I Prayed have prayed
Lord have mercy on us and our nation. Show us how to pray when evil seems to win.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The election results are in. Ohio voters chose to amend their Constitution to enshrine a right to abortion. Voters in Virginia and Kentucky filled their legislatures with Democrats, which may likely produce pro-abortion and other progressive legislation in those states.

These are disheartening, discouraging results. Yet immediately this Bible verse came to mind: We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved (Hebrews 10:39).

Post your prayer of faith to the God who is the “blessed controller of all things” (1 Tim. 6:15 Phillips).

Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.

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Kathy Emahiser
November 24, 2023

Father, I pray that you will move on the hearts of the liberal legislatures in VA and KY regarding legalizing abortions. Visit them in their dreams and convict their hearts of how you feel about taking the lives of these babies. Let them have no rest day or night. Thank you Father, in Jesus name, amen.

Kathy Emahiser
November 12, 2023

Father, let us not lose hope inspite of the election results; instead, help us to to stay strong in our beliefs and continue to stand for righteousness. What the enemy means for evil, we thank you for turning it around for your good by changing the hearts of the politicians. May their hearts break for what breaks your heart and rejoice when you rejoice. Thank you Father for receiving and answering my prayer in the precious, powerful name of Jesus. Amen

Carol McNally
November 12, 2023

God of heaven and earth,
Nothing escapes your notice and You see the evil that is invading our nation. Please God, give your people Holy Spirit power to do what is right in Your eyes , praying Your will be done and not that of the evil one. Expose the lies and let Your truth shine forth. In Jesus name amen

Dona Schmidt
November 12, 2023

My heart is grieved over thes results over the vote in Ohio! I am saddened to think it takes money to win! Hearing how pp funded the vote and others. Also knowing how much we prayed for this issue to be defeated! So yes, even with my sadness of the vote, I know God is still on the throne and I pray that hearts change for saving lives then taking them,

November 12, 2023

I believe that there was once again vote manipulation so that satan and the demoncrats get the result they want. Those who fight for and vote for abortion and all the other things that go against God’s Laws are bringing God’s wrath upon themselves. With the number of God fearing christians in the US there is no way issue 1 passes. If I am wrong then the world is one step closer to the end for in the bible is a reference to how many will be saved and I think it states 1 out of 3 will be saved. Thank God for his infinite mercy because if we truly repent and turn away from evil ways God will forgive us. Let us pray. Be safe and God bless

Esther L.
November 12, 2023

I agree, thank you. The pro-life movement needs better strategy in educating the public about what an abortion actually looks like – here’s a 4 minute video animation (based on an eyewitness account) which I hope will become part of a national strategy.
God bless!

Marsha Hansen
November 10, 2023

Dear Father, How can You bless a nation that spits in Your face and runs rampant? How did we let this sin get to this stage? Father, Father forgive us. You created Life, You ARE Life, You cherish Life. Change our hearts, Lord, to be like You. Your mercy is great, Lord, and we call upon You for mercy and grace to change our hardened hearts. You are our only hope and salvation! We need You, Lord!

Marsha Bashor
November 10, 2023

Thank you Patty, and you are right❣️We cannot give up . Lord I ask that your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven❣️God is good and he loves the little children. Please Lord move upon all the pregnant women who find themselves in an unexpected position to seek you because you are so near and so willing to help. Please change the deception in the minds of those who are for abortion to realize the truth and what abortion does to a baby and how it affects them emotionally for the rest of their lives.
Dear Lord, my question to you is how can we right this terrible wrong? I do pray for the safety of the pregnancy centers all over our country, because they do present a good answer for help. And I pray that you would draw the women in addition to you, draw them to a pregnancy center for help. Amen

Mary Ann Canfijn
November 10, 2023

Oh God! You are worthy to be thanked and praised in all circumstances, in all settings, and at all times.
We acknowledge Your Holiness, Your Sovereignty, Your Righteousness and Justice, Your Goodness and
Your Mercy. We acknowledge Your Wisdom and Your Grace toward Your Creation, in particular, Humanity. Help us, Oh God! Open blinded eyes, touch hardened hearts. May Your Holy Spirit hover
over the earth, may He roam throughout the land, calling and drawing many to repentance. May
Your people herald the Word that imparts faith and convicts of sin. The Gospel is that call. May we sound it out clearly and powerfully, bearing witness to the Truth — JESUS the Messiah! Amen!!

Mary Bernadette Drury
November 10, 2023

Keep on praying for the good to overcome evil.

Carole J Wolbert
November 10, 2023

Father God forgive us for believing the lies of the enemy. Forgive us for forgetting that You and You alone give us life. May those who vote for abortion rights come to a place where they SEE that abortion is a sin – that it is an affront to You – and come to a place of repentance.
And give courage and strength to Your prayer warriors everywhere to not give up! to not give in! and to not despair. In Jesus Name. Amen.

November 10, 2023

What a blessing to read the many replies to this article !
Father may these prayers from all across your country be United as One. May our unification be as a devastating weapon in this spiritual battle that is RAGING in our world today!!!

T Mc
November 10, 2023

The US abortion rate fell to its lowest level ever in 2018. World data suggests that ‘stricter laws’ do not reduce terminations but preventing unwanted pregnancies does. So one of the best strategies is to increase the availability of contraception. Sex has remained very popular since Adam and Eve enjoyed themselves in Eden, and will remain so. Other strategies are needed by Christians not just punitive law.

    Mary Beth
    November 10, 2023

    Contraception is readily available. The most effective form is abstinence because it is the only 100% effective form of contraception. What is missing is obedience to God’s law and clear Biblical instruction regarding sexual purity,

      Ofelia Claudio
      November 10, 2023

      I TOTALLY AGREE! I’ve been saying there’s a lot said about ending abortion, but how about instilling sexual purity in our children as early as possible? And obedience to God’s Word on sexual purity? My parents DAILY instilled in us guarding our purity. We would constantly hear them say: if a man really loves you, he will respect you and not take you to bed. Or, they’d say, why buy the whole cow if you can get the milk? Practical admonition! Not even citing scriptures. But it worked!

    M Smith
    November 11, 2023

    A relative believes she would not have chosen abortion if it had been illegal. Lord, cause mothers and fathers to love and protect their children, placing them with others if they do not wish to parent. 🙏

November 9, 2023


November 9, 2023

What retribution will God Almighty bring?

November 9, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father,
I repent for the blood of unborn babies that has been spilled from abortion. I repent for the selfishness of myself and this nation. I thank you for Jesus and ask for Your Righteousness to take over! Father You never turned the children away. Please turn over this laws that have said abortion is ok. King Jesus rule and reign and please bring reign down Your Glory to this perverse and wicked world. I love You Jesus and trust You.

