I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, we want to be more like You.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Twenty-two years ago, on the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States, IFA Board Member John Beckett, denoted as “JB,” sat down with Dr. Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ), “BB,” and Dr. Henry Blackaby (Experiencing God), “HB.” Their insight in this excerpt is just as poignant today and helps us know how to pray. Please share your thoughts and prayers in the comments.

BB: Well for the last nine years, beginning in 1994, I have fasted and prayed for 40 days each year, for revival for America, the world, and the fulfillment of the Great Commission. I long for the day when we’ll see the kind of revivals that swept our country during the first, second and third Awakenings. As yet, that has not happened. There are isolated churches, isolated groups where there is a mighty outpouring of God’s Spirit in America. Individual pastors have been transformed. Some churches have been transformed. But for the masses there remains a tremendous need for awakening and for revival.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


HB: Bill, I felt the same thing. My heart cry for revival goes back a long way and to a specific assignment in 1998. I have been not only praying but leading conferences, leading others to pray, guiding them to know what to pray and I sense that we may have missed the opportunity to have a larger fellowship of God’s people unite in serious intercession for revival. I keep sensing that we are a covenant people, and thatā€™s a corporate identity.

But, since the ā€˜60s everyone has functioned individually. Itā€™s almost like spiritual anarchy where everyone does what is right in his own eyes. If there was ever a time when there ought to have been a covenant kind of response right across the Christian community, it was in the wake of 9-11, but we lost it.

BB: I think most of the problem goes back to our understanding of who God is and our view of our biblical heritage as a nation. You know most of our founding fathers were Godly men, even though there are secular writers and biographers who never mention that or even reject it. Patrick Henry said, “This is not a nation built on religion, it’s built on the Lord Jesus Christ.” He was expressing the feelings of Washington and Madison, Monroe and even Jefferson who was probably a deist-and Franklin, who was not a true biblical be writings you have to know they’ve been influenced. This nation has a biblical heritage. I’ve been praying that somehow the masses today would have the opportunity to be exposed to our heritage. Like Ancient Israel forgot itā€™s spiritual heritage, sinned, and turned away from God, it was not until they were brought back to the basics and again discovered their covenant with God that they had national revival.

HB: After 9-11 I listened to many of the spiritual leaders of America-they did not have one voice. And I looked a long way to find anybody who called God’s people to repent. Leaders were comforting, and they ought to have been, but it was almost like a sociology, as the leaders of God’s people began to speak what they thought the world and media wanted to hear. But you can always tell when someone has been in the presence of God, it has a whole different tone to it, and a whole different focus to it. The message delivered by the leaders of God’s people needs to be one message, so no matter where the people of God turn, the message from God’s heart will come through no matter how different ones have expressed it. I think we missed delivering that solitary message from the heart of God. Too many of the spiritual voices had differing messages, so the people were confused.

JB: What are the two or three dominant themes that are on your heart for America at this time?

BB: Repentance, confession of sin, being restored to the light as God is in the light, and love. We need to demonstrate supernatural Agape love – the 1 Corinthians 13 love. We do it starting in our individual lives, in our families, with our spouses and our children, then in the church. Jesus said, “I command you to love one another.” This is not an option. We’re commanded to love, and we start by loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and then our neighbors, our enemies, our fellow believers. There’s so much conflict and tension in the church, but when we confess our sins and get right with God then we will love our brothers and sisters.

Share your thoughts and prayers in the comments.

(Photo Credit: Carol M. Highsmith, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons)

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Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
September 12, 2024

Heavenly Father, after reflecting once again on the tragic events of September 11, 2001, some twenty-three years ago, I feel led to share this, my prayer, for America’s First Responders: Thank You, Lord God, for calling brave men and women to serve as America’s First Responders in the worst of moments created by natural calamities or by evil humanity. Please provide America’s First Responders the wisdom, courage, training, protection, and the resources necessary to successfully perform their God-given duties with excellence. Help us to respect them as they deserve. Bless their families, and give them Your peace; which is not the peace of this world. And help us to honor those who lost their lives in the line of duty. Help America’s First Responders to serve with greatness! In the mighty and holy Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by His Authority, I pray for America’s First Responders. Amen.

Kathy Narramore
September 11, 2024

Thank you deeply for reminding us of these trusted voices.

