I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would protect our children from being groomed like Perez's daughter was. Save the youth of the land, God, from being lied to and hurt by those in power.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Perez’s story is just one of many. Our children are being deceptively “groomed” by the educators to whom we entrust them. We must stand up for these children and pray.

From The Washington Stand. At the beginning of this year, Wendell Perez got a call that no father ever wants to receive — his elementary-aged daughter had attempted to hang herself in the school bathroom. Perez and his wife rushed to the school, where their daughter was whisked away by a police car to stay in a mental institution for a week. Searching for answers, the couple found out from school administrators that their “son” had been struggling with “his” gender identity. On top of that, the school had remained quiet about the issue as the student was concerned that “he” would not be accepted at home because of the family’s faith.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


It was only until the child’s second suicide attempt in a matter of two days that Perez and his wife were informed of the situation. The school was secretly transitioning the young girl into a male identity, without the parents’ knowledge or consent.

At the recent Pray Vote Stand Summit in Atlanta, Georgia, Family Research Council’s Meg Kilgannon hosted a panel on Perez’s story, featuring the Florida father himself and his lawyer, Vernadette Broyles of the Child and Parental Rights Campaign (CPRC). With difficulty and a quivering voice, Perez shared his experience. “I’m going to be honest with you,” he told the room. “My blood still boils up to this day.” …

CPRC’s Broyles is representing them in their lawsuit, despite Clay County School District dismissing the allegations and requesting that the judge drop the case. She maintains that both the United States and Florida constitutions protect parents’ rights. …

“This is a spiritual battle that knows no geographic bounds … it’s coming everywhere,” Kilgannon told TWS. She maintains that if something like this can happen to the Perez family, no one is safe from transgender ideology targeting their kids.

As the power struggle persists across the country between parents and their local school boards, Perez is using his voice to speak out on behalf of parents who have daughters like his own. “As a parent, I am so grateful to Wendell and his family for taking legal action,” Kilgannon concluded. “This happened in Florida, after the Parental Rights Law went into effect. Wendell is a practicing attorney, who is active in his church. His family practices their faith. So if this can happen to Wendell’s daughter, it can happen to anyone.”

What do you think of Perez’s story? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpt from The Washington Stand. Photo Credit: Mercedes Mehling on Unsplash)

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Ellen Hoffman
September 26, 2022

My daughter was convinced she was gay. She had a gay high school counselor, who let her out of class to “vent to her about how bad her parents were and how our Christianity made it worse, she was afraid of us”. This hugh school counselor continued to write to my daughter throughout her college years. She broke off contact with us 5 years ago. She stopped even communicating with her brother 2 years ago. This has devastated me and our family. I pray for her daily. I was not aware of any of this. I asked my daughter, while she was still talking to us: “if your counselor thought you were terribly abused by your Christian parents, why didn’t she contact social services or us? This counselor even drove to the college to meet up with our daughter. This was in 2001-2007. Much earlier than what we see now. Causing a lifetime of problems. Understandably, my heart is broken!

Dear God, please stop this anti-God movement that is destroying kids lives, families lives, leaving much devastation in the families lives. Now, even to the point of destroying the body! This is evil! I pray you protect these kids from the evil one who comes to steal, kill and destroy. Set the captives free! Nothing is too great for You! I love You Lord!

    September 27, 2022

    Praying for your daughter, Ellen, that she may find herself in Christ Jesus and be returned happy and whole to your family who loves the real her.

    God never made anyone gay; it is just a deceit of the enemy. Praying your daughter has her eyes opened to the truth soon.

    Prayers; in Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!

Darlene Estlow
September 26, 2022

Thank you for Wendell Perez. Give him courage to continue this fight. Bless this case and may they win. Praise your name.

    September 27, 2022

    Praying in agreement; in Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!

Michael Guidera
September 26, 2022

Dear Father, our hearts pour out sympathy and empathy to this family who have been caught in the cross hairs of this diabolical plot to destroy your precious daughter. Deliver her from the control of this evil principality, Ishtar, this “Elohim” of sexual perversion, whose goal is to destroy all the plans You have for this young girl and bring her emptiness. Open the eyes of her father and mother to understand the real enemy. Give them a game plan to battle this force of evil and all involved standing against them. Give them discernment and wisdom concerning how to battle spiritual forces. Surround them with believers who will gird them up. May they show this power of darkness the hope and transformation of the living Christ in their lives. For Christ has stripped away its power over them. May they use His victory to bring restoration their precious daughter.

Merle McDonald
September 26, 2022

Lord Jesus, please be with this child and his family and bring miraculous peace and healing by Your mighty POWER and love! We ASK this in Jesus Name , Aman.

    September 26, 2022

    The child is a girl and the school referred to the girl as a “he””his”.
    This atrocious act of the school causes great peril for our children.No wonder people are weary with this attack on children/family, day after day.
    We pray come Lord Jesus.

      September 26, 2022

      Yes, parental authority is being undermined by school educators. Parents have to be more proactive in protecting their children than ever. Think outside the box in finding alternative ways of educating your kids.


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