I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for our children. Give us the boldness to stand up for them. Protect Bonnie and every courageous person fighting to protect children.
Reading Time: 9 minutes

America’s children are under attack. 

The progressive agenda is harming families and parents, with an outsized impact on the younger generations. Over the decades, we have seen a drastic change in the content schools teach our children. Last month, IFA shared an article about three Texas pastors who are fighting for our children. You can read that here: Bold Pastors Take A Stand for Children. This article is about a brave woman in a legal battle resulting from her desire to protect children from “pornographic filth.” 

Bonnie Wallace lives in a small rural area in Texas called Llano. There are only 3,200 people in the city; Llano County has a population of 21,000. In the summer of 2021, a couple of Bonnie’s friends found questionable books in the children’s section of the local library. They told Bonnie and asked for her help. “I didn’t know what was in these books. You hear things here and there, but I never understood the magnitude of how bad it was. When I heard children were reading bad books, I wondered, ‘How bad could it be? 

Bonnie found out exactly how bad it is.

Several months later, on November 10, 2021, Bonnie’s hairdresser shared with her one of the pictures from a book called Gender Queer. “It was obscene. It pictured two teenagers, one performing oral sex on another from three different angles. I felt lit on fire. I knew I had an obligation to protect kids from this stuff. I asked the hairdresser to send me the picture, but she said no because she could go to prison for sending child porn through the phone. So, I took a picture of the image on her phone with my phone. When I got home, I wrote an email and attached the image.  I emailed the County Judge, every business owner I knew in Llano, a few teachers in Llano ISD, pastors, and parents—at least 100 people. The memo line stated: Pornographic filth in the Llano Library. This is where I began”, Bonnie said. 

Texas Representative Matt Krause had compiled a list of 850 books that he believed were either sexually explicit, pervasively vulgar, or contained other harmful content for children. A friend took Krause’s list and audited the county library, where she found that Llano County offered 62 of these books. This list of books was also attached to Bonnie’s email. She asked the 100 or more recipients to “come together and pray for our town and protect the children we are responsible for.

Bonnie’s boldness led to an open door. “In January 2022, Llano County Commissioners’ Court voted to disband the existing library advisory board. They had not met for several years. Each court member appointed new board members; a total of 13 members comprised the new board. The judge was allowed to appoint one person, and it was me,” Bonnie said. 

Bonnie had only been to Llano County Library a few times to vote or for an event or meeting. 

In April 2022, seven Llano County residents filed a lawsuit against Bonnie, three other Advisory Board members, the County Judge, all four County Commissioners, and the Library Director. Bonnie did not remove any books as an advisory board member: “Our board is an ADVISORY board which can only ADVISE. We have no regulatory power or authority. In my original email, I requested that the books be relocated to the adult section. (An adult can choose to read that type of content, but a child should not have access to stumble upon pornographic material.)”

A librarian fired from the Llano County Library System has filed a second lawsuit against Bonnie and several others. Bonnie states that she has absolutely nothing to do with Llano County’s human resources. 

Bonnie says she will continue going forward with her fight. “God uses everything for His good; I know he will use this. I never thought I would see anything worse than that first pornographic image, but I have seen much worse now. Satan is after our children, and because we stand for them, we become a target. I’m not afraid because I am fighting on the winning side. God does not want porn accessible to children. I know we will win in His timeframe, although maybe not in the way we think. But God is calling each of us to stand.

‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go?’ (Joshua 1:9).

This verse is one of Bonnie’s favorites. She told me we often focus on the latter end of this verse. The Lord is with us wherever we go, but in the first half, God commands Joshua to be strong and courageous. Bonnie emphasized that courage is a commandment from God. The choice is up to us. 

When I wrote about the pastors from Texas fighting to remove this vulgar content from school districts, many intercessors asked, “How do these books get into our libraries?” Bonnie explained, “The American Library Association issues recommended book lists to all member libraries. There are two lists; one goes out monthly and one quarterly. They receive emails that say, ‘New must-have books,’ ‘Award-winning,’ or catchy phrases like, ‘No library is complete without these books.’ It’s veiled in deception.”

