A world gone mad. That’s how it feels. Although the year started out normal, within weeks we found ourselves in shut-downs and self-isolation, and the whole world turned upside down. The turbulence has not ceased. It even appears to be gaining momentum.
The madness continues on social media with the sharing of dreams believed to be from God. Dreams where mass chaos is taking place. Destruction and violence in our cities, with our president nowhere to be found. These dreams, shared with millions, sent chills through the world, including the Body of Christ.
If it couldn’t get worse, a couple of weeks after the dreams circled the internet we heard President Trump say, “You may not see me for a while…”.
At least for me, it made my mind race back to the dreams of evil foreboding.
Debilitating fear and anxiety. It’s one of the enemy’s favorite weapons. It can suddenly overwhelm or gradually paralyze. As believers, if we do not rise above it, it will cripple us.
The 1828 Webster’s dictionary defines fear as “a painful emotion or passion excited by an expectation of evil, or the apprehension of impending danger.” Fear can be from a real or imagined threat. But history teaches us that much of what we spend our time worrying about never even happens.
The Bible tells us there will be a time when men’s hearts will fail them from fear of what is coming upon the earth. (Lk 21:26)
Are we there? I don’t believe so.
However, I do believe the enemy is doing everything in his power to frighten us, to literally paralyze us with fear. Why? Because we ARE making a difference. Our prayers are being heard. God is moving on our behalf, even when we don’t see it.
For this reason, I believe he (Satan) has pulled out all the stops and will do everything possible to hinder our faith-filled prayers. How can he do that most effectively? Through fear.
We cannot walk in faith and fear at the same time. We must remain in faith and continue praying. The word of God is our key to walking in peace through this season.
That key is found in Isaiah 26:3: You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.
We have a choice during this time. We can walk through this season in fear or we can walk through it in the peace of God. It all comes down to a choice.
If we spend more time on social media or listening to the news, we will certainly walk in fear. It will be a self-imposed fear, one we have allowed or even invited, into our hearts and minds. We cannot do that.
We must instead walk in the peace and presence of God. It’s time to shine. It’s time to be a light in the darkness. It’s time to be a faith carrier and not a fear wearer.
We can only do that if we are walking in God’s peace. May the peace of God, guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus as we say “NO!” to fear.
Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel, and Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. For additional information, or to receive her daily writings, go to (Photo Photo by Isaiah Rustad on Unsplash.)
Will you say no to fear?
Editor’s note: A couple of weeks ago my son shared with me the footage of “protesters” in Washington, D.C. terrorizing sidewalk cafe diners. I shared it with my sister, who, like me, lives in the Virginia suburbs of D.C. She texted back with a link to an article reporting that Virginia would be mandating the Covid vaccine. What did I feel? Fear. I have not felt any fear about Covid. I didn’t fear the riots that I read about. But forcing diners to raise fists and mandating vaccines–those things got me. The enemy wants us to be afraid and he is trying very hard! That’s what I wanted to point out by way of example–many of us who aren’t afraid of Covid are afraid of vaccine mandates. See how tricky the enemy is? If he can’t get you one way, he’s trying another. That’s why we are so excited to share the 31 Days to Conquer Fear Prayer Guide. Each day of the month has a verse to help you conquer fear and develop faith and trust. We encourage you to download and read the verse of each day aloud, write it down on sticky notes and post around your house–basically do whatever you can to fight this battle.
Spend September saying no to fear with 31 Days to Conquer Fear Prayer Guide.
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On March 3rd, 2020 the Lord gave me an in depth dream that ended with the chorus to the song by Jordan Feliz called “Faith.” The chorus played “Just gotta have faith.” From that moment forward, the Lord began to say pray the prayers of faith and encourage others along the way.
We thank the Lord for the wisdom of His Word. He has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. We are walking by faith and we bind the spirit of fear that has tried to destroy the fabric of this nation. May the Lord give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit says to the Church. Thank you Lord for IFA for such a time as this. Strengthen our hearts as we go forward in the resurrected power of Jesus Christ. We pray. Amen.
