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By Jim Kohlmann – IFA Central Florida Representative

Politics is one of the most contentious facets of modern American life. Many Christians have looked at the lies, cover-ups, and general combativeness that have characterized the political scene in recent years and decided that they would have nothing to do with it. But is this attitude righteous?

A famous minister said that righteousness is meeting the demands of a relationship. But while Christians seem to readily understand that this certainly refers to our obligations toward God, they perhaps don’t realize that it extends as well to marriage, to our employer, to our friends, and yes, even to our relationship with civil government.

In a constitutional republic such as has existed in the United States for more than two centuries, righteous government is easily defined. It is quite simply public policy of which God approves and the election to office of those who have that agenda. The definition is simple; the hard part is the application to everyday life. Righteousness on our part consists of seeking the result even though it is difficult.

Whether we realize it or not, the stakes are high. One writer noted that the punishment given to the wise who refuse to take part in their government is that they will be governed by the unwise. Substitute “righteous” for “wise” and the danger becomes obvious and relevant. We reap what we sow.

The famous 19th-century statesman, Daniel Webster, said, “Hold fast to the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what happened once may not happen again.”  Millions around the globe would give — and have given — everything they have for the chance at freedom, security, and prosperity that the United States has offered its citizens. What shall become of us if so many Christians continue to neglect the duties of seeking righteous government?

The Word of God says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord….” In a republic such as ours, that blessedness must be sought and contended for by those who would have it.

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