The current COVID relief bill, HR 1319, American Rescue Plan Act 2021, has passed the House and is now in the Senate. It has a formidable opponent in Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin.
According to Politico,
a Senate Democratic aide said they are still waiting for the official cost estimate before bringing their newly revised Covid-19 relief bill to the floor. There won’t be the initial procedural vote tonight as Democratic leaders had hoped.
In essence, this means the first procedural vote would happen as soon as tomorrow, but we still don’t know when that will be. And after the procedural vote, Republican Sen. Ron Johnson will force the bill to be read aloud by Senate clerks. The reading will take about 10 hours.
After the 10 hours, then there will be up to 20 hours of debate on the floor.
After that floor debate, then the vote-a-rama will occur — which will go on until senators decide to no longer offer amendments. It could stretch into the weekend.
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) to force the reading of a bill that clocks in at more than 500 pages threatens to kick the Senate’s work into the weekend. Johnson said he will stay on the floor to ensure the Senate clerk has to read the entire thing.
“That’s what I’ll have to do,” Johnson said. “It’s not about delaying things. It’s about educating the public about what this bill is and what this bill isn’t. And it isn’t a Covid relief bill.”
Since more than 90% of this "COVID relief" bill is not even related to COVID, I think we need a full reading of the bill.
Yes, it could take 10 hours but the American people deserve to know what's in it.
— Senator Ron Johnson (@SenRonJohnson) March 4, 2021
Senator Johnson needs your prayers! Will you commit to pray for him? Share your prayer in the comments!
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Father God – The Only Wise God- God of Justice and Righteousness- God of Mercy-We need your mercy in all matters of judgement Thank you for imparting your Spirit of Jutice and Righteousnes into the heart and mind of Senator Johnson .Father Thank you for the spirit of faith and boldness that has caused him to make just claims on the process of this Covid Bill. Father I pray your psalm 91 Protection over him and his family -in every aspect, I pray Psalm 5:12 [protection and favour around about him I pray for the intended opportunity to allow a time of meditation on any disparities between Your Judgements & what it proposed to be made clear & accepted with favour by those You have placed in positions of responsibility in government Let Your Will be done in the Senate and in the mind of government that the knowledge of You will increase and Your goodness be evident to all Amen
Thank you senator Johnson that this money goes for corona virus not other things like sending money to other country’s or providing money for illegals should be going where it’s suppose to go
May God bless Senator Johnson and any other republican senators willing to stand with him. Helping those in need is important. It’s all the garbage that’s been thrown into this Bill that shouldn’t be. Lord please hear our prayers.
We the American people do NOT want this bill to pass
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has been giving some information on the waste that is in it! For God’s sake and ours do not let this be another nail in the coffin for America. We are supposed to help other nations with the gospel and we cannot do that if our own economy is destroyed! Thank you! Republicans please bring common sense back to Washington and fight for those who elected you!
Father God strengthen Senator Johnson with supernatural strength and energy to do all you would have him do to stand for truth and righteousness. Open the eyes of the blind through Senator Johnson act of courage. In Jesus Name.
Lord God, please strengthen this Senator Ron Johnson. Pour out blessings over him and protect him. I pray you will awaken the American people as they hear this bill read and that they will begin to stand up for what is right. In Jesus name Amen.
I pray that God will continue to help Sen. Johnson to persevere by keeping our government transparent to what they are asking the US citizens to fund. Please God, give Sen. Johnson the strength to continue the good fight.
Praying for stamina & safety for Sen. Johnson
Wow this is despicable. Why are only Democrats rising up to help the people of this country? WE as Republicans are supposed to be the ones helping others but instead we chose to stand in the way of assistance. Shame! Shame on Ron Johnson and all who support him! He panders to those who do not care for others as his very constituents lose their homes and livelihoods due to COVID. I fear I will have nowhere to turn if the Republican party continues to dishonor God our Father is such a way. They clearly care nothing for us. Jesus help us. We cry out to you! Amen.
Praise God for Senator Johnson wanting to educate the public on a bill that will bring tremendous debt to our nation, it is critical to expose all the parts that are not even related to COVID-19 (and cut them out). This bill misrepresents what it is for. Bringing the truth to light is the job of our civil servant representatives in Washington DC. It is shameful that many have stuffed this bill with outrageous things that will only weigh down our nation. People need to recognize a broken system that desires no accountability or transparency! Thank you senator Johnson for taking a courageous bold righteous stand, we need more representatives like you,
Sue Ellen, do you know what is in this bill? The title does not indicate where all the money is being sent. We as Americans need to be informed. Money does not grow on trees.
You don’t know what’s going on.
May the eyes of the deceived be opened and this bill voted down
Bless his heart and his efforts.
Dear Senator Johnson, God endow you with supernatural strength, endurance, and courage as you remain on the Senate floor, with protection over you and you family, and wisdom in all your answers and comments, in Jesus’ name. I speak over you His rich blessings for your willingness to take a stand to protect this nation to the best of your ability, then encouraging others to courageously follow your example.