In Jesus’ Name, Lord, thank you for the prayers of Your Saints regarding, “fear”. Such encouraging great posts. Thank You, Lord, for encouraging, building us up for the battle through the prayers
of Fellow Believers. Bless IFA and all participants, their loved ones. God bless America.
Sorry but I do NOT agree with your statement “the president is no where to be found”…
Are you kidding me? This President is the most public (almost daily) speaking President iI have ever known. I watch him every single time he comes out to address the public and to offer federal help to those Democratic states that are burning down because their own governors’ failed leadership. He can’t just show up on his own. I am sorry but your comment is totally unfair to our President who barely sleeps working for the people of this great and blessed Nation.
She was talking about a “prophetic” dream that a pastor had that terrified a lot of people. In the dream of this pastor, this was occurring.
I agree Zoila, he is the hardest working President in our lifetime, and he loves this country. It is sad that so many of those in the mainstream press push this Fear, and urge the protestors on. We are all here to support each other and uplift each other so we can be strong prayer warriors. People working together in prayer and agreement are unstoppable, and are always victorious when they pray together and intercede on behalf of their common goal.
Lord, I know you haven’t given us a spirit of timidity and fear but instead a spirit of boldness and courage. Your word tells us that. Father, help us not to cave in to fear and forgive us when we do. Please help us to stand strong even in this dark moment. In Jesus name, Amen.
I do not understand why you stated that in the face of all this destruction and violence, the President is nowhere to be found. That is simply not true. I could go into great detail, backed only by facts, to substantiate the truth about our president’s presence in these dark times. An FYI for you–I almost stopped reading your blog when I read that statement. The biggest weapon Satan is using in the present is DECEPTION.
I agree with Alana, I think our President really cares about us in the midst of the chaos going on. Actually he is trying to help these cities in chaos but a lot of the Governors and Mayors are refusing the help, allowing it to continue. 🙁
Please read Ms. Potter’s article carefully. As someone else has already pointed out she is referring to prophetic dream that a minister posted on the social media in which he describes seeing chaos in the streets, particularly around D.C., and the president was no where to be found. This occurred in the dream, she is not suggesting that this is what is happening currently in our reality. Be blessed
Thank you Donna for pointing that out.
What’s to fear about the vaccine? I don’t plan to take it even if it’s forced. I believe God will make a way for those who stand but we need to make up our minds now. If enough Christians stand up, we can move mountains. It is time to build up our immune system so our bodies can ward off sickness, disease, viruses or infections. Your prayers and actions are protecting your even now. It’s also time to build our spiritual fortress, praying in our Army angels to surround our bodies souls in spirit with a hedge of protection reinforced with the Blood of Jesus. We walk by faith and not by sight. Amen!
The author wasn’t saying that. She was talking about a prophetic dream that a pastor had and in the dream, pres Trump wasn’t around.
That was someone’s dream, not reality, that was causing fear.
Kim wrote that we cannot walk in faith and fear at the same time. I was recently reminded that faith can wane when we don’t remember how God has blessed us and His kindnesses to us. I was reading Psalm 106 where David was confessing the sins of his forefathers. He said they did not continue to remember the miracles God performed on their behalf To bring them out of Egypt or His kindnesses to them. So when the found themselves in a desperate situation trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army they panicked in fear and had no faith. Fortunately Moses ands Aaron did and they moved immediately to do what God commanded and the Ungrateful Israelites witnessed another great miracle as the walked through the Sea on dry land. My prayer is that Christians would remember what God has done in Creation, in providing salvation, and in our daily walk with Him and praise Him whenever we remember. Praising Him for all the wonderful amazing thing things He has done in the past is fuel for renewed faith.
Thank You Lord that you say. “There is no fear in love; but PERFECT LOVE casts out fear, because fear involves punishment,and the one who fears is not perfected in love. We love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:18-19) We choose to look to Your Word, Your truth. Hallelujah!
