I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for an end to the cultural rot and immoral debauchery in our nation. Let entertainment once again be family-friendly and God-honoring!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Football was family fun at our house in my growing-up years. I learned the art of the third down from my dad, who played junior college football in Mississippi. I loved sitting at his feet to learn about the offensive line as we watched the Green Bay Packers and Dallas Cowboys after church on Sunday afternoon. When I was twelve years old, and the Super Bowl was in New Orleans, the legend herself, Ella Fitzgerald, headed the star-studded halftime show. In those days, wardrobe malfunctions, suggestive dancing, and obvious witchcraft were not on the entertainment docket at Super Bowls. I remember the decade when all that family fun centered around Super Bowl halftime changed and we could not run fast enough to turn it off or shield childrenā€™s eyes from the moral debacle.

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In this yearā€™s Super Bowl, the venue once again is New Orleans, but there is a distinct shift in the moral climate in our nation. No doubt this has been born on the wings of prayer. In the last two weeks dramatic decisions have come from the pen of our presidentā€™s executive orders, with strong signals of a moral reformation that the remnant of praying saints have been crying out for through recent decades. Dominoes are falling at a rapid rate right before our eyes and hope is rising that a Nehemiah like rebuilding is here and now for faith and morality in our nation.

This week the shifting moral tide touched the Super Bowl Halftime Show, which has yet to occur. A letter penned by Louisiana State Senator Valarie Hodges and signed by a plethora of Louisiana lawmakers and pro-faith and family leaders, including IFA, in the state came before the Super Bowl committee asking for a shift in the direction of the halftime show this February.

Enter Danielle Walker, IFA Louisiana intercessor, author, and podcaster. Danielle had an unction from the Lord to stand up and speak up to address the issue of Super Bowl halftime entertainment. On the heels of the horror of terror in New Orleans, and the red wave landslide victory of Donald Trumpā€™s presidential win, she felt thereā€™s no better time to lift her voice and she got to work by urging Louisiana leaders to put the pressure on the Super Bowl committee for family friendly halftime shows to become the norm once more.

In her own words, Danielle states, ā€œLisa, this was something the Lord had percolating in my heart for a week or two before I brought it up in a board meeting of ā€œWe the People Bayou Communityā€ – a local pro-Constitution organization in Southeast Louisiana that was birthed through prayer. When I raised it, all of the board members supported the idea. So I drafted a letter and we got to work getting family friendly organizations and legislators to sign on. Then when we brought it to Sen. Valerie Hodges, she suggested that the letter would have greater impact if it carried the letter and weight of the law. So the letter was re-drafted in the State Senate in a way that backed it up by Louisiana law. Ultimately the letter was sent by Louisiana legislators who hold the purse strings to the funding for major sporting events like the Super Bowl.

It was a brilliant move, and Iā€™m so grateful to Senator Hodges for taking the heart of the idea and making it consequential. In my view, this is a perfect representation of General Michael Flynnā€™s continual admonition that local action has national impact. Iā€™m looking forward to watching the Super Bowl and halftime show next week and seeing if the NFL is true to its word. Ā I am overjoyed and so grateful that what started out as a seed of an idea, and as a prayer burden from the Lord, may very well change the boundaries of what is permitted in entertainment in this yearā€™s Super Bowl in New Orleans. All glory to God!!ā€

Let us all join in prayer with Danielle and the co-signers of this pivotal letter, which includes seventeen Louisiana legislators, for the Super Bowl committee, that they will take a strong stance to make halftime wonderful again, instead of weird and morally unacceptable. The Super Bowl committee has officially answered this letter in the affirmative, they are addressing and assuring football fans that this yearā€™s halftime show, on February 9, will be family friendly. The jury is still out and that jury is you, the American family.

You can read the letter, signed by IFA Regional Field Leader Lisa Townsend, by clicking here.

Share your prayers for the Super Bowl below!

Lisa Townsend is IFA’s Regional Field Leader. Danielle Walker is co-host of The State of Freedom podcast and author of a daily blog she created to encourage others with the insights the Lord shares with her in the mornings. Itā€™s called The Glory & New Wine. Photo Credit: Oliver Cardall from Pixabay.

