors have to pray honestly, sincerely and the prayers must not be bias to the word of God. Nor can we twist God’s mind to change when He has done what He know is right. Praying about some think that has absolutely no credibility, and no proven evidence to prove it, is not good. If there were any true proof of the fraud we were told happened, it would have shown up big time by now. More folks besides us were looking into the Big Steal, There was none. It is one of those “Obama was not born in America” lie. One person saying something to people who can’t see over their love for them has always made a mess.

Lois Johnson
November 17, 2020

I believe it will happen. I do believe, we as intercessors and believers need to stand firm and pray diligently for those who are working to combat this fraud and get to the bottom of things. we need to stand on the word of God, do warfare for this nation.

Esther P. Sánchez
November 17, 2020

AMÉN 🙏🏼 🙌🏻 !! I believe the word giving to the prophets about President Trump, United States of America and the Whole World 🙌🏻😁!! His plans are perfect , NOTHING CAN STOP HIM 🙌🏻🙌🏻 HE IS ALMIGHTY, WE TRUST HIM WITH ALL OUR HEART ❤️😍🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙌🏻🙏🏼🙏🏼😱🙌🏻🙌🏻

November 16, 2020

The number 40 in Jonah’s prophecy is mentioned 146 times in Scripture, and generally symbolizes a period of testing. So Jonah’s words, given by God, indicated a period of testing, which turned out to be about 150 years after their repentance. If we take the 40 days literally, we would call Jonah a false prophet. It is a fearsome thing to come against a prophet of God.

    November 17, 2020

    I think you may be erring on the end of numerology. Just because a number is used symbolically does not mean it holds no literal fulfillment: “Forty more days and Nineveh will be destroyed” (Jonah 3:4). It would seem like a very warped notion of prophecy to interpret that as, “even if you repent, God will definitely destroy you at some indeterminate time in the future after allegedly ‘testing you’ for ‘forty days.'” You’re not defending the accuracy of God’s prophesy or His prophets by saying, “God can do whatever He wants, and how dare anyone question Him.” The overarching theme in the judgment prophecies of the Scripture, from Cain to John the Baptist, is this: “Repent, respond appropriately to God’s indictments against you, and He will change His mind and relent from sending the judgment He decreed.” Whenever even one person came humbly to acknowledge God and obey His voice, He showed mercy. Whenever they refused, He sent judgment.

    The prophecy of Christ’s burial and resurrection was also prefigured by Jonah’s three days and nights in the belly of the fish. Does that mean the three was not literal? Perhaps it means “Trinity” instead of “three”? Can you see the problem with taking numbers purely as symbols? Specific prophecies start to mean nothing except, “God’s going to do something eventually, and He will do whatever He has decided to do… so get ready if you can (but actually it doesn’t matter what you do, because your response does not change the outcome).”

November 16, 2020

Excuse me please but we do not know yet the exact count. It is believed that the deep state had flipped Trumps red votes to blue. Besides all the mail in ballots fraud. President Trump could have very well won by a land slide.
In any regards I do believe the prophets of our time. And I do believe God is giving America a last chance to turn back to Him.
Thank you

November 16, 2020

I’m still believing that it is going to happen. It ain’t over yet. These prophecies have confirmed how I have felt in my spirit about all these things. What else can I do but believe, its not as it seems (that Biden won), God is going to do something in all this that will amaze everyone. Treachery will be exposed- has been in my spirit over all these things. I am no prophet, but that is what I hear in my spirit.
I continue to pray and believe with others for the mercy of God for America.

    Mary M Scott-Nelson
    February 11, 2021

    Yes the exposure happen at the Capital, with all those deceived people on the rampage to hurt or kill Pense and Polosi. If that was God he would have gotten to destroy the Democracy and the Constitution of the Nation. But God is not with evils such as that.

November 16, 2020

May the truth be made known and the deceivers be exposed!!!!!!!!!

Sheila Hopkins
November 16, 2020

I believe God. He is not a man that He lies. What He says will happen…will happen. Without faith it is impossible to please God. We should not lean on our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledge God. Let us cast our burdens on Him because He is able to carry them. When are weak God is strong. He sent His Son to die for our sins and Our Lord, Jesus Christ makes intercession for His church. So let the church not grow weary of doing good because at the right time God will deliver us. Be of good courage and let us stay the course. Our country is worth fasting and praying for!! To God be the glory!!!

Tennessee girl
November 16, 2020

The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 23:28

The other night, I kid you not, I dreamed that my husband walked in and told me the Supreme Court had discovered Biden won legitimately. Did that shake me? No, because my belief is not in dreams and visions. It is in the word of God.

Here’s why I believe that President Trump will be reelected:

But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that sweareth by him shall glory: but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped.
Psalm 63:11

And on to chapter 64:

[[To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.]] Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer: preserve my life from fear of the enemy.

Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked; from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity:

Who whet their tongue like a sword, and bend their bows to shoot their arrows, even bitter words:

That they may shoot in secret at the perfect: suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear not.

They encourage themselves in an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them?

They search out iniquities; they accomplish a diligent search: both the inward thought of every one of them, and the heart, is deep.

But God shall shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly shall they be wounded.

So they shall make their own tongue to fall upon themselves: all that see them shall flee away.

And all men shall fear, and shall declare the work of God; for they shall wisely consider of his doing.

The righteous shall be glad in the LORD, and shall trust in him; and all the upright in heart shall glory.

Friends, we have to choose whose word we love more: our own or God’s. Our words can fail. His cannot. This is one wicked way, the urgency to defend our words while letting His gather dust. I speak for myself as well as my observations. “The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat?” saith the LORD.

    Tennessee girl
    November 16, 2020

    PS – While those^^ verses cause me to believe that President Trump will be reelected, what matters is not how I believe those verses will play out in this particular election. What matters is that what God said WILL happen. Those who lie WILL be suddenly stopped. Those who are righteous through Jesus’ blood WILL be glad in Him. The upright in heart SHALL glory. All men shall fear, and shall declare the work of God. There is nothing to fear unless I fail to trust in HIS WORD. Amen and amen!

Anita Schoonover
November 16, 2020

The Lord is ultimately in control of whatever happens on this earth. We must trust Him and His purposes in whatever capacity He requires of us. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for blessing Your people and draw the unbelievers into Your fold as well. For You truly do not want any person to perish. Thank You for giving us so many chances to become Your heirs to the kingdom. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Kenneth Burns
November 16, 2020

This is a irresponsible commentary of justifying people who proclaim to be prophets even though they have good intentions. The scriptural examples cited do nothing for supporting Gloria’s contention that true prophets can predict half truths. if the prophecies are not true in their entirety, then they are false prophets. Period.

November 16, 2020

Nice try at covering for those who made bold statements and hid behind the idea of being prophetic. While I prayed and hoped they were right the bottom line is they were wrong and in fact did deceive many people concerning the election. It actually sounds like you may be trying to cover for yourself as well. No hate here just honesty.

    November 16, 2020

    Don’t give up before the finish line.

    Mary M Scott-Nelson
    February 11, 2021

    Yes the exposure happen at the Capital, with all those deceived people on the rampage to hurt or kill Pense and Polosi. If that was God he would have gotten to destroy the Democracy and the Constitution of the Nation. But God is not with evils such as that.

November 16, 2020





GLory to God for IFA !!

November 16, 2020

Fast and pray against anything that would come against the word of God. Jonah said, “Yet 40 days and Ninevah will be destroyed.” After their repentance, God did not change his mind — only the timeframe. He destroyed Ninevah about 150 years later. The proclamation of 40 days did not make Jonah a false prophet. Only the timeframe was changed because God is so merciful. Some of the prophetic groups have mentioned that the two terms spoken in the Trump prophecies were not necessarily consecutive. God obviously wants to expose and root out the evil and darkness running rampant in this country, especially within the government, and we do not know how much time will be required. John Durham has already dropped his investigation for fear of Joe Biden’s retaliation. That is a clear indication of the evil that Biden is hiding. The resistance to searching out fraud in the election is another indication of hiding evil. L. Lin Wood has already said that many will be going to jail. We need to fast and pray and STAND on the words from our prophets, and wait for God to reveal his plans. We also need to pray for strength, joy and peace for President Trump and his staff. The enemy is trying to break him.

    November 16, 2020

    You maybe should take another look at what Scripture says about God before you try to re-interpret clear teachings in the light of your theology. Can you please share how you understand Jeremiah 18?

      November 16, 2020

      Jer. 18 describes God’s plan in terms of pots and pottery. Ezekiel lay on his side banging on a frying pan. The problem is not God’s object lessons, it is our interpretation of his prophets’ words and illustrations. Expecting pots and frying pans to appear and be beaten and broken would be a very literal evaluation of God’s words. We often form our opinions of our prophets and their words, based on our own understanding in our own timeframe — not God’s ultimate plan.

        November 16, 2020

        November 16, 2020 at 4:01 PM
        The number 40 in Jonah’s prophecy is mentioned 146 times in Scripture, and generally symbolizes a period of testing. So Jonah’s words, given by God, indicated a period of testing, which turned out to be about 150 years after their repentance. If we take the 40 days literally, we would call Jonah a false prophet. It is a fearsome thing to come against a prophet of God.

Maria Morais
November 15, 2020

We believe Donald J. Trump is our re-elected President!!! He will finish the work that the Lord has assigned to him for our nation and Gid will bring it to completion!!! In the mighty name of Yeshua!!!! We pray fir more people to come out and fill affidavits and we pray fir courage and strength from our Lord!!! We pray for supernatural strength for the legal teams and ask that God almighty bring them help in their pursuit of righteousness!!!! The evil and corruption will be brought to light by the power of The Almighty God!!! Hallelujah!!!! We claim victory!!!!

November 15, 2020

What a fantastic view of what has happened. Christians have to do their part for the prophesies to come to pass. The people who claim to be believers did not vote for morality and justice but for personal comfort and against personality. God will bring his judgement on the Church.

Carole Gabrielson
November 15, 2020

What God has spoken through His prophets is true! President Trump has won the voter election! But the father of lies, Satan nis trying to steal it. We MUST now pray for the mine justices of the Supreme court that they will be visited by Holy Spirit and be obedient to His voice. We must NOT fault the prophets who have spoken as inspired by Almighty God. Let us fast and pray.

November 15, 2020

Amen and THANKS! In total agreement that we NEED to keep praying. For the past several months, it’s been evident that this election would be in God’s hands. I am back closer to Him now than I have been for several years and I appreciate ALL the effort of the people involved in this site to HELP us join together in this effort. God IS ABLE….and it’s not over yet!!

    November 15, 2020


    Lisa Murphy
    November 20, 2020

    Emily, Praise God! We all need to be actively drawing closer to our Lord. I believe when the world (the world IS watching) witnesses what God is doing here (so much more than we even realize) they will be astounded and KNOW that only God could accomplish what has taken place, therefore they will give God all the glory. I agree with everyone saying we need to be fasting & praying for the legal teams working to have the truth come forth & all deception, corruption & lies be exposed regardless of where it’s found. Father I ask that You provide supernatural protection & fearlessness over all in support of truth. I pray for our country tonight. Thank You, Father God, for mercy.

November 15, 2020

Great topic!! I have watched/heard various prophets on 2020, including the election. Was inspired and felt confident. Then, when the election wasn’t finalized, and much has happened since and we still are in the unknown, I have occasionally felt weary and wanted to give up. Also, sometimes I’m angry and get mean-spirited. I’m countering these times with more time in the Word and prayer. Some experiences with Word and getting direction from the Lord have been wonderful food for the soul and Spirit. Also, being on this website, reading and writing, is feeding and uplifting me.

There are some great endurance and inspirational resources in cyberspace and with connections I have. One from Jeremiah Johnson about the spiritual warfare we’re in. (https://cf.jeremiahjohnson.tv/prophetic-alert-11-14-2020) He touches on the need to wake up that there is really are ruling elites that are pulling the strings. I’ll add to that that I’m now convinced that “they,” the ruling elite, conspired and brought the Covid 19 virus into the world purposely this year to create the election problem/solution of high volume mail-in ballots where there could be more fraud to manipulate the results in favor of democrats. Call it “conspiracy theory” but I have done a lot of research and think these are facts. Many brilliant people, including believers and leaders in Christianity as well as top attorneys few closely working with the Trump team, believe this as well. (Rodney Howard Browne, Paul Williams, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Dinesh D’Souza, Rob McCoy)

Jeremiah Johnson writes a very humble, heartfelt piece in his newsletter that examines why his prophecies and books he’s written about Trump as President may be misguided (or not), a few conditions about them, etc. He puts forth he will take responsibility if what he prophesied doesn’t come to fruition. https://cf.jeremiahjohnson.tv/ww-003-a

The other very interesting resource, IMO, is Sid Roth interviewing a pastor from Indiana who refers to a vision he had with the Lord that referred him to Revelations 3*. One of the 7 churches was called “Philadelphia.” I just read the verses and it’s mind-blowing, very relevant to endurance and staying the course. In his vision back in August, the Lord told him to beware of Philadelphia. And now look at one of the hubs where there is allegedly the most voter fraud!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jP9KCfl-bCM

*Revelation 3:8-10 just few verses (NKJV) but there’s more…7 “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, ‘These things says He who is holy, He who is true, “He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens”: 8 “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. 9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. 10 Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.”

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Robert Wilkes
November 15, 2020

Water the Prophetic Word with prayer

November 15, 2020

Elections have not decided yet but it doesn’t mean President Trump wasn’t re elected and it doesn’t mean that the prophecies about his re-election didn’t happened, in my view and the thousands of people who voted for him he was a winner but evil exist and we are still hopeful that the truth will come out or why do election if it can be manipulated!

Sharon Chappini
November 15, 2020

Thank you for this word. Why is some of the church so weak and willing to give up the fight so quickly. I guess it shows where we were before the election. The prophets that I have heard have put much prayer and struggle to hear the Holy Spirit and in humility have felt not to change what the Lord has spoken. I’m in the same place with them. Prayer and fasting; emptying our hearts as much as we can to hear and to be in touch with His will. I hope not to judge anyone but have you diligently sought God about what He is saying? Like Lance Walnau says sometimes,”the Church often times is wimpy, wimpy, wimpy.”Let’s not let that be said of us. The future of this nation depends on what the church is willing to do during these troubling times.

    Stephanie Staker
    November 15, 2020

    Thank you, Sharon, and for this wise word to us. I totally agree. I am not a prophet (don’t operate in that ministry) but I too felt the Lord tell me that President Trump would be re-elected and in a landslide! On election night, he was winning in a landslide until the fraud started the next day (or in the middle of the night). Yes, we must continue to pray and fast and now it’s not only about President Trump but that elections will be fair and accurate. There has been voter fraud for decades and each year it has gotten worse. This year, it seems the fraudsters are blatant about it! I have read here in the comments about Bob Woodward’s accusation about President Trump’s dismissal of Covid-19. He did say not to worry and that it’s not a big deal but I believe he didn’t really know or believe the reports he was getting and didn’t want to cause a panic. The media did just that — that started the hoard-buying. How many people exposed themselves to not only this virus but who knows what being in these grocery stores and big-box stores in long lines? In March and early April, there was no “social distancing”. It was crazy hysteria. I saw people with grocery carts filled to the top. I still don’t understand why people were buying so much toilet paper! It made no sense and all that it did WAS cause massive shortages! I am not going to get into what I think about the virus itself but from the very beginning, I stood and still stand on Psalm 91. “A thousand may fall at my side and ten-thousand at my right hand and it will not come near me.” (I personalized it) Keep praying!!

Marla Hanify
November 15, 2020

I have followed this election and what many Christian leaders were prophesying and yet in my own prayers for Mr. Trump I have been praying my guts out that he would meet God somewhere in the midst of being consumed with himself. I heard al about the dreams and visions there were giving each other. All the while he has not represented any evidence that he knows God and at best his actions have pleased the church but I am sure not pleased God. Yes God hates abortion but like the many books in the bible there were societies that sacrificed their children to the Demon Gods of that generation.

But God also hates pride and this mans character was way more into what he wanted to do. And the other guy in the bible who came to kill, steal, and destroy has been in the background laughing his butt off at those who have said Trump would be re elected.

I read the book Rage from Bob Woodward and it was really clear that Trump was told early in January from his advisors that there was a virus that came out of China that was air borne and was like nothing we had ever encountered. Instead of falling on his face and taking this information to his spiritual advisors or his corona staff he ignored every one who was smarter than him and went off flaunting that he was not going to wear a mask and that he was not about to be ruled by this virus.

When Bob Woodward asked him about that conversation he said well yes I said that but I did not want to raise fear in my people so not only did he not warn the people of the land he says he loved but went the other way in total rebellion and went to city after city not wearing a mask or using wisdom to self distance himself at rally’s and that I believe cost him this election. Why because the proof of his actions has wrecked havoc on our land and with other leaders here in America who took his lead on ignoring this plague and it was just go away. Causing many many many souls to die way beyond what any one could do about it. I do not believe that Satan stole this election but rather that this was God himself saying to Trump you were disobedient to my servants who came to warn you about this plague and you ignored them and now I have taken your kingdom and will give it to someone else.