Thank thee, Lord Jesus, for standing with Ron Johnson, and all the others thee anoints to stand with him. May thy perfect will be done! Here is a link to email Senator Ron Johnson.
Thank you for this link Carolina Jesus!
God, you are good. You are righteous. I thank you for Senator Johnson’s boldness and desire that truth be known. Please protect him. Please continue to encourage him. Use him as your mouthpiece. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.
Lord, thank you for Senator Johnson and the work he is doing. Please give the American people a supernatural ability to understand the bill in lay terms as it is read, which is written in legalized language. Please annoint the clerk that will read the bill with an articulate speaking voice, appropriate voice volume and strength to endure the reading. Let there be no distractions or interruptions to confuse the listening audience. Bind any and all evil attempts by democrats to disrupt, create chaos, or twist the truth. Reveal God’s truth, shock the senses, and let common sense rule the day! Father God, open ears, hearts and minds! Jesus, Your will be done, show us a miracle, and let Your justice prevail!! In Your name, YES AND AMEN!!
Lord God please place a hedge of protection around this man, who cares about this country and not wasting the gifts you give us. We pray for him and his strength of character. His strong leadership . I am thankful for all he is trying to do.
Go get em Senator Johnson. May God be with you and uphold you by His strong hand.
I will be praying
Lord, Give Senator Johnson protection from all harm, the wisdom and strength to persist in revealing the truth about this bill, and the words that will open blind eyes to see the truth so that he and his colleagues defeat this bill. In Jesus’, name, Amen and Amen!
Thank you for your courage Senator Johnson. Lord God,cover him with your protection, the full armor of God & continued courage to seek & stand in integrety. Protect his family from all attacks. May the contents be know across our nation & people of all backrounds, parties etc. raise their voices against the unrealted items. May only covid & personal losses related to it pass through in Jesus name.
Our prayer team will pray for Sen Ron Johnson today and through this hearing.
Father thank You for this wise and courageous man. Please raise others like him to help blick this unrighteous spending, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Father, we thank you for Senator Johnson’s wisdom in calling for the bill to be read.
We pray other senators will stand with Senator Johnson and call for the numerous amendments also to be read – and then let the citizens respond by writing to their senators expressing informed concern.
Expose the flaws in the plan, including the enormous amount of spending that will further cripple our economy.
Reduce excess unemployment income that is an disincentive for individuals to return to work –
Expose pork projects, especially those which benefit progressive left agendas and/or bail out individual states.
We thank you for provision for the poor, yet we abhor foolish spending and the incurrence of additional debt.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen
Thank you, Lord for another fine leader willing to face persecution and take a stand. I pray your blessing on Senator Johnson and Your covering over him. I pray that You, by the power of the Holy Spirit would continue to strengthen him with might in his inner man so that he will be able to continually stand. Grant him also the physical strength to endure. Lord, I pray that this man’s courage would be contagious and that others would follow his example. In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray. Amen!
contagious courage, YES!
We are very grateful for Sen. Johnson Lord. Strengthen him, give him your continuous favor, wisdom and protection. We ask that this detailed reading would become a “norm” for more legislation and that the average citizens of this nation would pay attention, rise up and fight AGAINST the waste spending of our leadership. We pray that more people would call them out on the waste and demand it’s removal. We pray that other lawmakers would join in support of Sen. Johnson and stand up for the people of this nation. In Your name we pray amen.
I praise You and Thank You Father God for inspiring Senator Ron Johnson for such a time as this. May you bless him and keep him in the presence of the Holy Spirit and protect him with your righteous right hand. I pray the Blood of Jesus over Senator Ron Johnson in His precious name, Jesus. Amen
Senator Johnson, I commend you for standing firm until the public has all the information on this bill. Too often, in my lifetime of nearly 8 decades, we have seen bills passed that have little content relating to their title or purported purpose. I would further like to see a bill put forth that prohibits piggybacking items that do not relate to the original. Each bill should have only one purpose. That would ensure clarity for all, including those voting on them.
I pray that you would be able to have the strength it takes to ride out the hours needed to complete the reading of this bill, and that you will be able to convince your colleagues to really take into account what is being put forth, before they actually vote on it. It is my prayer that the good of the American people will prevail. Thank you for championing this effort.
the people will prevail, YES!
I commit to pray for Senator Johnson and thank him for the wisdom he has shown.
Father, I pray as this monster is read, the Holy Spirit would impale every heart in the room. I pray no one present will leave unchanged. May the Spirit of the Living God fall upon every man and woman in that place. I pray this and everything in the All Consuming Power of Jesus Christ. Amen
Amen. Standing in agreement to every single word. Praise You, Lord for the courage and wisdom of Senator Johnson.
Father God, thank you for Senator Johnson! Encourage him. Strengthen him. Use him to help our nation through these hard times. You know exactly what he needs, Lord. Help him now.