I Prayed have prayed
Lord, as we draw closer and closer to November, we pray that Your will would be reflected through the fair and accurate counting of the votes.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Trump easily swept Super Tuesday against the one remaining opponent, Nikki Haley, who has suspended her presidential campaign, effectively bringing an end to the Republican primary season. With a historic rematch between Trump and Biden on the horizon, what will happen in November? Please share what the Lord is showing you in the comments.

From The Wall Street Journal. Nikki Haley was the first major candidate to challenge Donald Trump for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. On Wednesday, she became the last one to stand down.

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The former South Carolina governor said she was suspending her campaign after losing all but two of this year’s nominating contests, further clearing the path for the former president to be the GOP standard-bearer for the third consecutive presidential election.

“I said I wanted Americans to have their voices heard. I have done that,” Haley said in a brief speech in Charleston, S.C. “I have no regrets. And while I will no longer be a candidate, I will not stop using my voice for the things I believe in.”

Haley, who was Trump’s first ambassador to the United Nations, declined to immediately endorse her former boss. She instead encouraged him to earn the support of Republican and independent voters who backed her. …

Her decision arrived the day after Super Tuesday, when she won only Vermont among 15 states that held GOP contests. She also won Washington, D.C., a heavily Democratic jurisdiction, on Sunday.

Haley gave voice to a significant segment of the GOP that is wary of Trump’s candidacy, while also revealing some of his vulnerabilities among moderate and suburban voters. …

While some have encouraged her to consider a third-party bid, Haley has been adamant she has no plans to do so.

“I’m a Republican,” she told the Wall Street Journal in February. “A Republican primary is where Republicans run.” …

The 52-year-old could still have a future in presidential politics, but her sharp criticism of Trump in the final two months of her campaign will likely make that challenging while he still has a hold on the party. …

In a statement late Tuesday, Haley’s campaign noted her wins while scoffing at Trump’s characterization of the party as united. “Today, in state after state, there remains a large block of Republican primary voters who are expressing deep concerns about Donald Trump,” spokeswoman Olivia Perez-Cubas said. “That is not the unity our party needs for success.” …

Haley represented the last hope for the anti-Trump wing of the GOP that wants the party to move on from the former president …

Trump has said he wouldn’t want her as a vice-presidential running mate and she has also said that she wouldn’t want the job.

“I don’t want to be anybody’s vice president,” Haley said shortly before the New Hampshire primary. “That is off the table.”

From Fox News. Former President Donald Trump and President Biden continued marching toward their respective parties’ presidential nominations largely unhindered this Super Tuesday as both swept nearly every contest on the largest primary night of 2024.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, hoped to find some light at the end of the tunnel after staking her candidacy on the 15 states casting ballots, while Biden’s top challengers looked for any glimmer of success after making their case against the president’s age and ability to take on Trump in a general election rematch. …

Trump triumphs, though Haley wins first statewide contest in Northeast nail-biter

Trump won nearly every Super Tuesday state as he got closer to clinching the GOP nomination for president. Still, after winning her first contest in the race for the Republican nomination in the Washington, D.C. primary over the weekend, Haley secured her first statewide victory by narrowly edging Trump in Vermont. …

Haley was widely expected to do well in Vermont, one of the few states that held an open primary on Tuesday night where both Republicans and Democrats could vote. …

Biden suffers first 2024 loss to little known challenger

Biden lost his first contest in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination to a largely unknown candidate in the U.S. territory of American Samoa, while his better-known challengers, author Marianne Williamson and Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips, failed to gain much traction with voters.

The Fox News Decision Desk projected that Jason Palmer, a self-described entrepreneur and investor, would win American Samoa’s caucuses, taking four delegates to Biden’s two.

On his campaign website, Palmer describes himself as a 52-year-old resident of Baltimore, Maryland, with leadership and executive experience working for companies like Microsoft and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, among others. …

Concern grows over Trump’s ability to win over Haley supporters

Although Haley came out on top in just one contest on Tuesday, recent polls suggest large portions of voters supporting her say they were motivated by their opposition to Trump, and that they might not shift their support to him as the Republican nominee in November.