    November 15, 2020

    You are quoting Bod Woodward who hates President Trump?! One who hates Republicans and conservatives? There are many stories of President Trump’s openness to the Lord. Baby steps and he probably doesn’t understand much about the Bible and the Lord, but he’s trying and trying to please us Christians in many ways and is pleasing the Lord with his many godly policies. God has obviously put Trump in that position for His purposes. You are reading/listening to the wrong people. You also don’t have any idea what President Trump’s hear is in relation to the Lord.

      November 16, 2020

      Looking back at some of the prophecies, God said Trump would not be a praying president when he went in, but would be when he came out. He also said he would not be “religious” but would be baptized in the Holy Spirit while in the White House. Another prophet said Trump was not to be a preacher, but a “Cyrus” who would protect the believers and Israel and the unborn. That is exactly what he did. We know that Trump is surrounded by praying believers who have weekly meetings with him in the White House. I don’t remember any other president practicing this. Maybe his language is crude at times, but we need to remember how many words that God uses (in King James English) that may offend some, and even tells the Israelites to kill all those “that pisseth against the wall.” I don’t suppose Bob Woodward would approve of that either.

        Lisa C Murphy
        November 20, 2020

        That’s right, Donna!

          Mary Scott-Nelson
          February 11, 2021

          Yes that’s why the church is now faced with 20% more taxes than the regular 5% before. That is why Trump determined to destroy the Constitution and the Democracy on Jan. 6,2021, using his kind of supporters. Because he can’t bear to be told ” No, Not You”. God is holy and seeks such to worship Him. Liars will not be allowed to tarry in God’s sight. To many lies have been spoken by Trump, he fears no one except himself. Then to try and destroy the country because he lost an election, and be off God, Not soooo.

      Lisa Murphy
      November 20, 2020

      Rita, You said everything I was thinking just now! God is obviously doing mighty things for this country through President Trump. I believe God heard our prayers of repentance in 2016 for not being the Church in this country and allowing all the evil to take place for years. Many, many people have been getting together to seek God and get back on track with what He wants to accomplish here and to flow into all other nations. Instead of judgment, which we clearly deserved, He is showing mercy. I believe God has His hand on President Trump and chose him for this time in history because CLEARLY anyone ANYONE else would have folded by now after 4 years of non stop harassment from the left. It is obvious to me that the corrupt in our government wants the President gone because he has been exposing them. Evil has to be dealt with, God is a God of righteousness and justice. Lord, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, in the name of King Jesus

Marilyn G. Webber
November 15, 2020

I just read “Test The Profets” and totally agree! I will continue to
pray that God will use His almighty power to put President Trump back
in office, which is where God wants him to serve our United States,for
another Term!

November 15, 2020

God’s will, not mine. To God be the glory. I stand behind God, not a political party. I intercede for our nation and for God’s will to be done. Remove my bias Lord, and let only Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Remove our division and hatred in this country. Let your church stand up and do its job of interceding on behalf of what you have entrusted to us. Let us go into our prayer rooms and intercede, not in the media to draw attention to ourselves, but before You alone. I repent of my sins, and plead the blood of Jesus over me, the church, and my country. Let Your will be done. No deception. No cheating. No strong arming. Just You by Your power. Lord be lifted high in Jesus’ name.

November 15, 2020

God reveals His will to His people but we must persist and persevere in prayer for the fulfillment of His will. We see that in the book of Daniel. Our part is to believe, pray and as God leads us to act.

I sent this comment to President Trump.

The battle is the Lord’s. We pray for His guidance – divine wisdom on what we’re supposed to do. We ask for discernment to know His voice. Listen to Victor David Hanson on US Elections 2020 -American Thought Leaders’ Interview on YouTube. His thoughts and strategies are relevant. Listen and seek God’s confirmation on what to do. In a nutshell he says, you need a legal, political, technological unified approach. Calculus mathematical analysis on votes lost across counties and states that prove patterns of widespread fraud, and if that’s not enough then Supreme Court intervention. My love and prayers for you and our country, prevail.

Let’s pray for God’s wisdom to guide him and to help him unify his strategy. Of course, God doesn’t need our help. But He also guides us and leads us in the path of righteousness for His name sake.

In Him
November 15, 2020

I think of Abraham and Issac. God told Abraham he would be the father of more than the stars he could count. He believed but didn’t see the manifestation for years. Then his son Issac arrived but not before Abraham and Sarah doubted God and tried to help God along. We are still dealing with that faithless decision today.
Then the true promise arrives; Issac. A short time later God asked Abraham to give up Issac in sacrifice on a mount. Abraham didn’t curse God, fall into despair or self pity. He told Issac they will go up the mount and “WE” will come back down. Abraham believed God and did his part he was asked of until the Lord intervened.

We are a society of instant everything. Instead communication, instant food, instant entertainment, instant movement. Few have tolerance for delayed gratification which leads to a weak an ill equipped people. Our enemies are exceedingly patient making their plans years in advance and sacrificing pleasure in order to prepare for their evil intentions. Yet we, God’s people can’t go a few days without demanding the manifestation of a prophecy??
This election result is not a one hour TV episode where the crime happens, it is investigated and within the hour, the criminal is caught and apprehended. This isn’t cheap entertainment. And what does God even owe us anyhow? He is beyond patient with our nation not giving us what we truly deserve.
There have been false prophets, yes. However they’re usually for the feel good, fleshy stuff that leads to hell. The prophets whom shared about Pres. Trump winning also declared a need for deep, guttural repentance.

Let’s grow-up, as a nation and live the life God has equipped us to be capable of. Let’s start making all of this about Him and only Him.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

    In Him
    November 15, 2020

    Not caught and *apprehended.

    Caught and * found guilty

    Blessings to all. All glory to God.

    Marty Robinson
    November 16, 2020

    I really wished I could put more than one “Amen” on your post.
    For some time now, the Lord has been teaching me about the very thing
    you have stated so adequately. It was as if He was saying that something
    was coming that was so different from the ordinary and the so-called “norm”
    that specific knowledge of how to wait would be vitally important.
    You know, He is always right!!! And His advice is always to trust Him.
    I believe that when we say, “We will trust You, Lord, no matter what!”
    Then He works as only He can do. Thank you for your strong words of faith.

Shelly Snyder
November 15, 2020

This morning as I slept I suddenly heard my name called. As samual said I responded, “speak Lord for your servant is listening”. I felt urged in my spirit to get up and pray psalm 91 over the president and his family and all those who have caravaned to d.c. The time was 1:11 am on the clock. (I wondered how many more intercessors are praying right now)
I felt urged to Psalm 111 but ‘accidentally’ was praying 101. Wow! Intercessors and people of God we must walk in integrity within our house. We must evaluate is anything worthless before our eyes. May the Lord purify our hearts in greater depths. We will find His favor if we are faithful and He will root out the wicked.
I went on to psalm 111.
Open the eyes of your servants Lord to the angelic host that is being released for us. Through our God let us do valiantly. Fear is cast down. We will fear only the Lord and reverence Him. May the fear of the Lord enter into the camp of the enemy and rout him.
Whose report will you believe?
I began to praise the Lord.
John 10 the good shepherd goes through the gate, His sheep hear His voice. Thieves and robbers come over the wall but Hos sheep don’t listen to them or follow them.

Cindy Marrelli
November 15, 2020

Lord, thank you for the privilege of knowing you. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit that guides us into ALL truth. Thank you that you say you will never leave us or forsake us. Thank you that you said pray without ceasing. Lord, let us continue ur on the path of trusting you when we can’t see what you are doing. We know faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Lord, we are hoping for a Trump victory. We are trusting you to expose the lies, evil, and deceit. Lord, strengthen those directly involved in the battle. Let them know deep in their souls, you are FOR THEM and not against them. You will sustain them with your righteous right hand. May your justice prevail. Lord have mercy. We praise you Lord Jesus!

November 15, 2020

I need to hear or read this today. I know what the Lord spoke to my heart back on 8/22. “He would preserve us, He would give us the victory, but not without a fight.”
We are in battle for the souls of the nation. Our foundation is crack and God is exposing and bringing to light. Let not loose hope. We need to learn to swim agains the current (2019) the enemy is using the power of suggestions and persuasion, to make those weak or blind to accept their results. But not us. We stand at the wall. We push (pray until something happens) we do not forfeit. In Jesus name

November 15, 2020

Very helpful words. balanced words. From here in Nigeria, we await the fulfilment of the prophecies. We are not moved by the media. We have heard God, and many prayer platforms have arisen in Nigeria praying with America and your president. Shalom.

    Laura Dominick
    November 15, 2020

    I am so thrilled to hear from brothers and sisters in other countries – that they are praying for us in America! Thank you, and may God bless you richly for your generosity and love towards us! I can’t wait to see my entire Christian family when Jesus calls us up for the wedding supper! What love and joy we will share as we praise our Lord, Jesus!!!

      David Porteous
      November 16, 2020

      Yes including those of us here in NZ also be encouraged US believers, dont give up remember
      Galations 6v9. We actually have to do more than just stand & resist the demonic evil, we need to prevail against the enemy satan as in Matthew 16v18 & 1John 4v4

        Laura Dominick
        November 16, 2020

        Thank you NZ brothers and sisters! Your prayers are so precious! And, thank you for the encouragement! May the Lord bless you!

    Kimberly Gould
    November 15, 2020

    Thank you! We covet your prayers and I pray for all believers across the globe!!!!

    November 15, 2020

    Thank you! Please know that we in America pray for your nation and its’ problems as well. 🙂

    Lisa C Murphy
    November 20, 2020

    Thank you Kontein! Thank you & God bless you for standing & praying for us & our president here in America. We love & appreciate you in Nigeria & I feel the same as Laura Dominick when she said, “I can’t wait to see my entire Christian family when we are called up for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb & as we all gather together to worship our Beloved King Jesus!!” I’m so looking forward to that glorious experience!!! Shalom to you and yours as well.

Joann Soland
November 15, 2020

Amen. Too many saying what bears witness to this intercessor. In God’s timing His will be done. Amen

Susan Weidkamp
November 14, 2020

Courage, faith and perseverence is required today. You don’t learn to walk by faith and not by sight without such ideal conditions as provided by our biased media and the necessity of taking this year’s election decision to the courts. Let’s acknowledge the role false prophets, who prematurely declare a president elect winner prior to votes being certified by the states, has on morale. Elijah ran when threatened by Jezebel. We don’t need to run, we need to STAND. Finally, STAND! This is already a test of our constitution both literally and figuratively. Wearing our Priestly armor, we STAND with our Great High Priest and we declare Liberty and Justice for all legal voters! We must rise to the occasion courageously full of Faith in the plan of our Lord- we anticipated challenges and we were prepared. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but Mighty in God for the pulling down of Strongholds..(swampholds) This battle is the Lord’s. Praying the Discovery evidence is overwhelming, convincing and that the courageous whistleblowers are supported by equally brave and courageous prayer warriors. Be bold, be strong and highly courageous, strengthened by Holy Spirit. AMEN.

Marlene Falvey
November 14, 2020

Among the many policies of President Trump that I greatly admire is his pro life stance. When you compare that to the issue of abortion and infanticide on the part of Joe Biden and his policies, all else pales. I believe Psalm 94:20-23 speaks to this issue and others, and I believe God is just and President Trump will prevail. “Can a corrupt throne be allied with you–one that brings misery by its decrees? They band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death. But the Lord has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge. He will repay them for their sins and destroy them for their wickedness; the Lord our God will destroy them.” God bless all of you, stand, sing to God and praise Him for He is worthy to be praised.

November 14, 2020

Yes…the battle is the Lord’s and this battle is not over yet…may God’s Word be true and every man aka media be a lair in Yeshua/Jesus Name

Bruni O
November 14, 2020

2 Chronicles 20:15 “Do not be afraid or discourage for the BATTLE is NOT yours but GODS.”
Dear Lord, the God of ALL creation, we your children, don’t understand your ways sometimes but this We know; that we are not alone in this battle!!
This is a Battle against TRUTH, righteousness and lawlessness! I come boldly to your Throne and make my petition to You and your courts! Give your protection, discernment, wisdom and strength to all the Lawyers involved with this election, the corruption and lies against your people. I plead the Blood of Jesus in protection over them for Justice, Mercy and righteousness and this land that was dedicated to You, under your Holy Hand! Give strength and peace to The President Donald J Trump, to keep his eyes ON YOU and trust you. For his Cabinet and family; as well as the Vice President Michael Pence! Help us lift their hands up in prayer! I request that you open the Heaven’s courtroom and made the judgment for righteousness and truth! That SWORD of the Spirit which is the Word of God! Truth and Justice be expose by your mighty power and wisdom! Show them the writing on the Wall and your JUDGEMENT! You are a righteousness God, you see and know everything! Convict those that were involved in the deception and fraud with fear and let them come forward with PROOF of the corruption. We STAND with you, we stand for our Flag and BOW only to YOU, the Creator of the Universe!! You HOLD the KEYS of truth! I will always PRAISE you my KING and sing:
“The Battle Hymm of the Republic”
His TRUTH is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
In Jesus name, Give us the VICTORY! Amen

Bruni O
November 14, 2020

2 Chronicles 20:15 “Do not be afraid or discourage for the BATTLE is NOT yours but GODS.”
Dear Lord, the God of ALL creation, we your children, don’t understand your ways sometimes but this We know; that we are not alone in this battle!!
This is a Battle against TRUTH, righteousness and lawlessness! I come boldly to your Throne and make my petition to You and your courts! Give your protection, discernment, wisdom and strength to all the Lawyers involved with this election, the corruption and lies against your people. I plead the Blood of Jesus in protection over them for Justice, Mercy and righteousness and this land that was dedicated to You, under your Holy Hand! Give strength and peace to The President Donald J Trump, to keep his eyes ON YOU and trust you. For his Cabinet and family; as well as the Vice President Michael Pence! Help us lift their hands up in prayer! I request that you open the Heaven’s courtroom and made the judgment for righteousness and truth! That SWORD of the Spirit which is the Word of Od! Truth and Justice be expose by your mighty power and wisdom! Show them the writing on the Wall and your JUDGEMENT! You are a righteousness God, you see and know everything! Convict those that were involved in the deception and fraud with fear and let them come forward with PROOF of the corruption. We STAND with you, we stand for our Flag and BOW only to YOU, the Creator of the Universe!! You HOLD the KEYS of truth! I will always PRAISE you my KING and sing:
“The Battle Hymm of the Republic”
His TRUTH is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
In Jesus name, Give us the VICTORY! Amen

Mariel Catarisano
November 14, 2020

Keep trusting the LORD in humility until it comes to pass, by His grace.

Eva Gisondi
November 14, 2020

God is moving in tremendous ways…this is NOT over and God works in ways we do not understand. Don’t stop praying and don’t stop believing!

Dewey W Whitworth
November 14, 2020

I remember the issues on election nite when the Bush-Gore ruckus started, At bed time I told my young son in law this isn’t over, it will be awhile. IT WAS QUITE AWHILE. Same thing this time, stay focused folks, ABIDE!


Karen Reiss
November 14, 2020

Thank you Gloria for your article. As you said, it is not about Trump. It is about a fair process. I don’t believe that this is the first time there has been illegal methods used in our elections. This one has just pushed the demonic entities into a frenzy. God is in control and His Light shines in the darkness and is the great disinfectant.

November 14, 2020

Our reasoning is not God’s until we get on the same page with God. We PRAY, we read HIS WORD, we LISTEN to what HE is saying. And sometimes it will bear witness to what we have already heard in the Spirit, and sometimes it’s NEW revelation we have not thought or heard. Oh but it brings truth and/or joy to hear from the God of the universe! Trump has prophesied that America will never be a socialist nation. It doesn’t look like it now, but God’s people are looking at God’s truth that can unfold at any time, with great recompense! We are repenting, fasting and praying, doing God’s will as best we can, searching for more of HIS ways and plans. Only God’s righteous people and PRAYER will turn things around. I BELIEVE GOD and HIS WORD. If we don’t, there’s no hope. PRAYER is what it’s ALL about! And I believe that if we do this, no matter what we see, Trump will be President 4 more years!