Grant Windholz
November 9, 2023

Absolutely, it sure seems that way. As we see this country is becoming increasingly wicked and evil when it comes to abortion and treatment of infants like they are trash. Americans humble ourselves and know that the Lord God Almighty is ALWAYS IN CONTROL and you don’t want to face his wrath during the end days going on NOW!

Bobby Clements
November 9, 2023

Your phrase “filled their legislatures ” is exactly what is happening all across America. Since the majority of America has deserted GOD, then HE is giving it what deserves. Our churches have become so full of the world that GOD does not acknowledge them. Praise God for the few strong CHRISTIAN warriors who will be praying until the rapture.PRAISE GOD ALWAYS!!

Pat Carpenter
November 9, 2023

I pray that all will see how evil abortion is. A scourge on our once great nation. There is not a word invented to explain how much I abhor abortion

Fred L Marley
November 9, 2023

Just how repentant America is or isn’t remains to be seen, in my opinion. Many, many, many are praying for the demise of abortion and the expansion of it is NOT popular. The 2020 election was fraudulent and little has been done to correct the issues , which democrats continue to capitalize on. There is much evil in our midst which needs to be rooted out and destroyed. I question many of the losses.

    November 9, 2023

    Actually, much has been done in the wake of the fraudulent election of 2020, – by not only Mike Lindell, but also by -true the vote- Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips. The central issue concerning the progress is that the whole system is so buried in fraud that the scant three years that they’ve been able to do anything is only a beginning- although some progress has been made.. it is just that –we- need to get involved more .. ..Mike Lindell has spent millions of dollars in organizing efforts across the states and still is staying the course-, not to mention being involved in so many other battles to rebuild our foundation of Godly governance.. if you follow Catherine Engelbrecht every Monday night on locals.. you will see that they are rebuilding their website- true the vote- and regularly engage their followers to be involved n there is much work to be done-, and it has been fraudulent going all the way back at least n to the 1930s. Do you remember Huey Long in Louisiana? well that was a rigged vote-, in the 1930s Catherine englebrecht has been one of the most active and helpful sources of information available..as well. Also Tom Fitton ..founder of Judicial Watch-, regularly battles against various illegal outcomes and brush fires across the Nation ..involving election integrity ..and is in court on a regular basis for the cause of restoring election integrity

      Herb Johnston
      November 9, 2023

      We were warned when the Dobbs decision won-,& was the Catalyst that overturned Roe versus Wade-, that the enemy would come back even stronger undaunted by our progress and remember the enemy has had 50 years of time to get entrenched. The leftist and globalist army of Satanists have been organizing for a long time, remember that even in our system of voting here in America their system regularly is tireless in continuing to beat the ground and do whatever it takes to recruit people that are soft in their thinking and just wait for someone to tell them how to vote- and the Democrats are more than happy to fill that space.. and have.. for -,going all the way back to the beginning of the 20th century

Mary Cresswell
November 9, 2023

May God arise and His enemies be scattered…may LOVE for LIFE prevail in America…in these states.
We are so sorry God for what is happening against you Law of Love.
Forgive us, Lord.
For Virginia…we are heart-sick and feel something else is going on there. May all “fraud” be exposed. In Jesus’ Mighty Name.

Sharion Hayes
November 9, 2023

Dearest Heavenly Father, as more and more people fight to keep abortion Laws in their state, we wonder what our founding fathers would think of this mass killing done in clinics and few hospitals. How did a matter of convenience or a secret of behavior’s warrant this extreme remedy?
May your love overwhelm the people (Proverb 18:10.) May the Word written be a source to look to in times of hardship and trouble. May our leaders READ the Word aloud so all will have a knowledge of what you have to say about these demands of death (Proverb 4:11). I ask you change stony hearts and may the babies have their place of joy and delight as they were before these means of death to unborn babies became an answer. I ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

    Herb Johnston
    November 9, 2023

    Our Founders would have been unspeakably aghast and at a loss for words ..completely.
    The very fabric of human existence and The Souls of men and women have come so far afield from what they were in the days of our founders and of course obviously since the Inception of humanity that there’s no dialogue or contrast by conversation that can compare one with the other in a way that does not leave the human voice completely still

Nancy J Osborne
November 9, 2023

Lord have mercy on us. We are truly disobedient and defiant people. We repent for our nation and for us! Raise up your faithful people, Oh Lord! Give us courage and wisdom to proclaim your eternal truth that this sinful and crooked generation so needs to hear, Open their hearts, Father, to hear your truth and come to repentance. Revive all churches to stand for your truth and grace. Let your glory shine through us and in our land and let your will be done! In the name above all names we pray, Amen!

Robert Righter
November 9, 2023

I choose life, that both me and my descendants me live.

November 9, 2023

Heavenly Father, we pray for repentance and a softening of hearts for those who continue to choose death for your unborn children. We call down the evil spirit of the enemy in the blood covenant in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that eyes will continue to be opened over the miracle of your unborn children and how precious each and every life is. Psalm 139 shows God’s plan and love for his unborn. We pray for hope and unity for those who would consider abortion their only option and we speak life over them. That your mighty hand will continue to move Lord over our nations and you will hear our cries as we humble ourselves before the NAME above ALL NAMES. We ask this in Jesus Name Amen. 🙏🏻

Brent Wittges
November 9, 2023

Despite what is happening in our nation that is against the commandments in the Holy Bible, I know our Lord Jesus Christ is in Control and His Will be done!!!

November 9, 2023

I don’t think the Christian Church in America will ever win the abortion war until we deal with the root – sexual immorality. Many churches will rail against abortion, but are practically silent on the issue of sexual immorality. We’re so afraid of offending a culture that worships sex (in all forms) that we just don’t touch this issue, for the most part. We need to repent! 2 Chr. 7:14. We can repent, and we can teach sexual purity in LOVE. It doesn’t have to be legalistic. It’s not legalistic to teach your child to not run out in the middle of a busy street, right? We just need God’s help to teach and promote sexual purity.

November 9, 2023

Mind your own bussiness

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Jacquelyn Yvonne Miller
November 9, 2023

This is a very dark time in America’s History. Sure, we have a lot to be ashamed of, but we have still not repented from past sins. We as the Body of Christ are the salt of the earth and light in this world. We are being conformed by the world’s standards. We are in the world, but not of the world. Sadly, we have immersed ourselves into the world’s culture and all it has to offer. We are choosing left and right when we are told to stand. We have exchanged the Lord for man and mammon. The Bible tells us clearly what will happen when we reject God. There are examples all through His Word. Politicians can’t help us. They are finite beings just like everyone else. America is imploding.
Father God, have mercy on us and forgive us, please!

