Ask the Lord for a truly repentant heart.
“Tell My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins…“Is this not the fast that I have chosen …” (Isaiah 58:2,5,6)
Being sorry and being repentant are two completely different things. All of us have witnessed a child who is sorry for the way things have turned out. As a parent, your reaction to this is completely different than if the child comes to you with a repentant heart – sorry for the outcome and also for their part in creating the outcome.
You might remember when the Israelites went to conquer the land that was promised to them. In Numbers 14:39, we read that the Israelites were “overcome with grief” because of the word of judgment Moses just brought to them, declaring they would not enter the promised land of Canaan.
They were sorry because of the way things turned out – they were not repentant for their stubborn hearts of unbelief that caused the outcome. They wanted to receive their portion of the land regardless of their lack of faith. This lack of repentant, believing hearts caused them to go in the opposite direction the Lord desired. They were clearly instructed in 14:25 to retreat in order for them to get their hearts right. Instead, they mustered up their strength and with the wrong heart pursued God’s promises. The result was chaotic: they were routed and did not enter the land that God had promised His people.
Repentance positions us to receive God’s promises! Being sorry for how things have turned out and then implementing a fix with our own strength will have a disastrous outcome. Let us deeply consider our “transgressions” and “sins” and come together to this time of repentance and fasting with contrite hearts, as we consider what the Lord has for us from these meditations on Isaiah 58. Just as with Israel’s blindness and unbelief in Joshua’s day, so had the people to whom Isaiah was prophesying lost their way.
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Father, I thank you, for humbleness, the freedom to release and not pick it up again. I thank you for true repentance, release and turn around and the freedom that comes with that. I like the freedom of just saying I am sorry and knowing in my mind don’t take that road anymore. I rather have the freedom. I thank you Father for the ease of it. In Jesus’ Name… Amen.
Where is Day 1? I don’t remember getting these in my email after the initial article
Your comment is one of the best ?
We will be offering these fasting devotionals as 21- day email devotional series starting next week. However, the first day ran in The Informer last Wednesday, January 3, 2018. Here is a link to see day one: The title of the article was Fasting and the Heart of God.
Judy McDonough, IFA Communications Director
We will be offering these fasting devotionals as 21- day email devotional series starting next week. However, the first day ran in The Informer last Wednesday, January 3, 2018. Here is a link to see day one: The title of the article was Fasting and the Heart of God.
Judy McDonough, IFA Communications Director
Heavenly Father,
I thank you for appealing us for fasting. In the years after 1940, you used the book FASTING ATOMIC POWER WITH GOD to stir the christianity in America and many christians from different denominations have undergone complete fasts up to 21 and 40 days, drinking only pure water 24H/24. The great Healing and Miracle Gifted Evangelists from America were following as the result, sweeping the world with the spread of the Gospel. Lord God, that was one of the dimensions of the greatness of America which gave glory to you. Please Faher, send again the spirit of prophet protracted fasting-prayer to the American christians, and the spirit of repentance to bind the food addictions and the fleshly lusts wich slam on long fastings up to 10 days and more.
Almighty Lord, make America a Spiritual Giant Again, for your glory.
In Jesus-Christ’s name. Amen.
Lord God,
In the name of Jesus I pray for a broken spirit and a contrite heart. As we enter 2018, I pray for true repentance and humility. Lord, teach me how to pray, lead us to you, and help us in every area of our lives for we want to be pleasing to you. We cry out to you for help. AMEN
I repent and face fears. I don’t want to be the point or source of frustration for others. I thank you Father for growth and for the power, love and the sound mind you have given me. With you all things are possible. I release and renounce fear in me, my life and family, in Jesus Name.
Lord CHANGE ME! Inside to outside. No longer just doing church and faith as usual but Truly living in 1 Cor. 13 and releasing ONLY the fruits of the Spirit in Gal. 5 NI MATTER WHAT
To live a life FREE to be all you want for me to others so they see and want what I have, Jesus
Reveal in me any wicked way and self reliance that must be surrendered, so that true repentance can take place. Holy Spirit bring Your light and conviction and then I will know where to ask for grace.
Holy Father, as we look upon the weather chaos, the political chaos & the chaos in our own lives, we can’t help but see the need for true repentance in our lives. We have taken our focus off you & put it upon our circumstances. Lord, You are trying to gain our attention, You are trying to teach lessons, You are trying to gain submissive hearts to focus on You alone, yet our choices, our hearts desire are far from You. Father, allow us to intercede for our nation, allow us to intercede for our neighbors & come to You with truly repentant hearts, forgive us O Lord, for looking at, focusing on things that are not pleasing to You. You want our nation to be healed. You want joy to be in our hearts, yet day in & day out we rarely give You a thought, that ALL of these situations upon us are brought about by You, our Sovereign Lord. Father, as our Brothers & Sisters are stuck inside their homes this weekend, let it be reminders of Your wrath upon a nation with unrepentant hearts. Give us the desire to share Your word with one another, especially our children & thru the storms in life may we see Your power & look to You. May we ask what lessons You have for us & may we desire to look upon Your Word & seek Your will as we begin a New Year.
In Jesus name I ask that we, as a nation grow closer to You, that every Brother & Sister develop a deeper, more meaningful prayer time, that we engage with Your Word more frequent throughout the week & we give You the Glory in All aspects of our lives, never forgetting that You alone created it all. Amen
Heavenly Father, may my heart, mind, soul be truly repentant, not just a result of the worldly chaos and personal situations. You are the Almighty Great I AM. You are worthy of worship and praise. Who am I that you reach and touch with your great love, gracious mercy, pervasive peace? Open my eyes, our eyes to pursue you that the testimony of our True God will bring light and salvation. Let us hear you and obey.
Thank you very good reading