Respect for Marriage Act: A Law that Can’t Be Law
Respect for Marriage Act: A Law that Can’t Be Law
Analysis. We’re often told that policy is downstream from culture, but often the converse is equally true. We don’t need to look far to see how policies can impact cultural acceptance. How many millions of those victimized by the industry of abortion could speak to the reality that they would never have had an abortion but for the validation of the procedure by the alleged laws of the land? The fact that Roe never was the supreme law of the land, and never could be, did not keep it from being declared as such, and from influencing the hearts, minds, and even actions of millions of people. Now we face the same type of policy deception launched not against life directly, but indirectly, as an attack against the family through the redefining of marriage.
Have you taken your place on the wall?
Since the Supreme Court’s holding in Obergefell in 2015, the support for gay marriage has increased dramatically to allegedly 66%. This is further proof that culture is often downstream from policy, not the other way around. Our policy makers seem intent upon marching our society down paths of debauchery and destruction, and many seem content to follow these Pied Pipers. But we must never forget the eternal truths that our founders understood as the ultimate foundation for all government and law, the “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.”
In the very thesis statement of our Declaration of Independence we proclaimed to the world the framework of jurisprudence upon which we were basing the establishment of our nation and the creation of our laws. As a nation, we boldly identified that our existence could only be found through the acquisition of “the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” entitled us. A thorough review of the writings of political philosopher Sir William Blackstone provides a clear definition of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God — and no, this is not simply banal natural law. Rather, this Judeo-Christian legal philosophy that is the foundation for our nation is the will of our Maker as revealed through the holy Scriptures. Blackstone also stated that no law can be valid law if it is contrary to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
So, what does that mean? Well, quite simply, certain policies can never become legitimate law, no matter how they are forced upon us as citizens. Clearly, Roe could never be the law of the land. Not only does the judiciary lack the constitutional authority to create law, but, more importantly, innocent life was established by our Maker as an unalienable right, one which all legitimate governments must protect: federal, state, and local.
Most allege that if the Senate votes to pass the Respect for Marriage Act (a bill which recognizes same-sex marriages across all jurisdictions and proscribes expressed religious beliefs to the contrary), then it will become valid law. But I beg to differ with this opinion. The fact that Article I of the Constitution grants to Congress the ability to make law does not grant that august body the authority to create just any laws; it cannot create policy that can never be deemed valid according to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
Shifts in public opinion cannot be the basis for law, as our nation was created and founded upon the acceptance of preexisting law. Those preexisting laws, the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, dictate the foundational truths for what can and cannot be law. No matter what Sen. Chuck Schumer or others may wish to be truth, they simply do not have the power or authority to create truth. This fact has been conveniently forgotten by the 62 members of the U.S. Senate who voted in favor of this bill — including 12 Republicans.
No matter what anyone may think or say, marriage is not a legislatively defined institution, nor can it be. Rather, we know through the spoken words of Jesus that since the beginning of creation, God made us male and female: for this reason, a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife and the two become one flesh. From the beginning, we were created in the image of God — male and female, with the goal of oneness and unity. Therefore, this cultural attempt to redefine marriage is not simply an attempt to redefine an institution, it is an assault on the very image of God. It is the pinnacle of religious discrimination for Congress to curtail in any way the espousing of convictions that reaffirm this biblical truth.
We must fast, pray, and act as this bill makes its way back to the House for a final vote. It already passed the House once, with an inexplicable vote of 267–157; we must pray that it somehow miraculously fails to pass again. However, we must be reminded that even if it does pass, this law cannot ever be truly law. This is not the first time in history, nor will it be the last, that a government has sought to assault the image of God and the freedom of man to worship God. Tyranny and domination are the all-too-familiar tools of the enemy, and we see the fruits of oppression around the globe. The answer to this battle is known by everyone who follows IFA: the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous.
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This is an invitation for us to collectively take a day of fasting and prayer. Before we feast on Thanksgiving, let us fast for changed hearts. Let us each choose a day between now and Nov. 24 and prayerfully consider how and what we will fast. Our methods may be diverse, but our goal is singular: to surrender all at the feet of Jesus by seeking His face.
Let us take this next week as an opportunity to pray for an awakening to transform our nation and the hearts and minds of those who have not yet been blessed with the glorious revelation of truth. Let’s pray that we may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and that we, and all those around us, may be forever changed through the light of His glory and grace.
