I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask You to protect our military bases from all threats. Furthermore, we pray that You would secure our border to prevent things like this from happening again.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN), along with other Committee leaders, issued a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Department of Defense (DOD) Secretary Lloyd Austin, and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray, requesting information on an attempted breach of Marine Corps Base Quantico (MCB Quantico) earlier this month.

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The attempted breach was reportedly conducted by two Jordanian nationals alleged to be in the United States unlawfully. Per some reporting, at least one of the individuals had entered illegally through the Southwest border. In addition, reports indicate one of the individuals was on the terrorist watch list. Co-signers of the letter are Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability Chairman Dan Bishop (R-NC), Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence Chairman August Pfluger (R-TX), and Subcommittee on Border Security and Enforcement Chairman Clay Higgins (R-LA). Read the full letter here.

In the letter, the Chairmen write, “The Committee on Homeland Security (Committee) is investigating the attempted breach of Marine Corps Base Quantico (MCB Quantico) by two individuals on May 3, 2024. According to public reports, two men drove a truck to the main gate of MCB Quantico, where guards attempted to redirect the truck after the two men could not provide access credentials. The driver ignored the guards’ orders, and moved the truck forward until officers stopped the truck by deploying vehicle denial barriers. The two individuals were subsequently detained and turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Reporting suggests that one occupant of the truck is a Jordanian foreign national who recently crossed the U.S. Southwest border and one occupant is on a federal terrorist watchlist. It is unclear if the descriptions apply to the same occupant.”

The Chairmen continue, “The Committee previously expressed concern to you about hostile foreign nationals released into the United States in a September 19, 2023, letter, requesting information about possible breaches of U.S. military installations and critical infrastructure. The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation failed to provide any substantive response. The Committee’s letter highlighted its concern regarding Chinese nationals attempting to access U.S. sensitive sites, a concern now heightened by historically high numbers of Chinese nationals attempting to illegally cross the U.S. Southwest border in the past year. On March 27, 2024, a Chinese national who was illegally present in the United States, entered Marine Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms without authorization or valid identification, drawing parallels to the May 3, 2024 incident at MCB Quantico.”

The Chairmen conclude, “The attempted breach at MCB Quantico, however, reflects a possibly more dire reality for the state of U.S. national security. As Director Wray stated in a recent Senate hearing, “a wide array of very dangerous threats . . . emanate from the border,” requiring “much greater vigilance” to protect the country. The Committee fears that the Department of Homeland Security’s relaxed vetting standards, which complement President Biden’s avowed desire to “surge the border” with inadmissible migrants, have created an environment ripe for exploitation by individuals aiming to undermine the United States at its most critical points. If individuals on the terrorist watchlist are so emboldened to attempt to breach a Marine Corps base, the Department of Homeland Security and the entire executive branch must act swiftly to identify, apprehend, and detain such hostile actors on American soil.”


In September 2023, Chairmen Green and Pfluger sent a letter to Secretary Mayorkas, Director Wray, and Secretary Austin, probing the agencies’ responses to threats from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) identified in a Wall Street Journal exclusiveThe report detailed how Chinese foreign nationals, sometimes posing as tourists, have attempted to access U.S. military bases and other sensitive sites as many as 100 times in recent years.

Public records indicate that DHS, under President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas has failed to properly vet individuals on the terrorist watchlist, or Terrorist Screening Data Set (TSDS). In June 2023, the DHS Office of Inspector General released a shocking report showing that in April 2022, CBP officials had released an illegal alien on the terror watchlist into the country. DHS’ 2024 Homeland Threat Assessment makes the growing national security threat clear, stating, “Terrorists and criminal actors may exploit the elevated flow and increasingly complex security environment to enter the United States.” In a November 2023 hearing, Secretary Mayorkas repeatedly refused to answer when asked by Chairman Pfluger whether DHS continuously detains those found to be on the terrorist watchlist.

Earlier this year, nearly one year after being released from Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention, the Federal Bureau of Investigation notified that an Afghan illegal alien was associated with the terrorist group Hezb-e-Islami. Most recently, an Uzbek illegal alien associated with ISIS, who had been apprehended and released by Border Patrol after crossing the border in Arizona, was arrested in April after living in the country freely for over two years.

What do you think of this situation? Share your prayers for protection and for our border below.

(Press release from House Committee on Homeland Security. Photo Credit: Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash)

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Cheryl Anguiano
May 27, 2024

Lord Father and Creator of all, I am thankful to be part of this group of prayerful believers in your ability to drive us from the hands of our enemies. Thankful that IFA brings us the headlines and information necessary to know what we are against and giving a platform to assemble ourselves and pray humbly acknowledging that we need your intervention. Please help us form a wall against our enemies. Come quickly against these entities breaching our nations storehouses and those that protect it. Lord open the eyes of your people and help them pray for your protection.

Karen Secrest
May 26, 2024

We place the blood of Jesus over every official connected with our National Security And a blood line around every American military base in the world

Susan CC
May 26, 2024

All Scripture from The Complete Jewish Bible

Psalm 35:1-3 Adonai, oppose those who oppose me; fight against those who fight against me. Grasp Your shield and protective gear and rise to my defense.
Brandish spear and battle-axe against my pursuers; let me hear You say,
“I am your salvation.”

2 Corinthians 1:20 For however many promises God has made, they all find their “Yes” in connection with Him; that is why it is through Him that we say the “Amen” when we give glory to God.

1 Samuel 15:29 Moreover, the Eternal One of Isra’el will not lie or change his mind, because he isn’t a mere human being subject to changing his mind.”

Jeremiah 17:7-9 Here is what Adonai says…….”Blessed is the man who trusts in Adonai; Adonai will be his security. He will be like a tree planted near water; it spreads out its roots by the river…The heart is more deceitful than anything else and mortally sick…. I, Adonai, search the heart; I test inner motivations; in order to give to everyone what his actions and conduct deserve.”

Dear Lord, You have no beginning and no end and in all of time, “Yes and Amen” reside in You… alone. As You continue to expose the dangers that surrounded us, I pray You will also oppose those who oppose us. America was founded in Christ, our roots are deep and we who trust in You, are blessed! I pray You will search the hearts of those working with the enemy and may they be terrified as You show them what they deserve. Let them hear You say, “I am your salvation” and may it be so. I pray You will defend us from the plans and strategies to destroy America. We are “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” I ask for the same protection for Israel and all nations under siege. I am praying to You, The Eternal One of Israel and all nations. I am privileged to do so in the Name of Jesus Christ, with Holy Sprit power. Amen.

May 26, 2024

It is only by the grace of God through the interceding prayers of the Saints that there have been no major terrorist attacks on this land over the last 3.5 years though I sense in my spirit that many minor attacks have occurred. Thank you Father for your mercy upon us, for army angels’ shield around us, for Holy Spirit’s leading and guiding our forces to discern who the enemy is, in the power and authority given to us in the Name of Jesus!


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