I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask You to encourage and help Christians in entertainment produce quality, true works that will impact the culture.
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After facing immense conservative backlash, many entertainment companies are ditching their DEI executives. Is this a sign of change?

From New York Post. Diversity activists are accusing the entertainment industry of “corporate blackface” and running out of “White guilt” after a number of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) executives at top entertainment and media companies suddenly stepped down or were forced out of their roles.

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Between June 20 and July 3, at least five executives overseeing DEI initiatives at leading entertainment companies including Disney, Netflix and Warner Bros. Discovery, left their posts. …

An LA Times story published Tuesday linked the high-profile exits to the backlash against “wokeness” by conservative politics and pundits, as many speculate whether the job changes are a result of the growing pushback to the left’s diversity push.

The story, titled “High-profile exits spark fears that Hollywood diversity pledges are just ‘PR,’ focuses its ire on the entertainment industry, citing a number of outraged equity activists who accused Hollywood of making insincere commitments to diversity and racial justice programs for “PR” purposes after the George Floyd protests in the summer of 2020.

“Numerous diversity-centered initiatives were established. More transparency around issues of race was assured.

But companies have since begun to scale back such commitments and, in some cases, employees dedicated to diversity initiatives, leading some insiders and advocates to fear that the doors to more opportunities once again have been slammed shut,” the LA Times story reads. …

The DEI push is not just being scrutinized in Hollywood.

In Corporate America, the similarly-themed ESG (Environmental Social Governance) movement, which has companies prioritizing social justice and the green agenda, has faced such public backlash that the CEO of BlackRock, which is widely seen as a champion of the ESG cause, expressed remorse  last month saying he was “ashamed of being part of this conversation,” reframing such principles as “conscientious capitalism.”

Are you encouraged by this news? If so, share this article with your friends and family to encourage them!

(Excerpt from New York Post. Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash )

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Sharon Thompson
July 21, 2023

Awesome!! It’s about time!! Thank GOD!!

I have been praying Job 5:12-16 Amplified Bible ever since Biden was illegally put into office and opened the door for all kinds of demonic strategies to invade our country!

    July 21, 2023

    Isn’t that the verse where he says “may their own craftiness come back on their own heads” (?)

Kathy Emahiser
July 19, 2023

Father, we thank you for paving the way to clean up Hollywood film industry. Impress on the film writers to write scripts that are family oriented. I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

July 19, 2023

Hollywood has always been filthy! In the 30s a group of ministers and community leaders including one whose last name was Hays met with the studio executives in Hollywood to discuss the sex and murder in their films. They reached an agreement with Hollywood to clean up the movies and the Hays Code began. It ended in 1968 and that’s when overt sex and cussing came back to the movies. Movies before the Hays Code were extremely sexual and actresses were half dressed! So I say all this to say wokeness isn’t the only issue in Hollywood! FATHER GOD YOUR Will alone be done for Hollywood in JESUS NAME! Amen!

July 19, 2023

So does anyone actually believe the CEO of Black Rock? FATHER GOD please send Laborers to the unsaved including employers and employees of Black Rock and let them receive JESUS as LORD! Thank YOU that the dei and esg tides are falling down and disappearing forever in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Alison Hickey
July 17, 2023

Praising the Lord that He has shown us that people in the United States do have the power of action and prayer to make change happen. Do not let us be fooled by the devil disguised as an angel of light-Blackrock this name tells us all we need to know… we need to keep guard for evil is lurking around the corner! Thankyou Jesus for eyes and ears to see and hear!

Elfrieda Peninger
July 17, 2023

I was gifted with somebodies remaining subscription to “Hollywood” an insider type magazine. nearly all articles discussed pushing the lgbtq agenda in every way. That some want to be neutral and that’s not acceptable. All sponsors, all media, must be full in. several authors, several articles.
in a nutshell. I feel that they are positioning their people in strategic offices, to bully others into only their “worldview”. They are Gods children and God loves them, but they are disobedient children. We need to pray that positions of power and influence be given to those who will use it properly. That enlightenment comes to those in these positions. Let the light of Jesus illuminate the darkness!

    July 21, 2023

    ..just a note-,..
    …People only become God’s children when they accept Christ as their savior.. organizations like Black Rock their soul existence is to absorb and dominate other Industries.. the whole focus of satanic existence is to come against anything that our Lord has created.. they are simply gigantic tools of Satan’s to overcome our existence in this world

July 16, 2023

Praying that this is the truth!

    Cheryl Rees
    July 17, 2023

    Yes, Lord Jesus shine into the darkness of Hollywood, let it be fully exposed. Help us all to pray for deliverance from the lies of the enemy and the truth and live of Christ revealed.

