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Father, we pray against this attempt to remove parents from the lives of their children. Preserve the role of parents in education and in raising their kids, God.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

One Wisconsin school district is pushing teachers to hide students’ gender identities from their parents. We should pray against this.

From The Daily Wire. Last week, Daily Wire investigative reporter Mairead Elordi uncovered a startling admission from a Wisconsin school district. She joined The Daily Wire’s “Morning Wire” podcast in an exclusive interview to discuss the school district’s push to hide students’ gender transitions from their parents.

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The Eau Claire Area School District in western Wisconsin held a training session for their staff in February, and a slide from a presentation during that training told teachers that “parents are not entitled to know their kids’ identities….”

Elordi revealed to “Morning Wire” hosts John Bickley and Georgia Howe that the directive from Eau Claire Area School District also told teachers that knowledge of children’s gender identities “must be earned” by parents. She commented, “The training went on to say that teachers are often ‘straddling this complex situation’ and said that the district’s ‘priority is supporting the student.’”

Asked if the training session angered parents of children at Eau Claire schools, Elordi explained that parents, along with three new school board candidates, have voiced their frustration with the district.

“The school board candidates, who are attempting to unseat current members, actually released a joint statement accusing the district of a quote, ‘blatant disregard for parental rights and responsibilities,’” Elordi explained. “They also said this policy directly pressures teachers to break what they called the known social contract between schools and parents.”

She went on to report that the school board candidates believe the district is stirring up division between parents and teachers. “They also said it’s sending the message that schools are in control of children, rather than parents and families,” she said….

What do you think of this school district’s policy? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash)

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Lynne Shaw
August 12, 2022

Lord, I pray the parents would care! I pray they stop just babysitting their children, but begin to rear them, and rear them in Christ. I pray they push back and retain their absolute authority over their own children until the kids are 18. Let them demand the government and schools get out of the individuals families. Let it matter to the parents!

Darlene Estlow
August 11, 2022

Father, give courage and strength to parents and candidates for school boards to fight the evil that puts the government in the place of parents. Protect our families and our children. Awaken all parents and they them fight for their children

August 10, 2022

Father, in Your infinite wisdom You placed each child with parents. We may understand sometimes, but that’s beside the point. When these school systems okay these actions they essentially say that You were wrong and push Your choice of parent aside. That is not their job. They job is and should only be to teach kids and make sure they’re safe. So Father, help these parents to rise up, take control of these situations and say NO MORE! Give them courage and shut this stuff down. Be with these confused kids and help them to know Your love and Your visions foe their lives. Amen!

August 10, 2022

Father God, shine your holy light into these pits of darkness so the evil entities must flee! Let God arise, His enemies be scattered. Please give parents the knowledge of their God-given responsibilities and courage to live them!


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