Sen. Josh Hawley R-Missouri, ripped President Biden’s attempts at using a “fear and intimidation” campaign to keep Americans in a “perpetual state of crisis”…claiming the White House wants to ultimately “centralize control and power over people’s lives.”
SEN. JOSH HAWLEY: What we’re seeing is Joe Biden and the left using a campaign of fear and intimidation in order to try to keep the country in a perpetual state of crisis and ultimately to centralize control and power over people’s lives….It’s time instead to talk about the end of this pandemic…But that’s not what you hear from this White House…You have conflicting guidance….You’ve got demonizing people who don’t agree with him…[T]he attempt to force this country to live in a perpetual state of fear is wrong…
HAWLEY: We’ve got to be clear that critical race theory is false. It’s just not true that this country was…founded in 1619. It’s not true that this country is systemically racist. It’s not true that the Constitution was written and shot through with white supremacy…I believe we ought to require every school district in America that gets taxpayer funds to teach our actual founding documents…It’s what unites us as Americans…
Do you agree with Senator Hawley? Share your thoughts and prayers for peace, instead of fear, to reign in this nation.
(Excerpted from Fox News. Article by Fox News Staff. Photo Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images).
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Yes, I am a Black teacher and I completely agree with Senator Hawley. I also want the churches to be educated on first the Bible and 2nd the Constitution and other founding documents. The ignorance in America about its founding is astounding and also the ignorance of GOD’S WORD among some Christians is equally astounding! FATHER GOD YOUR WORD says that YOU would not have us ignorant of satan’s devices. Help us to read YOUR WORD daily and to learn about the founding of America also; and let us pass on both teachings to those that are unlearned in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!
I am grateful Senator Hawley is standing up and we all need to do so, wherever and whenever we can with certain exceptions. Putting our name and home address on petitions to those who have made their intent clear, killing America, invites doxxing and other targeting events like when Kamala “accidentally” leaked personal information of certain Californians. Petitioning those who have clearly sold us out seems unwise at best. Those who do not consider themselves as working for the American people, or answering to the American people but have very different masters indeed. Let’s not be ridiculously foolish and naive. God please help us do the right thing at the right time with your wisdom not our fear or dismay.
I absolutely agree with Mr. Hawley. Biden is a droid that only knows how to read from a script (but let’s be real – that is the entire liberal left). Joe gave up any attempt at 1% of a moral compass because he sold out for the title of president. As he once accidentally said before he became the fraudulent president he is, “it’s all taken care of”…a reference to the ‘fix’ was already in and he wasn’t worried.
*Lord, we humbly ask you for more leadership like Josh Hawley. Americans desperately need this type of godly leadership, strength and courage. Raise up the passion for strong leadership that is so dormant in our officials. Remove their conformity to politics, PC words, party devotion and help them lead again. Bring forth leaders who respect, honor and love God and your ways. People that are tenacious in respecting your commands, love and honor the Constitution and have a servants heart to the people. In your holy name we pray… amen.
Lord Jesus as we pray for Daniel’s to arise I ask a prayer of protection and strength to cover these voices like Senator Hawley’s. May they resound across the hallways of our Great Nation. Lord Jesus Christ You say we are to walk by faith and not by sight. Do Not Fear. May we all not look to the left or the right but keep our eyes on You. We pray This Nation will return to a Renaissance Time where Every aspect of Life will turn back to You our Almighty God. One Nation under God. Then we will not fail. Eyes, ears and hearts fixed on You. In Jesus Christ name. Amen
Thank you Senator Hawley. Father protect him and his family from anything Satan would use against him. Give him favor amongDhis colleagues. Give him your wisdom. May we as a nation hear and listen to his wise words.
Yes. I agree totally with Senator Halwey . We must combat lies with the truth in black and white. Pray and then tell local government , school boards, schools , PTA meetings , that we want Truth and not the lies of the CRT. And we need to share the word of God in classrooms which says that God created everything and saw that it was good. That he died for all people from every nation and we are his workmanship.
Yes! Father, please continue to encourage and lead Senator Hawley! Thank You for his strong backbone. I ask You to strengthen and encourage other leaders from the highest seats to the local county. And grandparents and moms and dads and friends. And Your Church. You are with Your people and fear is not from You. Let us speak with Your power and clarity; let our hearts be set upon You. Let us know the urgency and be ready. In the name of Jesus~Amen
Father God, praise You for Sen Hawley and others who are standing for Truth. Lord thank You that You are a shield about them, thank You for blessing them and also helping more to stand for You for such a time as this. Lord we believe You are throwing the mountains of lies into the sea and leading our nation into Truth. Thank You for pouring out You Spirit on our offspring and bringing revival to our land. In Your powerful Name Jesus
I agree. I became a supporter of Sen Hawley a while ago and plan to continue, along with other leaders whole believe and proclaim basic truths. The Republican Party, in which I have been registered for over 60 years, is ineffective and has been sidelined by the craftiness of the Dems and their willingness to go along for their own gains. The only answer is intervention by the Lord. I believe He will use individuals like Josh.