Will you fast and pray one day for a glorious revelation of truth? Share this challenge with a friend.
Cynthia Dunbar is an attorney, a constitutional scholar, a former law professor at Liberty University School of Law, a board member of IFA, and co-host of IFA’s Constitutional Corner with Dave Kubal. To learn more about our constitutional republic, go to and subscribe. Photo Credit: Canva.
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We can see that women and men are fit to be together. Genesis 19:36.
As WE pray, WE must Believe Father God, Trust Father God that He will intervene against this evil attack against true marriages. For it is Father God who instituted marriage and family.
This ‘marraige” law is against religious freedom and Biblical values.
Standing in agreement, that this will fail , check mate !
Please stop referring to homosexuals as gay. Using an innocuous and pleasant word that describes fun or joy for sexual deviance is not only wrong, it serves to downplay the radical agenda being shoved down our throats by the media, Hollywood, the political elite, and militant homosexuals, bisexuals, groomers, and others. Society must realize that children are susceptible to verbal cues and the word “gay” shouldn’t be leading children into homosexuality but it is because we have allowed it to be co-opted. Acronyms, like LGBTQ, are no better. Homosexuals can be either male or female and are an abomination to God.
Bi-sexuals are an abomination on multiple levels. Trans people deny God’s sovereignty, their creator who made them male and female. The term “Queer” speaks to any number of pecularities. None of these terms do well in the light of day or spoken aloud which is why the radical left seeks to obfuscate their meaning with euphemisms, abreviations, and acronyms. Say it clearly, call it what it is that its true ugliness will be seen. Scripture tells us let your yes be yes and your no be no. Speak it true and people will understand. Lord, we beseech you to protect us and let us speak clearly of the evils of our culture. Let us be speakers of truth and bringers of light into the darkness that is sexual immorality. In Jesus name, amen.
Please support traditiional marriages.
Please do not let this go through, Please support traditional marriage.
Mark 10:9
What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.
God united man and women and no man or HR8404 pull it apart.
Please do not put this law into affect. We do not need this law those of us who are Christians will continue to follow God’s word for all of this. Please again I say to you don’t do this.
Wake up people. Our God Almighty will punish these 12 people that are allowing innocent babies to be killed. The 2 from N. C. may you be under conviction of this evil law.
A society such as this one in the United States which has become infatuated with its lust for money, power and base carnality is
destined for the dust bin of history. Last Sunday’s first reading of the prophet Malachi emphatically states, “Lo, the day is coming,
blazing like an oven, when all the proud and all evildoers will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire, leaving
them neither root nor branch. ” This certainly is predicative of what our Lord Jesus says in Matthew’s Gospel, “if anyone would lead
one these little one’s astray, it would be better for him to have a millstone tied around his neck and be thrown into the sea.” That we have barbaric, brain dead and seditious officials leading us to perdition should really be of no surprise, as the same malevolent spirit of Satan came upon our Lord on Good Friday and has infiltrated his one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. All of this should also make us pause and pray to the Lord for our own fidelity, zealousness and love for him and his bride. the church. As G.K. Chesterton so aptly stated about the musings of many who decried the fallacious and destructive thinking of the modern age, “I am wrong with the world.”
Hence, if our conscience has been sanctified by the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, then obedience of the ten commandments has been rendered a “done deal” and our families and communities would follow suit. And as Saint John so beautifully states in his Gospel, “the law came through Moses, but grace and love came through Jesus Christ.” Praise the Lord that all of us are still standing, have our head on a swivel to combat Satan and desire our final end which is to be with Christ in his kingdom, the city of God and not man, as Saint Augustine so rightly asseverates. Peace and joy to you all during this Thanksgiving holiday and during this holy Advent Season.
Standing in faith to make sure marriage God intended it will.stand.
Marriage between a man and a woman is straight out of the Bible and is the unit of family when children come along either naturally born or through adoption. It’s the structure of mankind. Always has and always will. Unfortunately, Satan warps the minds of all people who do not believe in Jesus and his Father God. That’s why this world has been in chaos for at least 40 years and it’s only getting worse!! Hang onto the Lord and his perfect truth. He is the answer to everything!
As America continues down the slippery slope to oblivion, only concentrated prayer by the Body of Christ can prevent America’s demise. I believe the Body of Christ will arise for such a time as this, and thus America will remain a free and sovereign nation for God’s purposes and glory until Christ’s return to take us His children home. God’s will be done in our individual lives, and in our nation. Amen
‘It’s time for you to act, O LORD, your law is being broken’ Ps 119:126
Help us LORD. Come to our aid. Please strike this piece of legislation down. Please may it not pass. Amen.
