The Transition Integrity Project (TIP) appears to be another establishment-sanctioned offensive to nullify the Trump presidency akin to impeachment and the Russian collusion hoax. Now, however, TIP’s paramount concern is President Trump’s refusal to relinquish the presidency should Democratic candidate Joe Biden win given the potential for a botched election resulting from mail-in ballots and coronavirus.
The breathless media coverage of TIP in the last few days has hailed the group’s “bipartisanship,” but a National Pulse investigation has found that the group is anything but. In reality, it’s another globalist front comprised of Soros staffers, linked to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and appears to exist for the express purpose of backing Biden’s claims to the White House in an event of a disputed election in November.
TIP claimed to have “war-gamed” potential outcomes of the 2020 election with a host of establishment figures such as Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign Chair and Obama-era Counselor John Podesta, Never Trump Republican National Committee (RNC) Head Michael Steele, and acting chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Donna Brazile who leaked presidential debate questions to Clinton in 2016. . . .
The project, whose ranks include individuals dead-set on removing President Trump from office since his inauguration, is founded by Rosa Brooks and Nils Gilman.
Brooks was an Obama-era Counselor to Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and Special Coordinator for Rule of Law and Humanitarian Policy along with a Senior Advisor t0 Bill Clinton’s State Department. She also served as Special Counsel to the President at the Open Society Institute and now serves on the advisory board of the foundation, the brainchild of progressive mega-donor George Soros.
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Penning a piece entitled “Three Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020” in Foreign Policy just 10 days after his inauguration, Brooks declared “four years seems like a long time to wait,” and plotted several methods to see the duly-elected president removed.
She championed impeachment, reveling in weaponizing the seldom-used maneuver without any evidence of an actual crime: “If impeachment seems like a fine solution to you, the good news is that Congress doesn’t need evidence of actual treason or murder to move forward with an impeachment: Practically anything can be considered a “high crime or misdemeanor.” . . .
Brooks also serves as a fellow at the New America Foundation (NAF), which enjoys financial backing from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Google. NAF’s CEO Anne Marie Slaughter served as Director of Policy Planning in the Obama administration and the foundation’s board features individuals like Fareed Zakaria, a CNN host and Washington Post contributor who was recently exposed by the National Pulse for collaborating with a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) funded “Marxist journalism” school. . . .
The Berggruen Institute’s China initiative lists a bevy of Chinese government-run entities as partners including the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence, China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence.
The institute’s 21st Century Council, which aims to thwart “the anti-globalization backlash that brought nationalist and populist movements to power in major countries,” features tech bigwigs like Twitter founder Jack Dorsey and member of Facebook’s Oversight Board, responsible for reviewing censorship, Helle Thorning-Schmidt.
Also included influential group is Director of Shanghai-based Chengwei Capital Eric Li, who penned a Foreign Policy op-ed entitled “Xi Jinping is a Good Emperor,” extolling the brutal CCP leader while insisting “opportunism and shirking responsibility are not within Xi Jinping’s character.”
Receiving a plethora of fawning coverage from establishment outlets, TIP was highlighted in The New York Times for its “war-gaming” of various electoral outcomes ranging from “a big popular win for Mr. Biden” to “a narrow electoral defeat.”
In one simulation, Podesta, acting as Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden, refused to concede the election with states threatening to secede from the U.S. if President Trump assumed office:
Never Trump Washington Post columnist Max Boot also recounted the bizarre war game, noting, “Unless Biden wins by an electoral college margin that no one can credibly dispute, our democracy may be imperiled as never before.” . . .
What emerges in the news coverage of the organization is clear to anyone not signed up to the NeverTrumper removal of the President: an entity linked to Soros, Gates, the Chinese Communist Party, and NeverTrumpers – collaborating to remove a sitting President of the United States, even if he wins in November.
(Excerpt from The National Pulse. By Raheem Kassam and Natalie Winters. Photo from Dreamstime.)
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Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name I declare Your Lordship in every corner of America. I praise You for Your presence which disarms the enemy. I celebrate the light of Your presence which brings strength and favor to Your people. I thank You and I am trusting the strongholds of deception and falsehood perpetrated by people with evil motives are being brought down through Your grace and mercy. I pray for an honest, open election in
November, and plots to disrupt the will of the people will evaporate. Confuse and scatter those who would impose tyranny and hunger for Gobalization for sake of satisfying a personal desire for power, control, and profit. Dispel their plans and plots to manipulate the election. Lord, I pray your mercy and grace on America. Please deliver us from evil. Amen.
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Evil never sleeps. We must be in constant prayer for our nation and the protection of President Trump especially if he wins a second term.
Let us rejoice that nothing is hid from the eyes of the One who sees everything.
Let us rejoice that Our Heavenly Father is mighty to save.
Let us rejoice in The Truth of His promises.
“No weapon formed against us will prosper. . . .”
GOD is watching!
The scales are in HIS Hand!
No one can tip the scales against HIS anointed!
Let us do our part: Believe His promises, obey HIS Word.
GOD’s plan will stand!
Halleluia! Halleluia! Halleluia!