“Growing up, I loved to read. I took home five books every Friday. Because I grew up reading, I assumed that the American Library Association (ALA) sends our schools encouraging and nutritional content.” Bonnie said, “I have come to see the ALA is not our friend.”

A similar process happens in schools. When a school district orders books, free books are sent in the package with their order. The more books ordered, the more received. Sometimes, it’s a few; sometimes, there are hundreds, if not more. While some teachers and people know what kind of material they receive in the freebies, the majority are unaware of the content of the free books. They think they are receiving “award-winning books,” and sometimes they are. The ALA gives very vile and harmful books some of its highest awards. Most people do not realize how pervasive it is. Teachers, parents, librarians, and even school boards are often unaware. However, the ALA and their state library associations know.

Bonnie said it is important to be clear about the dangers of these books to our children. She said some encourage suicide, and some glamorize and trivialize heavy drug and alcohol usage. In some books, there are names of sex toys for children to purchase, and I was shocked to learn that some even have QR codes to a sex app called Grindr. It is a place for homosexual men to meet and connect. Why is this in children’s books? Isn’t it grooming and potentially criminal to connect children with men for sex?

You can watch Bonnie read one of these books at the Texas State Board of Education meeting (go to 6:21:28). WARNING: the book she reads is vulgar, obscene, and disturbing. Click here.

Random House published a book called Let’s Talk About It. This graphic book, marketed for twelve-year-olds, is about exploring sex. The authors and publisher put a disclaimer stating that they are not responsible for the adverse effects of using the information in the book! In 2022, the ALA awarded Let’s Talk About It the Great Graphic Novel of the Year. Bonnie reiterated, “The American Library Association is not ours or our children’s friend. Satan has a very large playground.”

Bonnie partnered with Christin Bentley, the State Republican Executive Committeewoman for Senate District 1 in Texas, on legislation to stop the sexualization of Texas kids. Christin asked Bonnie to serve on her subcommittee for the Republican Party of Texas for the Stop the Sexualization of Texas Kids priority. She credits God for opening this door and connecting her with the right people with knowledge and power to bring change and protect our children. She went to the Capitol on many occasions to meet with legislators. She contributed to HB 900, which requires school libraries to remove anything that contains sexually explicit content, pervasively vulgar content, or material that provides no educational value.

Bonnie also connects and travels with several pastors to meet privately with school board presidents and superintendents and to speak at School Board meetings across Texas. Her careful research ensures that only books currently sitting on the shelves are read to the school board trustees. Bonnie’s list of harmful content currently has 862 books on it. Like the pastors, she has taken flack from school boards. She has had her microphone cut off when she read from these books. She is reprimanded for her vulgar language, to which she replies, “I agree it is profane, so why is it on a shelf where children can see it? You don’t want to hear it, but children can still see and read it.”  

Bonnie prays for believers to have a fear of the Lord. She said the church fears man more than God, so they will not speak up. “If people believed in the God they worship, they wouldn’t be afraid not to be liked by man. People are more fearful of losing likes and followers on social media, and that has no eternal significance; it’s all superficial.” When Bonnie goes before school boards, she reads Amos 5:15, “Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.” She tells them they are the gatekeepers of the school districts. “Do you hate evil and love good? How are you using judgment? You are responsible for taking care of the children entrusted to you.”

Bonnie admitted that she was discouraged and disappointed when school superintendents and trustees did not remove the books. God spoke to her and told her that she was not responsible for their actions or lack of conviction. God has called her to open the eyes of as many people as possible and make them aware. The success does not rest on her. This comforts her. 

We asked Bonnie how we can pray for her and she shared these prayer points.

Pray for Llano County and other counties dealing with this issue. Pray for the Commissioners and County Judge to stand resolutely for Jesus. The Llano County lawsuit has an oral argument en banc before the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans on September 24th. Be in prayer for their attorney, Jonathan Mitchell (see Romans 1:16).

Pray for open eyes and convicted hearts for school boards and district leaders. Most of them must be informed about what is happening in their districts. “I believe in grace. I never knew how harmful this content was, so I don’t blame them, but once they’re made aware, I pray they will do the right thing.” Bonnie said (see Ephesians 1:17-18, Psalm 119:130). 

