I Prayed have prayed
Lord, protect our religious freedoms in this nation that we still have. Please heal our land.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The State of California has banned singing in any indoor religious services, even with masks on, under new guidelines issued by the Department of Public Health to control the spread of the coronavirus.

Even with adherence to physical distancing, convening in a congregational setting of multiple different households to practice a personal faith carries a relatively higher risk for widespread transmission of the COVID-19 virus, and may result in increased rates of infection, hospitalization, and death, especially among more vulnerable populations. In particular, activities such as singing and chanting negate the risk- reduction achieved through six feet of physical distancing. . . .

Local Health Officers are advised to consider appropriate limitations on outdoor attendance capacities, factoring their jurisdictionā€™s key COVID- 19 health indicators. At a minimum, outdoor attendance should be limited naturally through implementation of strict physical distancing measures of a minimum of six feet between attendees from different households, in addition to other relevant protocols within this document. . . .

In early June, the U.S. Supreme CourtĀ rejectedĀ an appeal by a California church that had challenged Gov. Gavin Newsomā€™s guidelines restricting church attendance to 25% of capacity.

In March, a choir practice ā€” without masks ā€” wasĀ blamedĀ for an acute outbreak of coronavirus in Washington State.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Written by Joel B. Pollak)

Share your comments on this new religious freedom restriction due to COVID19. What state will be next?

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Rich B
July 14, 2020

Many leaders are telling Christians to be silent, to not meet together, to not sing in church.
Where is our faith? Are we cowering in fear? Are we becoming compliant to dictates that are not laws, but mere declarations of lawless men and women?

Ps27:6 Then my head will be exalted
above the enemies who surround me;
at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy;
I will sing and make music to the Lord

Jesus said in Luke 19:40 But Jesus answered, ā€œI tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!ā€

If our leaders tell the church to not worship the LORD indoors, we need to go outdoors and praise the LORD in the street!

Our leaders have said it is OK to go outside without a mask and march, shout and chant in the street and in front of city hall and state capitol buildings! Christians can go outside and praise the LORD in the streets of the nation and the leaders will be silent to stop the church, since thay have already said this is permissable!

Lord, lead your church to praise You outdoors, in the open!
LORD, lead your people to march outdoors, in the streets of ALL our cities in this great country and proclaim your Great Name to ALL the people of this land!
Lord, we repent for being silenced, we repent of living in fear. Your word says you not only forgive ALL our sins, You also heal ALL our diseases!
ā€œHe forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He keeps me from the grave and blesses me with love and mercy.ā€ | Psalmsā€¬ ā€­103:3-4ā€¬ ā€­GNBā€¬ā€¬

LORD, you were not surprised by this disease and you already have provided a cure! Jesus said , which is more difficult to say, your sins are forgiven or BE HEALED. Show us hos to pick up our bed and walk in faith!
LORD, we proclaim your word and take authority over COVID and proclaim your healing for those who are sick, and salvation to all who will place their trust in you.
LORD, lead us, your church, the body of Christ, to rise up taking all the authority you gave to all your disciples; and in YOUR NAME we trample COVID under foot, we will trample the attack of the enemy, a defeated foe, underfoot, as we walk in faith and trust in your word.
Ps 32:12 ā€œSo I will not be silent; I will sing praise to you. LORD, you are my God, I will give you thanks for ever.ā€

July 8, 2020

Pastor Rodney Howard Browne: We Have to Make a Stand for the Constitution. https://banned.video/watch?id=5f04e44a672706002f448c73. Mr. Browne has also written a new book, “The Phantom Virus”. We don’t have to obey unconstitutional governors and mayors. The deep state knows that we will worship God or the creature. Therefore withhold God from us in their minds and make us like them. “Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them.” Romans 1:24

Jim Scherer
July 6, 2020

I pray fir the Spirit if God to raise up church leaders that will rebel against this ungodly edict. May God release an anointing of courage for everyone and especially church leaders.


