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Lord, we are praying for clarity in this situation and for your protection. We pray for these political leaders to know you and be transformed by you.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The only way that you can describe the current situation in the Republican party is that it is an invasion. We have the radical proteges of George Soros, Tom Steyer, and Hansjörg Wyss, and they have infiltrated the GOP and made it completely hollow from the inside out. However, there is one particular RINO in Ohio, Brian Stewart, who is finding that conservatives are starting to call baloney on this nonsense. . . .

This strategy was actually founded by George Soros. He knew that Democrats were well aware that conservatives would never cast a single vote for someone who has a “D” after their name. Thus, these liberals will simply register as a Republican and say that they are just “moderate.” It’s no longer fooling anyone, though. Conservatives everywhere know that those who say they are “moderate” are nothing more than RINO traitors. However, this hasn’t changed the fact that these moderates still manage to get elected simply because they have that trendy “R” after their name. I know I’ve mentioned this in other articles, but maybe we as conservatives should start doing the same thing in reverse? Maybe we should all become “moderate” Democrats? Seriously, folks, I would take a “DINO” over a “RINO” any day. . . .

The main idea they were going for was to “defeat actual conservative candidates” and secretly pack the whole entire legislature with Democrat sleeper cells. This was an idea that George Soros himself came up with, and it ended up catching on so well that it began being used everywhere. It’s about to happen again in Ohio.

Apparently, confirmed RINO Brian Stewart wants to totally misrepresent Ohio’s District 78 and he is now “announcing his bid for the U.S. Congress.”

There is no question that the man talks a good game and he is ultra-smooth, but George Soros would be this man’s biggest fan. However, Stewart is absolutely telling his constituents all the right things in order to get elected. He told them that the challenges they face, “whether from the far left or this adversarial nation have to be dealt with in an aggressive manner or with conviction.” However, this man is not going to do that, because he is right in the middle of George Soros’ back pocket. . . .

If the only radical billionaire that we had to deal with was George Soros, it would be bad enough. However, just like cancer spreads, we now have yet another billionaire that has jumped on the bandwagon, that of environmental activist Tom Steyer. As a Soros protege, Steyer has learned well. First of all, he tries to act like a conservative. Second, he launched a non-profit called Steyerville.com, which supposedly touts the benefits of fossil fuels. However, what they are really doing is just a bunch of “highly destructive and insane environmental things.”

Like Steyer, Brian Stewart is currently leading what appears to be a conservative group called the Ohio Conservative Energy Forum. However, make no mistake that this group is nothing more than an umbrella group for “clean-energy activists” and thus it too is funded by George Soros. Boy oh boy, do we live in perilous times indeed.

Please share your prayers about this in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Independent Minute. Article by an IDM Writer. Photo by Aaron Burden/Unsplash)

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June 5, 2021

Voters HAVE to do their “homework” on all candidates, whether Democrat or Republican! There are many deceivers out there. The “Soro’s and “Steyers” are all about control, and all over this country!! They will do whatever they need to do! We also have many so-called Republicans that are not true Republicans. We’ve had Paul Ryan, Boehner, Romney, and a LOT more, who are not conservative Republicans. Conservative, and Republican, does NOT mean the same thing to everyone. We must pray for wisdom and discernment.

Tulsi Rose
June 5, 2021

Dear God Almighty, rout out all the Luciferian elite and please bring real Christians into the Government who will stand for our rights. Please bind every devise that is being formed against us, forgive us of our sins and help us to walk in the ways you want us to and work on the behalf of our children, that they may know you and serve you. Thank you Jesus. Amen

Susan CC
June 4, 2021

Father, Your servant King Asa cried out to You saying,

“Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, Lord our God, for we rely on You, and in Your name we have come against this vast army. Lord, you are our God; do not let mere mortals prevail against You.”

I pray these same words to You today Father, not because we are powerless but in You alone is our strength for victory. It is in the Name of Jesus Christ we come against lies. I pray You would lead us to prevail against men and women who defy justice and right. I pray Your help against all who seek to destroy this nation. I humbly pray in the Name of Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit, for Your Glory and our good. Amen

2 Chronicle 14:11


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