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Lord God, we pray for true justice in the United States.
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A new report confirms and quantifies what IFA has reported for several years. George Soros is backing and influencing left-wing prosecutors across the country.

From Breitbart. A new report concludes that there are 75 radical left-wing prosecutors linked to billionaire Democrat mega-donor George Soros, who has been spending lavishly in recent years to elect proponents of “criminal justice reform” across the country.

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The report, by the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF), is the first of its kind to put such a large figure on Soros’s role.

When Soros’s role in such elections was first reported during the 2018 election cycle, the Los Angeles Times identified 21 races in which he was involved, and suggested that he might have been involved in far more that were difficult to identify because of laws protecting the identities of donors to nonprofit groups that are allowed to engage in limited political activity. . . .

Earlier this year, Breitbart News produced its own report, the “Soros Dozen,” focusing on big-city prosecutors who had benefited from Soros’s largesse.

Notably, San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin — who was ousted by voters in a recall election Tuesday — did not receive money directly from Soros, but did receive some from a political action committee linked to Soros-backed Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón, who faces his own possible recall effort this year. . . .

The LELDF report provides estimates of total spending by Soros on specific prosecutors: $2 million on Chicago’s Kim Foxx; $4.7 million on Gascón; $1.1 million on electing New York City’s Alvin Bragg; $1.3 million on Krasner; and other examples.

Read the LELDF report here.

What do you think of this? Please share in the comments.

(From Breitbart. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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July 15, 2022

Praying today that all 75, first and foremost Kim Foxx of Chicago, would have their eyes opened to the hell and torment and demonic they have partnered with, and would miraculously repent and come to Jesus, by You Holy Spirit, by the Power of Your resurrection, JESUS, by Your mighty Name!!!

July 12, 2022

Dear Lord, please replace every prosecutor who does not uphold your laws and decrees.
Replace them with righteous prosecutors who uphold the Constitution and the Rule of Law in our nation.

Melanie Renegar
July 12, 2022

We as Christians need pray and fast for our country to take back what is our God given right to FREEDOM!

Vince Parris
July 12, 2022

We will not be distracted by the reports of evildoers as described in Psalm 37. We the watchmen will declare, declare, declare the power of our God!!

Virgil Bertel
July 12, 2022

Where I can I get the list of these 75 progressive prosecutors?

Pamela Johnson
July 9, 2022

I Kings 18:20-46. May the double anointing of Elijah fall upon the prophets of God, the intercessors and those who obey the Living God. May the enemy fall by his own actions and never rise again. May the drought over our nation be removed and rain fall in the desert places. May encouragement and power tie in the saints in this hour. May their prayers and fasting rise as an aroma to the nostrils of Our God. We can not fail, we must prevail. Like Noah we build and pray ! Our God will turn this nation around and it will never be a socialist nation

Joan Lemoine
July 5, 2022

It is time to have George Soros and his evil agenda squashed. People are dying from these far left judges that keep letting people go free instead of paying the price for their crimes!

Rose Rocha
June 13, 2022

Father in your mercy please pour out your Holy Spirit on all the churches that align themselves as Christian churches. May the churches have an outpouring of your Spirit, such as was experienced in the book of Acts. We need you now, more than ever before, In Jesus’ name. I pray.

June 11, 2022

Father expose George Soros agenda to destroy the freedoms of America . Expose the justices who have aligned their wallet with a bribe.Oh God we repent for compromising sin! Wake up America cause them to resist. Expel the corruption, evil intent, wicked schemes

Curtis Guhl
June 11, 2022

Thou shall not is a command which we must adhere to for survival. We start from this premise. He who seeks to put his hatred for God’s Laws paramount, denies, blinds and impedes justice . We are grieved by this action by George Soros and repent, that you remove his influence from our courts. We rejoice in your righteousness. Thank you God.

Shirelle T Johnson
June 11, 2022

We must seek the face of God. We must inquire of His wisdom and ask grace for the time lost and out of focus. We now can look and see how caught up in the world’s ways we are. If we weren’t, we would have seen the devils tactics and destroyed his works. The Bible is a timeline, prophetic but if you know the prophetic, it is conditional. It can not happen. God told us things in advance, but why? IF we could not stop it. Why tell us to pray if it is going to happen anyway? He gave us instruction and we didn’t adhere. He warned us of what was coming and we still did nothing because we were taught to put things off till the future. John Paul Jackson asked the Lord how all this could be stopped. The Lord td him if his people would cry out, pray continually, we didn’t. The Bible makes both statements, so now lawlessness will make us come together , come out and be separate, if not the earth would have been evil again and He said He would not destroy the earth by water again, but fire.
We need to cry out for God’s mercy. Repent for our wicked ways. Walk as a child of God.