Barbara Janicki
November 9, 2023

How is it that frozen embryos have to be legally adopted going through our courts legal system, and in divorce cases there are custody hearings to determine custody of their frozen embryos just as custody of their already born children must be decided legally – while at the same time we want to say the life of the pre-born child developing inside its mother can be taken, ended legally? It makes no sense – on the one hand our law acknowledges life and the rights of those lives to life – then turns around and says that those lives have no “right to live” – because the mother has the “right” to kill her baby? Abortion is legalized murder no matter what name you give to it. Psalm 139 gives us God’s perspective – “For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body.” God’s good and perfect will always wins in the end – even in abortion – those precious souls go straight to heaven, inheriting their eternal life – bypassing earth’s suffering – they belong to God’s eternal kingdom – satan doesn’t get to claim them. God wins in the end – but for now we press on – fighting the good fight for the rights of the preborn who cannot speak for themselves. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

November 9, 2023

The church and pro life groups does not call abortion homicide and seek to abolish it by law and hold accountable the women who bring their babies to the clinic to be executed. We are complicit.

November 9, 2023

It’s possible that the vote was legitimate OR that it was fraudulent. We live in an age where fraud, cheating, lying, etc. has become second nature to many. They simply don’t care because they have NO moral compass. The majority of Ohioans, through various polls, have reflected “prior to the vote” that they want the unborn protected at all stages of life. Does that mean the people failed to show up to vote? Not necessarily. Does that mean that every county that used electronic voting methods, etc. had the ability to manipulate the votes favorably for fraud? ABSOLUTELY! Fraud was performed throughout the 2020 US election & successfully gotten away with. How much more are they able to do so locally or statewide? Fraud criminals haven’t stopped & if regular people don’t get involved in every manner possible to help out, it will continue. And Ohio just proved that. Each time a state through a decision (fraud or legitimate) opts for “death”… they have taken another step towards God’s holy & righteous justice to come upon them. God will not be mocked.

November 9, 2023

May the God of Israel and giver of life intercede above all elections and can do abundantly more than human rights. God may you return soon and strike the hearts of evil. Not everyone will see your return as evil prevails in their hearts. I know God you are waiting for those to turn from their wicked hearts and whys, however, evil is evil. God will prevail over evil. Amen

Judy Wilder
November 9, 2023

This is the time to keep on keeping on doing the works of the Lord.
Help caring pregnancy centers in your communities.
Give as it is your last day to give to God’s work.
Pray as you have never prayed for his will in your Life.
Praise God for he is in control and for being our provider.

Dale McNamee
November 9, 2023

America us an evil, death worshipping, sexually perverted, sex worshipping, self hating country… And Maryland is also trying to enshrine abortion in its Constitution… And God is allowing all the evil to run free… He is separating the sheep and goats.
I think that the last days are close or we are in them..

    Mary Beth
    November 9, 2023

    I agree, Dale. I believe that much that is happening right now is a watershed moment or period of time. God knows our hearts, he knows where we stand – but now is our opportunity to step over the line in answer to the question “Who is on the LORD’s side?” The body of Christ, the nations, families, and each of us as individuals will be held accountable for which side we choose. Watershed moments do not allow neutrality, in attitude or in action.

      Herb Johnston
      November 9, 2023

      Absolutely I just realized what you are saying even as both of you said it..separating the sheep’ from’.. the goats. I’m suddenly thankful for all of the hardship that I know at least I have suffered.. mainly in the last 3 years.. as it has drawn me closer than ever.. to what are the components of my prayer life.. and my walk with the Lord-, as imperfect as they are.

      thank the Lord in heaven for His grace and healing and long suffering forbearance

November 9, 2023

I am advocating for the life and personhood of the unborn even if I become the last person standing!

I am not giving in because the Lord has not changed His Word. A living human being has the right to be a legal person from their conception to birth. Having the right to be born and right to their body.

This includes persons conceived in the womb and artificially. This gives rise to the ethics of IVF discarding and selling embryonic persons. This a fast track industry trespassing on embryonic and fetal persons. I get that the Church is not even looking at the possibility that without restrictions women and their children are being exploited by surrogacy which could lead down an evil path toward child slavery and the harvesting of their organs.

Every successful human rights movement has been won with the universal understanding that oppressed people groups deserve dignity from violence and discrimination. Unborn persons fit this category. The unborn should be legally protected from age discrimination and human rights violations. Once the unborn becomes a legal person it follows in language that born persons are discriminating against unborn persons. Who other than born persons are discriminating against the unborn?

Personhood and Human Rights belong to the unborn and this is the real reality.

The women who believe it is their reproductive right to kill their offspring by abortion, at any stage of fetal development are deeply deceived by the billion dollar abortion industry exploiting these woman and their children for ill begotten gain. We must have compassion on them and pray for them as they are lost and in need of Jesus and His forgiveness.

Church please awaken! We are not finished winning this battle for unborn persons. The Supreme Court admitted that abortion is unconstitutional and we the Church must agree and follow up with our states on this error made by Roe v Wade

Abortion is murder and any compromise in our prolife legislation with pro abortion allowances, is not legislation Jesus can stand with us on. Our campaign must speak the uncompromised truth for the unborn.

Winning personhood and gaining human rights for the unborn would render the abortion industy obsolete!

I stand in the gap for all our pro life legislators, Care Net ministries, churhes, pastors and many others that they “will not grow weary in well doing for in
due time they shall reap”! I pray they stay in the fight for the right of unborn persons to be born and live among us as our dear children and grandchilden.

In Jesus name, who is the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE!

    November 9, 2023

    Elizabeth Johnston has a Ministry that she fights for the right of The Unborn..to protect life.. and I don’t remember the name of her Ministry but if you look up her name-, her website will follow.. and she is a strident Soldier and great activists for the Lord and for protecting babies and will bring you hope in her very nature

B. Hinch
November 9, 2023

I’ve often wondered lately if this isn’t a time when God is separating the sheep from the goats; Americans are being given the chance – almost daily – to decide whether they will live their lives according to the Word of God or not.

“Choose ye this day whom you will serve”

I personally believe that’s why so much evil is continuing despite millions praying. We are mandated to continue to pray, of course, but we shoud still be aware that the end times is full of destruction on earth.

Helen Phillips
November 9, 2023

Lord God Creator of all things, Giver of Life, You deserve glory and honor. I stand before You with a heavy heart because of mankind’s hard heartedness choosing to destroy Your precious creation. May Holy Spirit draw mothers contemplating abortion to the love of Jesus. May they choose Life.
Lord, it is by Your mercy that we have not been destroyed for our iniquities ad sin against You, a holy God. Thank You for giving time that many will come to know JESUS as Lord and Savior. I ask You to comfort the babies as they endure this heinous torture and wrap them in Your arms.

