I Prayed have prayed
Father God, help our teachers, students, and school staff during this difficult time. Thank You for the good things we see in this crisis. Help us reach out where there are needs.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

An entire nation of schools is transitioning to online/distance learning in the space of a few weeks. This transition is difficult for teachers, administrators, staff, and students. Intercessors for America reached out to a couple of public school teachers and a parent liason to ask how we can be praying effectively at this time.

Dorie Nealon, second grade teacher, South Carolina:

How did the transition to school closing go?

We had almost all 1,100 students parents pick up chrome books, chargers and materials in one day. It was pretty amazing. It had to be done outside through car windows. Only a few students did not get their stuff.

How can intercessors be praying about our schools?

  • That teachers can navigate distance learning. There is a learning curve for teaching this way.
  • That we can support students and parents and have compassion for one another.
  • For students who feel anxious because their normal routine is disrupted, that they would find God’s peace.
  • For students who are isolated and lonely at home.
  • That this would not last for any longer than necessary.

James de Blank, Intervention Specialist, Ohio:

Tell us about the challenges at your school:

I teach at a Title I school (Title I is a federal program providing financial assistance to schools with a high number of low-income families), so my students have serious and various needs. I have students who live in trailers with no heat or air conditioning; students whose only meal was the school lunch,; students who have abusive parents and now have to face their full unbridled wrath. Our families include many with parents who needed the school as a babysitting service since they can’t afford one–having the students home creates a childcare and financial crisis in those situations.

In many homes, children do not receive adequate care. So when school is closed, they are in jeopardy. For example, I personally have several students who, without the school nurse, will not be able to take their medication on time since they have unreliable parents. Other students have been dependent on the school counselor for emotional support.

What specific prayer requests can you share with us?

  • Many school employees work on an hourly basis, so they are not getting paid. Pray for financial provision.
  • Some seniors needed their final year as an opportunity to get scouted for sports as the means of attending college.
  • Health and wellness of students and staff, especially those who have immunodeficiencies.
  • Safety and protection from rioting and other violence resulting from quarantines and shortages.


Rebecca Edwards, Parent Liaison, Virginia:

(A Parent Liaison is a staff member who works to bridge the gap between home and school by helping parents get the information and support they need to ensure their child’s academic and social success, especially families with language and socioeconomic barriers to learning.)

How can intercessors pray for the students and families during this time of school closure?

  • Communicating with families with needs is a huge challenge, so the families are not aware of the services available.
  • In some school districts, thankfully meals are still be provided for low-income students and their families, which feeds the children and provides for hourly cafeteria workers and bus drivers. However, in rural communities, children may be too far away from the schools or transportation offered to continue to receive free meals. In some school districts, the free meals may not be available during this time.
  • Distance learning requires wifi access. With public libraries closing, some students have no wifi. Pray for private companies to step up to provide mobile hotspots and other services at affordable costs, and pray for families to be aware of these offers.
  • As more people become infected, pray for medical care and the financial provision to pay for it.

Is there anything you would like to add?

Often Christians are frustrated and negative about public schools. I want to say that what I have seen is that the public schools are intent on helping students.




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Betty B in WI
March 22, 2020

Heavenly Father, We pray for a quick end to the corona virus so people can get back to work & children can get back to school. We pray for the parents who are still working to find help to care for their school children. Provide them with people who can help the children navigate the online learning. Doctors, nurses, EMTs, police, firemen, grocery store workers, gas station workers, drug store workers,and others are still working to keep our communities safe, healthy, and fed. These parents need reliable help to care for their children and get their school work accomplished.
I pray that the quality of the education the children receive during this time would remain at a good level. Seniors who are going to graduate soon need to finish well. I pray for the students who love sports to be able to do some individual practice if they are in track, or small group practice if the sport requires teamwork. I pray graduation ceremonies will be able to take place & I know some girls & maybe boys will miss prom or other special occasions associated with school.
Father, we also ask for Your guidance for schools and/or communities to be able to provide food for the families who depend on free school lunches. Some of these families have parents who are unemployed now due to the shutdowns. This can cause more stress, worry, and anger issues to arise.
We pray for peace for the families and that families can work together to endure this situation. May there be love, peace, and an attitude of giving, sharing and working together during this time.
I pray for all the teachers who are facing the challenge of doing this online learning. The school year is only a few more weeks long and report cards will have to be prepared by the teachers. May You give the teachers wisdom on how to do this. Online learning may require much more time for the teachers to check each child’s work. I pray the teachers will not have to spend more hours each day to accomplish this.
All these things I pray in Jesus’ precious name. Amen

