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Lord, we pray that You would protect our votes in 2024 and beyond. Guide our election officials and prevent them from tampering with the results.
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This woman may have altered the election results in this Virginia county. With the presidential elections drawing closer and closer, how can we ensure that our votes will be protected?

From The Epoch Times. A Virginia election official charged with corruption changed the results of the 2020 presidential election, resulting in false results being reported, according to newly disclosed court filings.

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Former Prince William County registrar Michele White “altered the election results within the state reporting system, VERIS,” according to one of the documents.

“Her alterations resulted in the false reporting of the election results from Prince William County,” it stated. …

The statement came from a defense filing, summarizing some of the allegations from state prosecutors against Ms. White. …

Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares’s office did not deny finding that Ms. White altered election results.

“We do not comment on pending litigation,” Victoria LaCivita, a spokesperson for Mr. Miyares, a Republican, told The Epoch Times via email. …

Ms. White was indicted in 2022, after she resigned as the registrar for the county. She was charged with corrupt conduct, making a false statement regarding an election, and neglecting her duty as an election officer.

At the time of the indictment, [Eric Olsen, the current Prince William County registrar] said that the Prince William County Office of Elections had provided information to authorities that led to the charges.

The office also claimed that Ms. White’s conduct “did not impact the outcome of any election contest.” …

Approximately 62 percent of the votes cast in Prince William County for president went for Joe Biden, according to the results the county reported. Former President Donald Trump received 35 percent of the vote, with the rest going for Jo Jorgensen or write-in candidates.

Order Grants Access

In a March 2023 order also released this week, the judge overseeing the case granted the defense and prosecution access to the 2020 election records held by Jacqueline Smith, the clerk for the Prince William County Circuit Court.

The order said that the parties would be supervised while inspecting and copying the records by the clerk’s office. …

Subpoenas Issued

Mr. Olsen, among others, were subpoenaed in the case to answer questions, according to the filings obtained and released by Just the News. …

Ms. White is currently scheduled to go on trial in January 2024.

Her trial was delayed from April 2023 after the defense asked for more time to prepare, the Prince William Times reported. Prosecutors said they would have been ready for a trial as early as August 2023.

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(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Jessica McGowan/Getty Images)

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Tommie Kelley
January 21, 2024

Lord, I pray that all 50 states do an investigation into their elections. Please expose corruption and send whistleblowers into all the states. Make the thief repay what was stolen and bring divine order to this country. Amen!

December 1, 2023

Please permit me to go over this yet again: The 2020 claims of there being enough election fraud to overturn the election was reviewed by multiple committees made up mostly of Republicans which issued reports hundreds of pages long (which those who claim election fraud refuse to read) which gave detailed answers to each of the claims. They found that there was not enough fraud to overturn the election. In a parallel move which involved, not political but legal experts in multiple states, claims were filed and reviewed by over 60 courts and thrown out. Two heads of the Department of Justice, both appointed by Donald Trump, investigated and did not find enough evidence to overturn the 2020 election.

This article does acknowledge that the office overseeing this does not believe that what happened was enough to change the outcome of the election.

We need to move on as a country.

    December 1, 2023

    Any fraud at all should be grounds for a re-count. If the one accused of cheating was Donald J. Trump, you wouldn’t want to move on, but would want it investigated! The one that hates Trump is satan! Why? Could Trump, though not perfect, be one President in modern times that stood up for the rights of all Christians? I will answer that: YES! FATHER GOD Please protect Donald Trump and his family as he stands up for YOU and all of us Americans in JESUS NAME! Amen!

      December 2, 2023

      The ballots were recounted. In Georgia, it was done 3 times. The claims were carefully investigated.

      I do not regard Donald Trump as standing up for Christians. His behavior is anything but Christian.

December 1, 2023

I wish to point out that there has always been election fraud and that the 2020 election claims of fraud were reviewed by more than 60 courts, some overseen by Trump appointees, and were thrown out and that this article does acknowledge that ‘this office’ says that even in this case that it did not impact the outcome of the election.

I also want to point out that the Epoch Times is will a reliable news source.

Donald Trump clearly lost the 2020 election. His former lawyers have even acknowledged this with Janis Ellis issuing a statement trying to correct the wrong she did by admitting that when she checked the election claims she found them to be fraudulent. Even before Jan 6, 2020, Donald Trump’s staff told him he had lost the election. His appointees told him he lost the election and even his own daughter. William Barr, his appointment to head the Department of Justice, and a man of great integrity, investigated and found that there was not enough election fraud to overturn the election.