November 14, 2020

YeHoVah, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY creator of Heaven and Earth. You who formed man from the dust for Your Honor and Your Glory hear my prayer. I know not the heart of each man or women that claims to be a prophet. Only you know who belongs to you. Only you know the wheat from the tares. No man is an island unto himself. Every word spoken affects people in some manner whether for good or for bad which they will give an account for. Those who have spoken “thus says the LORD” that Trump will win again have given hope to people that Trump will be President again. We know Father that Your will, will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. If it is your will for him to be President again he will, if not he won’t. Father there is so much confusion out there today, so much evil, so many voices saying, believe this, believe that, God said, I dreamed, etc, etc. etc. There is division in your body as to who to believe and who to trust.. Each side believes that what they believe is truth. Father only YOU are TRUTH. Only You know the truth and who is telling the truth. We know the media lies and who their father is. Their lies are blatant and easy to see but the lies or deception of a sheep in wolves clothes are not that easy to discern. Father give us all eyes to see and ears to hear the truth. Father we desire that you would have mercy on us as a nation. We deserve your judgment for our sins. Even though as a Nation our leaders have taken you out many who live in this nation have not taken you out of their hearts and lives but embrace You and Your Son and Your Word. For the sake of the righteous few I ask for mercy and forgiveness. I ask that You do not give us what we deserve but You give us mercy and grace. That you do not turn us over to the will of the enemy. We know that what so ever a man or nation sows that will he also reap. Father so much lies and wickedness and evil has been sowen in this nation in secret that most citizen were unaware of it. Most in the church were unaware of it. It was sown in darkness and conceived in darkness. Thank you Father for revealing to us the plans of the enemy for the destruction of the United States. Father we are only but flesh. This battle is bigger than us. As most battles in your Torah between ISREAL and other Nations you took pleasure in defeating Israel’s enemies with just a hand full of warriors. This way people know that it is not by our might or by our power but by YOUR SPIRIT, that this battle can be won. Father show yourself mighty on our behalf for YOUR GLORY AND HONOR, that even the unbeliever and the blinded believer will know that it was by YOUR HAND this battle was won. I pray for those who are fighting for justice in the election process. Those who are risking their lives and their reputations for the truth as they saw it. Father theses people are now being threatened and persecuted by the lying lions. The lions roar is loud and intimidating. Father give theses people courage in the face of this opposition. Help them to stand firm in what they know to be true and not back down. Father put a hedge of protection around each one of them. Father let the truth come out. Expose the evil. Let that which was done in secret be made known to all. Bring justice to the schemes of the enemy and those people he used to do his bidding. Father show yourself on our behalf and help us I pray and have mercy on America. In Yeshua’s name Amen

Buddy Meeks
November 14, 2020

I was going to suggest seeing 2 Chronicles 20:20 but it in here; I shall continue to pray Trump wins! It
is even more on my heart after reading what Dutch Sheets said today, “just think how many unborn babies would be saved nation and worldwide in the next 4 years if Trump is President and not Biden!”

    November 14, 2020

    There is a 2nd Chronicles 20:20 and it is point on !

      Buddy Meeks
      November 14, 2020

      I agree; I left out the “is” in my sentence trying to say 2 Chronicles 20:20 is already
      mentioned in this article! Thanks!

        Laura Dominick
        November 15, 2020

        I am astounded at how many people have been given 2 Chronicles 20 for this time – me included! It just confirms that this is a Word to us from our Heavenly Father. He is going to win this battle for us. Hallelujah – praise His Holy Name!

        Mary M Scott-Nelson
        February 11, 2021

        That would be so wonderful if that was the case. But Biden was not president the past 4years, and Many abortions still took place. Because the law is still in place, and will continue to be so. It is the mothers who are killing their babies by abortion, not any sitting President. Be honest in your hearts. People of both political parties are guilty of getting abortions. We must be aware of putting God in our carnal positions. he is not like man. Trump nor Biden can keep women from aborting their babies. I know that abortions are a grave evil, and who so ever sin shall die.

November 14, 2020

Questions: Psalm 94:3-4 “How long, O LORD? How long will the wicked be allowed to gloat? How long will they speak with arrogance? How long will these people boast?

Answer: Psalm 75:2 God says, “At the time I have planned, I will bring justice against the wicked. When the earthquakes and its people live in turmoil, I am the one who keeps its foundations firm.”

Blessed be the name of the LORD!

November 14, 2020

The words to this chorus came to my mind: Sail on, when the water gets high! Sail on, when the wind starts to die! Sail on! It’s just a matter of minutes ’till His ship comes to get us, and we’ll all get in it!
So let us encourage each other with the Word of the Lord. “Be not weary in well doing. For in due season ye shall reap if ye faint not!!”

Mary Johnson
November 14, 2020

I pray that the audits and lawsuits will reveal that Pres. Trump is the winner! Lord, please find enough legal votes to put him over the top. Cause the world to know that YOU did this and bring glory to Your name and Your resurrection power. King of Kings!
Lord of Lords! Praise God

November 14, 2020

I will say “Praise the Lord”, my hope is in Jesus Christ alone.. I’m thankful for Amos 3:7. We must remember we are the “Body “ of Christ. And compare it to our physical body, if I stump my toe, my whole body knows it and feels the pain.,and I take good care of it, so it is with the body of Christ, we should take care of them also. I love the prophets of God.

Kathy L Johnson
November 14, 2020

My dear Christian friends, we are in a battle between freedom and communism and the stakes could not be higher. Our President did win in a landslide and there are demonic forces, lies, and deceit to uncover. Stop talking about 2024 and believe here and now! Four years will move our country into demise. Fear not! Step out of the shadows in faith and be doers of the Word! Work to counter the information warfare and the darkness of evil! Dig outside of the mainstream media for truth and share it! Be light! Believe the prophets and do not waiver. Stand the test. Pray as you never have prayed before!

What does God’s Word say about evil?

Proverbs 6:16-19 (KJV)
16 These six things doth the LORD hate:
yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,
feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies,
and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Proverbs 11:1 (KJV)
1 A false balance is abomination to the LORD:
but a just weight is his delight.

Add your own verses and stand in faith, my friends.

    November 16, 2020

    Amen, so be it Lord!
    Agreeing in prayer with
    you Kathy!

    Mary M Scott-Nelson
    February 11, 2021

    Who incited an inserrection on the seat of the government?? Was that really Joseph Biden? we must first be honest before the Lord.

November 14, 2020

IDK, but there is also the possibility that he will be reelected in 2024 and that all those prophesying were correct. If that be the case, I would like to suggest that the 2024 slogan be: ‘Had enough?’.

Rev.Robert Presnell
November 14, 2020

The prophet Nathan was saying what he did to David in himself he did not say it was from the Lord. These so called prophets have said other things that they aid were from the Lord and it did not come to pass and the way I get it is this: If a prophet says the Lord, God or the Holy Spirit told them to prophesy some thing it was either God the Holy Spirit telling them that or they said it from their own spirit or a demon or fallen angel, wicked spirit told them:
Deuteronomy 18:19-22 (KJV)
19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.
20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?
22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him. [But the prophet, which shall presume to speak …] There are three sources of prophecy:

1. God through the Holy Spirit (Acts 3:21; 2Tim. 3:15-17; Heb. 1:1-2; 1Pet. 1:10-13; 2Pet. 1:21)

2. Satan through demon inspiration (Gen. 3:4-5; 1Sam. 28; 1Ki. 22; 1Chr. 10:13-14; Mt. 24:24; 2Th. 2:8-12; Rev. 13:11-18; 16:13-16; 19:20)

3. Man’s own personal spirit (Deut. 13:1-18; 18:20-21; Jer. 23:15-17,25-40; 27:9-11,14-18; 28:1-17; Ezek. 13:1-23; 22:23-31; 1Cor. 14:29-33)

Fulfilled prophecy is generally accepted as being from God (Deut. 18:22), but even this test is not absolute. Deut. 13:1-3 states that God may allow a sign from a false prophet to come to pass, to see if His people will act contrary to His own Word. Therefore, the real test is if a prophecy is in harmony with the Word of God. Anything contrary to the Word is false, for God will never contradict Himself.

[How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?] Question 17. Next, Deut. 20:5.

[thou shalt not be afraid of him] People are to fear God and His true prophets, but not false prophets who can be known by their teachings and fruit (see note, Mt. 7:16).
So are you making excuses for these prophets so that Trump can be vindicated or are you a Republican that wants the Republican way of life for the USA and not God’s? I am neither Rep. or Dem. but an independent voter and a minister of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ for 48 years with a BS in Biblical Studies, I have been a pastor, Evang, teacher of the Word, and I am called to be a prophet. I did not want to be a prophet and run like Jonah did after God ask him to go to Nineveh and he responded to God and said in my words: You will only forgive them if I go and preach judgment on them and then they will return to their old ways so why go? Trump, the Republican, the Democrats and all the ungodly parties in America all have wicked ways but there are some in each party that are honest and want to help the poor, disabled, working poor and seniors but not many in the Republican party. I am 70 years old and have been saved or a Christian for 48 years. I was a drug addict, alcoholic, played secular Rock/Hard Rock/ Heavy Metal music until I was born again on Oct. 21, 1972 so this is not my first rodeo! I have followed Trump for over 10 years and he is a crook, liar, out for himself only, adulterer, fornicator, prideful and a know it all and this is not judgement of salvation but of fruit and if we do all these things the Bible says we are not of his and the Father will cut of off the vine. I am not perfect, I sin, make mistakes but I confess my sins and mistakes when I do and ask God to help me not do them again. Trump says and I quote: I don’t see the need to repent, I try not to do anything wrong, I don’t do anything wrong so what is the need to pray or repent. I take the wine, the only alcohol I drink and the wafer and it takes care of all the wrongs, I guess” Sound like a saved man to you? He will cuss people out, say women are nasty, call football players SOB’S and I have the web sites that posted what he said and I heard him live say them! I pray for him but to no avail it is like Jesus said: “Not to cast your pearls before swine because they will trample them”! Biden is not perfect either but he is at least compassionate and I read where he said this: “To tell you the truth, I am pro life when you get right down to it and 2nd amendment”. IF he lied to the one he was talking too then he will have to stand before God for his lies too. The Rep.party, the Dem. party, the Libertarian party all are out to hurt the poor but the Dem. will help more than the other parties. I am not a Socialist, Communist or anything but a passionate follower of Jesus try to work in my twilight years for him but because of my health I am limited but with the internet I will speak what the Holy Spirit speaks to me and if I am wrong I will repent in tears and tell everyone that I was wrong. Trump is not going to be the next president, I heard that months ago from the Holy Spirit and God is going to judge the false prophets for lying to the church and the church has fallen from what it should be to a mustard tree that became a large tree and the fowls of the air came and rested in it: Matthew 13:31-32 (KJV)
31 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:
32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof. A mustard seed does not grow into a great tree and this represents the church of today and the fowls of the air, like buzzard, eagles etc represent demons and wicked spirit of satan and we have come to that point! When Christians can support the lying, know it all, pride full, foul mouth, adulterer, fornicator and want to be dictator Trump and their eye be so blinded that they worship him like a God and he himself said he was like Jesus to Israel and Pat Robinson said he saw Trump sitting on the right side of God! What Trump is replacing Jesus on the right side of the Father? I thank you for your opinion and thoughts on this subject and love you in the Lord and I am praying for our government that it will not fall and the right and left fight and bring our country down. In Christ love, Evang. Bobby Presnell

    Jenny C.
    November 14, 2020

    Thanks you for your well thought out reply. You make some good points.
    I voted for Trump because I could not agree with the Democrat agenda. Biden may not be that bad but I think he is just a puppet and those behind him are pushing way too hard to the left. There is no way I could agree with abortion and these people want to take freedom away from the masses and one of the ways I see this happening is to restrict freedom of religion. But even if this were to happen, there will still be His remnant (us) praying and trusting the Lord.
    All this said, I know that ultimately God is in charge and I pray His will be done. He can use anyone for His purposes. Even a sinner like me.

      Rev.Robert Presnell
      November 14, 2020

      Thank you for you thoughtful post. This is the way we are suppose to relate and talk with one another. I don’t agree with either party but I don’t say who I voted for because so many Christians here where we live have either said I was gong to hell, cussed me out, and they did not even know if I voted and I don’t belong to either party! Praise the Lord. Yes, His little flock! Jesus never said His church would be a large over flowing body. NO matter who get in as President we are in for a rough ride. Socialist, Communist, Nazis, terrorist etc are going to try and ruin our country with their fighting if we let them. I have followed Trump and Biden for 15 or more years and I have not heard Biden say he wants to restrict religious freedom.
      I have heard Trump say he know it all, cuss people, say he know more than the DR.s Generals, and that he is smarter than most everybody he knows and that my friend is pride! I also know the current budget the Trump administration is purposing will cut S.S., medicare, medicaid by billions and his own S.S. director said if that budget gets passed he said that they will might be able to send out S.S. checks. I am on S.S. and will not have enough money to even eat from the small pension I get from the place I retired from. Our church organization does not have a pension plan for it’s ministers or pastors. Why can’t both parties work together for our good? I did see a article that Biden was talking to a pastor or a reporter and he said he was pro-life and 2nd amendment. I can’t trust Trump because he lies so much and his hateful ways is not Christian like and the tax cuts he gave to the super rich and corps. Did you know the taxes were raised on anyone making around 40,000 dollars and under by 12%? YES and the Dem. are not any better with taxes but I would rather have my taxes going to help us seniors at least have enough money to eat and pay the reg. house bills. Trump and the Republicans have had 4 years to do something about abortion and nothing has been done. What we need is an old time revival that preaches against sin and sex before marriage and live right before the Lord. We will never make enough laws to stop abortion, Gay marriage, adultery, fornication etc. It has to come with a change in the heart and neither party would never let a old time preacher preach against lying, cheating and sin! So I will go on teaching, preaching and trying to win the lost and exposing the lying politicians and I know I am not popular but if I wanted to be popular and get a lot of money, I would have stayed in a Rock & Roll band man! I go saved from the world not the earth and to love the world is to hate God and God’s word says to love the world the love of God is not in you! Prayer is the weapon of our warfare and it can calm the raging storm. God bless and may you be blessed in every way.

    November 15, 2020

    Thoughtful comment. Have you considered how both candidates might trigger the fulfillment of Mark 13:12-13?

    Rulers of wickedness in high places wish to destroy us, our nation and set up their own one world kingdom. For them the end justifies the means.

    Everything that can be shaken will be shaken until that which remains is the unshakable Kingdom of God.

    Terri Jo Bassett
    November 16, 2020

    wow, you say a lot. Our Current President Trump has had a very open and loud response to many issues here are many of his accomplishments.
    Iran nuclear deal

    In 2018, Trump withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, saying he could strike a better one. He also launched a “maximum pressure” campaign to choke off Tehran’s sources of income.
    Nato and transatlantic ties
    Bringing troops home
    Paris climate deal
    China of “ripping off” the US while vowing to seal a fair trade deal with Beijing that would help US businesses and create US jobs.
    Trump delivered on his 2016 campaign promise to relocate the US embassy in Israel to divided Jerusalem
    Trump surprised the world by entering unprecedented talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un




    Mary Scott-Nelson
    February 11, 2021

    Oh Rev. Thank you for your honesty, and boldness to counter all these Trump worshipers. I an not perfect, nor am I judging anyone on this post. But your post helped me to understand that I am not crazy. God did not say Trump would win and that with a landslide. It is the desires of those who like Trump as if he is a god. He wins not. Thank you.

    Mary Scott-Nelson
    February 14, 2021

    This sermon mixed with true advice is so needed throughout this nation Rev. We have fallen so far from the Biblical truths. Ant one who advocates for Trump is way off base when it comes to Christianity. Then too, we must remember God don’t need to do what we want. Just because deceived people want to bow down to un-godly Trump, don’t say God will sanction that. Again I thank you. Not boasting but I was wondering if I alone saw the word of God being against the kind of President Trump was. Then when he pushed for the Capital Insurrection, I knew God have nothing to do with him.

Vina M Elias
November 14, 2020

Father God Thank You For Speaking To Your People To Hold Fast And Join In Unity And Pray Like Never Before And Not Turn On One Another And Start Fighting Among Ourselves That’s The Plot Of The Enemy To Get Us To Turn And Fight Each Other We Know That’s his Strategy To Get Us To Fight Among The Body Of Christ If We Are Fighting Among Each We Can’t Pray In Warfare, So Let Us As Prayer Warriors Stand Firm In Our Faith And Continue To Pray In The Mighty Name Of Jesus Amen And Amen

November 14, 2020

I AM ONE THOUSAND PERCENT in agreement with Gloria Robles. We dare not presume the final election results based on the psychological warfare that is being waged now by the media. PRAY ON!

Anne Hirsh
November 14, 2020

Lord our Lord how majestic is Yor name in all the earth! Give strength & drive to the true & fair fighters of this election. Praise God.May whistleblowers be fearless in their duty to U.S. to shed light on truth for Yor sake & glory & for the sake of us & our children. In Jesus name

November 14, 2020

Watch this. When all is said and done, the President will have won by a landslide.

    Laura Dominick
    November 15, 2020

    Wow – awesome interview! Sydney Powell, and all of the people working to expose the massive fraud, need our prayers for protection, strength, and boldness. May the Lord be with them, protecting them and leading them to the truth! Amen!

