Remember the Ladies in Prayer
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Remember the Ladies in Prayer
In the spring of 1776, Abigail Adams penned a famous letter to her husband, John Adams, who served in the Continental Congress. She urged him to “remember the ladies” as they fought for independence. Her letter was a cry for liberty and equality for all women. Years later, she became first lady when John Adams became the second President of the United States. She is often thought of as a pioneer for women’s rights. The Lord reminded me of those three words, most recently in prayer, and left a prayer assignment for the intercessors.
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“Remember the Ladies”
I was sitting at my desk when those three words came to me. It is fitting because I thought about Melania Trump and how I could pray for her. She was weighing on my thoughts that day. I realized what the Lord asked by saying, “Remember the ladies.” Remember them in your prayers. Most of our time and intercession is spent on the President, and rightly so as the leader of our nation, but do we intercede for the first ladies the same fervency?
Influencers are popular these days, but there is nothing new under the sun. Christians are the original influencers. Jesus trained twelve disciples, eleven of whom, as well as new converts, turned the world upside down, spreading the gospel. Now, it’s our turn to be those influencers.
We are salt and light, a city on a hill, a shining light in the darkness. What impact does this have on the world? According to Matthew 5:13-16, our conduct glorifies God. Have you ever been influenced by a godly Christian who truly lived out their faith? I know I have. That’s a perfect picture of influence, and it can be either way.
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” (1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV). Yes, who you surround yourself with matters. Whether it’s family, friends, or coworkers, you can be easily influenced by those around you for evil too. Think about how your conversation and mannerisms change in the presence of ungodly coworkers, family, and friends. You are being influenced whether you are aware of it or not.
Women are influential and can be used for good or evil. Consider these Biblical figures. The most infamous is Queen Jezebel, who greatly influenced her husband, King Ahab, for evil.
(No one else so completely sold himself to what was evil in the Lord’s sight as Ahab did under the influence of his wife, Jezebel. His worst outrage was worshiping idols just as the Amorites had done—the people whom the Lord had driven out from the land ahead of the Israelites.)
(1 Kings 21:25-26 NLT).
King Solomon, the wisest man in the world, turned away from God due to the influence of his pagan wives (see 1 Kings 11:1-8). Delilah manipulated and nagged Samson until she got him to reveal the secret of his strength, a special gift from God (see Judges 6:16-17). Of course, we can’t forget the original woman of influence, Eve (see Genesis 3:6-7).
Don’t worry, ladies; it’s not all negative. Here are some positive biblical influences.
Deborah was a wife, mother, and prophetess who yielded such influence that she was chosen to be a judge. She went alongside Barak into the war (see Judges 4:4-7). Queen Esther fasted and prayed and was given influence to turn the heart of King Ahasuerus, who had been duped into executing the Jews by Haman (see Esther 7:1-10). Aquila and Priscilla are perfect examples of a godly husband and wife team (see Acts 18:1-4).
Looking to First Ladies in History
President Abraham Lincoln could come to mind if we think about admiral presidents. Many know his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, held seances in the White House. It is said that she connected with a group of mediums and used them to find comfort after the death of her son Willie. Evidence suggests she hosted eight seances in the Red Room of the White House, and it is believed President Lincoln was present for a few of them.
President Ronald Reagan is also renowned. His wife Nancy, his closest advisor, was influenced by and close to an astrologer named Joan Quigley. Joan wrote a book detailing her time advising both Nancy and Ronald Reagan. She was their advisor for seven years and was responsible for many of their speeches. Here, we see Nancy, who influenced her husband, being influenced by someone who dabbles in the occult.
In both Mary Todd Lincoln’s and Nancy Reagan’s stories, both claimed to turn to spiritualism to cope. Mary Todd Lincoln, after the death of her son, could not be consoled. Nancy Reagan says she turned to Joan after the failed assassination attempt of Ronald Reagan. She was overcome with fear and sought guidance; however, both women were deceived into seeking help in the wrong place.
There is a 2016 video of former President Bill Clinton stating that his wife, Hillary, “communed” with the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt. When this became circulated, Hillary claimed it was an exercise more akin to brainstorming sessions and imaginary chats. But seeing this history of famous first ladies turning to spiritualism, it’s possible she knew what she was doing.
They are not speaking to people who have passed. It’s deceiving demonic familiar spirits. It’s necromancy and, for believers, it’s forbidden by God (see Deuteronomy 18:9-12).
Don’t Forget to Pray for the Ladies
Pray for President Trump often, but don’t forget about Melania Trump. Recently, in her memoir, she revealed that she is pro-choice. Pray for Vice President J.D Vance, but don’t forget about Usha Vance, whose faith is Hindu. What kind of influence does this mean for their husbands? Time will tell. Many who have followed IFA for some time know foundational scriptures such as 1 Timothy 2:1-4.
