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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for the environment that You entrusted to us; we also pray that unwise green energy mandates would be blocked and that the feds would work with and not against the states.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is leading 19 states in challenging actions by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that they say will unwisely and unnecessarily harm their states.

From Ken Paxton. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is leading a coalition of 19 states to challenge the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (“FERC”) decision to adopt rules that would force the Biden Administration’s costly and inefficient “green energy” transition onto states.

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FERC Order No. 1920, issued on May 13, 2024, grants unprecedented electrical grid oversight to FERC, compromising the ability of individual states to determine the most efficient mix of energy sources for their electrical grids. The new rule also forces states to cover the costs of expensive regional transmission lines to support “green energy” generation, even when such expenditures contradict the state’s needs and decrease grid efficiency and reliability.

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FERC has never been granted the authority to revamp the structure of state energy grids or force states and their ratepayers to subsidize large-scale transmission lines that don’t transport enough energy to justify the cost. This encroachment upon state authority far exceeds FERC’s limited purview and damages the ability of states to regulate their electric grids efficiently, all in the name of advancing costly climate goals.

As the filing notes, the Commission’s rule would “usurp the States’ exclusive authority over generation choices by adopting planning rules designed to benefit remote renewable generation and renewable developers, and shift billions or trillions of dollars in transmission costs from those developers onto electric consumers.”

“Biden’s attempt to seize unprecedented control over energy production and distribution is a recipe for disaster,” said Attorney General Paxton. “I am proud to lead this coalition to stop his unlawful ‘energy transition’ scheme that would drive up energy costs and reduce reliability of the resources our Nation needs most to flourish.”

To read the filing, click here.

What do you think of the FERC’s decision? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Press release from Ken Paxton. Photo Credit: Anders J on Unsplash)

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Peg B
June 20, 2024

Heavenly Father, this nation was created by You and has continued to be sustained by You. We acknowledge that You have given a stewardship position to us and we seek Your guidance. Please surround Ken Paxton with Your will and provide him with Your wise counsel. Exodus 15:22-26 reminds us You alone changed bitter water into sweet. Moses sought You and inquired what was needed for the people. You answered with a rule, statute and a test. If we would diligently listen to Your voice, do what is right in Your eyes and give ear to your commands and keep all Your statutes. You gave a promise in return. We turn to You LORD, for the needs of this nation, not a Federal agency. We seek Your voice, to do what is right in Your eyes, to hear Your commands and keep Your statues. Where men have tried to drive out Your teachings, let them turn from their wicked ways and grant forgiveness. Let us be a people led by You Father and dissolve those things which are not of You. With thanksgiving and by faith, under the blood of Jesus we choose Your way. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Darlene Estlow
June 20, 2024

Father, I pray for favor for Ken Paxton’s suit against the federal government, against a mandate of an agency. I pray that the court would rule against this power grab from the states. Thank you Jesus for your presence and your working.

June 20, 2024

Another Biden administration failure! Another lie!!
Lord, tear down all the green energy lies and agendas!
As citizens, we say, NO MORE NONSENSE, in Yeshua’s name. We decree God’s order in and over our energy grids!!

June 20, 2024

the green energy transition ia meant to dstroy American prospertity and return us to the dark ages when the Vatican can murder millions of people to fultfil the elite’s agenda of depopulation with only themselves as suvivors. save for 5,000,000 slaves to bathe their private parts. Democrats Child rapists, Traitors, Cowards, Degenerates, Biden pedophelia, treason, murder. Obama, the Clintons, Bush’s Kennedy’s, Rockefeller, sores, all traitors and degenerate perverts . Lord God You Know what they;ve done and are doing. bring justice and mercy to this planet. I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen

SONYA Sanders
June 20, 2024

Heavenly Father,
I pray for all men in authority as you said in your word. I pray that you will give wisdom and grace to those in authority to defeat the enemy who has deceived so many to believe a lie instead of the truth. I know you have redeemed us with your great power by giving us the knowledge and ability to bring heat and air conditioning to all of our homes and I pray the unjust men will not take that away from we the people. Please, raise up just men to fight and stand for truth in Energy production and distribution. You created all men equally and I praise and thank you for providing for us by your power and might. You gave us enough energy in this earth to sustain every living thing and I give you thanks and praise.

Tim Kuehl
June 20, 2024

AG Paxton has been successfully fighting unconstitutional edicts from Joe Biden and his regime and for these successes he is was impeached by pro-Democrat Republicans in the Texas House using one sided testimony not given under oath in closed hearings with no rebuttals allowed. Many stories changed when witnesses were put under oath in the Texas Senate hearings exposing the deceit and Paxton was cleared of charges. Texas Republican voters also saw through it and primaried out several of the Republicans who did this to Paxton granting many prayers that kept our conservative Christian AG Paxton in his elected position to serve Texas.

Catherine S Green
June 20, 2024

Hooray for AG Paxton and the supporting attorneys.
It is all about control.
Control the energy into our homes and businesses.
Control the energy coming into the so-very-touted electric vehicles.
Control the ballot boxes.
Because somewhere, there are “someone’s” who don’t believe all men are created equal.
Lord God, forgive us, protect us, and bless the attorney’s as they fight this attempted takeover. Amen

Brian lynch
June 20, 2024

Praise God! This is indeed a start. I pray, Lord, that more states will stand up to this tyranny.

June 20, 2024

Thank you, God, for public servants like Ken Paxton who are willing to stand up for what is right.


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