Frances Mock
September 11, 2024

I agree with much of what was written. I took, am one who has prayed offer for revival in the churches. Also, the Lord our God has used me to lead prayer for revivals – most of which became inward revivals. Recall the word – revival- re signifies to do it again. This is for each individual. One scripture eye opener was given to me last year. 2 Chronicles 7:14. Most of you know that verse, many , like me can quote it, yet one day the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see that not only was God speaking to His people But He called our (my) ways wicked. Thoughts! Research! Searching out the Word. Yes, some of my ways- which I thought little of, Our God Was Calling “Wicked” in His eyes! I had to humble myself before my brother’s and sisters in Christ and share what I had been shown – confessing my sin and repenting of it. Could this be what is necessary in the lives of other believers in Christ in the church? LORD, open our eyes. Amen

Linda Rice
September 11, 2024

The prayers I hear today are more focused on our safety and freedom and not kingdom interests… souls and healthy souls and lives. I love Experiencing God!!!

September 11, 2024

Yes! Father, help us love like you have commanded, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

September 12, 2023

So the “first m”A”n” made by Y”A”HWEH was “E”dam? I don’t think so. Look at the vowels in “A”d”A”m and “E”v”E” and Y”A”h w”E” h name. Your argument isn’t with me, it’s with Y”A”HW”E”H! I’m a Spiritual Jew taught by Yahweh and his son Yahshua! His name was mistranslated thousands of years ago because the COI wanted it to be for them only to hide his power, something he forbade them to do and were punished for it. His name is a “memorial” unto all people and never told anyone his name is too powerful and not to use it as I say in my prayers every night because of the mistranslation/mistransliteration of his name we have today. He said, “Don’t take my name in vain!” KJV – Ex. 20:7 – Thou shalt not take the name of Yahweh thy Elohim in vain; for Yahweh will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. Duet. 5: 11 – Thou shalt not take the name of the Yahweh thy Elohim in vain: for Yahweh will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. If the COI had listened and not disobeyed Yahweh there wouldn’t be this conversation today.

Darlene Estlow
September 12, 2023

Father, thank you for bringing the subject around to repentance, confession of sin, being restored to the light as God is in the light, and love. I do remember 9/11 and how the message was of comfort, with few people saying we as a nation needed to repent. Thank you for getting this message across to us now!

Wanakee Marie Brown-Belin
September 12, 2023

Iā€™m a Flight Attendant and was in the air working on my way to Ft. Lauderdale. We ended up landing in a very deserved Orlando airport. I only saw my crew and a few others. We were able to call our love ones and we sat. So much more to the story. My heart went and still does go out to the family members of the lost ones. I pray always for peace and Iā€™ know Iā€™m always flying for over 25 years with the Lord. I pray with my customers and in the airport for health. Im also a Chaplain. I know I was put in this position by God for a reason.

September 12, 2023

I am surprised to hear from this website that 9/11 was a terrorist attack? We should all know by now that the incident that happened September 11, 2001 was a psychological attack on the American people done by our own government? 9/11 Wasnā€™t a terrorist attack done by foreigners, but orchestrated by our own people?

    Darlene Estlow
    September 12, 2023

    I don’t trust our government a lot anymore, but I do not think they orchestrated 9/11. I would have to see more proof than what you said to believe that.

      T Mc
      September 13, 2023

      Well apart from Joey I don’t imagine anyone believes such nonsense.

Michael Lampard
September 12, 2023

I love the idea of revival. However, there is a cost! This is a price that, in reality, few of us are prepared to pay. As much of what is stated here, revival starts with repentance, and the emphasis first is personal repentance for each one of us. Then we can start locally, and then nationally. There is a tendency for self justification, in thinking we have it ‘right’. Biblically, we might do. However, it is primarily our heart attitudes that need the attention, at which time we can then grow from that. Mental Biblical knowledge is only useful with a right heart attitude. It is often a long walk and requires endurance. There are no short cuts. Nevertheless, we need to undertake this daily and continually.

September 12, 2023

Father in Heaven, we praise You that nothing is impossible for You! You alone are able to save us and teach us how to repent and how to love You! Help us, Lord, and teach us Your ways once again! Please put Your love in our hearts for You and for every human You have created! We are desperate for You to come & reign over us! Pour out Your Holy Spirit on our beloved country and our hurting world! Bring us to Jesus, Father! Unite Your spiritual leaders and all Your children to deliver Your message in truth & grace to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment so many will repent and be saved, Father! In the Mighty Name of Jesus we come boldly to ask our Father to hear our cries & come to our aide!

September 12, 2023

Father, turn the hearts of Your children to You alone. May we know You and Your heart for our nation. May we go forward in Your Spirit and in unity. Your kingdom come and Your will be done in this nation.