    Jaynie O'Flaherty
    November 9, 2023

    I am responding to Helen Phillips and her comment about the torture these innocent little babies endure at the hands of the cold-hearted monsters who have convinced themselves they are administering women’s health care. I pray the Lord will cause the shekels to fall from their eyes, and they will realize they are committing murder. Please, Lord, comfort and shield your most innocent, precious souls. Allow their suffering from the process to be covered by the Blood of your Son, Jesus. Allow them to quickly join you in your Heavenly Kingdom where they will never again experience pain, but they will only know Your Precious Love and Joy.

    Father, allow the mothers of these precious babies to become aware of an organization called “PREBORN.” With their assistance, the mother will have the opportunity to hear the other side of the story, she will see her baby in 4-D…hear the baby’s heartbeat, see facial features, and understand what is growing in her body is something sacred, and not just a clump of cells. She will also get assistance for up to 2 years with food, diapers, and other necessary expenses, if it is too difficult for her to handle the cost of giving birth and the aftercare. They can also assist with adoption, if that is the option the mother chooses. She will also learn the long-term effect the abortion procedure can have on her body, not just physically (which can be severe, from what I have read) but also the mental and emotional effects that can be devastating for some women. Dear Lord, we all pray for them to have wisdom before making this horrendous decision. Finally, Father, allow the doctors who are involved with performing these abominable procedures, to realize what they are really doing and make the decision to stop, immediately.

Mari Williams
November 9, 2023

Why is abortion continuing in this country?
Why do people perform abortions?
There is no fear of GOD!
And there is no knowledge of the consequences of this great evil:
We reap what we sow:
2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. ”
GOD is just: We reap what we sow:
Leviticus 24:;19 “And a man who injures his countryman – as he has done, so it shall be done to him fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Just as another person has received injury from him, so it will be given to him.”

    November 9, 2023

    You pinpointed it exactly – the lack of reverent fear for God Almighty.

November 9, 2023

“And they say, “How can God know? Is there knowledge in the Most High?” Behold, these are the wicked; always at ease, they increase in riches.”….But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task, until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned their end.” Psalm 73 Their support of the shedding of innocent blood has blinded them and their unbelief in the Holiness and Truth of Almighty God will be their demise unless by Your grace and mercy Lord they are delivered and set free. Praying that they will have divine encounters with You, Lord Jesus, and will cry out to You with broken and repentant hearts, that they will have their eyes opened to embrace the Sanctity of Life. In Your Life-Giving Redemptive Name I pray Lord Jesus. Amen

Patricia Tom
November 9, 2023

I was so heartily discouraged, wondering how much more death (up until the 9th month) will we as human beings accept. We seem to have more compassion for animals. Oh Lord, forgive us your stiff-necked rebellious sinners. Thank you for your continued grace, mercy and gift of repentance as we continue to pray for the eyes, ears and souls to be uncovered to allow your Holy Spirit to woo them to peace and eternal life in you.

November 9, 2023

Lord Yoi are in absolute control and still on Yoir Throne. You see all things and Your mercy us still upon us. May You touch hearts o repent and give Your people the steadfast faith to continue to loft this abortion issues to you in Jesus Name. May we not be complacent but be watchful of what’s happening politically and spiritually in America in Jesus Name. Amen.

November 9, 2023

Holiness is what I require. Let’s pray for these young ladies to open there eyes to this demonic agenda against there God given to give & bring forth Life.
The message of Love. Take us higher Holy Spirit that our eyes of our understanding come forth. I stand in in the Gap of this sexualization of our women & men. Ephesians 1 let us shout & worship & Praise & give Glory to God. Who fights Our Battles & scatters the Enemy!!

Beatriz Britt
November 9, 2023

We come to you o Lord with sorrofull hearts to see the wickedness of our hearts, voting to end life, which is precious in your sight. Forgive us and revere it o Lord, have mercy, your precious blood we plead for this America you and we loved, save, restore bring us out of darkness, transform the twisted mind sets of this individuals, deal their hearts and bring winds of revival, bring them to life and to you. Save this Nation, save our children, save these babies in the woumb. Give us solutions, repented hearts and may your Spirit overturn the tables, may these produce salvation and life, only you can do it. In our precious Lord’s npame Jesus. Amen

Nelda Hudson
November 9, 2023

Heavenly father, I pray that you will speak to and touch the hearts of the politicians and people of Ohio that voted for this evil law to be put into their state Constitution. I also pray Lord that she will speak to the hearts of the spiritual leaders and draw them to your word that says “Woe to those who shed and innocent blood”. Help them to see Lord there is no victory in going contrary to your word and in fact you will bring judgment upon our nation. As the song says lord, we are praying you “will come and turn this thing around”. We believe you for it Lord!

November 9, 2023

“ Be of good cheer….I have overcome the world”

November 9, 2023

Lord free us from discouragement when evil seems to win over good. Remind us that we currently live in a world run by Satan who knows his time is short and will do all manner of evil to take as many people down with him as he can. Open the eyes of the deceived to see the works of the devil so that they may turn to you in repentance.

Give each one who has your heart the courage to continue prayerfully and publicly refute. the devil’s lies.

In Jesus name.

marlene bickel
November 9, 2023

I wonder how many ‘dead people’ voted! Our elections have manipulated by any means possible by the ‘dark side’ for many decades.
Abortion is a soft, palatable word.. That’s why Planned Parenthood, etc use it, it doesn’t seem so offensive/bad—but
the word Murder is a harsh reality, truth of what this act is really all about………….taking the life of another…..a baby….
If we could see clearly all that is taking place in the spiritual realm between the forces of good and evil, we would truly believe, know, trust and rest in the finished work of Christ.
What Almighty God began, He WILL finish it!
GOD’S GOT THIS!! —Satan, the devil, Beezebub, Lucifer, no matter the name, he was defeated at the cross!
I like the posture Daniel takes when he is in the lion’s den; the lions are standing behind him with their mouths closed and Daniel is looking up to heaven, to the Lord. by Briton Riviere 1890 picture
Wee must continue to persevere. Therefore, put on God’s complete armor, that you may be able to stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place]. Ephesians 6:13 AMP

    Jan S.
    November 9, 2023

    I am the Voting Location Manager for a small community in southwestern Ohio. We are blessed to have had Secretaries of State who have followed proper procedures to remove names of the dead and those who have been “inactive” for at least 4 years from our voter rolls. There have been criticisms that this is severe but no evidence in Ohio of the level of fraud seen in other states.