We are in dangerous, perilous waters with this Act. As we pray and fast as one body United in The Truth, let’s remember our children, our grandchildren and all our innocents to do our best as Watchmen to protect our and their future freedoms.
We still have a week to encourage our representatives to change their vote if they have voted for this bill.
I will pray and fast.
Our country was founded on truth and on God’s word. Please don t let this word of truth slip away from all of us. Please fight for us and make our country hole again
I have never heard this issue of abortion put so plainly with regard to so-called political laws. Thank you for posting this. It makes total sense that we have no way and no right to go against God’s law when He has already decreed that all life has value because God creates all.
Please pray
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world…
Lord reverse every curse over our land by not pleasing you about shedding innocent blood.
May all who are in decision making positions have a dream more vision of your heartbeat on this topic send stand to attention to defend life, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Wake up your people who are called by your name to stand firm and courageous, in the name of Jesus. Release repentance to any compromise and forgiveness to confession to sin of murder, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Apply the prior prayer with passion to defend Life in marriage of your design, in the name if Jesus Christ.
Let us not forget, all these things must take place for the Great I AM to return.
Power of His resurrection is definitely needed at this time. If this passes, can one pray for judgment and mercy upon our nation?
One can pray for anything!
You have not for you ask not.
Never give up in apathy toward sin in the land.
Pray without ceasing.
We should pray according to God’s revealed will. 1 John 5:14-15
Lord, have mercy on our nation! Forgive us Lord. I pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 over our nation and her leaders.
Lord, heal our land. Reveal your hole will to those in leadership. May we all seek Your face, Lord. Please Lord, do not let this so called, Respect for Marriage Acts to pass. We ask you to cover our nation by Your blood. In Jesus’ holy and powerful name! Amen!
I think it is past time for the marriage law to be changed. Marriage is supposed to be between 1 man & 1 woman. God created Adam & Eve, not Adam and Steve. Not Mindy and Linzy!!!
Yes and I decree that this law shall not pass and that it will dissolve and come to nothing in the name of Jesus and I will fast and pray. 🔥🙏📖
The support for gay marriage opens up a whole lot of other undesirable unions. I urge you to vote against this bill.
(Rom1:32 judgment, from God
IS DEATH, AND also those who APPROVE of practices the SAME penalty)
1st Amendment !!!!
Freedom of speech, worship, ….WEDDING; cake bakers, flowers, photographers, pastors, churches, ETC…
ACT says :(… should face civil
& criminal penalties if don’t abandon(BIBICAL)beliefs …:(
Bo Yeshua Bo
Come Lord Jesus Come
My friend Curt sent me the following response to my forward of IFA’s request to comment to our senators earlier this week. Can you give us some specific legal and other appropriate examples of the loss of religious liberty this legislation will cause?
Curt’s comment: “while I am 100% opposed to Gay marriage & believe that “marriage” in God’s eyes is between 1 woman & 1 man, I’m not sure how HR 8404 will “strangle religious freedom” I would need to understand more to make an educated assessment.”
(Rom1:32 judgment, from God
IS DEATH, AND also those who APPROVE of practices the SAME penalty)
1st Amendment !!!!
Freedom of speech, worship, ….WEDDING; cake bakers, flowers, photographers, pastors, churches, ETC…
ACT says :(… should face civil & criminal penalties if don’t abandon(BIBICAL)beliefs …:(
Bo Yeshua Bo
Come Lord Jesus Come
Read the other article posted today. Several senators offer very clearly articulated concerns. Some considerations are the impact on bakers, florists, photographers and other wedding service providers, Christian adoption and foster care agencies, Christian organizations and service providers. This law may impact the ability of Christians to maintain our ethical and moral responsibilities without violating this law.
“I’m not sure how HR 8404 will “strangle religious freedom” I would need to understand more to make an educated assessment.”
The short answer: by placing this into federal law, the clauses included of “shall not discriminate against” have already been used to force people to act against their consciences and accept/endorse those marriage ceremonies with their businesses. Cake decorators and wedding photographers have been sued because they chose not to use their creative talents to affirm what they believe to be an in God’s eyes. Opponents continue to call this discrimination and when this is formed into law, it solidifies and legally supports that claim. I hope that helps.
