I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray for preservation of the First Amendment and the rights it enforces.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Supreme Court has ruled that the states and social media users who sued the Biden administration for social media censorship have no standing to sue. They did not rule that the behavior did not violate the First Amendment, but that these plaintiffs could not sue about it.

UPDATE, Thursday, June 27, 2024, 11 am ET:

We found to be helpful this commentary by James Freeman published in the Wall Street Journal:

Let’s hope this is one of those Supreme Court cases where the dissent ends up being much more influential with the passage of time than the Court’s actual decision. Justice Samuel Alito, joined by Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, wisely describes not only how Facebook did indeed respond to the White House pressure but also how a private plaintiff named Jill Hines was harmed because her speech was suppressed. The dissent reads:

For months in 2021 and 2022, a coterie of officials at the highest levels of the Federal Government continuously harried and implicitly threatened Facebook with potentially crippling consequences if it did not comply with their wishes about the suppression of certain COVID–19-related speech. Not surprisingly, Facebook repeatedly yielded. As a result Hines was indisputably injured, and due to the officials’ continuing efforts, she was threatened with more of the same when she brought suit.

These past and threatened future injuries were caused by and traceable to censorship that the officials coerced, and the injunctive relief she sought was an available and suitable remedy. This evidence was more than sufficient to establish Hines’s standing to sue… and consequently, we are obligated to tackle the free speech issue that the case presents. The Court, however, shirks that duty and thus permits the successful campaign of coercion in this case to stand as an attractive model for future officials who want to control what the people say, hear, and think.

The dissent concludes that the government’s censorship “was blatantly unconstitutional, and the country may come to regret the Court’s failure to say so.”

Much of this country already does.

From The Wall Street Journal. The Supreme Court on Wednesday threw out a lawsuit alleging that Biden administration officials unlawfully pressured social-media platforms to remove content flagged as disinformation, ruling that neither the two states nor five private parties who brought the claim had any right to get their allegations before a judge. . . .

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The Supreme Court, in a 6-3 decision written by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, said the plaintiffs failed to show they were directly harmed—or faced the risk of future harm—by the alleged actions of Biden administration officials.

The lawsuit improperly asked the court “to conduct a review of the yearslong communications between dozens of federal officials, across different agencies, with different social-media platforms, about different topics,” Barrett wrote. “This Court’s standing doctrine prevents us from exercising such general legal oversight of the other branches of Government.”

The ruling crossed ideological lines. Two of Barrett’s fellow conservatives, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, joined her ruling, as did the court’s three liberal justices, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Three other conservatives dissented. Justice Samuel Alito, joined by Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, said the government’s conduct was blatantly unconstitutional.

“For months, high-ranking Government officials placed unrelenting pressure on Facebook to suppress Americans’ free speech,” Alito wrote. “Because the Court unjustifiably refuses to address this serious threat to the First Amendment, I respectfully dissent.” . . .

Among other allegations, Missouri and Louisiana said the FBI had misled social-media companies into believing a New York Post story about Hunter Biden was Russian disinformation, resulting in suppression of the report a few weeks before the 2020 presidential election. …

The Biden administration told the court that government officials have their own free speech rights, and there is nothing untoward about using the bully pulpit of the presidency to push for industry reforms.

Two lower courts ruled against the administration. In a ruling issued on the July 4 holiday last year, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty said the government likely violated core First Amendment freedoms and operated similarly to an “Orwellian Ministry of Truth.” …

Please post your prayers and reactions about this in the comments.

(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal. Photo Credit: Pacamah – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=132331248)

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Tammy Freeburg
June 28, 2024

2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land”.

Le Ann Sluga
June 28, 2024

Dear Jesus, thank you that all that we see, is not what is truly happening behind the secenes on earth or in the heavens above. Thank you for the privilege of joining heaven in calling down justice to this injustice and justice for these justices who are not recognizing and responding to these injustices in social media. We declare heaven’s reversal and boomerang of those decision, conviction and repentance of the judges whose consciences are severed and hardened. by the enemies of peace, salvation and restoration of our constitutional rights to free speech, just government in all three branches of government. Your kingdom come and Your will be done now on earth as it is in heaven. We believe it. We stand by Your word and say, WORD of GOd bear fruit in keeping with repentance, restoration, revival, redemption of this unlawful decision and justice for those who refuse justice to “we the people” in your perfect timing Lord.

June 27, 2024

Is it just me, or are Kavanaugh and Barrett beginning to sound a whole lot like slippery liberals??? I’m not keeping close track of her decisions but this is the second time in my memory that Barrett pulled something like this. I don’t recall now what the other issue was but I remember being very surprised about her logic. It’s almost like she’s trying to be “popular” with the mean girls. That’ll never happen!!!! I’m probably missing something here but this decision certainly seems amiss to me.

Quoting the article:
“The Supreme Court, in a 6-3 decision written by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, said the plaintiffs failed to show they were directly harmed—or faced the risk of future harm—by the alleged actions of Biden administration officials.”

Well, “intimidation” and “threats” are in themselves “harm”, IMO. Just what further evidence do you need to prove what can only be called OVERT intimidation on the part of the Biden administration???