Pray for the exposure of corruption in the American Library Association and each state library association. The ALA has hosted Zoom calls and offered instructional material on how to introduce these objectionable books in rural libraries and how to talk patrons out of asking for this harmful content to be removed (see Ephesians 5:11-13, Luke 8:17 )

Pray for state boards of education. Bonnie attended a meeting in June and spoke before the State Board of Education in Austin, Texas. She requested they add training for school board trustees to recognize the harmful effects of pornography on the immature brains of children since school libraries are offering this content. She requested this be added under the current training to recognize sexual abuse, sex trafficking, and maltreatment of children. Bonnie recommended the SBOE utilize research compiled by the Texas Public Policy Foundation concerning the harmful effects of pornography on the brain. “There are good people on the board,” Bonnie said. Pray for favor and open the eyes of the SBOE members (see Psalm 5:12).

Pray for the eyes of believers, teachers, and parents to open up and join the fight. We thank God for the pastors standing up in Texas but need more to join the battle. We can make an even more powerful impact if we all link arms and shields. Bonnie mentioned Ephesians 6:10-18, the armor of God. While we may be familiar with all the pieces, she reminds us that the word stand is mentioned three times and that it does not protect our backs. The armor only covers our fronts, which means God does not expect us to turn around and flee. He expects us to stand, facing the enemy. “It’s time for the remnant to stand. We have been sleeping, and the enemy became powerful, but we have the victory in Christ! Bonnie said (see 1 Corinthians 15:57, 2 Kings 6:16-17 ).

Pray for Bonnie Wallace, the County Judge, all 4 County Commissioners, the Library Director, and other advisory board members currently being sued. Pray for God’s financial provision, strength for the members, and the slander and lies to be exposed (see Philippians 4:19, Proverbs 6:16-19).

Even while Bonnie is in this battle, she says God is spreading the message everywhere. She has received calls from Rapid City, South Dakota, Sioux City, Iowa, Utah, Maine, and Massachusetts. They are reaching out because they’re concerned about the content available to children (see Romans 8:28, Genesis 50:20).

Bonnie has no social media accounts but often utilizes a website created by a group of moms in Florida called www.booklooks.org. Here, you can find books and see book reports made by excerpts from those books.  You can read the content and decide if it is appropriate for children. Each book is rated (0-5, with 5 being the most offensive). Currently, Bonnie is working on a website, but if you want to learn more, you can email her at [email protected]

What are your thoughts about Bonnie’s courage, and how will you pray for her? 

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share.

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September 5, 2024

4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

Jane Fain
September 5, 2024

Lord, I lift Bonnie up to you, asking you to lead her in meetings. Her words would be what You would have her to say and prepare those who hear to hear the truth of what she speaks. Give her favor from You with people she meets for this battle.
This is one part of the battle for the souls of our children. Maybe this battle be won by Your appointed people to speak out against what our children should not be exposed to. Maybe people from every state engage in this battle by divine appointment from You, Lord. May this engagement travel across our country and reach into every library in our nation, which includes school libraries across our land. May it produce the fruit of cleaning up all libraries to where all materials and books in all libraries are for enjoyment and proper instruction and not for promoting a lifestyle that is contrary to Your Word.
I pray this in Jesus name. In conclusion I lift up the people who believe they should promote these books; for an encounter with You for truth, humbling themselves before You, repentance of their ways, beliefs, and accepting Jesus into their hearts with a new purpose in life, which is to serve our Heavenly Father as a “New Creation” in Christ Jesus. May this happen to all who fit under the perverse lifestyle category in our nation. Amen.

brother Don
September 5, 2024

As in the days of Noah so shall it be when the son of man cometh…………….their hearts were to continueally do evil
Only an historic unprecedented Holy Spirit flood of conviction will save this nation.
Unless men encounter the holiness of God they will not see/know their unholiness, let them do so and cry for mercy once again as in days of old.

September 5, 2024

Bonnie Wallace, an everyday American hero. May God bless and protect her, as she fights the good fight. May she be an inspiration for others to act.


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