Charles Lane
November 9, 2023

LORD, may we stand in Your presence and go forward boldly with grace and truth. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Until we get the language right, we will not get the message across.

Instead of the bland “Ohio voters chose to amend their Constitution to enshrine a right to abortion,” which plays into the A.P. mantra of “defeating the Republican ban on abortion,” we need to clearly say what it is . . . over and over again:

“Ohio voters chose to amend their Constitution to enshrine a right to abortion WITHOUT LIMITATION, UP TO AND INCLUDING AFTER BIRTH AS IN THE CASE OF ‘SURVIVORS OF [LATE TERM] ABORTION.'”

November 9, 2023

Jesus, you are the King of Kings & the Lord of Lords, You are the Alpha & the
Omega. I will not fear for You are the way, the truth & the life. Amen

November 9, 2023

Yes & Amen! Let us not grow weary in doing well. In due season we will reap if we do not faint! Let us be strong in the Lord & in the power of HIS might! Grant that we will not faint in this season of adversity. In Jesus’s Powerful Name. Amen.

November 9, 2023

I am praying. Lord have mercy on America. Remember the righteous in the land and spare us, our states and America.

Lorraine Smith
November 9, 2023

Oh Lord, our God, it is with heavy hearts that we ask you to forgive our national leaders and church leaders for embracing abortion as law. Please help our Godly leaders to fight to the death for this ungodly spirit of murder that has been unleashed on our nation..
We pray for a grassroots movement in every state to protest this heinous icrime, and never let it become law in their state!

Bobbie Boice
November 9, 2023

Our Father who art in Heaven, hollowed be Your name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen

Lord, we are very saddened by the results of this vote but may it not discourage your people. We will not give up the fight to save the babies and our nation. We may have lost this battle but the war has already been won in Jesus’ name. May we be encouraged knowing that you are about to do something we have never seen before. We praise you and stand in awe of You. Have your way, Lord. We will see a harvest of souls and AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

Ann NMN Shaw
November 9, 2023

Almighty Father and Savior, you alone are sovereign, please have mercy on us. We the people have sinned and fallen short of your glory. Out of your love and mercy forgive us and grant us strength to obey you and FOLLOW you.

In Jesus’s name Amen

Trust in Jesus
November 9, 2023

STOMP THE SNAKE POPLE!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t play footstie with it!

Terrie O'Neal
November 9, 2023

The pure evil of changing their state constitution to murder babies. These people do not realize that they will be killed as well – with those who call themselves progressive – I refer to them as regressives.
These people do not believe in God. Lord help us to acknowledge the evil and to stand against it.
Help people in these two states to suit up, show up, stand up and speak up about the killing of innocent
lives. With the hijacking of our elections nation wide with the Dominion voting machines, my prayer Lord is that Americans donate to Mike Lindell’s fund to get the wmd machines in every county in every state to show how our elections are being ‘flipped’ to support the evil progressive agenda. Thankyou Lord!
I stand for our Constituion and for you Lord.
Terrie O’Neal

Penny McCartney
November 9, 2023

i am deeply distressed. with all the outside money coming in, the right to Life movements were outspent by 10 to 1. Where were the Pastors, the church leaders, were they even talking about this?

Trust in Jesus
November 9, 2023

This IS where the EKKLESIA MUST RISE UP and TELL the evil spirits to GET OUT and GO TO HELL and STAY THERE!! QUIT accepting “results” people! They are LIES! There is nothing the wicked won’t do to “get” their way. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Change your prayers to ones of warfare that evict the evil and demand righteousness, truth, and justice! The giants MUST fall, don’t let them tell you they “won”! They did NOT win! They are lying like goliath did, trying to intimidate. WAKE UP please!!!!!!!!!!!! This is all about opening spiritual gates in this nation and people have to stop just eating whatever the enemy gives them on a plate!! Dear Jesus, wake up the people that they may see what is REALLY going on!! How does ANYONE believe election “results”? I mean, REALLY!!!!!!?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????? COME ON! IT’S TIME!!! OVER DUE REALLY!!

    Bobbie Boice
    November 9, 2023

    Amen…the Bible says He has given us the POWER to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. Sadly the Church as a whole has forgotten this truth about its authority. The Ecclesia will continue to grow and rise and take its place in this battle for lost souls. We stand in the gap for the lost souls. Jesus will have His billion soul harvest!

November 9, 2023

Dear heavenly Father, the people have spoken, they desire laws contrary to Your law. Darkness covers our land. I’m so sorry Father, merciful God. Equip the saints, Your people with true apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers for the great harvest. The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Bring a spirit of repentance to our land. We need You Almighty merciful God. Amen.

Michael Lampard
November 9, 2023

This is serious anti God legislation and is by no means unique to the USA. We are in very evil days, reminiscent to the period immediately prior to WW2 (both my parents were combatants in that war, and explained much of what went on in Europe before it happened). The lull before the storm. What the Nazis perpetrated was unique the Germany. Now it is world wide. Abortion is yet another aspect of where we are regarding the utter and catastrophic rebellion against the God of the Bible. Abortion is a serious issue; however, it is not the only one. The LGBT agenda, and the rampant anti-Israel agenda that has more and more support worldwide are also players in this and we need to prepare for what is to come.

November 9, 2023

Be careful in prayer – not all is as it seems. The voting process has proven unreliable, and with demonic influence in high places, do not think they only want to cheat for politicians. This clawing for blood is entirely demonic, and with untrustworthy voting systems, I would not be so sure it reflects the will of the people.

Father, cleanse us from the evil systems that seek to take power through dishonorable means. Remove the evil and expose it, and protect your remnant that cries out for justice in these places where evil rulers have stolen control. Bring justice to the unborn, free the women deceived, and remove the influence of the systems that support it. Thwart the plans of the enemy, as you can take anything and “TURN IT FOR GOOD”!! Praise your name for what you will do!!!

Trust in Jesus
November 9, 2023

We did not vote to amend that!!!!!!!!!!! They steal, that’s what they do. Has everyone forgotten 2020?????????????? Do you think they became righteous all of the sudden and that the machines can’t be changed??? GOD WILL have the LAST SAY!! Keep the faith! It’s NOT over YET!!!!! God Almighty, we NEED YOU to do YOUR thing! This nation IS YOURS and Ohio IS YOURS, each state IS YOURS! NOTHING belongs to the devil and our NO to wickedness STILL STANDS NO matter what they “say” something is! We agree with what You say and You say LIFE and You say VICTORY! MANIFEST YOUR WILL and EXPOSE and REMOVE the thieves in Jesus Name! Fill this nation and EVERY place HOLY SPIRIT, remove EVERY evil spirit and let Jesus reign! SO BE IT NOW! AMEN

November 9, 2023

Father we pray for a righteous show of justice on behalf of the blood of the innocent, they cry out, hear them OH Lord!! May the wicked turn before it too late. We thank you for your perfect judgement and justice on the enemies of your little ones. Amen

Janice Flora
November 9, 2023

Dear Father in heaven, forgive us for our sins against innocent children. Please Lord do not allow all of us to suffer for the sins of the godless. But we lift them up to you. Send your Holy Spirt to speak to them. Help them to hear your voice and turn from their wicked ways.
Your word says “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened.. So dear Father we ask, seek and knock. Please open the door to healing in our land.
We love you Lord!!