    June 11, 2022

    Thank you for this!!!❤️ So good!❤️❤️❤️

June 11, 2022

Lord demonstrate your power and fight this battle for us.We remit Mr Soros’ sin and ask that your goodness and mercy would flow to him.Open his eyes and heart to recognize his need for your redemption and receive you.Lord you know the pride ,arrogance, and power that hold him captive. Break his chains and compell him to use his resources for good. If he will not ,give his resources to the rightous,righteous, in Jesus name.

Jane Fain
June 11, 2022

Tonjua, thank you ou so much for the list.

Jane Fain
June 11, 2022

Praying that God will transfer his money to the righteous. Also, praying for his soul (repentance).

Tonjua shepherd
June 11, 2022

Thank you for this article. As interesting is a list of George Soros created or funded organizations, companies, churches that promote everything anti-Judeo-CHRISTian to transform our world and lives into a humanist godless one world anti/Christ spirit controlled earth.

Just as God has humans to work and bring about His purposes and Light to the world, the enemy has his people to work and bring about his purposes. Wake up Church- who is on the Light side OR dark side.


Just a a bit of Sorosfunded organizations focus:
Pro abortion
Anti Israel
Law enforcement policies /race
Media propagating leftist ideology
Real estate crisis gov Fannie May
Open borders
Voting policies
Tax increases
Welfare programs expansion
redistribute wealth
Education transformation- against conservative traditional values
Targeting Republican policies and leaders
Media campaigns
Funding- McCain legislation
Raise money Democratic female canaries
Pro Abortion lobbies, Planned Parenthood and government legislation
Race and Class equity
redistribution of wealth
Expanding government control of the American healthcare system.
Ending Logging, ranching, mining
Feminist society
University Campus lobbying policies professors libraries liberal leftist promotion coalition
Free Press: This “media reform” organization has worked closely with many notable leftists and such organizations as Media Matters for America, Air America Radio, Global Exchange, Code Pink, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the Revolutionary Communist Party, Mother Jones magazine, and Pacifica Radio.
Community Activism international promoting peaceful if possible and military uprising if necessary ( activist group violent uprising if needed)
Promotions of social economic system
Single payer government socialized healthcare
LGBT promotion policies and education
Patriot Act, America’s Security
Anti Israel- media promotes Arab
And Palestine

Judith Rothman
June 11, 2022

Father, You are Almighty God. You know the thoughts and hearts of all people. Praying that You will soften George Soros hardened heart and deliver him from the strongholds of his youth which hold him in bondage in the present. Praying that he will have dreams of You Lord Jesus and will come to know You as his Lord and Savior. If he refuses to repent and receive You Lord, remind him that he will not escape the end of his life. Amen in Jesus’ Name.

    Sue Tracy
    June 11, 2022

    Lord we thank you for bringing this man to our attention. Lord we pray for his salvation bring him into right relationship with you; cause him to turn from his evil ways and use what you have given him for good. Have mercy on George Soros and lead him to repent and seek your forgiveness.
    I pray Psalm 149:6-9 also in agreement. Praise the Lord

Brenda L. Hamilton
June 11, 2022

i APOLOGIZE, I had to correct my former statement. I believe Soros may be or be in line with the antichrist,however we declare and decree nothing shall be preempted before it’s time and NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THIS “ONE NATION UNDER GOD” SHALL PROSPER. Our God is greater than all of what’s going on. WE, THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD must continue to WORSHIP and PRAISE God for justice and righteousness. The government through Jesus is on our shoulders, we call the shots and as we continue to RESEARCH and PRAY and APPLY THE RIGHT SCRIPTURE FOR EACH SITUATION, then we must PRAISE OUR GOD to bring everything into the eath realm. Remember Daniel and Psalms 149: 6-9 NKJV

    Joyce L. Hamilton
    June 11, 2022

    I agree we must continue to pray, praise, and worship our God. God has given us the authority to use his word. We are to ask God for the strategies and we have to lay siege to what God says in his word. let us continue in faith and not give up.

    June 11, 2022

    Brenda, I’ve seen it speculated that Soros’ youngest son may be the antichrist. Well, no one knows for sure, of course, but unfortunately, there are plenty of “practice” antichrists around, Obama, Biden, Soros, et. al. The devil is always trying to raise an antichrist in every generation, and sadly, history is full of them and their destruction.

    Am praying in agreement with you, Brenda, in Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!

April Baez
June 11, 2022

Father, you incline your ear to us. You hear every thought before we cry out to you. Hear us now Lord. Rescue us, from the many who would seek our destruction. You are faithful and just. Amen

Brenda L Hamilton
June 11, 2022

I believe Soros may be or be in line with the antichrist,however we declare and decree nothing shall be preempted before it’s time. Our God is greater than all of what’s going on. we must continue to worship and praise God for justice and righteousness. the government through Jesus is on our shoulders, we call the shots and as we continue to research and pray, we must pray to bring everything into the eath realm. Remember Daniel.

Laura Sisson
June 11, 2022

Praying that God will stop him in his tracks.


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