“I’m not sure how HR 8404 will “strangle religious freedom” I would need to understand more to make an educated assessment.”
The short answer: by placing this into federal law, the clauses included of “shall not discriminate against” have already been used to force people to act against their consciences and accept/endorse those marriage ceremonies with their businesses. Cake decorators and wedding photographers have been sued because they chose not to use their creative talents to affirm what they believe to be an in God’s eyes. Opponents continue to call this discrimination and if this is formed into law, it solidifies and legally supports that claim. I hope that helps you, Gary & Curt.
I will fast in a way that God will honor even though I have a digestive disorder which does not allow for complete fast.
I plead with our government to wake up to what they are doing to our people and country. We must all implore our Lord to stop this madness.
HELP US O LORD! Deny Satan any access to Your people! May all the fiery darts of the evil ones ricochet back on them! America, we need GOD more than ever…come Father God and Jesus our Savior with the Holy Spirit! In Jesus’ name we pray, ask, seek, and knock!
We have forgotten how maxims of law have been introduced.
And the value they have helped establish as principle.
When you have any population that lack these values, Congress, etc, they will throw our society under a bus. And the bus, will keep its speed, and never look back to see the carnage it has produced behind them.
Lord, hear our prayers of restoring our nations principles.
Excellent article Very enlightening
Yes! I will fast! Praying the Lord puts a stop to our leaders leading us away from the Lord!
Dear Lord help us and guide us that we will all join in prayer and fasting. Open the Eyes of our Congress to see your truth Jesus Christ Our God . May your hand be on this and on us and your will be done in Jesus name
Praying and fasting as well!!
yes i will fast and pray for the failure of this horrific bill, once again we see there are no republicans and democrats just good verses evil ( God verses the devil ), and i will never believe the 66% figure for gay marriage approval. God will always prevail and be our King despite the persecution we endure
I stand in agreement with you to pray and fast for this ungodly legislation to be annulled and dismantled.
I stand with the Sword of the Soirit which says; No weapon formed against the God institute of marriage and our families shall prosper which is the Word of God. I stand as a daughter of the most high God against this ungodly demonic agenda in the mighty name of Jesus!!!
Marriage is a union between a man and a woman the way God intended it to be, and not a marriage between 2 men or 2 women!!!!!!
I pray that the God fearing Republicans in the house will stand up NOT PASS this EVIL law!! I am very upset about this and I pray that the God fearing Christians would also stand up and fight against this EVIL LAW so that it does NOT PASS. I pray for a revival in this land. Father God, may Your Will be done!!! In Jesus Name, Amen
Do you know there is a God. He gave us laws to keep us safe if we only do what he asks. God said Man and woman become one and create to fill the earth! What kind of a country are you people promoting? This is against God’s law Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. You promote yourselves as good Catholics. This is sheer evil! Start reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
I will fast Monday and pray
Sane sex marriage is not accepted under God’s authority.
As Humanity becomes more and more entrenched deeper and deeper in ignoring God Almighty and indulging in the resultant behaviors.. yes then that Sin-,Behavior will affect our legislation.
Lord as we are praying here I pray that you would have mercy that legislators would see the error of their ways -, the evil in their hearts , – the Indulgence in not caring about the results of their neglect ..and be so convicted in their hearts that they could not function until they repent.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
I am so fed up with legislation that opposes the Word of God. Sin is a reproach to a Nation. God intended marriage to be between a woman and man. I pray that USA return to all biblical values.
Beautiful, succinct truth. Thank you, Cynthia, for highlighting the importance of this attempt at law. We are praying already.
God remains sovereign no matter who on Earth thinks that they are!
great article…Thank you for writing, Cynthia. We must do all that we can so that this bill will be defeated.
OPPOSE THE RESPECT FOR MARRIAGE ACT!! A LAW THAT CAN NOT BE LAW!!! This an assault on the very image of Yahweh and Yahshua!!!! Yahweh Bless Our Nation!!!! AMEN AND AMEN!!!
