I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, your design for marriage, children and family is very good, but radical feminism seeks to erase it from society. We pray for a revival within the radical feminist movement where empowerment will come from You, rather than the occult.
Reading Time: 7 minutes

With Halloween around the corner, the occult is lurking everywhere. Witches, ghosts, werewolves, and vampires are proudly showcased in stores, businesses, and yards across America. Homeowners spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars to create the scariest display in the neighborhood. Each year, it seems they become darker and more elaborate.

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Our world is saturated with the occult, and it’s not just at Halloween. While this is a popular time for frightening movies and haunted houses, many people don’t realize that the most terrifying phenomenon is unfolding in front of their very eyes and it’s happening all year long. In fact, the occult has become the centerpiece of this burgeoning movement. The rise of radical feminism is not about equality for women. Instead, its overarching goal is to steal, kill and destroy.

What is the Occult?

Dictionaries define the occult as “supernatural or esoteric practices and beliefs that fall outside the scope of organized religion and science.” Examples of occult activities and tools include astrology, fortune telling, tarot cards, trance mediumship, black and white magic, witchcraft (Wicca), Ouija boards, parapsychology, Spiritism, and Satanism.

Many people assume that occultism is a compartmentalized phenomenon that manifests only within the boundaries of Satanic temples, witch covens, or secret gatherings in the woods. This assumption, however, is naïve because the nature of the occult is to conceal itself within society as demonic forces embed themselves into human thoughts, ideas, and belief systems.

Feminism is a Spiritual Movement

Feminism is considered by many to be a secular movement, yet its emergence and progression is spiritual. The rise of “female power” is closely connected with esoteric, occult movements like Spiritualism, Theosophy, and Paganism. All three of these belief systems (philosophies) embrace rebellion against traditional values and religion. The Bible is viewed as a tool to oppress women, chaining them like slaves to a patriarchal system instituted by a supreme male god.

The modern-day feminist movement has come a long way since its beginnings in the 19th century. In those days, many women simply wanted the right to vote, or to be given a voice in the community and government.

But those ideas have morphed into something monstrous, almost Frankenstein-like. Radical feminists demand rights that descend from the grave itself–rights that were never part of God’s design for women or men. In essence, feminists want to play God by determining if a baby lives or dies. Like Dr. Frankenstein, they want to declare, “It’s alive, but only if I say so!”

How did women get here? What twisted road brought the modern-day radical feminist to the point where they publicly and boastfully shout about their abortions?

To unravel this mystery, one must travel back in time to look at the early trailblazers of this movement who had strong connections to the occult. This influenced how they viewed marriage, children, and God’s design for the family.

Frankenstein and the Feminist Movement

While most people know the story of Frankenstein with its themes of horror, murder, loss, and regret, few understand the profound influence that its author, Mary Shelley, had on feminism. Shelley’s mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, was one of history’s earliest feminist philosophers, while her father William Godwin, was an avid atheist and the founder of anarchism. Shelley was raised with radical ideas about women, marriage, and family. For example, monogamy and traditional marriage were seen as forms of slavery, while free love epitomized liberation. Shelley’s mother wrote a book called Vindication of the Rights of a Woman, which argued that women were trapped in limited societal roles that led to restrictive, unhappy lives.

Shelley’s parents influenced her values and worldview, but it was her husband, Percy B. Shelley, who sparked a women’s revolution. Taking ideas from his feminist mother-in-law, as well as his wife, Percy Shelley wrote poetry that was later admired by communist Karl Marx and other liberal atheists. His writings contained controversial ideas such as sedition, promiscuity, incest, socialism and uprooting the patriarchy, but he was heavily influenced by the occult. He had a fixation with spirits, demons, magic and his own personal darkness that became a guiding force throughout his life and in his marriage.

Both Percy and Mary Shelley’s literary works were pivotal in sowing the seeds of feminism into 19th century society. But the story of Frankenstein intrigued readers because a woman had dared to write that life could be created without God. Her novels and short stories challenged gender roles and explored themes of female empowerment.

Mary Shelley imagined that transformation for women could happen without God. She didn’t see the parallels to her own novel Frankenstein, which shows that disaster always follows those who delete God from the equation.

Spiritualism Gives a Boost to Feminism

There were other occult influences at play in the 19th century which were pivotal in moving the feminist movement forward. 1848 was a year of convergence when it came to the progression of feminism. Not only was communism rising through the release of Karl Marx’s book The Communist Manifesto, but the first women’s rights convention was being held in Seneca Falls, New York. That same year, sisters Margaret and Kate Fox, began communicating with spirits from their home in New York. This set off a wave of interest in a movement known as Spiritualism. All over America, seances were being held in homes as people utilized mediums to contact their dead loved ones, spirit guides, or even historical figures from the great beyond.

