Pray that this behavior will be fully exposed and dealt with by our civil authorities and that righteousness will prevail.
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.” (Mark 9:42)
Speaking the truth about Girl Scouts – See the many ways Girl Scouts is connected to Planned Parenthood….
In 2004, the CEO of Girl Scouts USA, Kathy Cloninger stated on national television that, “We partner with many organizations. We have relationships with our church communities, with YWCAs, and with Planned Parenthood organizations across the country, to bring information-based sex education programs to girls.”…
Why is it so concerning to us that the Girl Scouts organization is exposing girls to Planned Parenthood? Because Planned Parenthood teaches promiscuity to children, grooming future birth control and abortion clients. Because at Planned Parenthood sex-education events for youth, Planned Parenthood has distributed “educational” material, considered by many groups to be pornographic, to kids as young as 10 years old….
The Girl Scouts organization does currently have connections (both past and present) to Planned Parenthood.
…. At the November 2011 Girl Scouts National Convention in Houston, several speakers affiliated with Planned Parenthood were featured.…
The Girl Scouts badge entitled “On Your Own” referred girls directly to, citing this resource as a Helpful Link. This badge was promoted on the official Girl Scouts USA site for girls called Studio 2B….
GSUSA promoted and recommended the website to girl members through the GSUSA Global Action Patch. GSUSA Patch Requirements sent girls to the to learn where a pregnant teen could go for help….
According to International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and IPPF have a “close partnership.” …
Every local Girl Scout Council in the United States promotes, uses and sells the official GSUSA curriculum, called Journeys….
Sahauro Girl Scout Council/Girl Scouts Southern Arizona participated as a local partner for Planned Parenthood’s “Real Life. Real Talk.” sex education program for teens….
Girl Scouts Gateway Council works with Planned Parenthood and other abortion rights advocacy groups in the First Coast Girls Initiative.…
Girl Scouts Greater Atlanta (formerly Girl Scout Council of Northwest Georgia): Council hosted a WAGGGS leadership conference for teens to discuss global issues for teens. Event collaborators included Planned Parenthood. (This document provided by Life Decisions International)
Girl Scouts of the Great Plains: appointed Beverly Todd Nolte, a former vice president of marketing and lobbyist for Planned Parenthood of Nebraska and Council Bluffs, as CEO and leader of the 11,000 girl council.
Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York: The council’s local Planned Parenthood affiliate boasts that they have provided “comprehensive sexuality education” to local Girl Scouts….
Girl Scout Freedom Valley: Planned Parenthood Chester County announces in a Community Report that they are “pleased to have established a new collaboration with the Girl Scouts of the Freedom Valley, through which [they] were able to reach more girls while successfully managing growing program costs.” …
Girl Scouts Bluebonnet Council: honored Pam Smallwood, Executive Director of the Planned Parenthood/Central Texas, as a Girl Scout “Woman of Distinction.” This local council also sponsored a Planned Parenthood sex-education program for children, allowing the official Girl Scouts logo to be printed on Planned Parenthood’s brochure advertising the event “Nobody’s Fool: Dating, Love, Sex, and HIV?”…
Girl Scouts Heart of the So. Council (GSHS) hosts event with Planned Parenthood Speakers. The event flyer advertises $3 for registered Girl Scout adults and $5 for the general public, where attendees can learn from two Planned Parenthood educators chosen by the Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast: honors Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger as a “woman who has made a significant impact in her profession or on society” in the Women of History patch for ages Kindergarten and up. (Excepts from Speak Now: Girl Scouts )
To read this complete article and examine the links provided on this site <GO HERE>.
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Planned Parenthood is a business for profit. Their not for profit status is just a scam so they don’t have to pay taxes. They view every woman as a potential customer, so it only makes sense that they would target young women in public school sex ed programs that they run as well as targeting the Girl Scouts. It’s all about brainwashing them and making them think they are a legitimate women’s health clinic, when really they want to get girls on the pill and sexually active at a very young age. They know that young girls will not remember to take the pill everyday, so if they are sexually active while young they have a high chance of getting pregnant. They make sure every girl has their phone number to call first for advice, and advise against telling their parents about the pregnancy because “they just won’t understand.” They have Judges on standby in every State and give the girls transportation to these Judges who rubber stamp legal documents that allow them to have abortions without informing their parents. This is what they do, so yes of course they target the Girl Scouts.
GSUSA is not affiliated with Planned Parenthood. If individual councils have special programs which have speakers from PP, the girls and their parents can choose not to attend. Fact check before you spread rumors.
The frequent association and cooperation with Planned Parenthood in multiple states underscores GSUSA’s partnership and cooperation with Planned Parenthood. Even though you say girls and parents can choose not to attend, the relationship is still there. They are sending girl scouts to the PP website as a resource, and even include PP information as part of at least one badge program. That is considered an affiliation if not a relationship of approval.