That doesn’t mean those would automatically show up to support Biden, but, as Fox News contributor and Republican strategist Karl Rove said amid Tuesday’s results being tallied, “Team Trump ought to be concerned about unifying the Republican Party.” …

Trump spoke for around 20 minutes not long after Rove’s comments, but didn’t once mention Haley. He has consistently condemned Republicans not considered part of the “MAGA” wing of the party.

Please share what the Lord is showing you in the comments.

(Excerpts from The Wall Street Journal and Fox News. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Nikki Haley, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Ashley p
March 10, 2024

Trump is not to be trusted, neither is Biden. As far I am concerned, we are on the path downward with each. I actually hoped Haley would’ve pulled through, yet we know the way the game is played in our nation. Those who think Trump is for them, are deceived just as those who think Biden is.

March 6, 2024

I pray that Your Will be done. I pray for unity among the intercessors as we seek Your Will in this critical time. I pray for election integrity and that evey legal vote will be counted. May we come together in unity and the fear of the Lord. Amen

March 6, 2024

The reason not to vote for Biden or for any other democrats. Look at what they are for, their platform is for abortion, for transgender, for sexual stuff in school LOOK AT WHAT THE PARTY STANDS FOR! MY GOODNESSS1 NOT THE PERSON! Trump has his faults but he did it before and he will clean up the U.S.A. again. I am voting for the whole Republican party! Straight ticket! I am 89 years old and never have I ever seen such a mess If there is more that is running for the same republican spot THEN who is the best for that spot1? We need someone who is strong!

    March 6, 2024

    I am very concerned about his agenda. He wants to use the FBI and the Department of Justice to go after his enemies He wants to use presidential decrees to force his agenda through without congress. This is a=exactly what President Obama and Biden did which means he is no better than they.

    Also, he wants to withhold aid to Ukraine which is a very bad idea. He has avoided revealing his plans for international policy, so how can anyone vote for a platform which does not exist?

      March 7, 2024

      Tom, Trump’s “agenda” is no such thing. What you spell out is exactly why Trump is so beloved. He proved by his 4 years in office, that he will not use gov’t agencies like FBI & CIA, to weaponize Americans, including Trump. Instead he said,” My retribution is by winning!” This clearly an evil Biden administration that gaslight the public. Words don’t match their actions!

        March 7, 2024

        An agenda is what someone plans to do. Every politician has an agenda. What I say is not ‘speculation’. It is what Trump NOW says he will do. So, either he means what he says, or he is a liar and is misrepresenting his platform and no one can believe anything he says– which is even worse.

        And if you will remember, Donald Trump forced Barr, the head of the Department of Justice, to leave because he did not give Trump the answer he wanted about the election; or in other words, when Barr, a man of integrity, refused to allow Donald Trump to use the Department of Justice for his political purposes, he was forced out. So, Donald Trump has already tried to use our justice system. And then there was Mike Pence. Donald Trump tried to force him to do his dirty work for him. He tried to force him to do something which was not in the Constitution. If he had done as Donald Trump had insisted, Mike Pence would be the one faces charges now.

          Ellen Hoffman
          March 7, 2024

          This has been exposed as a lie. It was not said by Trump’s lawyers. That Trump wants to go after his opponents and weaponize the DOJ and FBI was said by a judge. Who had no place to say this I might add. The media took that statement and ran with it. We are living in treacherous times and we need discernment. I am not Trump fan, but I do think we need honesty and integrity.

          March 7, 2024

          The reply was turned off, so I reply indirectly.

          In an interview with Univision, when Donald Trump was asked:

          EA: You say they’ve weaponized the Justice Department, they weaponized the FBI. Would you do the same if you’re reelected?”