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February 10, 2025

So what went wrong??
Half time show is still extremely perverted.
Totally discussing.
Obviously somebody dropped the ball and did monitor the outcome of their legislated letter

    February 10, 2025

    You are right, Susan – it is disgusting. We are at the tip of the iceberg realizing the extent of control & influence over every aspect of our lives, media, leaders and our nation. Lord, may you give deeper discernment and continue to expose the global entities influence and activities, so we can pray more effectively against this great antichrist evil. In Jesus name we ask You, Father, Amen

Jeanne and Frank Naquin
February 9, 2025

Thank you for standing for righteousness and proclaiming through prayer and action that Jesus is Lord and he reigns in Louisiana and in the United States of America. That only good and wholesome programming will be visible throughout the Super-bowl weekend and game in New Orleans. Amen

April G
February 8, 2025


Pastor DeWayne Wilkerson
February 7, 2025

Mrs. Lisa,
Thankk you for taking a stand for decent, moral, halftime shows again. It is my prayers that God will bless you in many spiritual ways for taking this stand. May this just another beginning of American headed the right directon once again.

Pastor DeWayne Wilkerson

Cindi M Hoffman
February 7, 2025

PRAISE BE TO GOD and thank you to Danielle Walker, Senator Valerie Hodges, ā€œWe the People Bayou Communityā€ and the 17 Louisiana legislators who are taking a stand for family friendly Super Bowl halftime entertainment! We appreciate your willingness to stand up for Godly principles! God bless you all

Linda Hunt
February 7, 2025

Thank you so much for bringing back family friendly halftime for the super bowl and hopefully it will spill over into all the other games. God is good!

February 6, 2025

Lord God, we desperately need You again in every area of our nation. May your holy spirit preside over the super bowl & all the performers. Bring great conviction & desire to the audience, players & entertainers – conviction that results in a deep desire for you & your ways. Let Your holy spirit fill us with the desire to honor you in everything we do. Amen

February 6, 2025

Thank you!šŸ™

Claudette Maybo
February 6, 2025

This is very hopeful. It is going to be interesting how this works as the song that the rapper will sing has the f word in it and he gives the finger in the video of the song that he is going to sing. My husband watched the Grammy awards and this song was sung. I remember a time when people tuned in to watch the halftime even if they didn’t watch the game because it was good entertainment. May it be so again. So thankful for the people that are trying to make a change. Blessings

David Bailey
February 6, 2025

Hello, I am not the football fan but always watch the Super Bowl. Anyway, Our Father in heaven, Let’s give glory to God first as always. Lord be with both them. Pray that the game will go well. Win or Lose, it is all to God. Let’s give glory to God. In your glory, in your power and your love, in Jesus’ name, Amen

David Bailey
February 6, 2025

Hello, I am not the football fan but always watch the Super Bowl. Anyway, Let’s give glory to God first as always. Lord be with both them. Pray that the game will go well. Win or Lose, it is all to God. Let’s give glory to God. In your glory, in your power and your love, in Jesus’ name, Amen

February 6, 2025

The actions taken are a clear example of how the Ekklesia can truly impact mountain of business and entertainment. May we continue to be bold in our stance for righteousness to prevail in our nation. Thank you Holy Spirit, for providing a door of influence. Let’s our voices be heard throughout 2025 and let God’s message be heard throughout the world. In Jesus Name, we pray.

Karen Beeson
February 6, 2025


Kathryn Gedamke
February 6, 2025

I love that “Let Us Worship” will be there with a Jesus March, 24 hour worship, and a presence to stop human trafficking.

Darlene Estlow
February 6, 2025

Praying that the committee will keep their word! This is so good. Thank you Jesus.

Tina Troxal
February 6, 2025

I am praying that the decision to have family friendly entertainment at halftime is true! This is a new year, and I feel a renewed spirit in America. Not only a renewed spirit of patriotism, but a renewed spirit of faith and family. Please make it family friendly. Praise God for the hope we now have for America be great again.

February 6, 2025

Praise God Praise God Praise God forever and ever.

Beverly Gallion
February 6, 2025

I am praying that the decision to have family friendly entertainment at halftime is true! This is a new year, and I feel a renewed spirit in America. Not only a renewed spirit of patriotism, but a renewed spirit of faith and family. The committee to choose the entertainment has the power to cause a major shift in the kind of entertainment that has been seen in the past . Most Americans voted for that kind of shift! Our President will be in attendance, and Iā€™m sure that he would appreciate seeing that happen! Our nation needs a healthy family-oriented halftime! I challenge you to produce one!