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:1-4 NIV).
God wants all people (men, women, and children) to be saved and come to know the truth. Our intercession can make this possible. Intercessors are also influencers. Remember, these women are also wives and mothers. It’s not only the President and leaders who come under scrutiny and live their lives in a ‘fishbowl” for the whole world to see. The wives do, too.
Remember, they also carry a sphere of influence.
Here is how you can pray for them.
- Pray for the unsaved wives to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
- Pray that their influence be used in a godly manner towards their husbands to righteousness and not sin.
- Pray they will reject occult practices such as necromancy and forms of spiritualism.
- Pray they will seek God in times of worry, fear, and frustration.
- Pray that God would surround them with praying women and godly advisors.
- Pray they will not succumb to Jezebellic tendencies to usurp authority.
- Pray for their families. Mothers can also influence their children negatively as well. Consider Herodias, who used her daughter as a pawn to manipulate King Herod into murdering John the Baptist (see Mark 14:6-12). Maacah, who bore the title Queen Mother, made an obscene Asherah Pole. This was detestable to God. She was deposed by her grandson, King Asa (see 1 Kings 15:9-13).
- Pray for Spirit-filled husband and wife teams in our government.
How will you be praying for this administration? Share your prayers in the comments.
IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast. Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Gabriel Silva.
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The Log Cabin Republicans are an LBGT??? group that President Trump and Melania support. Melania and Kellyanne Conway both received the “Spirit of Abraham” Lincoln award this group gives out. This award is based on the unproven theory that Abraham Lincon was homosexual. The award was presented to Kellyanne Conway in 2023 at the Ronald Reagan Museum and Melania Trump got hers in 2021 at a gala held at Mar-A-Lago. …
Thank you, Maynard for that info! We checked it out. It is disturbing indeed, but I applaud your courage in exposing it. I continue to take comfort in knowing YHVH is Sovereign , and that nothing outside of the scope and timing of His divine plan will be allowed.
Father, we lift up Melania Trump and Usha Vance and their children. Touch their hearts and may they both come to you as Savior and Lord. Protect them from the evil one.
My husband and I recently watched “Hillbilly Elegy”, based on JD Vance’s autobiographical book (same title) and directed by Ron Howard. It was a little difficult to watch, but one of my take-aways was his relationship with his wife while they were dating, and her dedication and support for him during a difficult time when trying to help his mother, a heroin addict.
“So, dear Lord, I do focus this prayer on Vice President JD Vance’s wife Usha. I thank You for her obvious love and commitment to him. Please, soften her heart and reveal Yourself to her in a way that she can readily perceive, respond to, and receive. May Usha and her entire household be saved, in Jesus’ mighty Name!”
Dear Savior King Jesus, now is ‘the time’ we, Your Children most need Your Divine Mercy to straighten our thinking, and fill us with Your Guiding Protective Love so we, ALLL, may join and live “IN’ You . Thank You Lord. We love You too. All Gliry and Honor are Yours. Amen.
Right on, Gloria – an excellent reminder and prayer points! Thanks for the history lesson, as well.
YHVH, we look to You, and cry out for the wives of our nation’s leaders who are men. They wield great power as influencers. We cry out for their salvation, and the transforming power of Your Holy Word to influence them toward Godliness and righteousness. Surround them with Godly women to pray, encourage, exhort, befriend them, and instruct them in Your Word. If in any way they attempt to lead their husbands astray, even unwittingly, please alert and warn both. Enable both to obey You instead – so they are wiser than Solomon and his wives, and avoid the pitfalls so many leaders have fallen into. Expose the occult for what it is – an evil counterfeit that will leave them bankrupt spiritually and ruin many lives.
I also lift up the husbands of our nation’s leaders who are women. May they be saved and mighty men of God, who will support their wives in serving our nation.
I agree with Gloria for saved, Spirit-filled and empowered husband/wife teams in our government. Whichever has a position of leadership, it is essential that they be one in You!
Dearest Heavenly Father: I pray Psalms 1 over all of the wives and their husbands who are in America’s government and impacting our nation. That they would each delight themselves in Your Law and pray and do YOUR WILL. Draw them to you to come to a lasting and real relationship with you, showing them that is the only way they can have a truly prosperous and impactful life that continues with you into eternity. We give you all Glory, Honor, Power and Praise, as you ALONE are Worthy to be PRAISED. In the Mighty Mighty Name of Jesus, we pray. Amen
Strongly agree, BJP!!
Yes!! Prayer is critical!!