Oddly enough, this idea of mediumship spilled over into the early days of the feminist movement because women known as trance mediums began giving speeches and lectures in a public setting by channeling spirits. Oftentimes, the women were young and inexperienced but were able to articulate detailed ideas about oppression, domestic tyranny, and female authority. Ann Braude, author of Radical Spirits: Spiritualism and Women’s Rights in Nineteenth-Century America, says that “trance speaking was a transitional phase that enabled both individual women and women as a group to break through limitations on their role.” In those days, women were seen as better conduits for spirits because of their heightened sensitivity to the spiritual realm.

Braude contends, “Spiritualism became a major—if not the major—vehicle for the spread of women’s rights ideas in mid-nineteenth-century America. . . . While not all feminists were Spiritualists, all Spiritualists advocated woman’s rights.” Spiritualist gatherings became places where ideas about women’s liberation became popular, but Spiritualists also spoke at women’s rights events.

Theosophy and Feminism

While Spiritualism played a significant role in promoting feminism, theosophy helped popularize it as well. Spearheaded by Russian immigrant Helena Blavatsky, this occult philosophy borrowed ideas from Buddhism, Hinduism, Spiritualism and Gnosticism. A seasoned spirit medium, Blavatsky claimed to have channeled secret spiritual knowledge from superhuman beings she called “Masters.” Her books, which were full of dogma inspired by these entities, became intriguing to feminists, who saw her ideas as revolutionary.

Blavatsky rejected traditional definitions of gender and argued that “all souls were originally androgynous.” She even called herself Jack to prove this point. Her belief that women encompassed the divine and therefore, didn’t need the guidance or help of men, became a popular mantra of many feminists. In theosophy, Lucifer (Satan) is viewed as a hero, rather than a villain. His rebellion against the ultimate, male patriarch (God) is seen as liberating and inspiring. In occult Feminism, Lucifer is described as a solar angel, sent to bring light and freedom to women who want to break away from patriarchal religion, or even having children.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a women’s rights pioneer who co-founded the National Woman Suffrage Association and also helped draft The Declaration of Sentiments, admired Blavatsky’s work. In her later years, Stanton would publish her own version of the Bible which she titled The Woman’s Bible. Within this work, she would strongly criticize Christianity for what she termed the oppression of women.

Famous feminist radicals such as Matilda Joslyn Gage, Mary Daly, Annie Besant, Victoria Woodhull and Frances Swiney were involved in the occult as well. They believed that women were more powerful than Superman and more capable of saving the planet than men.

Feminism in 2024

Today’s modern, radical feminist movement embodies the ideals of early feminist pioneers who were involved with the occult. Both witchcraft and feminism continue to trend on social media platforms where women promote abortion, promiscuity, homosexuality, transgenderism, and the “smashing of the patriarchy.” Moreover, women celebrities openly declare their feminist occult connections. For instance, Millie Bobbie Brown reported in a recent issue of Glamour that she discovered she was a feminist after visiting a psychic.

While feminism has become deeply engrained into our culture, we are by no means a slave to it. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to speak the truth in love to those who believe God’s design for women, marriage, and family are “oppressive.”

How Do We Pray about Radical Feminism?

  1. Women who turn to radical feminism often come from broken families, or have been abused by a male figure in their life. Pray that Jesus would heal their wounds and transform their hearts so they can see the truth that God’s design is best.
  2. A large number of feminists are dabbling in the occult and seeking the false empowerment that comes from it. Pray they would have an encounter with Jesus so they will turn from darkness and step into the light of truth.
  3. Many women believe in God’s design for women, marriage, and family, but they are afraid to speak up in a culture that cancels women with biblical views. Pray for courage and boldness as more women step into the lion’s den known as radical feminism.

In this world, women desire reform and transformation, but the only way to obtain it is through Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 reminds both women and men that if anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new creation. It is Jesus who makes all things new.

Lord Jesus, radical feminism’s promise of independence, freedom, and happiness is a lie. Now more than ever, women need to turn their lives over to you. Only then will they see that Your plan for marriage and family is not just good; it’s the ultimate empowerment.

Where have you seen radical feminism taking hold in society? What can we do about it?

