Headline Prayer LIVE is streaming live Headline Prayer LIVE live at 12:00 PM ET
I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Join us in praying for and with Congressional and state legislators at 1215 pm ET on our First Friday Prayer Conference Call, January 4, 2019. Note new phone number–(712) 775-7430 (no code necessary).

In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried to my God for help; He heard my voice out of His temple, And my cry for help before Him came into His ears. (Ps 18:6)

Using Quorum States, we discovered that state legislatures introduce 23 times more bills than Congress does, totaling an average 128,145 bills per year and 3.1 million words per day in session.

States Introduce More Legislation Than The U.S. Congress

Legislation moves faster and is passed at higher frequencies at the state level than the federal level. In fact, state legislatures introduce 23 times the number of bills than the U.S. Congress does, totaling an average 128,145 bills per year and 3.1 million words per day while in session….

Between January 1, 2016 and June 30, 2016, state legislatures introduced a total of 63,018 bills. The 10 states below introduced the greatest amount of legislation during these six months.

It’s important to note that state legislatures in Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, and Texas did not hold regular sessions in 2016. In 2015, the Texas state legislature introduced 5,517 bills, accounting for 7.5% of state bills introduced between January and June.

Legislation at the state level is more likely to be enacted than federal legislation.

19.3% of state Senate bills and 13.3% of state House bills are enacted on average compared with 3.6% and 1.9% of US Senate and House bills respectively.

The Arkansas state legislature led in the percentage of enacted legislation.

During the first six months of 2016, 8,295 bills were enacted at the state level, which was 24% of the bills introduced across state legislatures. Arkansas led the way, enacting 94% of the bills introduced in its 2016 Fiscal Session.

These 10 states enacted the highest percentage of legislation in the first six months of 2016:

1: Arkansas – 94%

2: South Dakota – 56%

3: Colorado – 55%

4: Utah – 52%

5: Wyoming – 44%

6: Oregon – 40%

7: Nebraska – 38%

8: Tennessee – 37%

9: Virginia – 35%

10: Idaho – 31%

(Excerpts from Kevin King article on QUORUM)

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John Lemley
January 11, 2019

I called to join in the prayer with the new number. But, all I got was people saying “I can’t hear anything” and some garbled sounds once in awhile. I finally hung up after a half hour. The first Friday of the month prayer time is very valuable to me. I pray that the connections will work right next month.

    Wanda Alger
    January 16, 2019

    John – we apologize for the poor connection. We are working to correct this for next month’s call!

Jane Cook
January 7, 2019

I listened to the First Friday Prayer time, but did not hear any “mute” or “unmute” messages at all. I stayed on the call until about 2 P.M. and about 1:30 or 1:45 P.M. the prayers sounded like the prayers were being replayed. I do agree with the prayer

January 6, 2019

Dear God, May all that You consider perverse, and all we know is perverse according to the God-breathed Word of the Holy Bible, be wiped out of our nation. Let this nation repent and may Your order be restored, in Jesus’ name. Amen

Marlene Bickel
January 4, 2019

New conference call numbers????? I could hear some people talking then praying when it seemed as if we were not connected to the majority of people, even Dave Kubal, who i thought i heard briefly. When the “auto voice” said unmute, it seemed like we were all connected but when the voice said mute,we were once again disconnected from the majority. so after a time, everyone started praying on their own but it seemed as though no one heard the other, in order to respond. There were many strange sounds, voices so garbled that they could not be understood. There was a time where it sounded like people talking underwater, “waves” then a time when a microphone was echoing throughout a room. I was able to hear 1 woman praying about the new legislatures, so I was agreeing with her in prayer but she couldn’t hear me and i was also praying myself during this time. At 1 pm, I turned off my phone, which had the volume up all the way. I’m not sure how many were in the “group” I was in. ??? Is this a “picture” of the U.S. Congress??? As well as other groups, etc,etc Is there anyway I can hear todays conference call? I don’t do Facebook. I continue to pray.

January 4, 2019

Father, God I been praying upon your Word as we enter this new year all those we have elected and you have established to govern us by Word and deed they have decided as a government to work together in unity and peace. That which you command of your servants to do good according to your Word that which you have established.

Father, I pray our first order in government may be acknowledging you as the Lord, God for what you Have done, And continue to do for our nation seen and unseen, visible and invisible, in spirit and in truth with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, when we do not know what we ought to pray.

Father, I pray every day your chosen servants who are obedient speaking your Word of unity, faith, and confident in all their deeds shall increase in the Name of Jesus.

Father, search the hearts and minds of our government. Fill our Congress, with the spirit of wisdom and unite their hearts to fear Your name. Release the spirit of conviction to their hearts. Help them to walk in righteousness, truth, and justice. Uphold them with a steadfast and right spirit.

Father, bestow upon them the knowledge of Your will, with all spiritual wisdom and understanding of your Word, so that they will choose what is right and accomplish Your purposes for our Nation. Release Your strategies with creative ideas to help them bring Your blessing and justice throughout the land to those under their sphere of influence.

Father, release favor and power to establish Your will through them. Give them prophetic dreams causing them to fear You and to know you. Silence the voice of anything contrary to oppose the plans and assignments for our Nation. Grant them unity in their families and leadership teams removing all strife. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Scriptures Reference: (1 Timothy 1:17;4:4-5)
(Romans 13:1-6;15:6,13)(Psalm 86:11)(John 16:8)(Psalm 51:10;133:1)(Colossians 1:9-10)(Jeremiah 32:19)(1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)

    Paul Simpson Sr
    January 4, 2019

    I called the number you gave, I heard people, but no message and a lack of order.

Suzanne Utts
January 4, 2019

I tried calling in to pray with you all but could not hear anything though my phone volume was turned up to the top. Sorry.

    Paul and Lisa
    January 4, 2019

    we also called other numbers as well and every one was just different people praying and not connected at all to Intercessors of Am.

B. J . Chatman
January 3, 2019

I live in Spring, Texas. Is there any organizational meetings near me. 77373

Felicia Penner
January 3, 2019

Thank you for opening our eyes to this, dear Lord. I know that hear in Oregon we have gone from bad to worse, that your people feel they are literally held captive, our tax dollars paying for late term abortions and transgender operations on 12 year olds. Lord God , bring down the evil legislators, bring down the evil in the Teachers Union. Bring down the evil that is going unchecked because we your people are too distracted to engage the enemy. Rise up dear Lord, and shake us from our slumber. Do a tremendous work in 2019 dear Lord. In Jesus name, and by the power of his blood, Amen

    B.J. Chatman
    January 3, 2019

    I am in agreement with your prayer. I don’t know how those who call themselves Christians can vote for those who support abortion and everything our Bible says is an abomination unto God.

    Amy Tharp
    January 3, 2019

    I stand in agreement and declare the prayers of Gods people to manifest and Gods will to be done throughout the body of Christ and across our Nation. Thank you God for your grace and hearing the hearts of your people. Amen

    Paul and Lisa Buckwalter
    January 4, 2019

    Right on; we agree in Jesus name.

January 3, 2019

Yes! It is important for Christians to meet with their state legislators. Unfortunately…most Christians won’t take these necessary steps. It is always somebody else’s job. State Senators and State House Reps are very open to meeting with their constituents. It is part of their job responsibility. Christians should also go before their State Hearing Committees where either righteous or unrighteous legislative pieces are being forged.

    Connie Lammawin
    January 4, 2019

    Amen, I stand with your prayers . Let God’s will be done in this country. Let evil be brought down in Jesus mighty name .

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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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