I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray against this lawsuit, but we also lift up our society. Bring people back to an understanding of Your truth regarding sex, identity, and the world around us.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Should taxpayers really be expected to fun the transgender surgery of a convicted killer? What has this world come to?

From The Daily Wire. Unmentioned in the ACLU’s lawsuit demanding that taxpayers foot the bill for a prison inmate’s gender transition surgery is that its plaintiff — a man named Jonathan Richardson who now goes by Autumn Cordellioné — is behind bars for murdering an 11-month-old baby.

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On Monday, the ACLU’s Indiana branch filed a federal lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana on behalf of Richardson, demanding he be allowed to get transgender genital surgery while imprisoned. The lawsuit gives almost no biographical information about Richardson, aside from that he is an “adult transgender female prisoner confined in a male institution within the Indiana Department of Correction.”

The 41-year-old Richardson was convicted of murdering his 11-month-old stepdaughter in Evansville, Indiana, in 2001, according to Indiana Department of Correction records.

The baby’s autopsy showed she had been manually strangled to death while her mother was at work, according to court documents from Richardson’s appeal. …


Richardson was sentenced to 55 years behind bars in 2002. His earliest possible release date is 2027.

The ACLU’s lawsuit seeks to block an Indiana law that bars the corrections department from using taxpayer money for “sexual reassignment surgery” for prisoners.

Richardson was diagnosed with gender dysphoria after he was incarcerated at Branchville Correctional Facility, a men’s prison in southern Indiana, the lawsuit says. He has been taking “a female hormone and testosterone” since 2020, according to the complaint. …

The ACLU is demanding a preliminary injunction blocking the law so Richardson can get gender surgery, specifically an orchiectomy (the removal of his testicles) and a vaginoplasty (the construction of a vagina). …

The office of Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita pushed back on the lawsuit in a statement Monday, saying the state’s taxpayers do not want their money going toward gender surgeries for prisoners. …

How are you praying against the transgender movement and ideology? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Nicky Ebbage/Getty Images)

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Cindy Hackett
September 9, 2023

We most certainly do not support this transition from a man to a female and by no means we as tax payers should not foot the bill. These institutions have gone crazy. Please Lord stop this nonsense!!!!

Linda Trott Dickman
September 6, 2023

Almighty Father, you know us from our mother’s wombs. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Lift the veil on those confused about who they are, and show them who they are IN Y OU. Open the eyes of the lawmakers and let them see the reality of this in their minds.
Guid them according to your truth in love and in your will.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

September 6, 2023



Danna Templeton
September 5, 2023

Unrealistic, I can’t believe the goverment allowing such stupid request when that money could be used for things/programs needed such as education and hungry people and much more.

September 5, 2023

Personally, I think he should have no sexual organs at all. He probably committed this crime due to the hormonal imbalance he was having due to taking drugs to change who God made him. No, we as taxpayers should not pay for any operation unless it is to take all sexual organs away from him. We do need to pray for his salvation as he is obviously a lost soul on his way to sending himself to hell.

September 5, 2023

FATHER, man has changed;
Laws(CA pedophilia consent age),
Definition of Words(vaccines)
Diagnosis(gender confusion)
Rom1 states YeHoVaH gave them over to;
1. Evil desires of their hearts…
2. Shameful passions…
3. Depraved mind…
Verse 32… those who practice deserve death, they that do them BUT WHO ALSO APPROVE AFFIRM CELEBRATE of others who practice the same!
FATHER, open up the eyes of your Ekklesia to YOUR TRUTHS IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

September 5, 2023

I declare in the name of Jesus Christ., “it shall not stand; it shall not come to pass.” Isaiah 7:7 Amen.

September 5, 2023

i agree with the writer what is this world coming too, we will not and shouldnt be paying for this evil

Marilyn Garrett
September 5, 2023

No, taxpayers should not foot the bill for gender changing of convicts or anyone. This is an abomination, & wrong on so many moral & legal levels,

Susan CC
September 5, 2023

When I read this report last week, I cried for the suffering of this innocent baby. I prayed. I am still heartbroken but You showed me….

Psalm 139
Romans 12:19
Psalm 89:13,14

Dear Heavenly Father, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. It is You who knit us and form us in our mother’s wombs. Your word says ALL of our days were recorded in Your Book AND ordained for us before we even live our first. I am praying justice for this baby and justice for Indiana. I am praying You will shower favor upon Indiana’s Attorney General and may Your favor forever establish Todd Rokita’s pursuit for justice in Indiana. Jonathan Richardson is evil. In the flesh I want such harm done to him but You say, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” May it be so. I ask this and so much more for Indiana, and every state in our nation. Your arm is strong.
Your grip is powerful. Your right hand is raised up high. Your rule is rooted deeply in justice and righteousness—unfailing love and truth lead the way ahead of You. I pray he stays just as he is and You will have Your way with him. I ask this in the Perfect Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Janice Fortney
September 5, 2023

Why are we allowing this type of insanity to clog our courts?!?! Why in the world does a man in prison for murder need a vagina?! And at taxpayers’ expense?! This man deserves nothing more than food, clothing and a place to sleep. And even that is being generous! I pray the Indiana law blocking such surgeries at taxpayer expense will stand. The ACLU has become nothing more than a tool for the devil!

    Laura K
    September 5, 2023

    I absolutely agree with you Janice.

    I ask you Lord to intervene and prevent such an outrageous lawsuit. Let truth and justice prevail.

    Ellen Hoffman
    September 5, 2023

    It is distraction. It is having compassion to the point of condoning sin. The enemy loves to twist truth, take God given gifts, such as compassion, and twist them to what they were never meant to be. It is calling evil good and good evil.


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