zouja ensis
March 21, 2020

Father I come before You with gratitude and praise for all that You and Your servants have done to prepare us for this time. I especially praise and thank you for Betsy DeVos and others in our national administration who have worked to make the way for a return to the spirit of this nation’s founding. I thank you that in these days, in this great shaking, we have already had the way made for choice! I pray that parents and principals and school superintendents, that pta’s and pto’s and school boards, that city councils and state officials and national legislatures will take this opportunity to push back the darkness that encroaches upon our children’s education. That the ungodliness, those things which suppress YOUR truth, the deceptions of false religions and ideologies with be exposed and eliminated from our public. I pray that voices will arise to say NO MORE! We want prayer in our schools, bibles in the libraries and on the teachers desks! We want our children to be taught according to biblical truth and values. THIS was the idea and the ideals of our founders. May we be renewed!

Patricia Moulton
March 21, 2020

Father we pray over every EVERY precious child Your Psalm 91 protection from hackers, traffickers,open sites etc. on tablets, chromebooks. Our children are gifts from You and our future. Faithful father guard them in unsafe homes and remove the threats of our/their enemies to give them peace in a turbulent world not of their making. Forgive usA for allowing them to live in such a world. We cry out for them to be loved by someone trustworthy with skin on! You are love but our world has thrown You away. Show us Your glory! We are desperate. We plead the blood of Jesus over our doorposts and call on Your “hesed” obligatory loyal love to save our children and families.

Teresa Sotelo
March 21, 2020

Lord we pray for all the urban school bus drivers. May they have enough provisions for there household in Jesus name. Lord I am your bus driver please care and protect all the students who ride my bus in Jesus name.

Jubilee from Phoenix Arizona
March 21, 2020

Father God we ask for Your Psalm 91 protection over the children. and those in deepest need In our nation and around the world during this time of turmoil and unrest. Let Your peace and love that removes fear and uncertainty and settles hearts and gives creative ideas to everyone who need to devise ways to meet the needs of everyone in these unprecedented times of what is labeled a pandemic disease. Bring unity and financial provision to all in need. Bless the leaders with knowledge in every area of concern with workable answers to accommodate those blazing new trails. Give everyone patience and willingness to work with each other as everything comes into place bringing healing and restoration and salvation to our lands. You are our God and we trust you in these cjanging times. Your Kingdom come Your will be done, in Jesus Name. Amen

Lois Taritas
March 21, 2020

Father we cover your children under the blood of jeshua. I pray psalm 91 protection over students and teachers. Keep them safe and well.
In jesus name

Michael O'Brien
March 21, 2020

In our school district 30% are East African and 10% Hispanic. The East African population live in apartments. These apartments are very nice but have minimal food storage space especially frozen foods.The first day our buses delivered directly to the children 1500 meals. This will continue unless the food runs out.
I pray the enemies disease will not outlast our food source.
ABBA Father loosen your Warrior Angel’s to destroy this man made disease, we declare that all the darts of illness the enemy is throwing at us will be destroyed by Gods Warriors. The demons of this disease will be crushed and sent to the dry place and replaced with the healing grace of Yeshua.
ABBA Father we ask for forgiveness of all inequity,we ask for forgiveness of all sins of our fathers so this world can be ripped away from the enemy and blessed by You Father, Amen.


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