Priscilla Meyenburg
September 12, 2023

Father God, as I read and studied what these words were saying! We thought that after 9-11 there would be a feeling of the Holy Spirit everywhere. But! It wasnā€™t it was a hurting time, hopelessness set in. The whole head became sick, and the heart faint. God says in Revelation 3-14 ā€œ Is this really supposed to symbolize the Church of Jesus Christ at the end of the age? What a depressing doctrine if it were true.ā€ God is making a point here saying if a person is lukewarm means he has not rejected it, by no means you have accepted the mind of God! God says a tepid response is equal to negative response. ā€œ God says ā€œ 16 So, because you are lukewarmā€”neither hot nor coldā€”I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, ā€˜I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.ā€™ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.ā€œ God we have lost it. – the modern church is in the Laodicean age. Father God I used the word complacency so many times in the last few years about the churches and how much they had and the numbers. The churches ( a lot of them) have gloated over material things. The churches are unconscious of her spiritual poverty, which has become indicative of the modern church. Right now my beliefs are the churches have lost touch with the cross and what it really means. They may respect the cross. But they are not teaching why salvation leads to sanctification- which meansā€ grace as a result of Christian commitment after baptism or conversion TO Jesus. We give our lives to Him in our new Covenant. Most Christians need to learn to live for God, the churches have drifted off course. God as I researched the scriptures it seems that it has become more important to speak on and about humanisticā€” humanities is literary culture. There is not or very little said about salvation and what salvation means to the Cross. God so many ask? Why is salvation so important. Choice is yours, Heaven or Hell! God my prayers from this moment on is to ask Jesus to speak through the Holy Spirit to Individuals to guide them to rely on Jesus. A lot of the churches have forgotten that Jesus is trying to find the True Door to come in. Revelation 3-20 ā€œ Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him, and he [will eat] with Me. God is waiting for an invitation. ā€œ Repentance, confession of sin and Sharing Gods Love is not an option, we are commanded to love! As My heart pounds, and the tears are leaking on my cheeks as I am praying, asking that the church must come back to be /The church and learn these times should be about God. I am over joyed that I have learned so much about His Love and studying the scriptures these past months itā€™s been a blessing knowing what happened in the Bible is happening now. Only difference is we have cars, we have computers ect. If the Pastors of the churches want mega crowds: Start teaching on what is happening now compared to Gods words in the scriptures, then it matters not how much we learn, but we must never abandon the basic truths and learning to stand and believe in the Faith God teaches us. Letā€™s not be lulled into putting ourselves First, let us pray and learn to recapture the importance of our Faith to being in Christ as we meet Him at the Cross. Ask, and You shall receive. Be blessed šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøLet us honor 9-11 and what was lost, getting to know our Heavenly Father and the guidance He gives us through His words.

Mike W
September 11, 2023

Still very pertinent. Let us continue to fast & pray for a spiritual awakening in America. Do not be weary in well doing.

September 11, 2023

The prisoners should’ve been executed by now and join Allah in hell for murder which is forbidden in the Law of the Bible, Allah is a liar just like Satan. I give the disgraceful farce “Bidin’ His Time” who showed his back on NYC today that’s on the other side of the world on 9/11 near his “financial” supplying buddies no credit for anything. I crossed the Hudson some time after 8:30 that morning to go to a job in Catskill. When we arrived everyone was leaving, we hadn’t heard the news yet. Later when I found out the terrorists used the Hudson River to follow it to NYC I wondered if they had passed where I crossed, it’s still an eerie feeling. We watched the destruction on TV as the day went on. When I learned years later watching docs on 9/11 that people jumped to their deaths it infuriated me. Rudy Gulliani and his whole staff witnessed all the destruction that happened to the city and today, they want to prosecute him? Every US citizen and Judge should be outraged.

    R M
    September 12, 2023

    The USA has Al Queda in the White House and every member of Biden’s cabinet. Do you really expect anything tangible to happen to the 9/11 killers?

      September 12, 2023

      Over the last two decades, our gov’ts soft, fluffy approach to crimes, terrorism, etc. – was to put someone in prison, don’t violate their rights, give them 3 square a day & allow them full use of legal resources. And as long as those in charge of justice continue that approach, Americans will continue to suffer the fallout. We have allowed people that hold terrorist views to take office in our land, cities, organizations, committees, etc. And as long as that continues, we will continue to be grossly and negatively affected. We don’t seem to understand that everything we do affects our nation – it’s not stand alone. Unity in repentance is the foundation for where it all starts. And sadly, too many Christians mistakenly think that the changes start with the unsaved. They miss the understanding and conviction that it must start with the body of Christ.