4 Will those who do evil never learn?
They eat up my people like bread
and wouldn’t think of praying to the Lord.
5 Terror will grip them,
for God is with those who obey him. Ps 14-4,5
Our Father, I pray this psalm and ask that terror will grip these people who have been in control for so long. Thwart their plans of evil. Bring division, chaos and destruction to them. Give us clear direction in this battle as it heats up to the election. Show us what You want us to do, prompt us to speak, prompt us to get involved when appropriate to speak the Truth in love. I bind the spirit of fear of man. Give us boldness with surety. In Jesus name.
1 thing we all must be very aware of is this::: All seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate; both Federal and State are chosen at the local level. It’s vital that everyone of us know where each and every candidate stands and what they believe; as well as their past record. Because they are the ones who will be making or destroying the laws of this country!
For far too long, we the people, have sat back and assumed that the people we sent to Congress (federal and state) were doing the right thing for we the people. And we having been gradually finding out that is not true. Many have been/still are wheeling and dealing for their own benefit-lining their own pockets and/or doing everything possible to destroy this amazing, awesome country that doesn’t belong to them, it belongs to we the people, all of us. No one has or is holding them accountable. The church has relinquished her authority, given to her by Almighty God, to oversee the governmental affairs of this country which has been established by God Himself!!!
Church leaders as well as the members need to go back and read about the very beginnings of the United States of America. Most of these men were God-fearing men as well as preachers and they understood what was important and what they needed to do. The ignorance of all this and much more in our churches today is extremely appalling, sad as well as shameful.
We, the church MUST WAKE UP, STAND UP, DO OUR DUTY; learn all we can about the candidates, VOTE Biblical Values and PRAY!!!! She, the church, needs to take back her God-given authority and hold every elected person ACCOUNTABLE for their decisions and actions. REMINDER::: Being in Congress is NOT a career, it never was!! Our complacent, apathetic, lazy attitudes have allowed this to happen. ENOUGH.!! It has to stop NOW !! If not now, It will be too late. God has been very patient and long suffering with us, the church, extending His hand of mercy and grace, BUT in Genesis 6:3 God says, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever,”………………
Amen Marlene the church has literally left the building at home sheltering in place in their mask 😷. Hating and badgering President Trump on facebook. Prominent gospel singer/pastor in new York stated he wasn’t voting for the current President. How crazy is that? He said it on face book and many sheepleyup agreed. Lord help us. And one prominent gospel singer/pastor took his choir to sing for socialist Bernie sanders, he said & I quote “those who vote for Trump can’t be of a good mind.” So sad but we must pray for those who are deceived and don’t realize the platform of the leftist socialist.
The frightening thing is that there are too many people in positions of leadership in the church, who are simply there for the money. “it’s just a job”, or someone told them they would be a good ……. They neither have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus nor has Almighty God called them to that position, i.e. wolves in sheep’s clothing. And the sheep????? That’s another book!! Blind, deaf and dumb, only existing and thinking they are living. Oh how we need a great awakening in the whole world and a Holy Ghost revival in the churches.
The Lord reminded me of Ephesians 1:18a May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened……….not only for the things of the Lord but of everything that’s taking place in our country, so wise decisions can be made in life, esp. concerning this spiritual battle going on for the life of the United States of America. I’m praying this for everyone, esp. for the churches where leaders and sheep are totally deceived as well as for those who think they know it all!! You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free……
It’s not only about the President but also very important is who are we voting for in the House of Representatives and the Senate!! If there are not enough like minded people working together to do what is right according to the Word of God and the Constitution, then what?? similar to what we have now or worse??? Help Lord….
Father we thank you for revealing the plans of the enemy.
We pray that your people, the upright and righteous, according to Proverbs 11: 10 to 11, will maintain control of the Senate and take back the House in a sweeping, landslide victory. We pray that every seat up for election will be taken by individuals who stand for truth, righteousness and the Constitution. Remove the haters and those who desire to destroy this Nation. Crush the globalists and those who support them. Silence the lies of the media so that you truth will prevail.
We thank you for the victory in the Name of Jesus. Amen
I agree wholeheartedly with this prayer. Lord God give us the victory of your word and purpose in this nation
Bring it forward Lord God. In Jesus name.
Holy Father,
We thank you for allowing us to pray 24/7.
Father, we thank You that You allow us to read about Soros even Gates to be behind destroying freedom. Father, without You no way Trump can be re elected.
We are glad that You are with us and nothing can win against us.
Father God, we ask that THE RESOURCES of the ungodly, Open Society Foundation, The Good Club, The Transition Integrity Project, The New America Foundation, MSM, Bank of America, Bloomberg, consulting giant Deloitte, and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to name a few TO DRY UP. Just as Jesus spoke to the nonproducing fig tree and it dried up from the roots, we ask You to dry up from the roots the resources of those who work evil in our government and command their money, communication, and alliances.
In Jesus’ name we pray and thank You. Amen.
Yes we command all of the financial resources from Soros,Gates and the Communist party to dry up . We speak confusion into the enemies camps. That all of their plans will crumble at their feet and none of there plans will come to fruition. In the mighty name of Jesus.