Kris, thank you for shining a spotlight on a concern so many faithful pro-lifers are unaware of. Perhaps you might consider sharing the most current, documented examples compiled in an easily shared flier?
May God bless you for all your efforts!
~ Ann Saladin
Girl Scout alumna, mother of a former 4th generation GS
thank you for posting this link. Very informative and well written.
If there’s any relationship with PP then it’s not a Good situation to put young Girls in. I’ll never support Girl Scouts again until they sever their ties with PP.
I agree, but I think it’s best to equip people with facts, esp as the current, documented examples are so terrible. (To be clear, GS does not send girls to PP’s website, nor include PP info with any badge. ) Lots of troubling indoctrination/agenda that is being directed at and funded by the girls.
BS! I ‘ve been approached lately and I’ll never again support the GS as long as PP is involved. Our kids don’t need the imput of murder in their precious lives… need to publically and verbally disengage. I find what you say to be an exaggeration.
Just allowing them access to young, impressionable girls is a travesty! What’s next? Transgender studies? When you honor or appoint these disgusting killers to positions of authority you support them!
Does anyone know current breakdown of percentages of cookie sales are? How much to each troop ? how much to cost and where the remaining money goes?
When I was working with the girls in the late 80’s it was 25 cents per box going to the troop. I quit buying cookies at that point, preferring to give a cash donation to the local troop itself. I not longer do even that.
Its about 70 cents of each box goes to the troop the rest goes to the Council. They use that money to keep up the campsites, have education and meeting for troop leaders etc.
And contribute to PP! Wake up, they’re using your Girls to support a group that murders children. How sad that being popular matters more to some than protecting our youth.
It’s not about cookies, they are referring these girls to their PP site. That is a connection between PP AND the GS.
My daughter is in Girl Scouts and I asked about the Planned Parenthood connection and her troop leader told me it was just a rumor. I haven’t seen anything that would make me believe otherwise, all the girls and troop leaders are members of my church and the girls love it.
How about checking it out for yourself instead of asking the troop leader. The evidence is out there and not just a rumor.
How about affiliation for what? To do what? This has zero to do with cookie sales and money. Do you have a cell phone? Pay taxes? Buy groceries? Get gas have a checking or savings account buy clothes have cable phone service internet? Own a television? Seriously? You give more money to Planned Parenthood than all the Girl Scouts in America! Twisting stories and bashing children and their hard work is that going to do what you think? Hell there are 3290 babies being murdered in this country almost every day for the last ten years and you want to go after the Children in Girl Scouts? How can we conservatives get anyone to listen to us if we use the same fake ass news tactics the liberals do? Fact Zero dollars from Girl Scout cookie sales go to Planned Parenthood. Do you volunteer? So if you do and say you decide to volunteer at a hospital and that hospital has patients die, does that make you complicit in that death? No ! I hate Planned Parenthood but you have to know they also do community service and volunteer work. So do the scouts! Are you do naive to think that the actual scouts are involved in abortion? You’re nuts! Like I said you me all of us just by being consumers give them money. Quit bashing the kids! Get more information. Quit using a true story to justify telling a lie. It pisses intelligent conservatives off!
Facts are facts. GSUSA chooses to use Planned Parenthood as a trusted resource to direct their scouts to for information. In addition, they have a cooperative relationship with PP information as at least one of their badges. Pointing young girls to Planned Parenthood is problematic and shows poor judgment and lack of understanding about what Planned Parenthood advocates. Wise parents (and cookie shoppers) would do well to understand the relationship. Local leaders usually are unaware of the relationship–it is forged and determined by the national and state leadership and councils. Refer to the state associations listed in the article. It is not just a random one or two, it is multiple and this list is not exhaustive.
No one is bashing the kids. We can not pick and choose where our tax dollars go, but we can choose whether or not we buy GS cookies from people who are trying to brainwash our children.
documented examples compiled in an easily shared flier?
Taken from another response above. Very informative.
Feeling bad about those thin mints I bought. When I was in Girl Scouts many years ago it was incorporated in our church. I did not know about these changes. It is such a shame! Thank you for sharing a better choice for people who are against planned parenthood. It sounds like they are exploiting young girls to promote their agenda.
What about joining the Boy Scouts? Next year they will be accepting girl only Troops
We will only be able to replace GSUSA with American Heritage Girls ( if many more brave & godly mothers start troups in their churches and local communities. Let’s pray for this!
P.S. We stopped buying Girl Scout cookies as soon as we heard of their connection to Planned Parenthood!
Very, very troubling. Every parent, especially Christian parents, should be concerned and make changes. There is a great Christian organization for girls that teaches Christian principles. I’d love to see every community open a chapter with AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS. See their web site and get started at