Mary Beth S
February 6, 2025

I’m thankful whenever justice and righteousness prevails and thankful for those the Lord raises up to contend for them, in this case Danielle and Lisa, etc. I have never watched, nor care to watch the Super Bowl – it isn’t my cup of tea, so to speak. The closest I’ve come, is watching the Doritos commercials. But I do care about wholesome entertainment being provided. I would just remind us that we can vote with our pocketbook. If even only believers would cease to support what is ungodly, it would speak loudly to the powers that be – and it has in some cases. May righteousness prevail, and righteous voices be heard.

Jeff R. Neilson
February 6, 2025

I appreciate the good efforts of others to bring about change in American life. We have forgotten of who ultimately set up the constitution and led and guided this nation for so many years. We either turn back to God or the moral decay and rot will continue to take this once great nation even further down the ever slippery path of ultimate destruction. Let’s leave a morally right and great country to our kids and grandkids so their future life’s can be blessed like ours’s once was in earlier times.

Beverly Gallion
February 6, 2025

Iā€™m so very grateful to hear that our country is making steps towards more family friendly entertainment! This nation was founded on Christian beliefs, and I find it so hard to believe the issues that are even being discussed in public these days! Even advertisements would have been very offensive when I was growing up! I am praying that the Lord will touch the hearts of our leaders and that our nation will find its way back to the values that are God-centered.

James Lunney
February 6, 2025

Thank God for this initiative and Amen to a God honoring outcome!

From Canada

Frances Cooper
February 6, 2025

This makes me so happy to read . . . and all of the positive comments! Please consider not having two separate national anthems. I saw a recent survey and most (if not all) considered having two separate ones devisive. And it is!!! ONE nation! All for one and one for all!

Sheila Steck
February 6, 2025

I am in full agreement in prayer concerning this wonderful action taking place. If we don’t speak up, nothing changes.! Thank you for all you have done concerning the Superbowl halftime show!

Margie Peeples
February 6, 2025

A postscript to my comment: PLEASE keep our original National anthem. It encompasses all people. This beautiful song has held up mightily since Franceā€™s Scott Key wrote it September 13&14, 1814.
Please keep it and let our heritage stand strongšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

Mary Margaret Barker
February 6, 2025

Praise the Lord!!!

Ron Glenn Deere
February 6, 2025

This started several years ago when Justin Beeber, on national television during Super Bowl halftime, clutched the breast of some beautiful cheerleader and has continued until today. Yes, we pray that Trump’s getting in will change things in this regard.

    February 6, 2025

    It was Justin Timberlake & Janet Jackson. “Wardrobe malfunction”

Margie Peeples
February 6, 2025

FINALLY! I hope you stay true to your word and do all in your power to make Super Bowl halftime fun and family friendly and with good wholesome talent for all to enjoy.
I quit watching ALL NFL for a while because I was just fed up. Iā€™m no prudeā€¦ trust me I have done my share of partying including walking Bourbon streets many times . But I always put God first and remained respectful of others. I pray yall have seen the light and know when you put God first, good things will happen . God bless you and I look forward to kick off 2025āœļøšŸ™šŸ»šŸˆ

February 6, 2025

Praise the Lord have been praying about this for years that God would bring our nation back to decency

February 6, 2025

While conservatives are upbeat about the election results and can finally see God’s hand working, we cannot let our guard down because that is exactly what Satan wants. Not all of our leaders know Jesus Christ personally and just because they are working to bring the best in all of us out, many of them need prayer to receive all God has for them. One of the most important things we need to do on a regular basis is to pray urgently for the salvation of those in power. God has a plan for the USA and we may not know what it, but we can fervently pray for all people to come to the complete knowledge of who Jesus is and how to make him an important part of our lives. We need to have a clear understanding of the Scriptures about putting on the armor of God and what each part of the armor is designed for. Priscilla Shirer has a Bible study book for women that clearly describes how the armor works and how it takes down the strongholds.

Mary Jane
February 6, 2025

YAYYYY and Amen! I agree and decree and declare that football becomes a family-friendly sport thatā€™s wholesome and enjoyable. No more culture shock and/or innuendoes. May the people of America be sick and tired of degradation.

    February 6, 2025

    Praise the Lord for his guidance and for the Louisiana intercession! Amen


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