    July 7, 2020

    If we can not sing or praise ourGod He will command the stones to sing for Him.
    Devil let the
    people go and worship their God in Jesus Name.

shelley Hadden
July 5, 2020

It is very simple. I will not comply to this mandate.
I will worship The One True God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob until there is no breath left
in me. I know to whom I belong, and my life is in Messiah Yeshua, Son of Elohim.
This world holds nothing for me.
Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!!

Karen Secrest
July 5, 2020

If people get indignant over the closing of churches again, it will deflect from the socialist work of making sure the bars remain open with no restrictions. The homeless are growing in such numbers they are being housed in parking lots and the tent cities have been a concern for months. Note: there was no mention of the marginalized even having the luxury of sanitation much less concern over someone sneezing. It really is time to protest the anti Christian, antisemitism that is being pursued with the expectation that the majority will find it merely “distasteful” instead of a question of being LOCKED DOWN PERMANENTLY.

Felicia Penner
July 5, 2020

Help us to see church as you and a few bleivers in a parking lot, Lord. Help our leaders to break free from the contract with the State so they may hear from you and direct your children accordingly. Help your children to know that this is a time to follow God and not man, for we should only cease praising you here when we have started praising you in heaven. Convict us of taking scripture out of context to asauge our guilt for not following your leading. Help us to not become like the church in Germany who allowed an ungodly State to take them over before WW2. May we look to You, Lord , and follow you alone. In Jesus name, Amen

July 5, 2020

In Genesis and into Exodus, Pharaoh had 2 dreams and Joseph interpreted them. He was placed in command of preparing for the famine that was coming by gathering in a portion of the crops and subsequently also distributed it back to the people, for a price, so the people could live. Joseph’s family eventually came. Everyone survived the famine and life after that seemed to be going pretty good. But then Joseph died and the new pharaoh didn’t know Joseph or the history of what had happened. This Pharaoh didn’t know anything about Joseph and since the Israelites were growing in number, this Pharaoh became afraid of them, thinking that the Israelites would join up with Egypt’s enemies and attack him, so he began to put taskmasters over the Israelites and afflict them with hard labor and little by little the Israelites became slaves to the Egyptian Pharaoh. This went on for 400 years.
WAKE UP, CHURCH!!!! There are a lot of similarities here. May the eyes of your understanding (heart) be enlightened…..
Ephesians 1:18a. Do you see the parallel??
We have been given suggestions, guidelines, mandates, NOT LAWS !!! ON A VIRUS…. Did you know the legal term for mandate is contract??
Look it up: Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th edition, Page 980–“mandate” “MANDATES” made by governors and mayors are NOT laws! they CANNOT be enforced. There is a way set forth to make laws and if they are not followed, there is NO lawful means to enforce it. PERIOD. Personally, I REFUSE to accept their contract!!
WAKE UP CHURCH!! WAKE UP AMERICA !! I pray that the Holy Spirit will cause the Words of our Lord to come alive to and in
us, waking us up to who we are in Christ Jesus, believing, receiving and trusting His words, walking them out and not the words of those who are trying to get us, the people/church to bow down to their dictates in fear.
There are many scriptures, but you can start by slowly reading and meditating on Psalm 91…..EXAMPLE:line 1, He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. As you read each line, ask yourself::
dwell- live, shelter-a place giving protection from bad weather or danger, abide-accept/act in accordance with a rule, decision or recommendation. SOOOO, I can live in a place giving me protection from danger…………..Look up the words YOU need to help YOU in understanding what it means to you. Do this with as many lines as necessary for you to grab hold of the Word for you. And pray, pray,pray. Praying in the Spirit. We are in a war. A war of good versus evil, a
spiritual war. Put on the full armor of God, get your assignment and go forth.
A song I learned many decades ago, “Onward Christian Soldiers” I/we need to look it up and sing it.
We are not alone in this battle, the Lord of Hosts, His mighty angels, the Spirit of the Living God is with us. Hallelujah!! Let God arise and his enemies be scattered. Amen…

    July 5, 2020

    oops, clarification::
    Suggestions, guidelines, mandates are all voluntary, not law.

    Donna King
    July 5, 2020

    Amen! Amen!Amen! And Amen!

