From My Faith Votes
February 6, 2020
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February 6, 2020
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February 6, 2020
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February 5, 2020
From The Washington...
February 5, 2020
From My Faith Votes
February 6, 2020
Jesus, thank you for loving us, dying for us and setting us free from death to our sin.
Reading Time: < 1 minute
This is the most encouraging thing we have heard in years about the power of Christ for LGBT people and anyone who is praying for them. Jesus sets people free. Please listen and share.
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Lord you are a mighty miracle working God! Thank you for Becketās testimony that shows us all what a Big God you are and how you are able to deliver us from our sin, whatever it is. Hallelujah praise you Jesus!!!
PTL for God great love & power.
My brother was in the hospital Dying of AIDS & the Lord enabled me to lead him to Christ by sharing the Love of Christ with him.
Ephen 2:8-9
By grace are we saved through faith, yet not of our selfs, it is a gift of God not of work.
Then I told him about the thief on the Cross.
Godās word is alive & powerful
Here are the facts homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord I had a friend who was one after I pointed out to him that it is a deviance from demons just sexual lust and no one is born into it it is pagan and no one who practices such things will ever enter the Kingdom of God he turned his life around and went straight it is just not right.
What a lovely man. I always have homosexual people on my heart. It shows how important our prayers are!!! Praise the Lord. Thanks for sharing that, I so need it right now!!! I felt so hopeless for a while. But God never leaves us nor forsakes us!!!!
To God be the glory! An encounter with the living Christ is what it takes to change a life and redirect it entirely. May the Lord resound His grace, His power, His glory through this man, Becket Cook, and further His Kingdom among the many wounded and damaged souls in America and the world. And may the Church honor the Lord God and His Word.
Yes! He is addressing what the issue is….sin is sin…we have identified homosexulaity as an identity that can not be undone! No!
There are thousands of sin issues that people struggle with in their soul that we go to the cross and receive the power of the blood shed for those sins to cover us and strengthen us to OVERCOME that sin issue. The sin issue may be lieing, greed, mocking, unbelief, hate, judgement, laziness, betrayal, religious works, speaking words of blasphemy (swearing), pride, arrogance, self-righteousness, false humility, lewdness, self-hate, self-importance, selfishness……get it!…it goes on and on and on! Becket names his struggle to be same-sex attraction that he is CHOOSING to put under his feet as a Christian because of what he knows….and believes…. the Word of Godthat says not to engage with this behavior…it is NOT MY best for you. And he CHOOSES to not engage with the sin when confronted with an opportunity! I now pray for him for complete victory in his soul over the power of the enemy that wants to bring him down! One day the enemy will grow weary of this battle because of Becket’s determined stand by the Power of Jesus Christ who lives in Him and Holy Spirit cleansing his soul every day becoming more like Jesus Christ! I am praying for him and the word of his testimony to woo others to the Living God and His forgiveness and restoration to the destiny He has for them!
My prayer for all those trapped in the homosexual lifestyle. Father forgive them. They know not what they do. Extend to them the saving grace and mercy of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
I’ve seen Becket on the Eric Metaxas Show. He is a very brave man. I wish Mike Huckabee would have him as a guest, since he just interviewed Dave Rubin, who is a gay married man. Dave Rubin is not a Christian. He calls his partner his husband, very openly. This is TBN! Please everyone pray. Barbara
So beautiful to hear his testimony and God’s magnificent move in his life! What a Mighty God we serve!
Wow. Mr. Beckett articulately and beautifully testifies of our magnificent God. He portrays Christ from a vibrant intimacy and conviction needed to effect Pre-Christians in our current culture.
Such a powerful testimony… thank you Faith Votes and Intercessors for America for sharing this about this young man…. we pray God will use his story to help so many others to know the God of love and everlasting eternal life. To God be the glory… what a wonderful story of a relationship with Christ and a man obeying God and loving God with all his heart… again, To God be the glory.
Correction: Becket Cook
Praise be to God! He is working so powerfully in the lives of people like Becket Cole and Kanye West, and many others who are being radically changed, ultimately resulting in countless millions being brought to Jesus. This is happening just as God promised in the end times, and we believers are to be encouraged! Isa. 44:3/Joel 2:28/Acts 2:17
Correction: Becket Cook
Praise God and bless His Holy Name for what He has done in him. He found the answer and I praise You Lord for what You have done in the heart of a man. May Your Kingdom be exalted. Give this young man the courage and strength to move forward. God Bless Beckett and all those who fight for righteousness. Amen
Praise God! Prayers answered. Thank You sweet Jesus! Lord, allow Becketās story of redemption and not condemnation give hope to this nation and the LGBT community. Repentance and forgiveness sweep this nation with the Holy Spirit fire, in Jesus name! Bless Becket and establish the work of his hands. Amen!