Thank You, Lord, You have not given us a spirit of fear. Thank you for Your Love, Your power, and a sound mind. You came to set us free from the law of sin and death, and we know we can do all things through Jesus Christ. Renew our minds and hearts. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Thank You for Your Love that never fails or forsakes us. Thank You for gifting the writers on this forum to speak Truth that sets us free. I am in agreement with my fellow
believers that we will choose to believe You and cast down all imaginations that raise itself against the knowledge of You. We bind all spirits of chaos and fear in the name of Jesus and pray You would bring believers together everywhere to sing Your praises. Our God reigns forever and ever. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
In Jesus’ Name,
Remember what fear truly is
…F Fake. E Evidence. A Appearing. R. Real.. Fake Evidence Appearing Real. Lord God let us not be deceived in to believing you are not in control. We know you see and hear everything. I am putting my TRUST IN YOU. Not social media of any kind or any such nonsense from the minds of men. Read Psalm 52 over and over. Let it sink in to your heart. Remember if God is for us who can be against us. The Body Of Christ must weld the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God,and use it against the enemy. Ephesians 6:17. Abba Father God we have the Victory through the Blood of Jesus. We stand on your promises. We are seeking you for a turnaround in our nation. Bring healing and revival. Restoration of all things lost. Forgive us for the sins of this nation and they are many. The Remnant will never give up on You Lord God. We praise and worship Your Holy Name. Thank you Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit for your great love. Amen.
Lord God, dear is crippling many in the body of Christ. It’s bring us to say and do things we would not do and it keeping us from the joy that needs to set us apart. I’ve been guilty of this and ask for your forgiveness. Help us to have discernment, to see the enemy and to have grace and mercy towards one another. Lord, help us to be the salt and light You called us to be remembering that You stand with us and Your will be done! Thank You for Your Holy Spirit and Your Word! Thank You for Jesus! Come quickly Lord Jesus, please come! In Your Name
Thank You, Lord, that we, as the sheep of Your pasture, do not need to give in to a spirit of fear in these difficult times. Not one thing that is happening in our society, or in this world, takes You by surprise. You are soveirgn, You are in control, no matter what happens here in this world. Send Satan and his minions back to hell, where they belong. The enemy’s tactics shall not stand as long as You are on the throne. You defeated him( Satan) with the first drop of blood that You shed on the cross. This gives us , as Your children, power over the enemy, in Your powerful name. May we always remember Whose we are, and realize that fear is not from You. In Jesus’s name we pray.
A very encouraging article, thank you!
Abba, you say in your Word you do not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. We join our hearts in prayer and ask for your spirit to fill us with love, your agape love. Perfect love casts out fear. Help us fight the distractions of the enemy and come into your presence where we can know your perfect love. We ask you to fill us with your spirit and to give us power over all the wiles of the enemy. Help us see the tactics of the enemy. You laugh in derision at his plans. May we laugh too. We know you are our Victor. You are Almighty God and there is none beside you. Give us a sound mind, not one that is tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine and news of evil. Put us on the solid Rock. You are our Rock, the Rock of our salvation. As the political storms blow across our land, keep us in the cleft of the Rock. We wait for you. Even if we do not see you are working, you are working! Bring glory to your name! Use these tactics of the enemy to bring in a mighty harvest. Draw us near to you. Go before us into battle. Send confusion into the camp of the enemy. Bind the spirit of fear. Deliver us from the evil one and heal our land. We pray in Jesus’ holy, mighty name, Amen!
Lead on O King Eternal! The day of march has come;
Henceforth in fields of conquest, thy tents shall be our ome.
Through days of preparation, thy grace has made us strong;
And now O King Eternal, we lift our battle song.
Lead on, O King Eternal, till sin’s fierce war shall cease,
and holiness shall whisper, the sweet amen of peace.
For not with swords loud clashing, nor roll of stirring drums;
with deed of love and mercy, the heavenly kingdom comes.
Lead on, O King eternal, we follow, not with fears.
for gladness breaks like morning, where’er Thy face appears.
Thy cross is lifted over us, we journey in its light;
The crown awaits the conquest; Lead on, O God of might.
Thank you. One of my favorite hymns. I sing it a lot nowadays. The article was so good, and a reminder to not let fear grip us in any circumstance. Father, may we repent of letting fear rule our lives. May we walk in the assurance of your presence and care. Thank you that what Satan is doing for evil is being turned for Your glory and our good. Praise your name.