“The ruling crossed ideological lines. Two of Barrett’s fellow conservatives, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, joined her ruling, as did the court’s three liberal justices, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson.” So what? Does that make it a righteous decision??? NOT IN MY BOOK!!!

Susie Harling
June 27, 2024

I am so disappointed in the 6 Supreme Court justices who ruled against the plaintiffs. In my opinion what the Administration did was clearly unconstitutional.. How could those justices not stand up for truth!

June 27, 2024

Even so…. Come Lord Jesus. Show us the way!

Dennis C
June 27, 2024

I pray that the SCOTUS reconsider their position on standing, or that those who are standing step forward and challenge the federal government. We cannot have a “ministry of truth” in this country less the Declaration of Independence and our US Constitution will be destroyed. I pray that those with standing come forward and right the wrong being done.

June 27, 2024

Corrupted power. Bought and installed purposefully into our Constitutional Republics governing bodies.

May we return to You God, for Your Name sake cause us to return.

June 27, 2024


Gigi Laughlin
June 27, 2024

Father, I pray that you will be done in this situation, you see hear and know all things. Father bring your justice in this case because all power is in your hands. Stir the hearts of those you put in authority to do what is right in your sight. Father make them aware that you are the ultimate judge and you rule and reign!! In Jesus Name. Amen

June 27, 2024

Dearest Heavenly Father: I know you see and know what is going on. I trust you, that you “have this.” As we stand on your word and promises in Luke 8:17 and again in Luke 12:2 and 3 that things that are done in the dark or even spoken in darkness will be brought to light and even shouted from the housetops. We need this to come full circle in our lives and we praise you for it. We know you are not a man that you should lie and that we can stand on and count on your word and it will come to pass. While we patiently wait, Father. we ask that you give those that are in positions of authority to make rulings — especially those that know you, Father, give them clarity of mind and COURAGE to stand for what they know is right and what is YOUR WILL. The ones who are not saved and are instead following the devil, Lord convict them and their spirits and cause them to rule fairly and honestly as you do no matter what. Nothing is too hard for you, My Precious Lord. I thank you that you are in control and that you are my Heavenly Father. I praise you and your son’s Mighty Names as you are WORTHY to be praised. Amen

Teri T
June 27, 2024

I love that the ‘government officials’ have their OWN RIGHTS TO FREE SPEECH..
FOR EVERYONE BUT PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP. So its ok to sue Trump because he spoke out about the lack of election integrity in 2020….

June 27, 2024

God gave us all free will, of which, free speech is a subcategory. We don’t have to agree, but we should still have the right to free speech. If someone gets out of line, we have laws regarding slander and libel. But we must protect free speech in order to preserve our individual right to think as we choose.
If they had this level of censorship back in Jesus’ day, He would have been “removed” before he said too much, as well as possibly never making it to the cross for us. 🙏🏻♥️

June 27, 2024

Once again, on an issue of utmost importance in protecting American citizens, and our right to Constitutional free speech, the court decides to throw us all under the government bus by dwelling on the minutia in order to justify coming up with this majority opinion! I still do wonder how much pressure (threats) the
justices are under when they must deliver an opinion this important. Are they threatening ones that are usually very conservative?
Father we ask that you’d wisely word these lawsuits in such a way as to protect our Justices and their families as well as bring the decisions that will protect your people, we the people, the innocent and, quite frankly, the world! Thank you Yeshua!

June 27, 2024

Free speech is exactly what it says, FREE SPEECH!! Right now, I’m using my right to free speech to totally disagree with their ruling!! In the Constitution, our right to free speech shouldn’t be infringed upon because a political party doesn’t like it!!

June 27, 2024

The plaintiff’s have no Standing? We are talking about an egregious violation of the First Amendment! How do you qualify to get “STANDING?” Do you have to be God to reach that plateau? The SC is so eaten up with themselves there needs to be a mechanism to take them down a notch or two!

June 27, 2024

I read this decision is procedural enabling the case to go forward in a more appropriate venue and is not the constitutional slap down many thought. Praying our foundational edicts stand firm and thanking God we know that He is hearing prayers and revealing truths the world over. May he do a miraculous thing providing mercy to set our country back onto its footing w Him.

Kathy Young
June 27, 2024

I, too, am dissatisfied with the ruling. I had things tagged on my fb account during covid saying it was disinformation. This happened much more than once. We later found out that it certainly wasn’t disinformation. So sad to see the court take this position. 😢

Curtis Guhl
June 27, 2024

States should enact fines and punishment for media companies using censorship.

June 27, 2024

To say that I am not happy about this recent Supreme Court decision. I feel that this decision is a blatant disregard for our 1st Amendment rights! And who decides what’s misinformation anyway?

David Ward
June 27, 2024

Heavenly Father help us to have free and honest elections going forward and to elect leaders who love you Lord Jesus the American people and America. Amen.

Maryanne Hulcher
June 27, 2024

This is a sad day. We are being sensored, and not given the appropriate information when we need it. Please God help this nation. We have corrupt leaders especially our President and the media is helping the corruption of our government and leaders. We need your hand on our country to lead us out of this. In Jesus name I pray.