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and former teacher who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at 67owls.com and 100trumpets.com. She is also the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, and her first children’s book, Hallelujah’s Great Ride, was released in September 2023. Photo Credit: Halanna Halila on Unsplash.

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George Leaf
October 27, 2024

Father God bring your righteous light to expose this madness and its intent. Let the true purpose of destroying a woman’s rights and blessing and removing women’s true meaning and purpose from the earth. Break the hold of this deception in the land. Amen Amen in a Jesus Name Amen.

Joyce Swingle
October 26, 2024

Wow, Angela. What an interesting, insightful article. Thank you for your research and prayer direction!

    Angela Rodriguez
    October 26, 2024

    Thank you so much Joyce!! You are such a faithful prayer warrior! Many blessings to you and Rich.

Harry Leonard
October 26, 2024

Good read. Lots of background to connect the dots.

Zoe Ella
October 26, 2024

The rise of radical feminism is not about equality for women. Instead, its overarching goal is to steal, kill and destroy.
This is important. Radical feminism is an essential part of achieving Marxism and would like to destroy men as such, turning women into men insofar as getting the perceived privileges of men. Transgenderism is an offshoot of this – many genders = no more genders.
Treating women with respect, as intelligent beings, listening to their words and their choices as well as the words and choices of men, and refraining from treating them as de facto slaves for household work or for lower paid work in the workforce is not the same thing as radical feminism, although it is often confused with that.

Women are equals of men, and also different from men. Radical feminism does not recognize the difference; rather, it often advocates for personal gratification without responsibility.

Mary Beth
October 26, 2024

YHVH, You created us male and female, and we rejoice in Your marvelous plan and purpose in doing so – it is perfect!! However, we as human beings have not done well in living out Your perfect plan and purpose, and for that I repent personally and substitutionally for our society and for the church. What it means to be masculine and feminine has been so perverted over and throughout time. May we stop reacting to whatever the current trend in that perversion is, by swinging too far in the opposite direction, and let You define by Your Word what it means to be male and female. Any domination by either is not of You – not male domination or female domination. May Your children allow You to heal them of past abuse by the opposite sex, transform their minds in regard to sexuality, and come into a healthy and Biblical understanding of what it means to be masculine and feminine and then walk it out – whether we are single or married, because each has challenges. You took Your beautiful attributes and meted them out to us who are created in Your image as male and female, with such wisdom and discernment – may we cease rebelling against Your perfect plan and reflect Your character accurately to this confused world.

Gloria Robles
October 26, 2024

Angela, this is so informative! I’m so glad you mentioned Blavatsky. Most people don’t realize that they believe Lucifer is the hero, and God is the villain. There is so much greay connections. This “feminism” is so deceptive. Lord open the eyes of the deceived women. We pray for the veils to come off, where they have been spiritually blind. I pray for a fresh revelation of their God given identity, as God created them in Jesus name, amen.

    Angela Rodriguez
    October 26, 2024

    Yes you are right Gloria. There are so many dots to connect. I probably only scratched the surface of this issue. Thanks for reading. I always enjoy your articles. Many blessings to you!

October 26, 2024

It is past time to realize and know that the occult is not only active Halloween, but throughout EVERY day as satan iscwell aware of how short his time is. Halloween is NOT a mere opportunity for scary jokes, decorations or pranks but is is a very real open door for satan and his cohorts which MUST be closed AND KEPT CLOSED by our prayers and proclamation of God’s word AND OUR ACTOONS in our lives!

Nancy Rife
October 26, 2024

Thank you for this article, Angela!!
Lord, bring America back to Biblical values. Let us rejoice in who You made us to be, male and female!! In Jesus name – Amen!

Richard Day
October 26, 2024

Carrie Gress wrote a book about this – “The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us.” She details the occult roots of feminism.
She was interviewed on Heritage Foundation’s Problematic Women Podcast last year.

    October 26, 2024

    Thank you for connecting the past to the present day. This helps to bring clarity to the why.

October 26, 2024

Lord God Almighty, You alone are God and we worship you and you alone. We break and bind all powers of witchcraft in or over our families, and bind and break the power of these evil fixations upon the occult and occultish practices, Our daughters and daughters-n-law will no longer give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. We plead the blood of Jesus over the women and girls in all our families. Wash and cleanse us all oh Lord in your precious blood. We repent and turn from this wickedness and these evil ways. Have mercy upon us oh God. We pray our women and girls (and our men) walk in holiness, purity and righteousness before you LORD Jesus all the days of our lives. In JESUS NAME, Amen!


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