Jane Maclin
November 14, 2020

Thank you for the courage of those who have come forward as witnesses. Encourage them to resist the enemy of their souls. We praise you for what you are doing and we pray for more Truth and courage and boldness, and more cleansing by the word and the Precious Blood of Jesus throughout our nation. We secure the true ballots in Your Protection and trust You for Your timing and revealing of true information and results. Nothing is impossible with You! Have Your way, Lord! We need You and we love You! We thank You, and pray for Your Kingdom and Your Will in Jesus name.

November 14, 2020

One other thing – to all those decrying that President Trump needs to be humble, I did not like him at first, then I started listening to him and watching how he stood for the oppressed, victims of human trafficking and abortion. And praying Micah 6:8 for him. “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly WITH YOUR GOD.” My prayer has always been that he will humble himself under God’s mighty hand; however, he cannot show weakness to his enemies. David humbled himself before God and before Nathan. But to his enemies, and the enemies of his people he stood strong in the Lord and fought.

Amber Guillen
November 14, 2020


    Amber Guillen
    November 14, 2020

    Recently I had a behavior based, panel phone interview for a new career and it was really intense. I felt during the process I had done poorly and just needed to lie down for a bit to recover from the stress. I planned to sleep for only a few minutes.

    Immediately when I closed my eyes, the vision began. I was sitting next to God inside a darkened room, like in a movie theater. I was seated to His right. In front of us was the screen with two spotlights displayed. The same image appeared in the middle of both spotlights. Watching the full screen was a bit difficult as I was seeing double. I started to focus on just one of the circles so the detail would be clear.

    There was a thick, blue circle outlining a creamy white background. In the center was a soft, red flower similar to a hibiscus that was turned toward the left. Suddenly there were lots of small, dark shadow bugs rushing from all directions over the image, moving and waving frantically. While nothing was audible, I sensed a constant buzzing. Their agitating ways caused me distress and dizziness. The LORD God leaned over and whispered to me, “Watch what I AM going to do.”

    I observed one large, translucent white butterfly coming up from the lower section of the screen. As it slowly rose towards the center, the butterfly steadily flapped its wings in a calm, methodical manner. As it did so, all the dark, shadow bugs began scattering away! I felt, rather than heard, the noise change from a chaotic chant to screams of terror. There were fewer and fewer of them until not one remained. The butterfly itself disappeared from sight. The image was as it was in the beginning. I felt peace, opened my eyes and sat up.

    It is my opinion that God gave me this vision to help sustain me through the election turmoil we have witnessed. The symbolism is obvious. Red, white and blue colors of the United States of America. The spotlight focus on our elections. The crazy movements and clamor of the shadow bug hordes of big tech, media and the deep state players. Their aggressive swarming conduct. Contrasted with the beauty, calm and elegance of God’s butterfly. I have assurance that He is in control of everything and in His powerful light, the hateful demonic forces are exposed, He will sweep them all away in His manner and in His time.

Rhonda Van der Dussen
November 14, 2020

I for one, have decided to continue to believe, no matter what it looks like.
So many people have gotten the expression, “It’s not over”.
It seems like whenever God gives a promise, He also lets His people be tested, to see if they’re really going to believe Him. And the tests are real.
When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, then God literally painted them into a corner—Pharoah’s army behind them, the sea in front of them,–and no place to go.
They then began to doubt, and fear. God did a literal miracle. There are so many examples of these miracles in the Bible, and in history—battles that looked hopeless, but God’s people prayed and a miracle happened.

I find it hard to believe that there could be so many words, and movements inspired by God, for us to turn back to Him (i.e., Return 2020, etc.), and Amy Comy Barrett getting in to the Supreme Court, the timing of it—there’s just been so many things like this, that I find it hard to believe that God wasn’t out ahead of this, and getting things in place. I find it hard to believe that He’d just stop now. It doesn’t make sense to me. Also so many times when I’ve wavered in fear, someone gets a word, that is just exactly what I needed to hear. Or they get a word in such a way, that you know it’s God, and not just you coming up with it.
Also, I think many times the prophecy or promise is not fulfilled the way we imagine it will, or in the timing that we expect. Joseph had a dream that his brothers would bow down to him—but he never imagined all the bad things that would happen before that dream was fulfilled.
I worry that the enemy is getting us to doubt, fear, and turn on each other, instead of having a united front in prayer. I look at things practically—if God truly spoke, and we give up in fear and doubt, we won’t get the promise—just like the Israelites in the Promised Land—Hebrews 4. But if we do continue to pray and believe, we’ll get the answer. If God DIDN’T speak, then we won’t. So we have a one in 3 chance of getting the answer. BUT we for sure won’t get it, if we give up.

I have simply decided to choose to believe, even though I still have to battle the fear and doubt. If I am wrong, and I end up looking like a total fool—then SO BE IT. Then I’ll seek God to find out where I went wrong, and how better to discern His voice.

    November 14, 2020


    Gloria A Robles
    November 14, 2020

    Hi Rhonda, I definitely feel this comment. I have felt like my faith is being tested as being tested as a nation. I have thought on all the same things you have. Why would we have ACB in the supreme court, and be do close to overturning roe v wade to lose now? I definitely feel these events were divinely orchestrated and we as the church must continue in repentance, prayers, thanksgiving, supplication, intercession, fasting, praising, worshipping, and fully trusting in God to deliver us. I will continue to do such. Thank you for this comment. Very insightful.

    Blessings to you

    Penni Bulten
    November 17, 2020

    Amen! It’s not over until all the votes are tabulated and certified, and in the case of a tie (269 – 269) the individual elector from each state votes.

    (And there may also be 2024)

Mayra Valera
November 14, 2020

I believe as is daid in this article there are part of the church inmerse in their own personal prayers and media competition and missing the big picture we are all in
The second term for president Trump foesn’t have to be
following the first details are sometimes let aside maybe he needs to get stronger and get new strategies for next time meanwhile manipulated people can see what they were voting for Who knows but
I still believe that my Redeemer is alive and will rise from the dust!

November 14, 2020

Prophets aside, the Presidential election has not happened yet – for an explanation of how the President is elected, visit American Thinker and read the article entitled “The Founders Outsmarted the Presidential Election Fraudsters” and “Examining the Code Internet Geeks Conclude Trump’s Win Was Yuuuge”. I believe President Trump will remain in office when the dust settles. We are still in the midst of a coup attempt by the left. Just because the MSM (false prophets) declare Biden the winner doesn’t make it so. “…..the Most High is Sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes”. Daniel 4:32 and 5:21. If Biden were the one God had set over us, I believe He would give us very different prayers. As for me, the Lord is refining my focus on Him and His will for my life – to get rid of the clutter and truly live for Him. To use this time wisely to reach out with His love and Gospel here in America and to the ends of the Earth.

    Penni Bulten
    November 17, 2020

    Amen again and thank you! Love the American Thinker, they have good information. (And comparing the MSM, which now includes most of FOX to false prophets was priceless! Brilliant, too) But best of all was the mention of Daniel’s words to two kings, it is a real encouragement in these crazy times.

Heidi Bass
November 14, 2020

My response is no election has been certified. God is still working behind the scenes. He’s not finished with America yet.

God doesn’t do anything without first revealing it to His prophets and of course–we are in 2020 – 2 Chronicles 20:20–Believe in the Lord and you will be established, believe the prophets and your plans will succeed. Many are the plans of the enemy and man–and it is God’s plans that prevail. Has He not said, will He not do, will He not finish what He started? Isaiah 55:11, God’s Word (spoken by His Prophets) does not come back void, it hits the mark and accomplishes what it set out to do.

So to anyone who is doubting President Trump will win in a landslide–which could be a landslide of evidence exposing voter fraud–I say, cast your net again–continue to fast and pray–the thief has been caught stealing in 2016, and he must repay 7-fold that which has been stolen. We will have 28 years of God’s Kingdom reign and His chosen people leading America–as many prophets have said–there are still 24 years to go.

I believe, when all the fraud is exposed, every legal vote is counted, every counterfeit vote is thrown out, every court case is won–God is going to do a Triple Crown, Trifecta, where Trump gets the Whitehouse, and God’s Kingdom candidates have victory and power in the House and the Senate. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Jan Teel
November 14, 2020

On Thursday morning, I was quickened in my spirit the words many prophets had spoken!! They said President Trump would have two terms!! Then I thought perhaps God’s plan is for his second term to be in 2024 with a landslide!! And just maybe we would take the House and the Senate!! Then that night I listened to the last news of the day, Shannon Bream on Fox News. I was not giving it to much attention, then suddenly I heard President Trump say, depending on the out come, he would be running for President in 2024!! I felt in my spirit is God revealing His plan!! The prophets were right!! The problem is the Prophets and the people of God were all assuming a second term was going to be in 2020!!
Perhaps God’s plan to restore all to our nation and President Trump is in 2024!!
Perhaps many things need to be revealed to our nation, and the world, through a corrupt illegal Democrat Biden/Harris Presidential Election!! We will continue to pray, fast and stand on God’s word. He will reveal His plan to His people called by His name, and to His Prophets. To God be all the praise and Glory!!

    November 14, 2020

    I had just posted the same thing, essentially, before I read any comments. I would like to submit the 2024 slogan: ‘Had enough?’. Blessings. If that be the case, much…much…will be exposed and brought to Light over the next 4 yrs. Masks are being ripped off, goats & sheep are being separated, ‘true colours’ are being revealed, the ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ shall be stripped naked. If His people must go into captivity for 4 yrs. so that His Truth may be revealed, so be it. God is still on the Throne and to Him all knees shall bow forever and ever. Amen. Jesus is Lord!!!

November 14, 2020

Father, I ask you lift up our President encourage his spirit, surround him with true believers!
Open the eyes of the lost, its not the President they don’t want it is you dear God! This is
spiritual warfare, wake up, pray, pray, pray, and the pastors who say nothing it grieves my
I know this is not over till you say its over, and expose all the devil schemes, The battle is yours and
you go before Trump strengthen his inner man, you chose him to do what others would not do!
Remember he made Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, your Word says whoever blesses Israel, I
will bless, he has your favor and you will not take away!
So we wait on you Lord, no weapon formed against him shall prosper, he is the head not the tail.

Nelida Torres
November 14, 2020

I truly believe in Godly prophets. When I first heard the prophecy of Kim Clement concerning President Trump being in office for two terms; I believed it. However, with that prophecy a condition was also in place. President Trump needed to humble himself! According to his words and Twitter account, he became more arrogant! He relied on the word God had spoken but did not walk in humility before God. We know by scripture that God wants us to align with His purpose to bring His word to pass. President Trump’s prophecy was true. Everything God said came to pass, Supreme Court, impeachment, uncovered secret and allegations of misconduct. I do believe the prophecy was from God.

November 14, 2020

The Bible says if it doesn’t come to pass they are false prophets and should be stoned.

Charles O Todd III
November 14, 2020

National repentance.

Please use the following prayer at least once daily until 31 days after the General Election is certified.

Almighty Everliving God, we – the citizens of America – come to you with humbled and contrite hearts. We repent of our tepid faith, our poorly-developed and fruitless works, and our indifference to You and to our neighbors. We are resolved to return to You, to submit to your Will, and to become again “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” From the doors of our homes, from the gates of our communities, from the seat of our governments, and from the depths of our hearts we return to You for you alone are compassionate enough to heal and restore our Nation. Bless our leaders and everyone in authority – including those who develop, enforce, and adjudicate laws – so that they serve with morality, compassion, integrity, wisdom, and justice so we can all live together in Peace. We stand against those who follow the ways of evil and anarchy, threatening to destroy our Nation and to set aside the blessings and wisdom you gave to our founding fathers. We will return to serving God, Country, and family so that your Name may be glorified. We ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord. AMEN.
– [ ]

    November 14, 2020

    I agree with your prayer! AMEN!
    I repent of my complacency and not putting YOU first LORD GOD.
    You are Worthy of it all! Have Your way in my life. Turn the hearts of Your people to be totally sold out to YOU JESUS!🙏

Kenneth Peek
November 14, 2020

This is the way I see the prophecies made concerning our President. No matter what the outcome of the final vote count, Donald J. Trump won the legitimate vote count. Having said that, it remains to be seen if our President actually serves a second turn because of the overwhelming instances of voter fraud and irregularities . If he does not, we cannot blame God. He has faithfully exposed and revealed all the fraud. The blame, I believe will fall on those who are tasked to prove the fraudulent votes; including the Trump campaign, the Republican poll watchers, the State legislators of each state in question, and finally the Supreme Court if they become paralyzed in acting on these lawsuits, especially Pennsylvania. So, the prophets are correct in prophesying our President will win the election, but incorrect in prophesying he would serve a second term.

November 14, 2020

The election is still undecided. We should wait until the result before we judge a prophecy. Many who said President Trump would be re-elected said it would come with great turmoil.

Jeanne Osterhout
November 14, 2020

The day after the election I was crying before the Lord, asking his help to accept his will in the election regardless of my feelings and disappointment. I believe the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart. “I have allowed this in order root out corruption and bring justice to my people.” Then the words of George Mueller “we need always to pray and never give up”.
I have never considered myself a prophet nor do I now, but I do firmly believe this came from the Lord.
Another repeated theme is: “Do not grow weary in well doing….” and In everything give thanks…”
All has been confirmed by sisters in the Lord who have had similar experiences. Our God is an awesome God. To him be the glory!

    Laura Dominick
    November 15, 2020

    My sister and I had the same experience the day after the election. We cried out to the Lord in a moment of despair, but immediately felt in our Spirit that God would use this to strengthen His church, teach us more about being prayer warriors, clean out the evil in our governments (national and local) – and that we were to STAND firm in faith. Then he gave us 2 Chronicles 20 – as SO many other have been given. Since then we have not let our foot be moved – we are standing with praise and thanksgiving on our lips and watching to see how our Lord will bring truth to light. We believe Donald Trump will be President for 4 more years – the Lord is using him for His purposes. The murder of babies under the Democrat platform is like sacrificing to Molech – God HATES that, and President Trump has stood for life.

Sheridan Crenshaw
November 14, 2020

This word is right-on and should encourage (or correct) many. I agree that the words released by multiple prophetic intercessors and prophets is to awaken us more and more to our responsibility to this nation and our commitment to The Lord in the days ahead. I believe many could be discouraged in their walks with The Lord by what is happening and not continue to wage the war in intercession. KEEP THE FAITH AND KEEP FIGHTING FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!!

Ric Fritz
November 14, 2020

Just wow. Always an excuse, always a defense, always a justification.

No owning up, no apology to those whose faith has been severely weakened, no concern for laughing and joking by the unbelieving world.

How convenient now to blame others. You should be ashamed.

    November 14, 2020

    I am sorry to hear of your discouragement, and the laughing and joking (and you could add mocking) of an unbelieving world. To me that signifies that the true Enemy is working as hard as he can in opposition against God- to discourage believers. God is never late- I would encourage you to read Chronicles 20- It is hard to even imagine the depth of corruption involved that could be at work here. But let’s not stone our prophets just yet. If the Lord indeed has given them these words of prophesy, and there is much agreement amongst them that He has. And the Lord is uncovering this (and I believe He is) We need to Wait upon the Lord. We need to be in prayer for the strength of those doing the uncovering. And we need to understand that this is a battle being waged spiritually. In Chronicles 20 it talks of Praising the Lord- that is our job- To Praise Him- that is the antidote to spiritual fatigue, to anxiety and discouragement. The Lord will win the Battle. Let’s not give the enemy any ground. The Lord’s victory will be complete- I pray that He gives you strength and helps you to encourage those around you.

November 14, 2020

We have to remember this is not over yet, and I believe it will be a landslide for Trump, And he will be president again and we will glorify God for the miracle he has done within this election we give you all the glory God we thank you for answered prayer and we thank you for all the profits out there that are listening to you , you are in control, thank you a Jesus.🙏

November 14, 2020

look at thousands of people that showed up in Presidents rallies. and the rallies that Biden had there was no more than a dozen, I call it a landslide, the different is that they stole the votes. does not make a different the people has spoken. so Trump will win or then we can say the prophets were false, it’ not over our President is still President and Biden is still an wantabee.

Christine Bennett
November 14, 2020

Pray and not give up and trust God and what He is doing even when it is invisible to humans. No matter what, God is sovereign, still on His throne, and fully in control. Whom else am I to trust?

Dorothea Pounds
November 14, 2020

I believe in my heart that God will surprise us and Trump will remain president. I choose to believe God has heard our prayers and will heal this land as it is written in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

    November 14, 2020

    Actually, it would be a surprise to me if he DID NOT continue as our President. I believe this is a wake-up call for America to stop sitting on your hands and get on your knees – BEFORE you open that refrigerator door. I believe, with many others, that there are great lessons to be learned here for Christ’s congregation in America, and around the world. I personally cannot imagine a United States where baby-killing goes unchecked, where the entire country is commanded to wear masks, stay apart from their loved one, have families and friends torn apart …. where does it stop? We’ve sinned mightily for many years, but remember the 2 Chronicles 7:14: “IF MY PEOPLE which are called by my name …..”. Not a one-time thing ….

