I Prayed have prayed
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As we pray for our nation’s leaders, we recognize the need for truth and integrity to be restored so that good government can do its job. Trust must be restored if we are to work together to see righteous rule established in our nation. Rick Joyner, founder of Morningstar Ministries, shared recently about this great need for the Spirit of Truth to prevail and godly integrity restored. Read the entirety of his article by clicking on the link at the bottom.

In a world that is falling into increasing deception, we must be resolved to love the truth and to tell the truth without compromise. What makes something a treasure is that it is rare, and as integrity becomes increasingly rare, we must resolve that it is a treasure we will protect with the utmost diligence. One of the most important ways that we build our life on integrity is to obey what Jesus said in Matthew 5:37: “But let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No, no’; anything beyond these is of evil.”

…This one thing is causing an increasing fracturing of our country. We don’t believe our political leaders anymore. We don’t believe the media. The courts are no longer trustworthy or consistent. Businesses are constantly caught in devious behavior, and universities are going insane. Certainly we are in the times noted in Hebrews 12:27 when “everything that can be shaken will be shaken.” So what is the remedy?

Honesty, integrity, and consistent behavior are the foundations of “a good name,” and this will become increasingly valuable. Proverbs 22:1 states, “A good name is to be more desired than great wealth.” The meltdown of integrity, morality, discipline, and the devotion to truth has caused a rising hunger for the valuable qualities. The growing darkness and depression caused by the meltdown of trust will cause those who walk in the light to stand out more. As we see in Isaiah 60:1-3, which describes our times, the Light wins. Ultimately, the nations will come to the Light.

Again, one of the most important things we can do to be prepared for these times is resolve that we will not be taken over by the spirit of the age. Rather, we will have a different spirit. When trust in virtually everything is shaken, we must resolve that we will be trustworthy.

To be trustworthy means to be worthy of trust. As the world is becoming increasingly divided, the body of Christ will become increasingly unified. The Lord prayed for His people to be unified in John 17 so that the world would know that He was sent by The Father. Soon unity will be so rare that those who are in unity will stand out as a great light.

Unity must and will be built on trust. All relationships are built on trust. Trust is the bridge that connects us to each other. The weight of what can be carried across that bridge will depend on the strength of the trust. To grow in the unity that will be required to navigate these times together will depend on each of us becoming more trustworthy, because our “yes” really does mean “yes” and our “no” really does mean “no.”

Lord, we pray that You would teach us how to trust You and then build bridges of trust with one another. We pray that trustworthiness would become an authentic characteristic of leadership in our nation. May our “yes” be “yes” and our “no” be “no.” May we strive to discern what is true and right and walk in the integrity of Your Word and through the power of Your Spirit. For Your glory and the good of this nation, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

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Alan K Veasey
June 7, 2019

The spirit of lying and maniacal lust for power come from Baal-Peor. This spirit is invoked by sexual immorality and abortion
and promises power. Thanks be to God Most High that all dark forces were beaten by the cross and the resurrection. So many
“church goers” vote for politicians who lie about their enemies,
uplift immorality as “civil rights” and hate the pursuit of
righteousness. Lord open the eyes of the deceived in the church
who are willing to see.

Lillie Cooper
June 7, 2019

Dear heavenly Father, forgive us of our sins wash and cleanse us from unrighteousness. Help us to hate the evil and love the good. Give us discernment to follow your spirit and walk in love as your people. Give us strength as we occupy till you come in Jesus name.

June 7, 2019

Father I ask for forgiveness for my sin and the sins of my Nation.
Lord against you we have sinned so you are right to punish us. I ask father for mercy and grace. Place Christians in key spots. Move the heart of our nation back to you. Break the hold of our enemies.
Bring peace to Jerusalem your Holy citGive courage to Christians everywhere. Let’s us proclaim you loud. Comfort those who are oppressed.
In the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen

Liz Welch
June 6, 2019

Lord God, you hate a lying tongue those who seek power for greedy purposes. Please openly expose those who betray your truth for unseemly and ungodly purposes and let truth and honor reign in each and every heart. Forgive us individually and a nation of our sin. Restore America to the country you ordained to serve you.
In the name of Jesus,
Amen and amen.

June 6, 2019

This is my heart, I long to see our nation return to the Lord. God bless America.

June 6, 2019

Praise God! We need to repair the foundations + restore order + integrity + honesty in our nation + our leadership. Jesus is the way, the truth + the life! He is full of grace + truth! Let righteousness + truth + integrity rise up in our leaders in Jesus’ name! Let us humble ourselves + repent + turn to what is right! Let us seek justice, love mercy + walk humbly with our God! Even when it’s tough to do! We repent for the sins of our nation! Come + heal our land, O Lord!

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