Theresa and Richard Dalton
1 Corinthians 6: 9- 10 – Homosexual behavior is sin. This recognition of man/ Man-woman/woman is sexual immorality. These people who practice these illegal exercises commit sin. Leviticus-18-22. Those preexisting laws, the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, dictate the foundational truths for what can and cannot be law. No matter what Sen. Chuck Schumer or others may wish to be truth, they simply do not have the power or authority to create truth. 1/ Corinthians 6-8-10 -Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.. Father God I understand the nature of this Marriage Act ( try) to be passed is strictly another push from Satan and the Democratic Party, but God clearly states that our bodies are -? Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; “ you were bought at a price” Therefore honor God with your bodies “ Christians are free to be all they can for God, but not free from God. I pray these people will understand that sex outside of a marriage between man/ woman is a sin and is against Gods words. I also pray that this deceptive law is only hurting the commitment in this kind of relationship. The devil is your controller and he is out to steal, kill, destroy you. This act not only affects you as a person it hurts God and grieves the Holy Spirit that was given to us as a gift from God. I pray that this act must not be placed into law, just because a man led by Satan is presenting it, it is led by darkness. Sen. Chuck Schumer or others may wish to be truth, they simply do not have the power or authority to create truth. God We need this to fail through the power of God, we are the world influencers and direct our to prayers and ask that this bill be destroyed and delegated by Schumer & every attempt of the enemy. Jesus that your will be done we ask in your name. Thank you Father for preservation of the Marriage that God established. 🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️
🕊Priscilla, you said it, with anointing and God’s Word! Thank you! God bless! 🙏🏼
Thank you so much to IFA for making and keeping us aware of these terrible bills that are trying to be made into law, for providing us with all the information we need to contact our legislators to let them know where we stand on these issues, and to pray against these things!
Father, Poppa God, in Jesus name we confess our sin, in the church, your body, we have not been a good witness, to see this egregiously named Act even come to the floor for consideration…forgive us Lord,
help us, your Bride, please pour out Your Holy Spirit through us, and to our Congress to hear the truth and have the courage to truely respect marriage, to stop expecting us all to roll over and play dead… Lord fill our words, faces, tone of voice to proclaim truth in love, real, authentic love.
You made marriage, for one man to one woman, man can never take credit for inventing it! We, male and female versions of man, would do contracts, not covenants!!!
Lord, as an RN I did see terrible things done to couples who were not married but were couples. I’d sneak them in to the bedside to give much appreciated comfort, to right the wrong of compassion less hospital administrations.
But surely we can make good laws to protect civil unions without trampling truth, goodness.
Lord, God of Solomon, we need that kind of wisdom here Lord! It’s not too hard for You!
Same sex marriage is an abomination to our Heavenly Father on whom our country was founded: and it is antithetical and totally contrary to the USConstitution’s original intent and purpose. Blot out twisted anti-God puffed up ego Doris’ communist trained attorneys who desire to destroy our constitutional republic and society.
Heavenly Father
I beg for your intersession at this time. Dear Lord Jesus make us all worthy of your Kingdom in Heaven. Please come over these people who are trying to destroy our country and make a mockery of Your ways. i pray for the conversion of sinners.
If this law passes the judgment of God will fall upon America, like never before. This mockery Chuck Shummer and the Demoncrats are pushing thru is a totally demonic issue. Many homosexuals have been saved the they will stand up against this Antichrist Agenda attack. And the rest of the Christians in America need to wake up, God laws will not be mocked.
Several commandments were mocked when we killed the natives, took their land, and then based half our economy on owning other human beings and forcing them to work. No judgement befell us then, we should be ok.
Dearest LORD, GOD ALMIGHTY in YOU we stand forever at YOUR feet. YOU have known our comings and goings from the day we were born. No one can take away our joy, freedom, and thoughts to know what is BIBLICAL, true and right. Please bring among us a much needed spiritual awakening, so that our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and children for generations to come may be blessed. May each and everyone of us who truly believes in YOU feel your peace knowing YOU will be there with us till YOUR new KINGDOM comes. IN YOU SAVING NAME, AMEN!🙏🏻
I pray to God for our nation two or more people praying is in the power of pray
Fear thou not for I am with thee, be not dismayed for I am thy GOD; I will strengthen thee, yea I will help thee, yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness! GOD has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and of a sound mind! We already have the Victory in JESUS NAME! Amen
We thank YOU FATHER GOD for YOUR LAWS and YOUR WORD which we will always obey no matter what unrighteous decrees come from this wicked Congress! Please send YOUR angels to surround and protect and strengthen and fight for and with us to be able to stand for YOU every day! We trust YOU alone to take care of us and our families and other intercessors as we continue to stand for YOU and LIGHT and continue to witness in JESUS NAME!
God please have Mercy on everyone……we are all in this together….period…regardless to who u serve….God Bless The USA now & Forever!!!!