Suzanne Roberts
November 9, 2023

Father, I pray that You would surprise this country with the TRUTH, that would set these babies free.

Ellen P Harbeson
November 9, 2023

I am going to pray and fast for the Lord somehow to stop this legislation. For a huge turnout of women who have had abortion to show up at their capitol and say no to this horror. Oh may the Lord prevent such an evil that will have evil consequences for the whole nation, not just those who think this is o.k.

November 9, 2023

My heart is so grieved that these voters would do such a thing as condone this horrific act of murdering innocent babies. In spite of this horrendous act I am comforted knowing that our Lord ushers these precious babies to heaven where they will reside with Him forever. Then my thoughts turn back to those that have committed such demonic acts and realize if they do not turn from their wicked ways and receive God’s forgiveness He offers us through the blood of Jesus, that they will bring condemnation on themselves and will be sent to everlasting darkness in hell where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. This reflects the unspeakable torment of those who will be separated from God for all of eternity. My heart cries out for both the wickedness of abortion, but also these that are under the sway of the enemy. Let’s remember to pray for those lost souls also.

Marsha Bashor
November 9, 2023

I am so so sorry Lord , I mourn the result of this vote and I cannot pray right now

    November 9, 2023

    I completely understand that sentiment Marsha. I’ve been speechless for a long time now. I used to be a prayer warrior. Prayed and prayed and prayed along with all of you and lots of other people across the nation. And yet,,, here we are. This country is unrepentant and I cannot pray for mercy for this nation anymore. But that scripture Hebrews 10:39 … reminds me of me. I do not want to be of those that “shrink back”. Jesus is the great I AM. We will continue to put our trust in Him. For there is no other option. God bless you Martha.

Felicia Briski
November 9, 2023

Yes, the majority of voters voted to enshrine abortion in our constitution in Ohio. Those who voted against it fought hard to keep it out but it simply wasn’t effective. It’s heartbreaking. Truly heartbreaking. But our God of breakthrough always has a counter to the enemies punch. We are continuing to pray , seek God for discernment and interceding for the nation and our state of Ohio. His arm is not too short! He hears the prayers of our hearts, our desperation for Him to move and we continue to pray for mercy and breakthrough. As instructed in Eph 6, when we’ve done all to stand, we stand therefore! Thank you everyone for standing with us! God is good, faithful and righteous and He is filled with Justice. His justice. Thank you to all of you who stand with us. I appreciate you and your time was invested well into God’s purposes. God bless you and your families.

    November 9, 2023

    Sadly, it was only 25 out of 88 counties. But they were densely populated and high propensity voters.

November 9, 2023

According to Psalm 94: vengeance is Mine, says the LORD. Understand you brutish among the people, He who chastises the nations, shall He not correct? The LORD will not forsake His people. Justice will return to the righteous and all upright in heart shall follow it.

November 9, 2023

Dear Father I thank You that You are God of heaven and earth and You change not. Whatsoever a man sows, that he shall also reap. I ask for your mercy on our nation, that it chooses darkness rather than light and death rather than life. Your mercy Lord, Your mercy in Jesus name. Amen.

November 9, 2023

My heart cries out for the lost for they know not what they do. God open their eyes to your truth, your love, and to your son Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross.

Brian lynch
November 9, 2023

Lord Jesus, send us revival, and convict those who have sinned to repent. May these evil actions of misguided legislators be overturned. Thank You, Jesus

Kathy Orozco
November 9, 2023

Heavenly Father You alone are worthy to be praised. You are the great I AM! I give You all the glory. Lord we know we are fearfully & wonderfully made & you created us for such a time as this. Father we are asking You to stop the slaughter of Your children through man by abortion. Lord I pray in the name of Jesus that these children they are killing in the womb are given a chance through adoption & not killed before the day of light. Lord change the heart of these stiff necked people. Only You Lord have the right to decide when our time is up and I don’t believe in my heart it would ever be by abortion. I pray the evil doers and give them to You Lord. I give you all the praise, honor & glory & ask these things in Jesus name. Amen 🙏🏼

November 9, 2023

More than ever the truth of “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.” is evident in our land. Father, I ask that you lead us and guide us as we stand up against the spirit of apathy that keeps godly men and women from voting. I ask that you open the eyes of everyone in this nation to see the truth and reality of abortion. Poor out a repentant spirit on our nation. In Jesus name, Amen

Denise Nielsen
November 9, 2023

Merciful Father, See us here in a land covered in deep darkness, in a world full of broken hearted people we need You to Come!
Forgive us our sin and heal our land.
Send the light of the knowledge of God as seen in the face of Jesus Christ shine in us. Come break the chains that hinder Love.
Thrust forth laborers into the harvest fields and be glorified in and through Your people. Let Your word run swiftly and may Love abound. May Your heart be satisfied

Kevin Ezell
November 9, 2023

The wording of the amendment was very confusing. This made it harder to vote against. This is indeed a Spiritual battle and we need to reach those who are lacking spiritual insight to the evil that has captured them.

Reply Report comment moderated
November 9, 2023

Heavenly Father, may the violent and destructive act of abortion trouble and bear a heavy burden on each voter who went into that voting booth and chose to vote “yes” to show they approved of killing an unborn baby. May they experience nightmares for the decision they made. Father, break the hearts of all who choose this barbaric act against the unborn. May they be plagued with a heavy heart and may they be troubled everyday for not choosing life for the unborn. In Jesus’ name.

    November 9, 2023

    Strong but justifiable words Vicki .. Am standing with your prayer in our Saviors name !!!

    Denise Frankos
    November 9, 2023

    Vicki I agree with u. There needs to b conviction to see they are wrong. In addition to that I believe we need to pray that their heart be open to the truth of God’s word. That the Holy Spirit lead them so they would recieve Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins. We all need the Holy Spirit to lead us and give us wisdom thru these days.

    November 9, 2023


    November 9, 2023

    I pray in agreement with you! May they have nightmares of babies being cut out of the womb. I hope and pray they never sleep another night again until they repent of this great wickedness they have brought forth.