Julianne Curtis
July 5, 2020

If you prefer safety over freedom, you shall have neither..

Michael Guidera
July 5, 2020

Interesting how the state government of California will single out churches and restrict singing. I wonder if this also includes communal prayers in mosques? Probably not. What about chanting in BLM protests? Donā€™t think so.
Will these restrictions wake up the church? We shall see.
Am reminded of the scripture when Jesus said, ā€œif the world hates you, keep in mind it hated me firstā€ John 15:18 and ā€œif they persecuted me, they will persecute you alsoā€, John 18:20.

Psalms 91 has been used as a prayer for Christians. It talks about God being our refuge and protecting us against the pestilence when it strikes our land. There is an Interesting verse in the middle of this Psalm. It says in verse 8, in the amplified bible:

You will only [be a spectator as you] look on with your eyes
And witness the [divine] repayment of the wicked [as you watch safely from the shelter of the Most High].

It is interesting that we gravitate to the.protection part of the message. This verse 8 says that in our place of refuge we will be a spectator witnessing the divine repayment of the wicked. Sounds like the pestilence is a judgement from God on the wicked. I do not claim to fully understand this verse, as mere mortal , I only see in part. But if it is the case that among other things, we are seeing Godā€™s recompense for wicked behavior, then do we really believe we can somehow save our own skins by wearing masks and social distancing? Are Christians obeying the restrictions to obey worldly authority, or to save themselves, or to show consideration for others that fear the virus? Something to ponder.

Dear Father, I pray for discernment to come to the Church to understand the view You desire us to take on this issue. I pray You wake up the Church to understand we are in a spiritual battle that will decide the future of our country. I pray You bring understanding that who governs our country is very important to our survival as a thriving republic. Show the Church that personality takes a back seat to values believed and practiced. I bind the spirits of deception, perversion, witchcraft, hate, fear and greed in Jesus name, and petition You to release the captives in YourBody that have been under the control of these spirits. Make it clear Lord to every believer that we as Christians have the Power given to us to defeat this enemy that wants to destroy our nation. Show us how to look past all the distractions to focus on the Truth. Put a burden in the hearts of every believer to desire to share the truth and stand up for what is right. Make it clear who in our government represent one who stands for Your values. Expose the frauds that may have enticing talk but are wicked at heart. I pray that You show us behavior that glorifies You.

Barbara Hesch
July 5, 2020

I just watched Pastor Robert Jeffress on TV at his church in Dallas, Texas. He had Vice President Mike Pence as a guest. They showed the congregation. SINGING! Some wore masks, some didn’t. But they sang! I’m sure all those protesters and rioters were chanting, yelling, and shouting angry words that would surely spread some germs around. But they were allowed to exercise their Constitutional rights. What happened to ours? Double standard indeed. People need to get as angry as those protesters, but without all the lawlessness. Make some phone calls, send some emails, but let’s do something. They can only continue, if we remain silent. Wake up, silent majority!

July 5, 2020

Jesus said in Luke 19:40 ā€œ I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.ā€ The Word of Isiah 55:12 says ā€œ….the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.ā€
Thank You, Lord that Your praises will not be silenced, in Jesusā€™ Name….amen.

July 5, 2020

Lord, they may try to shut us up but then the stones will start praising You. Our praises will reach Your ears in Heaven and You will be glorified.

If I lived in California then I would have to disobey this law. They put me in jail then I would sing Your praises there just as Paul had done. They will not shut me down.

    July 5, 2020

    Yep. Anytime they tried to stop it, the gospel was spread even more! Share Christ with the policeman who handcuffs, sing “Power in the Blood” as he reads miranda rights then pray for your attorney and judge’s
    salvation as you go to court, sing about Jesus in jail & pray for the warden & cell mates & share Jesus with them…the gospel spreads like wildfire wherever God sends you. Amen!

July 5, 2020

Father, I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from where does my help come from, my help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth.
Holy Spirit, move people to worship You and not be afraid. We will praise You, We will lift our voice to sing and worship You! For we can not keep silent.
Father, accomplish Your purposes, bring Your truth, bring Your light and expose the darkness.


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