Linda Trott Dickman
July 16, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the pushback. Thank you for the perspective of some returning. The entertainment industry was not foreign to wholesomeness at one point. In fact, wholesomeness was celebrated. Please move upon the hearts of those in the industry and turn them toward you, bringing along those who do not know you. Surround them with righteous indignation, with the truth spoken in love, and with the courage of their own childhood convictions. Bring believers into their lives in unexpected places. Rise up all over America in the entertainment industry, return us to wholesomeness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Cynthia Weatherwax
    July 16, 2023

    Praise God! Powerful prayer! I am in agreement with you in Jesus Name! Amen

July 16, 2023

Lord, convict them of their sun and godlessness. Bring wholesomeness and integrity back to entertainment! Thank you for the courage of righteous movies, documentaries and real creative acting! Let people’s conscience be awakened to the filth and degradation that’s been accepted in Hollywood! May You be pleased with right behavior.

July 15, 2023

Be careful when you hear these big moguls and corps express remorse for the ESG, DEI and woke agenda, what they do in the long run will be more telling. Truth and Trust is not the badge or the words they live by. I pray God will hold them accountable and they will destroy themselves in their lies and deceptions.

July 15, 2023

Lord I Thank you that whatever it is that caused the CEO of BlackRock to express remorse-, Lord would continue to work in his heart- and I pray would it be your Holy Spirit. I pray you would use our prayers to continue to move on these CEOs of these ungodly companies Lord- to relent and to repent, – that not only would they be saved.. but they would seek you diligently and confess that the ESG and the other evil DEI guided evil thinking..that it is dissolved.. and I pray Lord you would continue to allow our prayers to be the conduit through which you work to dissolve these evil agendas Lord.
In Jesus. Mighty name-,amen and amen

July 15, 2023

Sound of Freedom was a great movie. God blessed those producers.

Darlene Estlow
July 15, 2023

Praise your name. Thank you, Father, for hearing our prayers and acting on them. We declare righteousness over our nation.

Apostle Tarrance Darmon Austin Sr(TerryAustin) & Joslyn Burke-Austin
July 15, 2023

We are currently experiencing a strike with The Writers Guild. Now with Sag-Aftra we need to believe God for a solution to this problem. Because there enough indivduals making enough money. Contentment should be the prayer here. Being content,satisfied,with what you have in Jesus Name. Amen.

Josephine McInnis
July 15, 2023

Amen Our God is at work

Judy Dodson
July 15, 2023

Lord you are our alpha & Omega; I pray that you put the garbage out of the industry and impact us with wholesome entertainment. Our children are the next generation. Your word says you will be with 2 generations. Bless them, bring them to the saving knowledge of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Mary McBeath
July 15, 2023

Father God please remind us our enemy is not people. Our enemy is Satan and his demons. I lift up all our church leaders to be bold and be on fire for you. I pray our church leaders don’t be afraid to inviting you Father God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus into our church services and invite Father God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus into all the church meetings, and etc. It is good we study God word and apply it to our daily living but if we put restrictions on the Holy Spirit on how to help us then we are doing things in our own strength not God strength. With God all things are possible. Jesus is the head of the church not man. We need to ask ourselves are we listening to man or to Jesus when making decisions in our churches and in our communities. I pray that all our church leaders wants to speak what God wants to be said not what man wants to hear. In Jesus name. Amen.

    Cynthia Weatherwax
    July 16, 2023

    Yes! We need prayer in our church before making decisions and pray for our church leaders continually! This is a focal point for the body of Christ because the church has strayed away from this. Lord help us to stay focused on You while advancing Your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name amen.

Billie Cash
July 15, 2023

Daily forever I am crying out to God for His spirit to direct our nation back to life lived in the word. I pray the word. I weep and rejoice in the God who will reign. He will rein in and destroy the destroyers who seem free to do their evil work… But He is Sovereign , He is on watch . He will not be defeated . We practice what we believe and hold on to what we know. Jesus is our Rescue and Refuge . Acts 17:28

July 15, 2023

This is encouraging because the battle is not against Hollywood or corporations but against the devil and his machinations. Thus, we must continuously push back and not grow weary for the battle is not ours but Gods.
Thanks be to God for each small victory that prevents the devil from devouring even one of His children.

July 15, 2023


Brian Lynch
July 15, 2023

I pray to Almighty God that this pushback against “woke” will continue, and grow exponentially across our nation. Thank you, Jesus.

July 15, 2023

The people of Hollywood understand money, so “some” of them might be waking up & walking back. But Hollywood is filled with cowards, so they may just be trying to walk the fence while plotting how to “disguise it”. Yes, there are some good people in HW who still have common sense & know that diversity goals, ESG & all the other baloney is garbage…. but they need to find the backbone to unify. We should pray, hope & continue to look for change while at the same time, keep a watchful eye on HW for their ongoing deceptive practices.

July 15, 2023

Further research and one discovers that Fink claims he didn’t say that he was ashamed. I would be shocked if he claimed that he was truly ashamed as they need ESG to manipulate democracy and work towards one government. If he did, then he would be repackaging ESG under a different name for its a very clever method for evil people to take control:

Fink reportedly claimed he was not “ashamed” by it when pressed on his remarks.

“I never said I was ashamed,” he said, according to Axios. “I’m not ashamed. I do believe in conscientious capitalism.”

“I’m not going to use the word ESG because it’s been misused by the far left and the far right,” he continued. “We talk a lot about decarbonization, we talk a lot about governance … or social issues, if that’s something we need to address.”