          Trump responded with: “Yeah. If they do this and they’ve already done it, but if they want to follow through on this, yeah, it could certainly happen in reverse. It could certainly happen in reverse. What they’ve done is they’ve released the genie out of the box. ..”

    T Mc
    March 8, 2024

    Each believer must weigh up the issues. There is no “Christian vote’ as you seem to suggest. I’m sure the Democrats are not defined by the limited issues you mention. the Bible has a lot to say about care for the poor, welcoming the alien and stranger, and nothing about gun rights. Other important issues to be considered are universal health care and accessible education. Weigh the issues and the integrity, honesty, and character of the candidates.

Jane Apter
March 6, 2024

Lord, I know that President Trump did important things to uphold Pro-life and Pro-Israel issues, he started building the border wall to keep out the dangerous illegal immigrants, and had America using American produced oil & gas. But, Lord, it’s still so hard to support such a prideful man who touts those as solely his own victories instead of Yours, and who smites so many in the public arena. You said in PROVERBS 11:27, that “those who wish evil for others will find it coming back on them.” And that’s exactly what’s happened to President Trump. Please change his character to make him into a more humble man of integrity who sows seeds of righteousness that will bring true and lasting rewards. [PROVERBS 11:18] Use him to bring America protection and prosperity, and to bring You all the glory. In Your Holy Name, Jesus, I pray. Amen. So be it. 🙏

    Trudee Nims
    March 6, 2024

    Father, I know that Mr. Trump is a very flawed human as we all are. I encourage my fellow believers to vote according to policy and issues, not personalities. It is right to pray that the former president will recognize his pridefulness, repent and truly embrace Jesus as his Lord and Savior. The very qualities that seem so objectionable to believers are what make him the person most able to shake up the status quo in our government. We must not vote for a party platform that embraces death, maiming of children, exorbitant energy costs, an open southern border, etc. just because we find Mr. Trump to be offensive. For those who vehemently support the former president, we must remember that no one man deserves the honor and allegiance that belongs to You, Lord. You are our savior but please use Mr. Trump to fight corruption in the United States. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

      March 7, 2024

      Amen! Lord, if President Trump is being used as Your Cyrus,, an OT king who did Your will, who are we to reject what Your hand has approved! To You be the Glory alone. Take away the enemy’s confusion please Lord.

    March 6, 2024

    The Federalist Society picked the supreme court appointees. Donald Trump agreed to them, but it was Mcconell who brought together the votes. Donald Trump, if you will remember, caused such opposition that he could pass nothing. So, in other words, if someone should get credit, it should be God. Donald Trump had little to do with it but was more than happy to claim credit for what God had done.

    The Abraham Accords were suggested by individuals who were not part of Trump’s administration and were broker by his son-in-law, who has little to do with him now. So, in other words, Donald Trump agreed to it, but others carried the football.

    Donald Trump’s administration accomplished some good things, but while in office his administration went through constant turnovers with those with the most knowledge and skill leaving. He is unlikely to attract that kind of talent for a second term.

      March 7, 2024

      You gave speculations. Consider this. Trump’s administration was under daily attacks. The media was against him and certainly didn’t report
      the many many successes well enough. In fact reported the opposite. Look at those that are standing up for him now!

        March 7, 2024

        What I say is not ‘speculation’. It is what Trump says he will do and what did happen in his administration. So, either he means what he says, or he is a liar and is misrepresenting his platform and no one can believe anything he says– which is even worse. The constant turnover in his staff is documented. His head of Homeland Security changed four times. His head of Defense changed four times. Facts are facts. They left because of him.

        March 7, 2024

        I can hope that Nikki Haley will run as a third-party candidate. If not, I will write in Nikki Haley. I will not vote for someone who is going to bring this country down and will misrepresent Christianity..

        March 7, 2024

        What you are saying is nonsense. Who picked the candidates is a matter of history. That Macconnell brought in the votes is well established. You just don’t understand what goes on in Washington.