November 9, 2023

Lord, You are sovereign over all, yet when Your children stand in the gap and look around we see defeat, we see evil winning, we see crushing blows to our conservative values in our legislations. Lord, help us to remember what Your Word says so that we know we are NOT losing, that we will NOT be defeated because evil will NOT prevail. Lord, help us to stand strong on our convictions and beliefs and to know that we know that we KNOW You are on our side. Lord, raise up Your army of conservatives with feet on the ground, marching in unity to defeat the evil and crush the evildoers, in Jesus’ mighty, holy name, Amen!

November 9, 2023

LORD we cry out to YOU: for the states that choose to put their babies on the altar of Molech and Baal: destroying the future of the HOLY One of HEAVEN gift of life. For as Sodom and Gomorrah brought upon themselves the wrath of YOUR judgement: let it be a merciful one. We put those who bring judgement on the little ones receive a storm of justice: for JESUS said bring the little ones unto ME. But those who do harm it’s better they put a millstone around their neck and jump into the deepest part of the sea,for the kingdom of HEAVEN is like these little ones.

David Hatfield
November 9, 2023

I do not believe for a moment the majority of Ohioans voted for this horrible legislation. This was pushed through via fraud like many elections. Pray for exposure and overturning!

    Pamela C
    November 9, 2023

    Maybe you live in a different part of the state that is more conservative. But unfortunately, I do believe that that many people voted yes. I live by a lot of these people and I have seen the YES signs in the neighborhood. People who travel up to rural north tell me they saw a lot of NO signs. That gave me hope. But it was temporary. I am heartbroken about the spiritual condition of our state and honestly our world.

      November 9, 2023

      I pray you are right! Lord stop the fraud now. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear and help us work to end fraud.

    marlene bickel
    November 9, 2023

    I wonder how many DEAD PEOPLE voted?

    Abortion is a soft, palatable word.. That’s why Planned Parenthood, etc use it, it doesn’t seem so offensive/bad—but
    the word Murder is a harsh reality, truth of what this act is really all about………….taking the life of another…..a baby….
    If we could see clearly all that is taking place in the spiritual realm between the forces of good and evil, we would truly believe, know, trust and rest in the finished work of Christ.
    What Almighty God began, He WILL finish it!
    GOD’S GOT THIS!! —Satan, the devil, Beezebub, Lucifer, no matter the name, he was defeated at the cross!
    I like the posture Daniel takes when he is in the lion’s den; the lions are standing behind him with their mouths closed and Daniel is looking up to heaven, to the Lord. by Briton Riviere 1890 picture
    Wee must continue to persevere. Therefore, put on God’s complete armor, that you may be able to stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place]. Ephesians 6:13 AMP

November 9, 2023

It is HARD to even IMAGINE our country has come to this………we HAVE to include……say what…??? wait for it………abortion in
our PLATFORM if we want to even think we will win elections….we truly believe we have to do this……..I cannot believe what I am
hearing…….I understand that they SEE the public wants this RIGHT….to KILL these innocent ANGELS from GOD…..I get it……yet
we have SUCCUMBED to the devil on this issue….”UP TO 15 weeks”…..well……the fetus is” well developed ” by 15 weeks…the unborn
child has a heartbeat at a mere 21 days of life in the womb….it has a neurological system that has already evolved such that it will
FEEL pain…gender has also been determined yet unknown to the parents…….it just needs TIME…..TIME…to continue to GROW…
yet we feel that 15 weeks is a reasonable amount of time to be able to TERMINATE a life given by GOD….!!
I cannot believe we have succumbed to the masses…….WOW….just WOW!!!

Joanne DeBord
November 9, 2023

Oh God, I ask that you would forgive us this sin of killing the unborn children. Work to turn the hearts of parents to their precious unborn babies. Reveal the truth that they are babies who deserve love and life. Turn hearts to you.

November 9, 2023

Father, if there was cheating involved, please expose it immediately! Deception be outlawed, in Jesus name. Jesus, raise up more pregnancy centers beside planned parenthood’s to change the hearts of Your mothers. I bless Kim, who is doing that right now. More, Lord…

November 9, 2023

Don,t be discouraged God is in charge .We must Pray and believe.Take courage.Our Good God does see the tears of our little ones who they kill .And oh how are countries will suffer for the sins of our Nation.Hang in we are together in Prayer.

Allena Jordan
November 9, 2023

I thank You, Father, that You are the author and finisher of my faith. My hope is in You, Lord. Psalm 25:5 Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 33:18 But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,
Psalm 33:20 We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. Psalm 37:34 Hope in the Lord and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are destroyed, you will see it.
Lord, we are dismayed by the sinful choices states have made. We shall turn to You, for we have no one else who can help in this matter. We thank You that revival is here, that Your breath is blowing across our nation, and soon it will become a raging fire of revival and spiritual awakening. We trust You, O Mighty One. All glory to Your Name. Amen.

Dave Stacy
November 9, 2023

I pray for a sorrow to come upon the citizens of my state of Ohio, a godly sorrow that leads to repentance, not to death. Forgive us of our hard hearts – we worship false gods and enshrine into our constitution the killing of innocent children. We, the citizens of our state, chose death for which we stand guilty before God. You O Lord are rich in mercy and ready to forgive all who come to you in humility and repentance. Come to the Lord Who is ready to forgive! We are living in another “Dunkirk” moment where things may seem lost. However, things are not as they seem – things are as God says. We stand on His eternal word. No laws made by people can erase the Law of God.

Bonita Gerke
November 9, 2023

Forgive us for these evil laws being passed, reverse these evils decrees thru prayer and petitions to you Father. My heart breaks everytime another state passes this and I don’t understand. I stand faithfully on the rock of you Jesus and I still believe change will and must come. Jesus what must we do as your children to stop this evil?
Show us your will.
In Jesus Name,

November 9, 2023

Forgive them, for they know not what they do. People have been tricked into saying yes to Issue 1 because other issues were lumped into it.

Heavenly Father, In The Name of Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us. Have mercy upon those who are in darkness and are spiritually blind and praying they come into the light.

We will continue to do intercessory prayer for our communities, nation and whole world. Lord God, in spite of this wicked law passing, send your messengers, ministers and people of God to block abortions if and when someone shares that they want to do it.

What the adversary meant for evil the people of God can rise up and stand for what is right and good. Help us Lord Jesus, give us a spirit of boldness to never settle for wickedness and to always love help and encourage the women who have had abortions that God still loves them and that repentance is always available and that they can be forgiven In Jesus Name. Amen.