Grant Windholz
November 30, 2023

Oh Lord, this country is so broken due to political cheating, deception, lying, etc. Please protect our votes instead of the rampant sadistic influence our country has experienced since Obama in 2008. We DESPERATELY NEED CHRIST through the power of prayer 🙏!!

November 30, 2023

Lord, we thank You that You are bringing the hidden things out into the open, making them plain, as Your word says. We pray that this work continues to expose ALL the works of darkness, and show Your light and truth. You alone are our protector and deliverer

November 30, 2023

This is just 1 example of hundreds of criminal election violations in our nation. I would encourage & ask people reading & sharing this to pray consistently that more would be revealed. It takes courage for people to expose & see this through but if we are “faithful” to cover such people in prayer & God’s protection, then more revelation will come forth. Satan has unleashed a barrage of fear against people who know & have seen election violations but they have & are resisting coming forth with the truth because of the fear of what could happen to them. Please remember to pray for these people & that God would bring forth the truth like a flood. Remember to pray for those knowingly involved in the criminal activity of altering election results – that deep conviction from God would NOT leave them until they confess & repent.
As Christians, we have to understand that many of these crimes have taken place “close to home”, and that God desires us to be involved in some way, even if it’s something as small as praying for the situation (and by no means is prayer “small”. Changing this situation starts with prayer!)
God bless you all. May our prayers continue to bring forth the truth.

Jeffrey Santos
November 30, 2023

Satan is an underground pestilence that is rotting the roots of the Tree of Truth , Life , Hope and Freedom. His works are penicious, widespred, persistent and relentless. Let us Pray for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to enable us to continue to see and fight this rot in all its forms!

Susan CC
November 30, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, You are The Lord of Hosts (Armies), Adonai Tzva’ot. I believe You command not only the countless legions of angel armies in Heaven and on earth but every atom in the universe. I believe everything moves in Your purpose and at Your command. I state this because I cannot understand much of what is happening in our world today BUT I believe Your Word. I pray just as You spoke all things into being, You will speak order over our election process. I pray You will bind and loose. I pray You will open and close. I pray You will raise up and remove. You have been given so many Titles Lord but this morning, I ask that You remind us all that You are Immanuel, God with us. I pray in this reminder we all pray for Your hand upon this upcoming election and simply, for the outcome to Glorify You and be good for America. I pray each individual You are raising up to assume leadership in the coming year are just, right and humble. Humble before You alone, just in all their efforts to lead this nation in the right way. I ask this and so much more because You Alone are God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, The Triune God of Israel, America and all nations and creation. I praise the Name of Jesus Christ over this prayer as well as the countless needs here and abroad.. Amen

Brian Lynch
November 30, 2023

This event is not only disturbing, but also, it delegitimizes one of our sacred rights in this nation. I thank You, Lord, that this person was caught. I pray, Lord Jesus, that this is but a mere beginning in the exposure of these bogus, corrupt vote tallying practices. May Your will be done.

Mary Beth
November 30, 2023

While I abhor and detest the fact that not only were election results probably altered by such actions, but that there has been little or no honest investigation into such criminal behavior, or that what investigation has taken place has been ignored, minimalized, denied or even punished – I still must question why the LORD allowed it. I believe we get the leadership we deserve as a nation – even in a voting, constitutional republic. If so, have we repented sufficiently to be blessed by Godly leadership?

    Susan CC
    November 30, 2023

    “…the LORD allowed it…”
    I generally go to The Word before I respond and post a prayer but I was drawn to your comment first Mary Beth. The same words came to my mind as I scanned through this report.

    November 30, 2023

    I would agree! The loss of President Trump occurred supernaturally between the stopping of counting, the 3 am ballot dumps, and the courts refusal to look at the evidence….
    I beleive the election was decided when the church cowered and shut down over covid instead of rising up in authority and going out and getting people healed.

Bob Huseby
November 30, 2023

This is a great idea to begin our intercession right now. Satan already has his minions at work to have his way in 24.
Father we enter this battle field fully arrayed in th armor of God ,we are protected by th blood of the Lamb and we decree as one that only th Truth will prevail in America’s elections!!! Hallelujah

Betty Rickmond
November 30, 2023

It is a shame and disgrace to a state
when ballot tampering is used to
win an election for a particular party.
When a person is so afraid his/her
party is probably going to lose and
stoops to this action; that person
deserves to be prosecuted to the

Tracie Simm
November 30, 2023

No kidding!


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