BJ Tavares
June 27, 2024

Father, I pray for the verbiage that is used in these lawsuits, Lord. I pray for those attorneys, legislature, whoever are bringing or putting together these lawsuits that You will give them the wisdom and the strategy and the exact words /verbiage that cannot be challenged Lord. We seem to be losing these cases Lord because of the way they are presented or the verbiage used leads one to believe it can be challenged. But with Your wisdom and Your strategy Father, these lawsuits can be brought before the courts, unchallengeable, because they were inspired and written by Holy Spirit.
Thank you Father.

Phyllis Downe
June 27, 2024

Free speech is great but has given rise to so much disinformation on platforms like Rumble that I am praising Him for this.

    June 27, 2024

    God gave us all free will, of which, free speech is a subcategory. We don’t have to agree, but we should still have the right to free speech. If someone gets out of line, we have laws regarding slander and libel. But we must protect free speech in order to preserve our individual right to think as we choose.
    If they had this level of censorship back in Jesus’ day, He would have been “removed” before he said too much, as well as possibly never making it to the cross for us. 🙏🏻♥️

Linda Rice
June 27, 2024

If a government pressures a private entity, that is illegal. The purpose of government is to protect not pressure.

Sally C
June 27, 2024

Lord, we ask for Your direct Intervention in this case and all cases concerning Conservatives. Our rights are being trampled daily, daily by evil people. This was a horrible decision and those we thought would defend Conservatives have been a huge disappointment. Their lives and and family’s have probably been threatened, as we see with the other Justices families…we bind up this evil according to Matthew 16:19! In Jesus Name, Amen

Sally Culpepper
June 27, 2024

What a horrible decision…that is all they have done for years is censor conservative voices.
Lord, we pray for Divine Intervention and that compromised Justices are removed, our right are being trampled on daily Lord, we appeal to the Highest Court, let true justice win. In the Name of Jesus we pray, Amen!

David Malbuff
June 27, 2024

Justice Barrett and the majority appear to be saying that the scope of the lawsuit was too broad: “across different platforms, different agencies, different topics… general legal oversight.” Effectively asking the court to oversee the whole executive branch. Legally defensible, but it sounds to me like a dodge.

But because the court did not rule on First Amendment implications, this leaves the door wide open to a more specific charge:. Identify one single case of clear government pressure to censor posts on one platform addressing one topic. That will bring the 1A violation into focus, and I think the majority will rule the right way.

Rob Jones
June 27, 2024

I agree with the court in thier response regarding standing. I suggest readers examine the Courts syllabus and detailed explanations as to why they say there is no standing. Perhaps they should have enjoined the social media outlets as part of the lawsuit and better demonstrated any irreparable harm that was caused by the actions of both the media and the Biden administration. I pray for wisdom and protection of our constitutional freedoms and free speech.

Brian Lynch
June 27, 2024

How sad that social media has to be monitored by SCOTUS. What a pathetic culture that we spend our lives living in! Lord Jesus, please let Your will be done in this crazy mess of a nation that we live in. Please redeem the time that we have!

Mary Starr
June 27, 2024

The 3 SCOTUS justices are right, other 6 are wrong. Pressure by biden admin on FB to censor Conservatives is suppression of 1A rights. SCOTUS is compromised, God help us.

Raymond Via
June 27, 2024

Rie v Wade was overturned. Lird, get these jackals out now by the power of your outstretched arm and mighty hand in Jesus Holy Name Amen!

Daryl Perkins
June 27, 2024

I agree with most of you all the time. The hard thing about freedom of speech sometimes in this country, is for a long time in this country there was a people that didn’t have freedom of speech. The Devil does use that against us. I pray to God for this country.

Daryl Perkins
June 27, 2024

This ruling I do agree with. I just pray for all the Supreme Court Judges, that God gives them wisdom.

June 27, 2024

I pray the readers of this article also take the time to read the court’s opinion and contemplate whom is asking bearing false witness to the facts.

June 27, 2024

The great Judge of all judges we ask that you bring these corrupt judges that stepped on our first amendment rights into your courtroom and judge them according to your word

June 27, 2024

We the people must first hold truths like freedom of speech to be self evident before God confirms them. We are drifting further and further away from God and our nation suffers that much more as a result.

Jennifer Baldridge
June 27, 2024

Father. I ask you to speak to the SCOTUS in the night and help align their minds with yours. In Jesus name. I cancel the assignment of the enemy and say Jesus has all authority. Satan you and your minions have none.

June 26, 2024

If the above states and individuals cannot sue about the violation of the first amendment then who or what group can ? It seems to really be a problem if the president and his group are allowed to censor social media. Praying for the righteous of God in the matter and that His perfect and righteous will be accomplished Our country does not stand for censorship and untruths. May the Lord guide our steps. May the Lord guide our lives.

Sonshine Spreader
June 26, 2024

Thank you Lord for your Divine Intervention & Vindicating us.
May your Truths & Righteousness reign over our USA Amen Selah!!!


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