November 14, 2020

The prophets were not wrong!!!!!
Donald Trump is not a stupid man. He has been 10 steps ahead of these evil people all along. There is a spiritual war going on for this Nation and a battle is being fought. Just because everything doesn’t happen right now, doesn’t mean its over.

Will Winn
November 14, 2020

If an individual prefaces what they speak with “Thus says the Lord,” how can you say they are merely speaking presumptuously? And how do we understand Jesus’ warning to the elect about false Christs who come “in His name,” and false prophets who will exist in the “last” days and “if it were possible they will fool/deceive the very elect?” There is too little discipline and “judging” by proven prophets today. Words from people who are presumed to be prophets who start their “prophetic words” with “I think the Lord is saying/speaking” are NOT prophesying. They are “presuming.” I saw first hand too much of this when Pat Robertson was running for President in 1988! We need a sure word of prophecy from God Almighty, not the false presumptions of unproven prophets. If Donald Trump is not elected, presumptive prophets need to be identified, disciplined and not trusted again.

    Debra Herron
    November 14, 2020

    I don’t agree and people who think as you do are why some don’t speak out when God places it on their heart. Think about it if we heeded HIS warnings and humbled and prayed and fasted for this election are we to quit believing in God because the results aren’t what we expected. Satan and his cronies are trying their best to discourage and turn each of us against one another. Don’t be fooled by him. God will have the last say. Whether or not Trump is President 2021-2024 or if he come back in 2025-2028 and wins….. I don’t even like Trump but I feel God is using him to fulfill prophecy. And to say they need to be disciplined {another way of saying Tarred and feathered}?? Who are WE[the church] to Judge anyone??? GOD WILL BE THE JUDGE my friend not you or I. Self righteousness is running rampant today and I think we need to check ourselves.

      Will Winn
      November 14, 2020

      Unfortunately, your unscriptural and response from your emotions is why the elect of God, even though emotionally merciful, will be fooled by wolves in sheep’s clothing who never knew or know the Lord. Check Matthew 24:4-5. Your “presumption” of discipline being tarring and feathering again shows your lack of experience, immaturity and willingness to accept false words and pseudo prophets and even pseudo Christs. And, understand even good intentions from your heart, when overextended can become bad.

      November 14, 2020

      I agree with you 99.9% one thing, I have learned to appreciate all President Trump has done and trying to do. Remember he is a baby Christian,and needs so much prayer, but if you look at all the good things I’ve read about him, giving money to the needed, people speaking out, how he called them and gave them money to save their farm, on and on, the Trumps have gone through so much for us, he tells it how it is, and that is something most politicians don’t do to our face. I hope next time you can say you like our President.

    November 15, 2020

    Thank you Will for your scriptural comments. We need to stand on God’s word and His standards for prophecy.

November 14, 2020

Good word…
God has the last say in all matters. May His Kingdom come, and His will be done on/in earth as it is in heaven, for His ultimate glory, in the mighty name of Jesus, the King of Kings, and the Lord of lords. Hallelujah and Amen!…☝️🙌💪👑👏👍👌🇺🇸🙏🙂

Elder Doug
November 14, 2020

“It’s not over ’til it’s over!” I stand by this quote. I sense a spirit conceding Trump’s defeat in many of the comments below, but it’s not over. Let’s judge the prophets and prophecies when the recounts and legal challenges are done. Until then I will continue to pray that Trump will serve another four years.

Barbara A Ronne
November 14, 2020

I choose to believe the Prophets! It may take until January but God is asking us to have faith and pray and don’t speak negatively! God Bless the true prophets of God!

John Douglas
November 14, 2020

I believe that when this thing shakes out that we will see a Trump victory & a landslide. Most Christians expect the word of the Lord to be fulfilled tomorrow. As I read the story of Elisha in 2 king 13 when he was on his death bed, the king came to him lamenting because the prophet was departing. Elisha told him to open the east window toward the direction of Aram. He told him to pull out the bow and arrow. The arrow represents the word of the Lord.He put his hands on the kings hand & he said shoot. As the arrow flew, Elisha prophesied victory over Aram until the were completely destroyed. Then he told the king to strike the ground with the arrow. He struck it 3 times & stopped, Elisha was angry & said why did you stop? If you had struck 5 for six times, you would have destroyed them, now you will only strike them 3 times. We, the Church have a responsibility to believe & to stand & strike the ground with the prophetic word to bring that word from heaven to earth. Isn’t that how Jesus taught us to pray? ” on earth as it is in heaven”. As a body, we spend too much time listening to the prophets of baal ( the media) & not going to the courts of heaven with what God has already declared about His intensions. The Lord had been speaking to me about Haman hanging on his own gallows & we have been declaring that. Psalm 64 talks about the enemy with his well conceived plans, then it says that God will shoot His arrow at them & they will be wounded, stumble & their tongue will be used against them. They will be caught in their own trap! I believe we are about to see God rise up in a way that will be undeniable that it is His hand that turns this. Many will see & fear & put their trust in Him. Keep standing & striking the arrow. Let the joy of the Lord rise up, it will be our strength. May His bride rise up with joy, declaring the excellency of our God even before we see it come about. Don’t give up & we will see His victory, divine justice!

    Jared Armstrong
    November 14, 2020

    Amen John! Saints of God go to the Word! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. How does doubt come? By HEARING (the first human doubt was eve listening and entertaining the serpents half-truths). As this brother said, stop listening to the media. Be VERY SELECTIVE what news you listen to. EVEN CONSERVATIVE. IFA is obviously a great resource for headline prayer. The epoch times and NTD so far seems to be a trustworthy source as well. But MUCH MORE than news, we need to be looking to His Word. Paul said in 1 Cor. 10 that the Old Testament stories were written for us, “for our admonition”; “upon whom the end of the ages have come”.

    We must build our lives, and specifically our interpretation of this confusing election, on the Rock of our Lord Jesus Christ and his Word. Take Courage! The Lord will avenge his elect speedily, nevertheless… when the Son of Man comes, “will He find faith on earth”?

    Blessings in Christ to you all,

    Mary M Scott-Nelson
    February 14, 2021

    Maybe that victory you see or hoped for was Trump being acquitted for his Insurrection he caused, after he couldn’t take losing the election. He was built up by those prophets too, and he believed them just as we did. But I have learned long before now, to Trust God yourself, and hang your faith on His spoken Word, while watching the objects, and issues. God want the unrighteous to be saved, and he is a God that does righteousness. The object here thought he was like Jesus, So I put those prophecies on the side and watched what God would do. There was no no more fraud in 2020 than was in 2016. If 2016 was done right, so was 2020. God loves all His people. And the system is the majority wins. 81 million is still more than 60 plus million. Hatefulness don’t get any prayers answered from God either. Not the true and living God that is. Some of these posts seems as if they talking about another god. When reality we don’t truly know any more about either persons Trump or Biden to be downing one and lifting the other. But if one would dare to destroy the whole Republic because he lost an election, that’s too selfish to say God would take down someone and put him in place anyway. Then this election is over, he has no way of remaining president now, and if people have good sense they would leave him alone, unless they are down with going under a fascist rule.

November 14, 2020

God does nothing without first proclaiming it through his prophets. So let Him move! Let our spiritual eyes be opened to proclaim what God is doing! He loves justice so we declare His justice upon our lands. God is righteous. Authority is established by His righteousness the wicked my usurp authority for a short time but their own power will be their undoing. We repent for our blindness and willingness to believe the lie that christians should stay out of politics. We repent for allowing the wicked to overtake our judicial system, creating high places by applying unholy laws upon our land. While most of us did nothing, they flourished into an organized network of wickedness. So we declare God’s righteousness and cleansing upon our lands. Righteousness in our political system, elections, in our judicial system, our laws past, present, and future. In our leaders, even religious leaders. And all who claim authority, even fathers in their homes that all will be established by God’s righteousness, truth, and desire for our lands. That our lands be covered under the blood of Christ, all other sacrifices can never usurp Christ’s and by His we have the right and authority to proclaim His cleansing power, His light, His glory upon our land driving out every form of witchcraft, lies, deceit, manipulation and wickedness. We humbly pray knowing that it is God who is the author and finisher of our faith in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth amen.

November 14, 2020

My response is to continue to pray, believe, and stand!

Pastor Don
November 14, 2020

Can’t we just own it and not try to excuse it? Those who prophesied and landslide got it wrong. Period.

Of course, not all of the prophetic voices called for victory. In fact, a few called for “chaos” and upheaval. I would say those words were far closer to the mark. But like Israel of old, we tend to pick and choose which prophetic words we believe based upon whether or not those words and positive and prophesy victory.

    November 14, 2020

    Without widespread fraud, Trump would have won by a landslide. It is not over yet.

    November 14, 2020

    President Trump DID win on election night in a landslide… anyone looking at all the evidence being collection all over this nation can see that there was widespread fraud, especially in the middle of the night in 2 states where hundreds of thousands of votes were brought in – all for Biden and 0 for Trump! That kind of event simply does not happen – ever. This fraud and deception will be brought to light not only to re-elect President Trump, but really to STOP this kind of election from ever happening again! There needs to be nationwide election standards with no more suspicious computer programs operating only in some states. The state of Texas declined to purchase the DOMINION software 3 times as it was proven to be easily hacked, even by a cell phone! Votes were manipulated by computer as well as fake ballots brought in. This cannot happen ever again if we want honest elections in our country.

Stella (TX)
November 14, 2020

In THE LORD’s MIGHTY NAME greetings. I dont dream or I dont remember that I do. However, at waking today I thought I heard(?)a ‘news clip’ former President Jimmy Carter saying, “Never in U.S.A. history has an elected sitting President like DJT been constantly ridiculed, ostracized, daily vitrioly:hated/attacked. Why? Will at the end of this attempted ‘steal’ you will find coercive source to be ‘deep:state/International’ collusion!!!”
WOW! GOD IS A CUP OF TREMBLING TO THE NATIONS of the world. Our GOD can only bless with good those that bless Israel; President-DJT has done only good to Israel; defunded abortion; stop trafficking of children; doesnt take a salary, add’l spends his own money. Loves America/Justice/Right deeply. GOD keep and protect DJT, his family, his faithful cabinet’ families/members all.
Numbers 23:23″There is no magic charm, no witchcraft, That can be used against the nation of Israel,[nor to those that bless Israel.] Now people will say about Israel, ‘Look what God has done!’ 24 The nation of Israel is like a mighty lion:It doesn’t rest until it has torn and devoured, Until it has drunk the blood of those it has killed.”
—GOD HAS DRAWN A LINE IN THE SAND, choose you this day whom you will serve

John Bulinda
November 14, 2020

On November 9th 2020, while in my Prayer Closet (War Room) the Spirit of the Lord gave me a vision.
I saw a white chair which had the flag of America embossed on it.
Each of its legs had a Letter that when read from the left leg clockwise, to the right leg created the word SEAT.
In my thinking (in the vision) I could make the name to represent an acronym and it sure was. A voice said to me “Son you need to move closer to read the words connected to the letters. Also not the small perforated holes on the chair which have been covered by the white paint and flag color. The holes have been perforated by termites represented by the four words on the chair legs.
When I moved closer. I could see the covered perforated holes as well as the words of the acronym. It blew my Mind away. Here are the words:
Same – Sex
While still pondering at what I had seen, an image of a Mannequin sat on the chair with a three spoke prong in its hand (kind of satanic symbol) and on its forehead was the letter the H.E.
In the vision, the symbolism of the H.E. was clear to me. It stood for Human Exploitation.
Thus the entire name changed to SEATHE.
The voice in my vision then
Said, “Son, check for the meaning of the name SEATHE
This is what is crippling My
Covenant Nation of the United States of America.”
(When I got out of the War Room checked for the meaning of SEATHE but found SEATH without letter E) SEATH is name that’s been used by parents who are considering UNISEX or NON-GENDERED Baby Names that can be used for ANY GENDER.
Tell My Intercessors, Churches, and Prayer Generals both here in your State and Nation of America and Your Intercessory Network in Australia and Africa as well as the Far East Nations to Intensify Prayers for 70 Days from Wednesday November 11th 2020 through January 19th 2020 before the Inauguration of the 46th President of this Great Nation on January 20th 2020.
As they intercede and wage war against the forces of darkness I will answer with a Mighty Shaking and Awe!
Remember I spoke through my servant Prophet Haggai 2:1-9 that I was going to fulfill My Word that I covenanted with you when you arrived here seven years ago to Intercede for America. Fear Not.
“For yet once, again it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will SHAKE ALL NATIONS, and the DESIRE OF ALL NATIONS. shall come: and I will fill this house with GLORY, says the LORD of hosts….and The GLORY of this latter house shall be greater than the former, says the LORD of hosts: and in this place I will give peace, says the LORD of hosts,”
As for My servants the Prophets they should not be discouraged. Just like I healed Hezekiah and added 15more years to his life, so shall I do for my choice servant Cyrus.
The Lord then gave me His word from Isaiah 38:4-8 to confirm His word.
Then the Word of the LORD came to Isaiah: “Go and tell Hezekiah, ‘This is what LORD, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life. And I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria. I will defend this city. This is the LORD’s sign to you that the LORD will do to what He has promised: I will make the shadow cast by the sun go back the ten steps it has gone down on the stairway of Ajax. So the sunlight went back the ten steps it had gone down.”

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    Thea Cleveland
    November 14, 2020

    I agree with you in our need to continue to intercede. As an old school intercessor, I have been burdened to intercede intensely for the condition of America for over 36 years. The Lord has heard all of our prayers. This great exposure is the 1st part of the answer. We must all be awakened in order to see the truth. Only then can we repent and turn. The harvest is white but the laborers are few.America has a spiritual destiny. She was birthed through covenant. We must find our way back to the Original Intent. All roads lead through Philadelphia PA (Revelation 7-). Original intent.
    Fast and Pray. God is Sovereign!

    ISAIAH 58:12 vAnd your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt;
    you shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
    you shall be called the repairer of the breach,the restorer of streets to dwell in.

Rev. Ronald Roland
November 14, 2020

Wishful thinking is not Godly prophecy. There has been no evidence of direct revelation, as given to God’s prophets and the apostles, since St. John the Elder died at the end of the first century. Everything necessary has been revealed. While we are told to use God’s Word and His Sacraments as a guide for our lives, that doesn’t mean we can predict the future. No sane person would wish the Democrat Domestic Terrorist party to continue with their program of abortion, homosexuality, false gods and persecution of the Church, yet the final result is out of our control. We should continue to work for the way of Christ, understanding that in the End – which we can’t predict – this sort of evil people will seem to prevail, before they and their demonic leader are banished from God’s New Earth forever.

    Gloria A Robles
    November 14, 2020

    Hi Rev,

    I used to believe the same as you that we no longer need prophets/prophetic ministry. Ephesians 4 talks about the 5 foundational offices, and their description or fivefold as many would say. Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor,teacher. If we no longer need the prophets, why would Paul have written about it in Ephesians and Corinthians as well. To say we no longer need prophets, is the same as saying we don’t need pastors, or evangelists, or any other. All 5 are needed equally to serve the body of Christ and build us up into maturity.(According to Ephesians 4) I am in no way exalting or glorifying one above another. I am in no way trying to debate anyone. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior above all. He is the living Hope. My point was everyones focus should be on the future of our nation, what we stand to lose. Not turning on one another.I hope this clarifies things.

    Blessings to you

      Debra Herron
      November 14, 2020

      Thank You Gloria That about sums it up. There is so much I could say but you said it very well. May God have mercy on us all…..

Linda k Rice
November 14, 2020

I appreciate this article and concur wholeheartedly. I can’t imagine the horror of living under a regime again which would project ungodly colors on the White House and applaud abortion. We will lift up the spiritual ground troops and those in the air and on the sea.

Rolf Tan
November 14, 2020

Well spoken and true. A few of us in Toronto continue to uphold President Trump and what he is called by God to accomplish. Psalm 64.

Niel S. Atkinson
November 14, 2020

To further add to my previous comment. I am willing to be judged not only by Almighty God, but also by the mature men at IFA. I was originally a part of IFA when it was formed by Earn Baxter & Derek Prince, in Miami, back in the 70’s. I will gladly submit to authority.

I believe that God spoke to me back in July 2020, that Trump was not a perfect man, nor a man without sin, but that God had chosen him to lead The United States.

I do not apologize for this & if I was wrong then so be it. I am known as a man for very accurate prophetic words and am now 77 Years old.

Niel S. Atkinson

Nancy Smith
November 14, 2020

Thanks for this excellent reporting of GOD’S WORD!!!!! 🙏🐏🇱🇷 Nancy Smith

Richard Williams
November 14, 2020

I appreciate IFA publishing the article on “Testing the Prophets.” Many followers of Jesus Christ have been stimulated and challenged to prayer feverenty concerning President Trump and the elections. Those who have prophesied that President Trump will be reelected are faced the question, did they hear from God? Here are some considerations: (1) the article seems premature since the outcome of the 2020 elections are not yet determined and we don’t know the outcome of 2024 (2) the article comes across as “defensive” in an attempt to soften the reality those who prophesied missed hearing the Holy Spirit. (3) In the New Testament we are to judge the prophecies, not judge the prophets (! Cor.14:29, 1 Thes.5:20-21).(4) It is possible those who prophesied went beyond their measure of faith and added words from their own minds (Ro.12:6).

