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Lord, we pray that only citizens would vote in America. We pray for more safeguard to protect our elections and the voting process.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Oregon is the latest state to discover that hundreds of its voters should not have been voting. When will our government take action?

From OPB. More than 300 noncitizens have been added to Oregonā€™s voter rolls over the last three years, after lawmakers passed a bill allowing people to obtain drivers licenses in the state without proving citizenship, according to a recent review by the stateā€™s Driver and Motor Vehicle Services division.

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And state officials could not say Friday how much larger that number ā€” 306 ā€” might grow in coming days, as the DMV continues to look at people itā€™s registered to vote automatically via the stateā€™s Motor Voter Law.

ā€œItā€™s moving along very quickly. Weā€™re throwing a lot of resource at looking at this,ā€ Amy Joyce, the stateā€™s DMV administrator, said in a call with reporters. ā€œBut I canā€™t tell you right now where we are in the process.ā€

Just two of the people identified so far have actually voted, Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade said in a release Friday. …

Officials were also emphatic that the errant registrations would not impact this yearā€™s election, saying noncitizens found to have been registered would be notified that they would need to submit proof of citizenship before being mailed a ballot next month.

Even so, the discovery of the unintended registrations ā€” attributed by Joyce to human error and lax processes at the DMV ā€” is likely to become a matter of interest less than two months before a presidential election. It comes at a time national Republicans have been increasingly raising claims about noncitizens voting. …

The problem has roots in the the intersection of two relatively recent state laws. The first ā€” Oregonā€™sĀ pioneering motor voter lawĀ ā€” automatically registers people to vote when they receive or renew a driverā€™s license in the state. The law has been hailed for expanding Oregonā€™s voter base since going into effect in 2016.

The second isĀ a 2019 billĀ that allowed people to obtain driving privileges in the state without first showing proof of citizenship. That law, passed almost entirely along party lines, went into place in 2021.

But registrants were not supposed to be included in automatic voter registration. Joyce said Friday that the issue was caused by ā€œhuman error in marking the kind of document thatā€™s being presentedā€ when people apply to receive or renew a driverā€™s license. She said DMV has added additional safeguards to ensure the problem doesnā€™t continue, and said the agency has not detected any patterns in the error or identified individual employees for discipline. …

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(Excerpt from OPB. Photo Credit: Tony Webster from Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States – Vote Here – Election Polling Place, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=95804795)

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Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
September 17, 2024

Heavenly Father, after the death of Your beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ and his following resurrection from the tomb, the eleven remaining apostles, under the direction of the Apostle Simon Peter, were directed to fill the empty position held by the now deceased Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was identified that a certain criteria must be established for a qualified replacement. Two men were chosen as candidates. It was agreed that the one to fill the now vacant position as the twelfth apostle would be elected by ā€˜Lotsā€™ by the eleven remaining apostles. The election was made in secret and Matthias was elected and declared the winner. It has been recorded that a prayer delivered to You by the remaining eleven apostles prior to the ā€˜Drawing of Lotsā€™ asked for Your help in their decision making. (ACTS 1:16-26). I pray now that everyone voting in our Presidential Election on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024, would come to You on bended knees and ask that Your Will be done at the Election Poll Cites across our great nation, the United States of America, and that only those ā€˜Qualified American Citizensā€™ be allowed to cast their ā€˜Lotā€™ or vote for the candidate that will serve all Americans with Your wisdom, truth, and righteousness! In Christ Jesusā€™ mighty and holy Name, and by His Authority, I pray for the United States of America! Amen.

September 17, 2024

There was a report yesterday that many states have been purging their voter rolls. One state removed 300,000 voters, some were higher numbers. This has been done by secretaries of state. Please Father God continue to protect our elections and help our leaders do what they took an oath of office to uphold our Constitution. In Jesus Name.
Amen and Amen. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

September 17, 2024


September 17, 2024

I have always thought it a bad idea to give illegals drivers licenses.

Brian Lynch
September 17, 2024

This is a good start in purging the voter rolls, but it is merely a start. Lord Jesus, You know how many illegal voters are on the books as eligible to vote. please make a way for ALL voters who are legitimately registered to vote to do so. I also ask you to remove ALL the illegal voters from the voter rolls. Thank you, Jesus.

September 17, 2024

300 is merely a drop in the bucket… Oregon won’t give up the thousands of illegals who wiil vote to give current regime many victories & years to continue to destroy their cities & state.

    September 17, 2024

    Indeed! This has been going on for years, since mail in voting was “voted” in. We have been ignorant to the fraud and manipulations happening as the testing grounds to what we see today. But the good Lord is opening our eyes here and in the US and we pray He shall remove all evil from positions of power and control in not only our United States but throughout the world.


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