Ron Glenn Deere
September 11, 2023

I have been praying for Revival ever since I was saved during the Revival of the early 70s (4/3/1972). This Revival did not quite cover the entire 48 states, but it DID go beyond all Revivals since then (even though I prayed). Could it be that our society is such that the Lord will not bring an entire societal Revival ever again while our nation lasts? I don’t know, but I keep on praying.

September 11, 2023

Funny. Awesome. Humbling. I was led to say the key words in this article to Father. Iā€™m going to step out and say that Yahweh (for clarity, as many use god as a word to name something that is not Jehovah) listens to His remnant and is listening to us no matter how far we are from one another. This remnant is the mighty 300 that drank water a certain way. In the name of Yeshua.

    September 11, 2023

    It should say Hallelu”YAH” not amen which means Hall to Yahweh, amen is a term used in Egypt, the Children of Israel were told to leave behind the ways of old after they were given freedom and Salvation. There is no “J” in the Hebrew language, the Children Of Israel were chosen mainly for their language/alphabet, it hasn’t changed for 6,000 years. It isn’t Yeshua, it’s “YAH”-shua, he came in hjs Fathers name YAHWEH as did all Hebrew children back then, they didn’t have last names like we do. A Father knows his son’s name. The “A” of “YAH”-weh’s name is for the first man “A”dam, the “E” of WEH is for the first woman “E”ve. Yeshua doesn’t say that, it’s Yahshua that means Yahweh is Salvation.

      Ruth Singer
      September 12, 2023

      No, His name is Yeshua, not Yahshua. Yeshua means ā€œYahweh saves.ā€ I live in Israel and attend a Hebrew-speaking congregation, and I must admit I get annoyed with non-Hebrew speakers who think they know more about the language than Hebrew speakers do. And Amen means ā€œSo be it,ā€ and I can assure you we use it every day in Israel.

        September 12, 2023

        This reply didn’t post right I guess, it’s to Ruth Singer: So the ā€œfirst mā€Aā€nā€ made by Yā€Aā€HWEH was ā€œEā€dam? I donā€™t think so. Look at the vowels in ā€œAā€dā€Aā€m and ā€œEā€vā€Eā€ and Yā€Aā€h wā€Eā€ h name. Your argument isnā€™t with me, itā€™s with Yā€Aā€HWā€Eā€H! Iā€™m a Spiritual Jew taught by Yahweh and his son Yahshua! His name was mistranslated thousands of years ago because the COI wanted it to be for them only to hide his power, something he forbade them to do and were punished for it. His name is a ā€œmemorialā€ unto all people and never told anyone his name is too powerful and not to use it as I say in my prayers every night because of the mistranslation/mistransliteration of his name we have today. He said, ā€œDonā€™t take my name in vain!ā€ KJV ā€“ Ex. 20:7 ā€“ Thou shalt not take the name of Yahweh thy Elohim in vain; for Yahweh will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. Duet. 5: 11 ā€“ Thou shalt not take the name of the Yahweh thy Elohim in vain: for Yahweh will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. If the COI had listened and not disobeyed Yahweh there wouldnā€™t be this conversation today.

Kay Lutz
September 11, 2023

We join in your prayer across America that we will be able to elect a government which will uphold our God given rights of life (for all humans), liberty (freedom of religion), and the pursuit of happiness (through a relationship with the creator.)

Louetta Goode
September 11, 2023

I am praying 2 Chronicles 7::14 for America. Most of all I pray for our prayers and praises to God, Almighty, to be lifted up to Him and ask for His mercy and Grace we do not deserve. He is merciful, and as we bow before Him in repentance and awe, my prayers are that we continue to fight the good fight for our country to come back to God completely leading us.

Mary Bernadette Drury
September 11, 2023

May God rest the souls of those who were killed on 9/11/01 and console their families.

