I Prayed have prayed
Lord, protect our First Amendment and other rights! Help this teacher and her legal team; we need prayer back in our schools!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Is it constitutional to ban public school teachers from praying, even outside of school hours? One teacher is fighting to ensure that her First Amendment rights are honored and protected.

From CBN. A Texas school teacher is suing her school district, claiming the school’s principal violated her First Amendment rights when he reprimanded her for praying on campus.

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Attorneys with the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) have filed a lawsuit on behalf of Staci Barber, a teacher at Cardiff Junior High in Katy, Texas. …

[I]n September, she joined two friends and fellow teachers to pray at the school flagpole for “See You At The Pole,” a once-a-year event where students and teachers across the nation pray and engage in religious activity before the school day begins.

Barber had participated in the event over the last eight years since she had been teaching at Cardiff, but this time Round pulled her and the other teachers into his office to reprimand them for praying. …


The ACLJ initially filed a demand letter to the school district on behalf of the 26-year teacher veteran to ask the school to stop infringing on her First Amendment rights. …

According to Nathan Moelker, Associate Counsel for the ACLJ, Katy Independent School District then “responded in a way that seemed positive, acknowledging that they violated our client’s rights and agreeing that the policy needed to be changed.”

But they later sent a policy, which states, “Board Policy makes it clear that employees will neither advance nor inhibit religion. Employees may not promote, lead, or participate in religious activities of noncurriculum-related student groups.” …

“The Supreme Court has made it clear that student and teacher prayer, including prayer at SYATP events, is undisputedly a protected form of speech that school officials may not ban,” the lawsuit adds. …

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(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: Puwadon Sang-ngern’s Images via Canva Pro)

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Ann Shaw
April 5, 2024

Almighty Father and Savior grant wisdom to all parties to uncover the truth and courage to obey.
In Jesus’s name Amen

Jacque Lynne Ross
April 3, 2024

If more people prayed on and for the campus there would be less violence in schools.

April 2, 2024

Father let the outcome of these legal proceedings provide clarity and secure our first amendment freedom. Let it be a resounding message sent around the nation that the separation of church & state is a myth perpetuated by evil attempting to thwart our beautiful foundation as one nation under God! Forgive us for allowing these freedoms to be taken out of our schools & this myth to be spread wide & far. We speak truth over our nation & welcome you once again into every aspect of our government. In the name of Jesus.

    Darlene Estlow
    April 2, 2024

    Amen! I pray in agreement.

    celia earner
    April 3, 2024

    separation of church and state was originally set by our founders to prevent government’s interference in our religious practices. we pray that the original intent may be understood and made manifestIn Jesus name Amen

Kelli N
April 2, 2024

Father let the outcome of these legal proceedings provide clarity and secure our first amendment freedom. Let it be a resounding message sent around the nation that the separation of church & state is a myth perpetuated by evil attempting to thwart our beautiful foundation as one nation under God! Forgive us for allowing these freedoms & this myth to be spread wide & far. We speak truth over our nation & welcome you once again into every aspect of our government. In the name of Jesus.

April 2, 2024

Thank you for acknowledging American Centers For Law and Justice.
I hope more people will realize their value in the fight for what is right
and honest and truthful and how their work benefits all godly people.
They need our support.
Thank You, dear Lord for these godly people who love You and devote
all their lives to doing Your will in ways that they are uniquely gifted to do.
We praise You, Lord, and thank You for making a way for righteousness
to triumph over evil in our lives.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

April 2, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father we stand with this teacher and others that know, acknowledge, love and follow you. We ask that you protect them, prosper them, strengthen and encourage them. We ask father that many more will come to you and be saved and will not be lost. As the devil roars and seeks those he may devour we ask Father for your continued support and guidance as we arm ourselves with the full armor you have given to us. (Ephesians 6) We choose to stand. We stand on your word, your promises, your protection and pray your will over our lives knowing that you have already won the victory and your will for us is ALWAYS good.


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