Jim Matush
November 14, 2020

As for me, I listen, go to the Holy Spirit, ask for truth to be known and believe John 8:31-32
The Truth Will Make You Free
31So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; 32and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

Every time I read that section 8:31-59; I am reminded of how Jesus rebuked the scoffers, those in worldly power that continued to try to entrap him in their own worldly snares. This passage easily makes so clear a conviction that lives in me- who is your father, you do your father’s deeds, whether that is God our father or the evil one who lies, deceives, destroys and kills. There is no question after this 4 years where the “lies, deceit, and destruction” have come from and who is responsible- the evil one, their true father, even though the killing may yet remain a mystery…
Their (Pharisees and Sadducees) final trust- that all would and have died, is true in their world- so they can be right in their fathers world, but we know God’s truth that Jesus did NOT die, that there is life beyond our physical death that eternity is worth the prize we are called to.
36“So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed
The Son has made me free and I do pray God uses Trump to reveal our wickedness and overturn the evil that has progressed for so long in this country- trying to remove God from every nook and cranny known. They have certainly succeeded in our public schools, most higher education, much of our court system, Hollywood, the media for sure, our largely blue cities, the brazen death of our children due to choice and inconvenience- this coming from someone who has been part of 3 abortions in my family before I knew the truth and am often reminded of that consequence in my family- yet I am free today- thank you Jesus, most of our sports celebrities, certainly China- and yet they are becoming Christians at record rates, obviously politics where “narrative” has completely replaced truth- yet this truth can and will set you free, regardless of how, He uses Trump. I am an ardent Trump supporter, patriot, American and fighter for Truth and Justice in this world but my faith and hope lies in His kingdom, His perfect home and the more we can lead to Him, those who will see the light, come to know the truth- they will have their eyes opened and be set free.
Great article Gloria- the prophets do give us hope and I’m not ashamed of them, careful yes, but I confess regularly I am guilty of seeing what I pray for and often get ahead of The Lord… I’m still free!!!! wrong at times but FREE INDEED.

Carlos Sarmiento
November 14, 2020

Great article and insight, completely agree. However, if the prophets that have been doubling down on their prophetic words, guaranteeing that God did speak and that God would have the president re-elected , if it does not come to pass, how can they be trusted with other prophecies. When the prophet misses or prophesies incorrectly, there has to be deep accountability and there needs to be a revaluation of why they missed it so bad. This is not a small mess, this would be a huge mess with devastating results. This would put a huge stain on the true prophetic voices that are out there and that God wants to raise up. We cannot afford to have these prophets wrong. In addition because it’s not one or two prophets but numerous ones that have prophesied for years, months before the election and even to this day are saying it will come to pass. And many of them are national, international profits that are well respected and have proven track records. I pray they’re right, I’m praying and interceding their words daily through numerous Live prayer calls on social media. We cannot afford for them to be wrong. Blessings.

    Linda k Rice
    November 14, 2020

    I appreciate this article and concur wholeheartedly. I can’t imagine the horror of living under a regime again which would project ungodly colors on the White House and applaud abortion. We will lift up the spiritual ground troops and those in the air and on the sea.

    Gloria A Robles
    November 14, 2020

    Hi Carlos,

    I agree. Accountability is very important. Right now we are waiting and trusting in the Lord. It’s not so much about the prophets being validated, as it is about God having his way in America. I’m more concerned about christians in two camps divided. One camp is waiting to be proven right. One camp is waiting to prove them wrong. This is a wrong focus. Whether you are a christian who believes in prophets or not. Can we agree it’s not about who’s right and who’s wrong? It’s about the next generation, stopping abortion, protecting religious liberty, uprooting socialism, and so much more?
    Blessings to you. I appreciate your comments.

November 14, 2020

DO NOT FAINT IN THE DAY OF ADVERSITY! I encourage you, body of Christ, having done all to stand!! Let’s take the heads off these giants! And Jezebel, Arab, Vashti, and Delilah spirits, we bind and drive out of the USA!! You will not rule in our nation’s government!! We forbid you!! We give to Him Whose right it is!! Let there be LIGHT!! I command the LIGHT TO SHINE IN THE DARKNESS!! Strength! Strength to Your people, O Most High!! Vindicate your people! We worship You and give You praise and glory!! Be glorified in the USA!!
Luke 18:1-8
Verse 18 GNB, …”I will judge in her favor…speedily!”
Haggai 2:20-22 KJV, …Word of the LORD…Speak to the governor saying, I will shake heaven and earth, I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms; I will destroy the strength of the Gentile kingdoms. I will overthrow the chariots and those who ride in them; the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of their brother.
Proverbs 11:21, Though hand join in hand (they make a league), the wicked shall not go unpunished; but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered!!
It is written and it must be fulfilled!!!

November 14, 2020

This is not over. The prophets did not say when Trump would win. They said he would win, and it would be a landslide. If you recall, the night of the election, November 3 that is exactly what we witnessed. He should have been declared the winner by a landslide victory (770,000 votes). Notice the double #7, and on track for over 300 EC votes., and he was winning popular votes. Because he was winning by so much, the deceivers and fraudsters had to stop the counting so they could alter the vote totals. The delay now has produced more GOP House/Senate winners then originally posted as light was shown on the fraud to steal their win. In and through this whole process God is in control, exposing the workers of darkness that would harm U.S. This is not over. Come January 20,2021 DJT will be our duly elected President. God knew and used this election to expose wickedness that He will be dealing with. Faith-filled believers have learned we are not moved by what we see. We keep declaring what we know to be His Word, His will,. Donald J Trump will be a two-term President. He is Gods man for this job, as we are on breakthrough for Revival.

    Linda k Rice
    November 14, 2020

    Chuck Pierce said “this would not be fully settled until Jan. 18.” He said that on the Sonday before the election. He said it would be swampy and nasty and that we must pray.

November 14, 2020

With all due respect for this dear sister, if it takes this much explanation to justify an unfulfilled “prophetic word” then I’m not sure we’re on solid ground here. If a prophesy is wrong, it is wrong. Scripture doesn’t go into a variety of exceptions. (Personally, I’m holding out for a Trump win)

I certainly would concur that those delivering “Trump prophecies” were well intended. The person’s character and walk with the Lord, may not be in question. But we should be discerning of opinion, wishful thinking and prophecy.

Please understand. I mean no disrespect. But I take seriously the prudent comment of Paul, “Let God be true and every man a liar” (Rom 3:4).

    November 14, 2020

    I think examining the whole word of God gives us the best explanation and it certainly looks like our sister has done just that. The differences she described about a false prophet and a true prophet were clear. Being human we might mix some of what we think with what we hear but that doesn’t negate what God is going to do. He uses imperfect people!

Karen Allen
November 14, 2020

Lord God, I pray for ever person who is fighting for President Trump. I pray for a renewed STRENGTH to fight for a fair election and a fair election system. Lord, I believe these prophets when saying that Trump is going to be re-elected, go before them and may it happen. The fight is not over yet; there is still time for the prophesies to come to pass! Lord, may your Will be done, in Jesus Name! AMEN! Bless you all!

    Mary Burt
    November 14, 2020

    Dear Lord, Your will be done…always, in every situation. Help us to always rely on You, no matter what.

Suni Piper
November 14, 2020

SUCH a good word Gloria! Thank you for framing the words of the prophets and bringing us back again to the throne! We will wait upon you Lord! We are going to see a victory, for the battle belongs to you Lord!

November 14, 2020

I trust in the Lord and believe He is and will always be in control. I am falling to my knees and repenting of my sins and asking my fellow americans to do the same and ask the Lord to forgive our country and then we need to work to stop the evil that is running amuck in our country. the lies the killing our babies the killing of our family roots must stop. I pray fervently and constantly to the Lord.

Mark Ziemer
November 14, 2020

This is a most challenging time for the church. We do need to listen to the voices of the marginalized, like Bartimaeus whom the crowd sought to silence and was one of the last to receive Jesus’ attention and healing before entering Jerusalem. We need to wrestle with the reality revealed again and again that President demands absolute loyalty to himself and spreads lies, misinformation and is an example of denying the truth of COVID-19, the importance of mask wearing, the truth of structural limitations placed on people of color and those seeking asylum, and the truth that any instances of fraud is not nearly enough to change this election. Though not claiming to be a god – President is acting and demanding such loyalty as though he is God. Is it not time to declare the actions of Donald J. Trump are evil? Do we not all need to seek humility? Could we – the church – be deserving of the seven woes of Jesus to the Scribes (ones best knowing Scripture) and Pharisees (those public examples most faithful in knowing and keeping the Law)? Could it be the leaders in our church are hypocrites and false prophets in our support of President Trump and his constant spin, denial of both the seriousness of the coronavirus and of the election results, and of his support for white supremacy? Almighty God – have mercy on us! Teach us that you alone are Almighty! Humble us to love those society does not see! Give us eyes to see what you are speaking to us in the wild fires and hurricanes, in the cries of “Black Lives Matter”, and in this pandemic! When creation cries out, disease breaks out, and many deny the cries of the oppressed and act to preserve the gap between the wealthy and the poor! And then, O Lord, give us courage to be voices standing up for truth, speaking out to power, and humbling acting in your mercy and for justice.

    November 14, 2020

    Social justice warrior: Maybe you will love a Communist Biden presidency. He is SOOOOO much holier than PRESIDENT DJT. Having sold out America to China, it should be a really GREAT 4 years. And his drug addled, pornographic wicked demonic son HUNTER will have full run of the White House. So that will be ok too right? At least they aren’t “WHITE SUPREMACISTS”. And he and Kamala will probably give BLM funding which should make you extra happy. I pray DJT wins another term. He may not be perfect but he doesn’t hate this country as many of the people you listed do. And by the way, masks don’t work and COVID has a 99 percent overall cure rate. Get a grip. You voted for Biden. What are you doing here… trolling?

      Mark Ziemer
      November 14, 2020

      Thank you Patty for your straight forward comments. No, I’m not trolling I’m praying with you. Christians often disagree. What unites us is our courage to share our human flawed perspectives and to entrust all that we are into God’s surprising and amazing glory, kingdom and will! We may disagree but we both love, seek and serve our one Lord Jesus Christ. I need you, Patty and your insights. Thank you!

        November 14, 2020

        Great glad you are praying. Another thing I forgot: DJT has done more for unborn babies than any other President i can remember. These babies must have a voice. We have to hear THEIR cries and groanings. Biden Kamala will get rid of protections and more babies will die gruesome terrible deaths. Kamala believes in abortion up to the minute of birth. (Biden has forgotten what he believes) THIS is only demonic and nothing else. As a country we deserve Biden Kamala… but the babies do not. May God have mercy on them.

          Mark Ziemer
          November 14, 2020

          Thank you Patty for your patience, prayers, and prolife urging. Abortion is always a huge evil. Let us pray for all considering abortion – AND – pray for me. I receive much wisdom from Genesis and from Genesis 21:10-11 I wonder at Abraham being greatly distress because this concerned his child – yet at God’s direction he supports Sarah’s decision and action though he knows it is wrong. Please pray for me Patty – I’d rather have individuals, nonprofits and the government insist that people hear the evil of abortion but that the mother choose to not abort rather than legislate so that she cannot. Pray for God’s Holy Spirit to guide me and others who think like this at this time that we are open and do hear and trust God’s leading and holding us all.

    Cheryl Crowe
    November 14, 2020

    Thank you for the post. I have been concerned that Christians have been excusing his lying and bullying behavior saying “ he’s a baby Christian “. May we be careful not to justify sin, but in love stand for righteousness

      Mark Ziemer
      November 14, 2020

      Thank you Cheryl for this is not a well received post. Yet are we not as followers of Jesus to speak against and resist all lying and bullying no matter who or any so-called greater good? Do we not need to find a way to defend the cause but totally resist the process when it is delivered with lies, mocking, disrespect and bullying? This is a challenging time for Christians. Thank you for that. May we learn to seek out and listen to Christian voices that challenge us so that together we more clearly see where and how God’s Holy Spirit is leading!

November 14, 2020

The prophecies of Presient Trump’s victory were correct. He actually won in a landslide but the election has been hijacked. What much of the church has not understood is that prophecies must be believed and warred over. In the past, too much complacency and not enough “ruling and reigning.” Our King Jesus is calling us to arise to a higher place with Him. The strongest word I heard Him say this past year was that too many of His people do not understand how dark the darkness is nor how evil the evil is. He is allowing us to see it so we won’t return to complacency. He is exposing the darkness so that light of His Kingdom can replace it. The battle is raging and the battle is far from over. But “the battle is the Lord’s” and if we will continue, dressed in His armor, to stand, we will see the victory. The battle with Jezebel and Ahab is over a vineyard that doesn’t belong to them. We are God’s vineyard. We are the planting of the Lord. This nation was planted as God’s vineyard. We must continue to pray and worship, worship, worship! Remember the song, “O Happy Day,……..He taught me how to watch, fight, and pray……..and live rejoicing every day! O Happy Day!” He saves the best wine for last!

James Kummer
November 14, 2020

It would be so discouraging to lose what Christian values we have gained in the governmental system. I am personally wore out from praying diligently. I know many feel this way.

    Tim K.
    November 14, 2020

    And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9

    Linda k Rice
    November 14, 2020

    Imagine how weary our ancestors were. We must rise to the level of sons and daughters of God.

    November 14, 2020

    I know how you feel, James. I am sure we all have bouts with exhaustion as well. Just skip over the comments that try to discourage us and plant doubts. As I read your comments, what popped into my mind was when Jesus found His disciples sleeping when He had asked them to pray. “Could you not watch with me one hour?” He asked. Let’s keep praying, my friend. God bless you and all those continuing to intercede for a fair election!

November 14, 2020

Yes Amen Our Lord has everything at hand. We will see truth and Justice prevail. Dear Lord we continue to look to you for wisdom in all areas of our lives. We know your not done yet. You knew before we did what is happening and we put our trust in you and your prophets. In Jesus name.

November 14, 2020

Oh Father God, would you tear down the plans of the enemy to steal this election. I pray in Jesus name for the people that are actively working to carry out these plans, those who are actively lying, cheating, stealing. Would you bring conviction and break apart this machine of deception from the inside! I pray they would turn on themselves and their plans would implode. Lord bring conviction to do what is right!! I pray for evil in the media to be exposed. Would you bring doubt and conviction and cause evildoers to become weary and turn on one other and turn to you!!

I pray for strength and unity for President Trump and all who are working along side him. Bring courage, boldness, increase of faith, freshness for a new day to fight!!! I pray all who surround President Trump to have pure motives.

Niel S. Atkinson
November 14, 2020

May God establish the truth,

I am one who received a word from The God of Israel that Trump would be Re-elected. I have been known for being extremely accurate before. I am willing to be judged by Almighty God.

    Betsy Hesson
    November 14, 2020

    Praise the Lord for confirmation. The Lord brought this scripture up to my remembrance as well! God is Good!

Martha Fry
November 14, 2020

The electoral college has not announced a president. Why are we questioning the prophets. There are things in the constitution because of election fraud that work towards Presidents favor. God has not set the leader in place yet. Don’t loose faith keep praying. I don’t know how to attach a video teach about the constitution but it is only 7 min so if you would like to hear it let me know and I can send it to you.

Sharon W
November 14, 2020

He will be our President for four more years. I don’t doubt the prophets.

D.L. McClaskie
November 14, 2020

Amen, Gloria. Praying the reelection prophecies through to victory every day and for Pres Trump and his team. The Lord gave me this recently on EXACTLY what our response should be now if we believe His prophets: PROPHETIC WORD: TRUMP WON. CARRY REELECTION PROPHECIES ALL THE WAY TO VICTORY. PLUS – WARNING DREAM. [VIDEO] https://swordandspiritwriter.com/2020/11/12/prophetic-word-trump-won-carry-reelection-prophecies-all-the-way-to-victory-plus-warning-dream-video/

Paul J Fishman
November 14, 2020

My response would be first to pray about it before speaking it out. Secondly search the Scriptures and THEN go to Pastoral leadership to pray about this carefully BEFORE speaking it out in public. The Character and Relationship with Christ is the first foundation of this office and gifting. ALSO, You have to be very accurate and consistent in what is said to be sure its not totally wrong. IF its close to or totally correct it came from The Lord Of Hosts. If NOT its questionable and could have come from another source even in ignorance or lack of understanding. These spiritual sources could come from the realm of the Betazed home world from outer space or from the Bejoran Prophets with their oracles and guidance. These alien sources from outer space are defined in the Bible as Spiritual Wickedness in High Places we have spiritual warfare against. Often giving out a prophecy is a major spiritual battle in the heavenlies with satan. In summary the Character and Relationship with Christ has to insure a very high degree of accuracy to produce the truth and good fruit leading people to true faith and godliness.