Betty dwartzentruber
September 11, 2023

We are very wicked as a nation n we need to repent, God holds his born again children responsible but we have not repented and He will hold us responsible so let each of us get on our knees n cry out to Him in repentance to spare this nation cuz just like Nineveh we have many precious ones who do not know their left hand from their right. I am relying on His mercy after repenting as He has blessed this nation time n time again, ā€œGreat is the Lord n greatly to be praised.ā€

September 11, 2023

The Catholic Church is the answer. It has existed for 2000 years and was instituted by Jesus himself. He gave us the apostles and named Peter(Simon) as the first leader as Pope. He gave them the power to forgive sins in Persona Cristie! The Protestant church has no leader and people interpret the Bible as they see fit. 2Thessalonians 2:15ā€Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of oursā€. There was no Bible when Jesus ascended into heaven. Besides that, the Catholic Church has the real presence of Jesusā€™s body, blood, soul and divinity in Holy Communion! You would think people would be lined up for miles trying to receive Him! Come to church!

Deborah Ryder
September 11, 2023

Hardship jolts many into seeing a bigger picture.

Awaken our Land to wells of revival, to pour out hope through your people in these last days , in Jesus’ name and for your purposes!

Lori Meed
September 11, 2023

This is indeed what is needed! A corporate one-voice repentance for our independence and our idolatry in the Body of Christ. Instead, we got a Is.9:10 read in the House – a WOE scripture – as we shook our fists at the enemy. My heart is still grieved at our pride and disdain for Him and His word. Father forgive us!

Lisa Watts
September 11, 2023

I was touched by the fact we need to “live God with our whole heart”, then those God has placed around us (marriage &family) then to ministries God leads us to using gifts He’s given us. Our relationship with God comes 1st, then ministries family and beyond…

September 11, 2023

We PRAY for a Spiritual Reawakening in the Country and for America’s men and women to STAND UP for our GOD given Biblical and Constitutional values and freedoms. May “We the People” come together in PRAYER to ask for the LORD’S Almighty help, and to peacefully use our time, talents, and treasures as we are being called, to STAND UP for our LORD!

September 11, 2023

Love comes after repentance of sin. Love the sinner hate the sin. Stand for Truth.

Mary Drew
September 11, 2023

What I learned as a child about the founding of this country, the United States of America is that the founders were all believers in the lord Jesus the Christ; they wanted independence from other countries’ rulership. Thy believed in one nation and individual freedom.

Dave Urner
September 11, 2023

I appreciate the read and the attitude of the men who have given their heart felt approach as to how the Christian community of believers should unify and become one body seeking the Lords involvement combating the evils confronting all mankind. We need a Savior that begins with confessing our short comings, repenting and then flying straight. Fasting was an action I never gave thought to. I believe there is merit to include it in our individual intercessory praying. Thanks for these meaningful comments.

September 11, 2023

Instead of ā€œGod bless Americaā€, the rallying cry should have been (and still should be), ā€œAmerica, bless God!ā€

    Mary Beth
    September 11, 2023

    Yes, O LORD, make us blessable. “Blessed is that nation whose God is the LORD!” Psa. 33:12

Mari Williams
September 11, 2023

Writing as a fortunate survivor of the nightly bombings in England during World War II, I remember how deeply dependent upon GOD’s mercy we all were. We depended upon Him for our very lives, and on Him to provide food, any kind of food, and shelter–any kind of shelter, and clothing–Many homes were destroyed by the bombings, and much of children’s clothing was being hand made from adults old clothes cut down to make jackets and pants for the little boys and warm skirts for the little girls. But the dependence upon Almighty GOD waned as the war years gave way to years of prosperity and church attendance was reduced. So what will it take to bring revival to the USA . . . Hardship! People driven to their knees. People finally realizing that GOD is their only hope. Because HE is!

    Lisa Watts
    September 11, 2023

    Thank-you so much for sharing your experience. God bless

Tracey Edwards-Goer
September 11, 2023

I pray for peace and revival in America. Jesus,restore our nation. May we all live a good and pleasing life before God Almighy.

Rodney E. Post
September 11, 2023

I believe we desparataely need to get back to being One Nation Under God. That we realize He is in control of all things and how much we need the peace and harmony that only He can bring. We ened a new awakening with Christ;s church reaching out to the populace with the salvation and spirituality that only God can bring.
Our savior is there for all those who will choose Him and His ways.
Truly we need to ask tha God would bless America once again. That at all levels of government we would work together to achieve what God calls for! And work in the harmony that only He can bring.
I trly ask God to bless America with a wonderful new awakening!

September 11, 2023

God bless all the heroic NYC Firefighters and Police Officers we lost on Patriots’ Day, and the courageous Americans on Flight 93 who fought back valiantly and made sure their plane was not used to harm others on the ground. And God bless all the decent, hard-working Americans we lost in the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, Flight 93, who were just going to work that day and did not know they had a date with destiny. We will never forget them.

They walk with God.


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