March 6, 2024

I spend a lot of time praying, in fact, hours at a time. I have done this for many years. Never has God indicated to me that Donald Trump is his appointee.

    March 7, 2024

    And.Biden is? Compare the party platforms and Trump policies that were carried out. Trump is not my pastor. I think his business sense is important. Nobody is going perfect.
    Let’s pray harder once he’s installed again.

      March 7, 2024

      Trump’s business sense? You are referring to a man who vastly exaggerates the size of his property in order to get more favorable terms?

      Notice that he has not said what his international policies will be??? Really important oversight given our presence situation. And his ‘business sense’ will be no use in the international crises and possibly war that we are going to be facing.

      If Nikki Haley does not run as a third-party candidate, I will write hr name in. I cannot vote for someone who will misrepresent Christianity and will bring down this country.

        March 7, 2024

        You have never sold a house perhaps? That’s why you have an appraiser involved. Why was Trump the first one targeted ever for this?

          March 7, 2024

          There is a big difference between 11,000 square feet and 33,000 square feet.

Beth and keith Gifford
March 6, 2024

While I believe President Trump is anointed for such a time as this, we know that no one man can change the direction of this country. That has to be done from the throne of heaven in hearts and minds of men. So Lord god, that is what we pray for. We seek you Lord, for a supernatural unity of the Republican and Independent parties, just like we saw in the House of Representatives when Speaker Johnson became the unanamous selection. We pray for your anointing, Lord, on the person you have long ago selected and appointed to be the VP running mate for President Trump. May that person rise to the top in the minds of President Trump and his Selection team. We thank you Lord for your love and mecy for America and all the people in it. We ask you for upright leaders who will respect your Word, and the Constituion of this country in Jesus name.

Jim Neuerburg
March 6, 2024

I WILL VOTE, and I trust God for the outcome of this election. I pray the Holy Spirit will be a powerful force, and source of encouragement as we get closer to Election Day.
Thank you, Father in Heaven.

Susan CC
March 6, 2024

Isaiah 2:4 (Voice) God will decide what’s fair among nations and settle disputes among all sorts of people. Meanwhile, they will hammer their swords into sickles, reshape their spears into pruning hooks. One nation will not attack another. They will not practice war anymore.

Dear Heavenly Father, I am remembering my earlier prayer to You, the God of Truth and Justice…the God of Peace and Power….the God of Life. I am remembering the scripture put on my heart. Will You remove the animosity Donald Trump has for Nikki Haley and she for him? Will You pulverized it with Your Decision which is mighty hammer that NONE can resist. Will You direct their thinking so they no longer attack one another but value each other’s expertise? I ask this and so so much more in the Overcoming Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Dr. Ruth Charles
March 6, 2024

Lord, as we draw closer and closer to November, we pray that Your will would be reflected through the fair and accurate counting of the votes.
I Declare The DECREE of HEAVEN, “YOUR Will be done and YOUR Kingdom come here on earth as it is in Heaven. ” In JESUS Name. Amen.

Darlene Estlow
March 6, 2024

Father, I pray you would continue to pour out repentance for our country. May our nation turn to you. That is our only hope. Bring people to office that you have called, who will serve with your wisdom. Only you can solve our problems. I praise you for the I see you are doing. Sometimes it looks so dark, but I see the son rising. Thank you.

    Susan CC
    March 6, 2024

    “Sometimes it looks so dark, but I see the son rising.” I love this, AMEN Darlene….HE has risen indeed!

March 6, 2024

Most of Haley’s supporters are not going to vote for Donald Trump. Too many concerns. This will all but hand the victory to Joe Biden. Sad. Very sad.

March 6, 2024

Sad day for this country.

Francis (Frank) MARLOW
March 6, 2024

I have always been a Trump supporter, though I did consider Ron DeSantis of Florida until he dropped out of the race. I thought Biden’s election victory in 2020 was outrageous!! Perhaps now we have a chance to set the record straight! And I WILL look to Gov DeSantis in the future!


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