Kenneth Peters Jr.
November 14, 2020

All that prophesied inaccurately must be accountable to their errors
Regardless of what Gloria wrote!
I have prophesied for 40 years and have always been accountable if I was inaccurate

Blanca Holland
November 14, 2020

I will give an example in the scripture the LORD ALMIGHTY gave me concerning this nations election: it is 1 king chapter 1 : the LORD ALMIGHTY had told David thru the prophet Nathan that Solomon was the king chosen by GOD OF HEAVEN: but adonijah plan to be the king:and upsurper :the position that was declared before Solomon was of age by GOD OF HEAVEN: shall we stand firm on the LORD ALMIGHTY side in believing or shall we stand on the upsurpers side.

November 14, 2020

Father God,
We thank You for Your prophets. We thank You that You are exposing the lies of the enemy, and revealing the truths by Your Holy Spirit. We thank You that You will hold these people accountable who are involved with all of the corruption, voter fraud, cheating, stealing, and lying. We lift up each election insider and those who are standing for and fighting for Your justice and for the truth. God, bless them, encourage them, strengthen them, and let them know how important it is for them to take one day each week to enjoy a Sabbath rest ~ Exodus 20:8. We pray for times of refreshing for each of these. In Jesus Name, amen and amen.

Cindy Angotti
November 14, 2020

Excellent word and explanation, thank you!

November 14, 2020

And we also need to remember the battle for the true election count is still not over. Pray Saints, pray that the prophecies are fulfilled. Don’t give in to defeat. This is what Satan wants you to do to give up already.
He is using the false prophets on the media to say Biden is president-elect. It is not true the media does not define who the president is.
Electoral votes do. And they are not completed. We must fight for the freedom of this nation there is no way Joe Biden is God’s will for this nation no more than Stalin or Hitler were God’s will. They came in to power because the church was weak and prayerless.

November 14, 2020

President Trump will still be “President” it will probably go to our Supreme Court for a decision. We cannot give up praying for him, his family and all who are involved with this “recount process” We are struggling against the evil of this country. Keep praying, fasting and declaring out of your mouth. Soon we will see Victory !!!

Ken Budz
November 14, 2020

Lord please help the election to go the way You want it to go. May all the corruption, fraud and cheating be exposed. May there be election reforms be put in place so this mess will not happen again. May Your will Lord rule this nation. Thank You Father for our rights and freedoms. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Connie Velez
November 14, 2020

This is not over. We need to continue to hold President Trumps hands up, just as Aaron and Hur did for Moses.
President Trump is exhausted and well should be. The Body of Christ must stand in the gap and allow the Joshua’s to do their job and do the legal fight. Our job is to pray and see the victory.

November 14, 2020

I am not a prophet just a nobody christian recently diagnosed with lung cancer undergoing treatment. God told me Trump would win and in a landslide. I didnt know anything about prophets. I understand the algorithms of voting machines were set to turn votes from Trump to Biden when a certain large percentage was passed. So probably we were not wrong just didnt realize the depth of the deep satanic antichrist involvement.
Anyway its not over till the fat lady sings so dont lose confidence in Jesus fulfilling His will for his Restraining Holy Spirit in His People holding back evil.

    Ronda Orchard
    November 14, 2020

    May the Lord heal you completely by His stripes.

      November 14, 2020

      Thank you. In a way my diagnosis is similar to this election. Dr. Said easy take out small spot / area chemo 4 weeks you won this battle. Prophecy easy win landslide hardly any problem. Then open up the procedure and Dr said it was deep spread to hidden areas. Sound familiar? Now intensive treatment extended treatment but think we can beat it and even have an experimental way. Extend life by 90%. You will get weak discouraged. Its a Battle . He is battling withus with all the cures He has. He is Greater than all the antichrist diseased ballots they threw into God’s election.

November 14, 2020

I still believe in these prophecies. Lord, please help those who are fighting for a fair and true election result. Please let them rely on You, and not themselves, for the energy and strength that they need at this time. Please guide and direct them as they fight the good fight.We pray a hedge of protection around them and also for the whistleblowers. We pray for protection and covering for these bold, corageous people. We thank and praise You, that the truth will prevail, and President Trump will indeed be re- elected to the Presidency for 4 more years of leadership of our nation. Thank You, Jesus.

    November 14, 2020

    Tell it it!!!!!! I’m in agreement with you

      November 14, 2020

      Thank you, Susan. What is needed most in this land, is revival.We need integrity, honesty, and the people who have created their own god to be convicted by Holy Spirit to return to the One, Living God.Only a mighty move of the Holy /ghost can bring this to pass. Pray for revival!

November 14, 2020

The prophets of God are being labelled as “false” yet the true false prophets, the media, have been lying for 4 years and yet stones are being thrown because we haven’t seen the manifestation of God’s prophcies YET. 1Timothy 1.18 TPT says we are to use our prophecies as weapons as we wage spiritual warfare over them BY faith. This is what we as Christians MUST be doing.

    Stella (TX)
    November 14, 2020

    WOW, WOW, WOW… sometimes I think I have heard it all; know it all and then 1-Timothy 1:18 Timothy, my child, I entrust to you this command, which is in accordance with the words of prophecy spoken in the past about you. Use those words as weapons in order to fight well,
    thank you sister Barbara!!! for indeed the battle is not with flesh & blood but unseen forces and all will bow before our GREAT HIGH, JESUS, COMMANDER OF HEAVENS ARMY, KING OF KING AND LORD OF LORDS.

Rhonda Roberts
November 14, 2020

Father God, please forgive us for rushing to judgment not only regarding the results of this election but for speaking against your true prophets. We repent,Father, for doubting You, O Mighty God. Let us indeed humble ourselves in prayer and fasting, BELIEVING that You are in control and Your Truth will reign! As God answered David in 1 Samuel 30:8, let us also trust that God is telling us to “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.” For those who are on the front lines of this battle I pray that our Father “would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man.” And, indeed, let God arise! Let His enemies be scattered;let those also who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is driven away,so drive them away. So let the wicked perish at the presence of God. But let the righteous be glad. Let us rejoice before God. Yes, let us rejoice exceedingly!” In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray! Amen!

    Marilina Rourke
    November 14, 2020

    Powerful prayer! I completely agree in Jesus Mighty Name, AMEN!!

    November 14, 2020

    Thank you for this powerful prayer. We praise God for repentant hearts, surrendered to Him

Paul Bugajski
November 14, 2020

We must continue. Pray, fast and encourage each other in the Word. St. Paul writes: Eph 6.
13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. — Amen!

November 14, 2020

I am thankful for the encouragement from the prophets. I’ve needed it!! For any of us who saw what was happening by midnight it looked like a landslide to me!! Then the preplanned plans to steal it away went full force. I’ve heard prophetic words that the outcome wouldn’t be known right away. I regret all the shallow criticism of these Godly people. They need our encouragement and prayers.

Corina Kostreba
November 14, 2020

Excellent article.
Appreciate the teaching on prophets as I hear “false prophet” bandied about on line, print, articles, etc., but no one bothers to explain the true meaning of a prophet. Yes, I’m guilty for not taking responsibility and learning about this on my own. But this is a good time to get it together, now I have a spark to light my way. Shalom.

November 14, 2020

Keep in mind that satan also heard the numerous prophecies about President Trump and put in place devious methods to thwart the Word. He tried to kill the Messiah when He was born by murdering all the babies under the age of 2, however the prophecy still came true. Similar to the Old Testament, God used many prophets to utter the promise about the outcome. As we can see many of the devious methods of satan are being revealed with others still to be uncovered. It is up to us Saints to continue to pray and not be weary in well-doing, for in due season, we shall reap. We are rooting out principalities, and spiritual wickedness in high places and this is just not an overnight war. God hears our prayers and in due time we shall see the results.

November 14, 2020

When I stand before the Lord for healing in my body, I do not prepare myself for disappointment, my hope is in Christ. Likewise, we have placed our hope in Christ for the healing of our Nation, and hope does not disappoint. We speak refreshment to the watchers and counters involved in this election, we declare they have not a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. We pray they have the eyes of an eagle, and strength to not grow weary. A double minded man receives nothing from the Lord, so Father give us a single mind and heart of unity as we stand together before You, for You are strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle, and we shout “Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.” Amen

November 14, 2020

Psalm 27.

“Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
The everlasting God,
the Lord, the Creator
of the ends of the earth,
neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is
He gives power to the weak,
and to those who have no might
He increases strength.
Even the youths shall faint
and be weary,
and the young men
shall utterly fall,
those who wait on the Lord
shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up
with wings like eagles,
they shall run
and not be weary,
they shall walk
and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:28-31

Agreeing in prayer with you all, my brothers and sisters, for strength (the joy of the Lord is our strength) and for Hope in His Word for those involved with the integrity of the election and those such as yourselves who faithfully continue in prayer and intercession, warfare and worship.
This battle belongs to the Lord. Thank you for being “battle-ready” and tested for the Commander
of the Lord of Hosts✴️

Amor B
November 14, 2020

I will continue to pray without ceasing!

jim rice
November 14, 2020

Also the Marxist are trying to just wear the Patriot Christians down. Straighten your back! Stiffen your neck! Set you Face like Flint! This is spiritual warfare! We Will Not Give Up! Expose the Fraud & Vote Manipulation!

Texas gal
November 14, 2020

I think a big take-away from the prophesying is to stop it. We don’t need to place our hope in a “word” given to on or two individuals. We have a whole book of God’s word that says God is bigger and God is able, whatever the outcome. I think it is a bad witness and has the potential to lead people into disappointment with God.

    November 14, 2020

    Well said Texas gal! I liken the Trump presidency as the story of Esther. Who knows that God hasn’t placed him for such a time as this? Look what he did regarding the Middle East. There’s more in that than I think even we as believers can see or understand. We need to continue to pray that God will forgive us and strengthen us for the days ahead. Pray that the evil coming into power will be stopped at every turn as they try to destroy this great Republic and what it stands for. Pray that GOD will have HIS way!! Pray that HIS people will stand strong! Joshua 1:9 is a great passage to hold on to during these times!

    November 14, 2020

    I could not disagree with you more.
    Prophecy is a gift from the Holy Spirit it’s for us today. To stop prophecy is to stop and stifle and grieve the Spirit of God.
    Yes we need to stand on the Word and yes if the prophecies don’t line up with the word of God then we do no go into agreement with them. We must always remember the Word of God in 1st Corinthians says we should eagerly desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

November 14, 2020

I Trust in God’s Word. The media has been taken over by the enemy of God. Satan has been accepted by too many of the people thanks to our broken and biased education system, the pew-warmers who go to ‘church’ but still vote against God’s position on LIFE and when it begins. People have let themselves become reprobates and have quit thinking for themselves with God’s Word as their guide!

jim rice
November 14, 2020


Developing! Please Pray for Mrs. Powell

Reply Report comment moderated
    November 14, 2020

    Thank you so much for sharing!! Praising God and praying for Sydney Powell!!

      jim rice
      November 14, 2020

      We need to call a fast if not already done so by THE REMNANT.

    November 14, 2020

    Thank you for sharing the 2 YouTube links!

November 14, 2020



United States Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney has first hand knowledge of the HAMMER and Scorecard—developed by NSA/CIA the software was manipulated to change votes / results for this election, and in 2012 by the previous administration.

Can Sydney Powell prove this and get it to the Supreme Court quickly?

November 14, 2020

I’m like so many of you. I’m weary but not deterred. War, of any kind, makes one tired. We must expect that.
Imagine the soldiers on the front lines in WW2 or them fighting in the dry and hot regions in foreign nations. Think of the police officers in the front lines of duty battling screaming rioters who shout non-stop obscenities at them while trying to protect a community of people or property. Or the officers who constantly battle the drug trade or the abuse of human trafficking. They are continually at war trying their level best to ensure the protection of a small piece of the nation – yet overall helping to protect the whole of a nation and the souls that live here.
The point is war exists on many fronts and as many in the body of Christ have or are becoming more aware of daily, we must support, encourage and fight for those who are honestly trying to share with us what they believe God has impressed upon their hearts. As foot soldiers, our responsibility is to follow orders…and God has given us those directions in His word.
We will get tired but we will also find renewed strength as we are faithful to press in.
My suggestion to a few is turn off most of the news. Utilize only sources that are factual and stay as neutral as possible. News is NOT going to be able to give us the reassurance that so many seek. That will come from God and his holy spirit backed by the truth of His word.
I believe the prophets are correct. There “track record” and continuity reflect a pattern of accuracy and unity. Our role is to be faithful in prayer to our Sovereign Lord. To assault in unified force the evil that is trying to fully take over this nation. Let us continue to encourage the prophets, their words and the body of Christ. Remember that our God… the one and only True God has and will always be the God of what “seems” to be the impossible!!

Norma Ellis
November 14, 2020

It is not over yet! God is in full control! Yes we do need to pray for the safety and spiritual protection of the people working on making sure the vote is one of integrity. But ask yourself this: Satan is working very very hard! We must be close to truth. And it is important for us to realize that our God is in full control. Through all of this we are learning many many things. And we will continue as truth is revealed. Yes let’s pray, intercessors!!! Put on the armor!!!!!

Virginia Drastata
November 14, 2020

Father, we humbly come before You and ask for your forgiveness. We have polluted your land and given ourselves over to the things of this world and not sought You in Your word as we should. we have allowed evil to run rampant in our land that You have given us. We have not loved our neighbors as we are called. we have not stood against abortion and all the other sins of the body. Please forgive us and heal our land so we can call upon You and seek Your face once again and know You will hear us . Lord we ask You to cover the people who have exposed the darkness and evil in the election process , with Your precious Blood and keep them and their families safe. Father we thank You that president will walk in Your ways and He loves You and honors You. God bless all our leaders that will adhire to Your ways and give them wisdom for in that they can rule our land in honesty and integrety. Father please cause Your church to rise up and seek Your face and teach the pure Word and allow HolySpirit to give them all the help , for without Holy spirit , we are without power from You Lord. So many don’t believe in the power of the Holy /spirit and are left in need.. I have the faith of You Lord that the Spirit of TRUETH will rule and reign. and I thank You father for this. in Jesus Name I pray.

November 14, 2020

The battle is not yet over and so those who said Trump would win are not yet proven “presumptuous.”
I still believe God is going to expose hidden things and that Trump will remain in office for 4 more years. We should not be so quick to judge. Instead, we should continue praying!

Keith Estes
November 14, 2020

For those who grow weary in the fight, do not grieve,for the joy of the Lord is your strength! Greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world! Rise up, O church. The gates of hell will not prevail against you! Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.

November 14, 2020

Our God is on the throne and is not wringing His hands in fear and worry. He IS in charge. He alone established this nation as a unique place in the world where there is fairness, truth, and justice. NOW is the time for spiritual warfare that we not lose this most precious gift. We must stand in agreement with Him for our preservation. All praise to our Lord Jesus!

November 14, 2020

Good article. The enemy always wants to make a liar out of God and His prophets. In other words the enemy wants us and God to be created in his image – liar deceiver

Our God is a covenant God. He expects us to do our part. If My people WILL. Humble themselves Pray. Seek His face Turn from our wicked ways. THEN He will hear from heaven forgive our sin and heal our land
2 Chron 7:14

Wayne Hampton
November 14, 2020

Quick comment. We do well to do the hard work of studying Biblical prophecy rather than following prophets. Take a lesson from the failures of today’s prophets and get into that which does not fail…THE WORD OF GOD! A sample truth to contemplate: Does American Democracy stand in the way of a one world government and dictator? Then what is the future of that obstacle? Study the Word my friends!

    November 14, 2020

    We must continue to pray and trust the Lord. We ask for favor for President Trump…..he has honored the unborn and Israel and that gives him approval in the Lord God’s eyes. Also, he DID win in a landslide! The prophets were correct, it’s the vote flippers and counters who are liars. Stand firm! Pray for Mrs. Powell, a godly patriot. Thank you, Jesus, may your Father be glorified with every decision made at this time. Thank you, for posting the video of Mrs. Powell speaking with Lou Dobbs as it relates minds me to pray for her.

Susan Ley
November 14, 2020

We are Aaron and Hur holding up the arms of Moses, those who are on the front lines of this battle for a fair and true election. Let none grow weary. Holy Spirit give them an extra measure of strength and wisdom.

Linda Ward
November 14, 2020

The Lord is calling us to be on our knees right now. I pray in agreement with all Gloria has said here. For “The Lord’s ways are not our ways”. “Who can know the mind of God?”
Thank you for the reminder to pray for those who are under such pressure right now-the whistleblowers and those working to find the truth. Lord, please give them Your encouragement and peace that surpasses understanding. We need You Lord for this problem is too big for us, but it is not too big for You. Help us, Lord, in this hour of need and show Your mercy to Your people that all would be astounded and You will be glorified. Amen.

