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Richard Clarke
September 5, 2024

In the Courts of Heaven, the Court of Angels, we request of the Heavenly Hosts a contingent of warring angels to flatten, annul, and destroy, every negative energy pattern that has been stirred-up against us, our nation, and mankind. We commission them, command them, thank them, and release them to their assigned tasks.
Destroy the energy of Marxism, transgenderism, wokeness, DEI, abortion, anti-Semitism, deception, lying, theft, human trafficking, corruption, Satanic Ritual Abuse, cancelling our constitutional rights, false verdicts, and war as an answer to man’s problems.
We thank You, Yeshua Ben Yosef and Yehovah’. Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done in Terra on Earth as it is in Heaven; for Thine be the power and glory!


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