Deborah Pagan
November 9, 2023

Heavenly Father, under the blood of Jesus and in His name, I humbly bow down at Your throne of mercy to repent for our sins. Pour out Your Spirit of Truth on all flesh to supernaturally know that You hate destroying Your most precious creations. Let this truth go forth: flee fornication in the name of Jesus! Flee fornication in the name Jesus! Flee fornication in the name of Jesus! No matter what the so-called laws are on the man-made books, Your Book reigns supremely over all in the name of Jesus! Let the demand for abortions dry up all over this land now in the name of Jesus! Let the money from this darkness dry up in the name of Jesus! I declare, in the name of Jesus, that the lovers of money, which is the root of all evil, will not prevail over these United States of America! Amen and Amen! HALLELUJAH!

November 9, 2023

It is not sufficient to “just” pray…….. Christians must vote. Ministers must lead and encourage their congregations to fulfill their DUTY to vote. 40 million Christians do not vote. We could turn this country on a dime if we ALL did……… but most of us don’t know this. It’s time for our churches to rise up and teach us….there is nothing in the Constitution regarding separation of church and state…….only that the state cannot mandate a religion……..RISE UP!

    Greg Smallwood
    November 9, 2023

    Until the voting system is fixed and no longer fraudulent many won’t trust it to vote .. Gods will will always be done .. pray for repentance, starting at leadership and be part of the remedy by living to honor the Lord

      November 9, 2023

      Regardless of the validity of voting in these times, there is a moral duty to support God’s will in the nation. We buy the right to come to God in righteousness when we vote His will. If we just give up to the evil, we are supporting the evil. If they are going to commit fraud, at least make them work for it!!

    November 9, 2023

    Other paid in blood for us to have the right to vote! I consider it a privilege and responsibility so i always vote in every election. Then I commit to pray for those who get elected. As a Christian, it is our responsibility to vote for those who honor God’s rules and standards. Do your homework and find out what the candidates stand for and then vote for those whom God can use to bring this nation back to a God honoring, God fearing nation. We can take this nation back- one vote at a time!

    November 9, 2023

    Thank you for your intelligent post! I am so glad that my pastor does get involved in politics. There are far too many pastors who are worried about offending some one, rather than speaking the truth; especially with regards to politics. It’s time as Christians to mobilize, endorse, donate both
    our time/money, and VOTE!

Mary Davis
November 9, 2023

If we are learning to mature and to press on and through, then I’m thinking that this is the time to do it. This is the time that most feel like saying ok, I’m done, I can’t deal with the stress and pressure of the relentless information and evil everywhere.
I know I have felt that way and to be honest I feel that way right now. BUT! Don’t stop interceding, Praising and Thanking God for what He is doing. Holy Spirit is smiling as He reminds me that “Little by Little” He is leading the Remnant that He is forming into an Army that will become a Bride. We maybe weak, we may look defeated BUT what looks and seems one way isn’t always the reality of the way it is. Satan wants us to believe it is the end. This is the point where many will stop crying out, stop Praising and Thanking God for what He is doing in our Nation and lives! Walking by Faith and not by sight is not easy exercise. I can testify to that!
God says press in and Advance. And Don’t Stop.

    November 9, 2023

    I feel the same way! I am so disheartened by this election, but we have been warned to ignore the shaking and continue to pray. Thank you for your encouragement!

Marla Hartzell
November 9, 2023

There is more to this story. For years democrats have been pushing their agenda every November and May; the same issues with confusing verbiage to get voters to vote democrat agenda. When that doesn’t work, they outright lie to the public as to what is being voted for. I almost fell into that trap in May. When THAT doesn’t work, they focus on a possible scenario to hide what voters are truly voting for. That’s what happened here in Ohio..
if repentance is needed, it’s Christian’s who are slandering their brothers and sisters on social media in front of the entire world. I have interacted first hand with someone from this group who was publicly slandering someone who they never spoke directly to.

Dientje Fortuna
November 9, 2023

Father, You have always offered mankind choices that reveal our hearts. We have made many today that betray the evil influence that has infiltrated nations and unfortunately the church. We humbly repent for this and seek Your help in the removal of the sin that brings death in the very place love is growing. Lord, we need You to begin turning our nation away from death toward life in You. Amen

November 9, 2023

But the Lord watches over those who fear Him, those who rely on His unfailing love. He rescues them from death and keeps them alive in famine. We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. Let Your unfailing love surround us, O Lord, for our hope is in You alone. Psalm 33::18-22

November 9, 2023

I thank you God for you are in control of all things and I pray that you will Open the Eyes of the blind to see truth and what is right from wrong and may they turn to Jesus in repentance. Dear God your hand on America may your people who are called by your name may we humble ourselves and pray and seek your face and turn from our Wicked Ways that you will come and heal our land amen

Dona Schmidt
November 9, 2023

Father, we may not understand why our prayers were not answered in regard to OH passing issue 1 on Tuesday’s election, yet our faith, our eyes are on You! Your plans for salvation, hearts to change from darkness to light is the spiritual battle we are fighting for. Knowing You have given us spiritual weapons, destroying speculation, pulling down strongholds, taking captive every thought bringing them into obedience of You! Where the enemy wants us to feel defeat, we say, NO, we will preserve even more, the battle is the Lord of hosts and we stand in alliance with Him. ,

Khristen Basham
November 9, 2023

Father you are holy. Jesus you are worthy. Forgive us, forgive me Lord, for apathy and for lack of prayer. Fill us Holy Spirit, with the knowledge & wisdom of God. Give us hearts to love you more. Have mercy on us. We plead the blood of Jesus over our nation. Send revival. End abortion in America.

Brittany McComb
November 9, 2023

Abba, forgive us. Forgive the church for not influencing cultural for righteousness and instead being perverted by culture. Forgive us for compromising, not preaching the full gospel, and not standing for truth & the sanctity of life.

Protect the unborn from this great evil! Turn the hearts of this nation, particularly our youth who have strayed so fr from the truth.

Release Your magnificent light that we may walk in it. For the darkness cannot and will not overcome the light! We declare breakthrough! We declare divine reset and full recovery of our nation. America will not die but live and proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. In Jesus name amen!

November 9, 2023

God of Mercy and Grace, please help the American people see what great sins they commit in the name of choice. They all have a choice. The choice to love and obey your laws and to not make their own laws that they think permit them to break yours.
Be with us Father and keep your mighty, protective hand upon us as you have for over two centuries.
Help us all to always keep you in the forefront of all that we do.
Whisper into our political leaders’ ears what is good and what will cause them to always do the right thing for our country and it’s people.
We thank you Father for your love and your mercy and for your Son, Jesus, who is the epitome of all you are and for offering Him for our salvation.
In His name do I pray, Father


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