Linda Marsh
November 14, 2020

Thank you for your encouragement.
Thank you Lord for the prophets and the voice you have given them to speak.
Help us stay focused on you Lord with thankful hearts.

Nancy P.
November 14, 2020

Father in heaven!! Hear our cries!! Bless the poll workers/counters, the lawyers, the whistleblowers, the President, his family, the Vice President and his family! Bless the Intercessors who are diligently praying, fasting, and crying out to You for Your mercy to fall on us during this difficult time in our country! Help President Trump win this election, he loves You! Deal with the liars and cheaters and rid us of this evil that is embedded in our nation! Swift justice to those who are planting seeds of division and sick evil plots against Your righteousness! Help us Father! Forgive us of unbelief and fatigue in doing right by You. Help us to desire You to be Lord over our nation and nothing else in Jesus Name amen!

November 14, 2020

Brandon Haulthous recently spoke on what is happening in America and I believe this is a word all Christians need to hear. Our faith and hope must be in Christ not in man or America. Many will be disappointed by misplaced hope. Jesus is coming soon. Look up.
Pray and intercede for those battling for the truth to be revealed, but prepare yourself for disappointment.Things are going to go differently this time. But God is in control and it all is going according to His plan.
Please watch the video attached to this link:

    November 14, 2020

    Google: Rock Harbor Church Bakersfield to watch this video.
    Link isn’t working.
    Title of sermon:
    “Now What?”
    This is Brandon Holthaus’s church.
    This sermon is important.

      jim rice
      November 14, 2020

      Not suprised but this video is not available. They need to post on Bitchute. MeWe to replace FB. Parler to replace Twitter. YOUR WALLET COUNTS

        November 14, 2020

        Did you google:Rock Harbor Church Bakersfield? His sight should come up with list of videos. Look for “Now What?”
        I know there is much censorship going on. Thanks for your list of alternative sights.

November 14, 2020

2 Chron. 20:20
Believe in the Lord your God; so shall ye be established. Believe His prophets; so shall ye prosper.”
We believe the Word of the Lord through your Prophets. Thank you for your praying Church. (James 5:16) We stand upon your Word. Send your Justice, Righteousness, and Liberty across our land, in every state, and be glorified Father. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Don Upham
November 14, 2020

Habakkuk 1:2 How long, O LORD, will I call for help, And You will not hear? I cry out to You, “Violence!” Yet You do not save.
3 Why do You make me see iniquity, And cause [me] to look on wickedness? Yes, destruction and violence are before me; Strife exists and contention arises.
4 Therefore the law is ignored And justice is never upheld. For the wicked surround the righteous; Therefore justice comes out perverted.

5 “Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because [I am] doing something in your days– You would not believe if 4 you were told.

Diane Burke
November 14, 2020

The landslide has begun. It takes one small rock to begin rolling and gathering many other small rocks on its way downhill, until the collection of rocks is so massive nothing stops it. God has infused me with a resolve to stand faithfully with president Trump who is protecting our nations godly values and principles. Psalm 89:14”Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne.” I have also personally heard from the Lord, Trump will be re- elected, but that it will not be without a fight!

November 14, 2020

The Prophets prophesy God’s Will, but we all, as ecclesia, have a part to play in praying and acting in accordance with His Will…Otherwise, why are we asked to pray ‘Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done’!

Mary J
November 14, 2020

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9

LORD, please send Your Holy Spirit to strengthen us for this battle. Let those who see the wind and the waves of this storm, set their eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith. LORD, in Your mercy, let all plots of fraud, intimidation, and deception fail for all the world to see, that the unborn would be defended, that righteous laws and court decisions would be restored, and that Jesus’ name would be exalted before all nations. Please grant those who defend the unborn and fear You, victory in these elections.
All this we ask in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!

Phyllis DeVerna
November 14, 2020

I do believe the prophets heard from God that President Trump will be re-elected, however, it may not be as we thought. President Trump may be re-elected in 2024. I’ve been praying & fasting for the election and this only came to me yesterday. It’s not over yet!! Keep believing God is on his throne!

john provost
November 14, 2020

I Kings 22:1-53. Those who commited fraud. I believe GOD is in control. A trap was set for the fraudsters.

November 14, 2020

No! We are energized by God’s Spirit! Donald Trump will be inaugurated on January 20, 2021. I lift up Sidney Powell to you, Lord. I pray for her spirit, soul and body today. That you would continue to anoint her and give her the Mind of Christ with regards to exposing all of the corruption that has been there for decades. You have brought her into this place in history for Your purpose to be accomplished. We will fulfill our destiny in America. Amen.

Lisa S
November 14, 2020

Father, Our hearts are heavy, our warriors on the front line are weary and facing fierce opposition from the darkness. We lift the warriors, including ourselves, up to you. Fill us with the zeal of the Holy Spirit. Help us not to grow weary but inspired to be fighting for Your Word…for justice, for each unborn baby that will never make it to life under a Biden administration. May we move forward knowing that when we are weak – You are strong. May we remember to daily praise your Holy Name…my heart cries out that your people need to Praise you more! Lift up the mighty name of Jesus! Let more praise leave our lips than complaints or statements of weariness. All praise, honor and glory belong to Our God. Is anything to impossible for Him? NO…so pray, believe and praise Him…Thank you Lord for every electoral vote Trump has today and for more than the needed number he will have soon. He won the election Lord, we know that…now reveal the true vote … reveal the ones that were stolen. Let this nation know You are our God…mightier than the billionaires, big tech, elite, and the media combined. They cheated Lord…bring them to repentance and if they refuse…vengeance is mine says the Lord. We humbly bow before you, knowing our redemption is near. In the mighty and precious name of Jesus I pray.

November 14, 2020

Be strong in the Lord! Praying God almighty give you supernatural strength, endurance and peace ! Please do not give uphope! We need each other.

Lisa Plummer
November 14, 2020

THANKS IFA TEAM, for this article!
It’s an excellent reminder to us that a relationship with Jesus is the centerpiece of every ministry, every move, every action.
Prophetic voices cried out and mobilized the Body!

I have never prayed more in tongues , fasted longer, or have been being closer to the Lord than I am right now. Why?
Those voices stirred me.
Those voices directed me to align myself with the troops and fall into line.
Those voices uphold the message and exhort us to hold the line!
I’m physically weary, but spiritually strong!
I’m encouraging others to view current events through a lens of radical, passionate faith in Jesus Christ to see us through!
He loves us!
He’s faithful!
By its very definition, faith must be tested!
Father, fortify our faith in You as we are directed by Your prophets and Your Word, working together in unison, to bring forth Your Kingdom!

    Nancy P.
    November 14, 2020

    Amen and hallelujah!!!

    Gloria A Robles
    November 14, 2020

    What an insightful comment. I feel this way as well. Thank you and God bless, Lisa.

Gustavo Leal
November 14, 2020

Thank for your faith and faithfulness to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Linda Wolverton
November 14, 2020

A true word! Exhaustion in prayer leaves us vulnerable to doubt and fear but thanks be to God that His mercies are new every morning and that we awaken with renewed strength to continue in the battle. Pray on!

Patricia J Kessler
November 14, 2020

The Lord led me to this article as I lay on my bed pondering the prophets’ words. Gloria clarified my ponderings. Thank you Lord for answering my cry for help.

Barbara Saldivar
November 14, 2020

My response is to look to the Father. Let the Holy Spirit mend my heart, soul and mind. Trust in Him for God is in control. I can see that the voters are divided pretty much down the middle. That means we who love the Lord have much work to do to spread the Good News. I pray to simply keep keeping on.

November 14, 2020

Pray and stand and fight the good fight.

Dalen Fuller
November 14, 2020

Shame on those “Christian” leaders who are so swift to turn away from fighting this GOOD fight. I have been on a prayer call since 11/11/16 24/7 and we have non stop prayed and watched the hand of God move on behalf of this president and our nation. WE are continuing to do so believing that God will deliver us – we must dig in and continue to join forces with the hosts of heaven. God’s will be done on earth and it is in heaven. If God be for us who can be against us. Uncover all the corruption Lord this is something only You can do. Amen

    Kathleen Sine
    November 14, 2020

    I agree. I just finished reading the book of Nehemiah. All the prophets were given words from the Lord. It was not the prophets who got it wrong, it was the peoples unbelief and lack of faith that destroyed them. They were listening to Sanballat the enemy who hated them and wanted to destroy them. There is a righteous indignation that is also from the Holy Spirit. We have heard and seen right in front of our eyes for 4 years, our President has been attacked from all sides. We would not know this if we were not children of God. If we do not continue to stand for what we know in our hearts to be truth, then we are more to blame than the enemy that is against our nation. I have not heard one prophet who has not said that President Trump will have 4 more years. It was not a landslide because the enemy chose to deceive . Stand with the people of God, stand behind those prophetic words. Read the old testament prophets, they were right, the people were looking to the enemy and not to the word of God. You will know their root by their fruit. Pray for the Lord to open the eyes and hearts of those who cannot see the corruption and the propaganda. Stay in faith!! Remember, 70 million people voted for President Trump, that you are not alone, he fought for us for 4 years, he deserves us to fight for him in this battle! Ask the Lord to show you the truth. We always give up too soon, because the enemy surrounds us. Fear not! Greater is he in this world than those who want to destroy this country. Blessings!

      Dalen Fuller
      November 14, 2020

      I have not given up and I hope I didn’t sound like I have I have been praying more than ever – I totally agree and I listen to the prophets and what they are saying so many of the faith (I question their faith) have turned aside and say move along – Lord help us we move along to our own destruction

November 14, 2020

We know the enemy has worked very hard at discrediting President Trump. Why would we even consider that this election would be without a fight? Either we believe the word of the prophets and contend for it or we concede and lie down like a defeated warrior. I just don’t think we can reason this away. I will stand and proclaim thus says the Lord. However, I will also be as the 3/4 in the fire, I know my God is able to save me but if not I will still love, worship and serve Him.
Fight against the witchcraft that continues to come against Pres. Trump and the unborn. Also covid.

Michael Valgos
November 14, 2020

I fear that God has had just about enough of the garbage that is going on not only here but around the world It is a shame that these greedy and foolish people will sell themselves for money that they can’t take with them I ask the Lord everyday to give me strength to help him I am quite sure God can handle it on his own People talk about what if God destroys the earth There will be some to survive but the ones who have a clean heart will be in a much better place and the ones who don’t should have listened

November 14, 2020

Jesus, be with those who are floundering. Lift up weak arms and feeble knees, strengthen them within, that they may be lifted up and encouraged in the Lord. Lord, would you send them second and third winds, that they might mount up on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint. Bless them and encourage them in Jesus’ Name!

November 14, 2020

This is bigger than the white household occupation!!! The lord of the airwaves is in high gear trying to sway the human mind!!!! Stay with the truth of the word!!! The truth will set you free – if there is fraud —“ vengeance is mine says the Lord“. HE will be the one to settle the stakes – The Lord Jehovah our provider!!!

Dr. John Diamond
November 14, 2020

When Nathan said, “Go ahead and do whatever is in your heart, the Lord is with you,” he was not saying “Thus says the Lord.” Therefore, he in not saying “this is what God told me to tell you.

What about Agabus? Paul IS bound by the Jew and not the Gentiles. “When the seven days were nearly over, some JEWS from the province of Asia saw Paul at the temple. They stirred up the whole crowd AND SEIZED HIM. shouting, “Fellow Israelites, help us!

Edith Saller
November 14, 2020

It isn’t over yet. Trump has yet to get through all the legalities. THE PROPHETS WILL BE RIGHT. Kevin Zadai said that Trump would win through the Supreme Court. 25 some prophets I know of have prophesized. IT WILL HAPPEN. World for Jesus is praying, believing, and declaring. We believe what we are experiencing now is a COUPE. WE ARE BELIEVING WE HAVE THE VICTORY BY FAITH. DO NOT GIVE UP. STAND IN FAITH. GOD IS BIGGER THAN THE DEEP STATE, AND EVERY EVIL DEVISE OF THE ENEMY. God will do a miracle.

Robert Greenhagel
November 14, 2020

President Trump did win the election. Look at the results at 2or3am.Then in the morning numbers had changed.
They are trying to steal the Election from him. So the Court’s will now decide.
For the Evangelical Christians that voted for Biden or their platform will have to answer some day to God, why did you Vote for a party that endorses Abortion.

Anne Conolly
November 14, 2020

Father God we cry out for “Justice” I am not sure how you will do that, but I do know you hear our prayers! I ask for a wall of fire around our President and the legal team fighting for our freedom. Strengthen them, I pray every rock will be turned up that every false witness will not go unpunished, and he that speaks lies will not go unpunished. While we are promised liberty, they themselves are slaves to corruption. For by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage. To do evil is like a sport to a fool, but a man of understanding has wisdom, the fear of the Lord will come upon him and the desire of the righteous will be granted – When the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no more…I cry out Abba Father have mercy on us! Let your will be done, as we worship you and sing praises to the King of Kings. To you Lord Jesus be the glory, come Holy Spirit minister to us this day, be our comforter in these trying times…Abba Father, Holy One, deliver us from the snares of the enemy! We Love you!

November 14, 2020

Abba, bring glory to your name. We humble ourselves and pray and turn from our own wicked ways. We are still trusting you to move on our behalf and throw the ‘horse and rider’ into the sea. Encourage us and those fighting on the front lines of this battle. Strengthen them and give them divine insight. Make their journey like Elijah after his show down with Jezebel and the prophets of Baal as he ran a long distance before it started to rain. Encourage and strengthen them. Encourage us your people. Give us a fresh word and show us where we are in this battle. Send us the rain, LORD, send us the rain; send us the later rain, LORD. Even as we sit at the “Red” Sea or perhaps the Jordan River, may we stop bickering amongst one other. We are discouraged. Turn our eyes on you — not on what it looks like in the natural. May humble ourselves and seek you and listen to what you are saying to us today. May we all be like Joshua and Caleb and know you are capable of fighting our battles and allowing us to enter the Promised Land — a land flowing with milk and honey, peace and prosperity, and the fruit of your Spirit. I pray we do not have to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Abba, may your kingdom come and may your will be done on earth as it is being done in heaven. Give us his day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, in Jesus name, Amen.

Hana John
November 14, 2020

Lord Jesus, thank you for revealing your words to these prophets about your plan to have President Trump re-elected. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Lord Jesus, I commit every one who is working so tirelessly in President Trump campaign to fight the legal battle for truth to come forth in this election and for every witness of the fraud committed. Please renew their spirit, strengthen them, give them the clarity of their mission and protect them from every evil spirit. Please carry them through to the finish line and the world will see your glory Lord. Bless them Lord. In your precious name I pray, amen

Shirley Robertson
November 14, 2020

Trust God! God is judging the nations. America has greatly sinned. Example: millions of babies have been taken from the safety of their mothers womb before being born. America is no longer beautiful in Gods eye. I look at what Donald Trump has accomplished, with Gods blessing on him while in office for four short years even while against such oppression from the enemy……..what Got has put forth will not return empty. He has a plan! We must not lose faith. Humble ourselves before the Lord. Fast and pray! Even when things look doubtful God is faithful. Great is our sin as a nation. We must all stand in the gap and ask for mercy. Things don’t always go according to our plan. Be open to accepting punishment that God might fulfill His plan. Maybe a young Trump will become our President in a future election…🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 In God We Trust.

Darla Lucas
November 14, 2020


Vincent Ferrigno
November 14, 2020

Before you say, iot didn’t happen, maybe you should wait until all the LEGAL votes are counted.

Kimberly Hartfield
November 14, 2020

Lord Jesus, I pray for your mercy on this nation. Forgive us our many sins. Lord, I pray that Your people repent and turn back to You. Our eyes are on You as we don’t know what to do. The evil and corruption is taking over our nation. Lord, I pray that nothing hid will remain uncovered. I pray that You will continue to expose the evil and bring all things under Your submission. We pray for your will to be done in this election. Lord, we know that you lift up kings and nations and you remove kings and nations according to Your will. We know that You called Donald John Trump for such a time as this. We rebuke the powers of darkness and command the forces of evil to leave the borders of Our nation, which is dedicated to You, oh Lord. Our hope is in You, our Lord and Savior. In Jesus name, Amen.

If it be Gods will. Ez21:27 I will overturn, overturn, overturn it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.

    November 14, 2020

    You go girl. I am with you and Jesus.

      Kimberly Hartfield
      November 14, 2020

      Thank you for praying with me! God bless you.

    November 15, 2020

    Yes, overturn, overthrow Biden who’s usurping power. He lied, he said in his first debate that he would wait until all the states were certified. General Flynn spoke to a foreign representative during a real transition of power and was imprisoned, but Biden is speaking to foreign leaders during an illegal transition. He should be imprisoned. May the Lord rebuke him. Amen!


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