July 15, 2023

One will see the fruits of true repentance. This group is known for creating illusions while actors speak words of ” characters” not of real people.
Pray for continuing exposure and true change. In the intrium they still produce filth like the cartoon Petey.
Be wise and use your discernment

July 15, 2023

I am not encouraged because I do not trust the sincerity of any of those individuals who have so much power because of their political position or money.
They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. But it does point to the fact that our prayers must continue and our voices must continue to be heard. Our faith in the one and only ture God must continue to grow, that Heaven Rules! May we, the church of Christ, remain faithful and prayerful to the Lord our God always, until he comes back for us.

Mari Williams
July 15, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, We are blessed to live in a beautiful world. We only have to look at the night sky to realize how small we are, and how great You are. Lord, lift us up to see things from Your point of view and help us all to create beautiful lives for one another. Rid us of the offscourings of those who peddle filth and restore beauty and holiness to every area of life..

July 15, 2023

📖James 1:25-27 KJV “But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

As James addresses the scattered 12 tribes of Israel (no lost tribes-God knew what He was doing), the “firstfruits” to the Jew, God teaches all followers of Christ, Jew & Gentile, His Godly character. Hollywood/Spirit of Babylon and Corporate America/Spirit of Babylon (National & International) is the Evil of the Good v Evil. Both Babylon spiritual entities set the example of what not to follow. As far as DEI, DEI is a “proxy war” utilized by the Left Party (maximized by the fools/Babylon) to break America’s constitutional and economic system for the purpose of anti-Christ domination. Further, like DEI, the broken Southern Border is also a “proxy war” utilized by the Left Party but maximized by America’s international enemies and the NGOs.

📖Proverbs 1:20-23 KJV “Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets: She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying, How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.”

Put it into Perspective: Spirit of Babylon v God’s Wisdom, DEI v God’s Wisdom (DEI v Fatherless & Widows), Broken Southern Border v God’s Wisdom, The Left (Democratic Party) v God’s Wisdom, … God’s Courts are filled with these cases AND He always wins!

🙏🏻“I Speak Jesus… ‘Cause Your name is power, Your name is healing, Your name is life, Break every stronghold, Shine through the shadows, Burn like the fire…” Selah🙏🏻

    Elfrieda Peninger
    July 17, 2023

    Amen, let the Light of Jesus shine upon these situations!

July 15, 2023

True diversity, equity, and inclusion in a perfect world would be based on God’s definition where the Word outlines that “If you love Me, keep my commandments.” We would truly love the person (neighbor)man not the sin. We would not endorse sin, hate, rebellion but truly practice that which edifies the truth where all men are created equal, not the same, but in the image and likeness of God.

Father God, in the Name of Your Son Jesus, may Your Body adopt Your true meaning of diversity, equity and inclusion which is already defined in Your Word. Let us love our neighbor in the same manner that you love them. Let us be the salt and light and not allow the enemy to take Your meaning of “love” and pervert it, manipulate it to divide others, or redefine it so even Christians sometimes go along to get along. We understand that in this dark world, when we lift up Your Name, all men will be drawn unto you. Show us how to walk out your principles in this wicked world while upholding your truth that Love never fails! Let our Churches, gatherings of the Body be reflective of You, no longer segregating according to race or ethnicity, but be a true testament of You, where we worship and praise You and are taught how to walk out this Word and bring others into the knowledge of You. Father, we pray this in the Name that is above all other names, a Name that is power, a Name that is majestic, a Name that is worthy to be praise, the Name of Jesus.

July 15, 2023

Thank you Lord for this wonderfully cheering news. Yet another reversal encourages us to keep praying.

Nancy B Bryda
July 15, 2023

DEI Marxist propaganda is bound and biblical truths about equality is loosed across America. We are all equal in God’s eyes and have been created in the image and likeness of God. Worship of man is bound, and spirit man merged with the Spirit has ascendency in the Earth. Jesus is the head in the heavenly realm, and he has given us authority here on Earth as the body of Christ.

Teresa daigrepont
July 15, 2023

Praying for Protection by God’s almighty hand for these brave truthers, so that all the world will see holiness rule the day. For God’s glory.

July 15, 2023

Father, raise up godly media, entertainer, and influencer leaders! In Jesus’ name, Amen

July 15, 2023

Black rock is ashamed because they don’t want more states yo do what Florida did- conscientious capitalism is ESG same conversation just trying fool us. If they cared about earth there would be a push to get rid of landfills, wind turbines on ocean, garbage dumped in ocean(10billion pounds of masks), and a way to incinerate plastic would be invented/used.

Michele S
July 15, 2023

Heavenly Father…

You have made us in Your image, so therefore, we are one in You. We thank You for that truth. And, we know that we are sinners, but that Your Son so lovingly died for the cleansing of those sins. But, because we know sins exists, we ask that You make us aware of other’s differences in a way that would honor You. In doing so, we would also ask that those that have been imposing DEI on all of us realize that good only comes from You, and that, by thrusting things upon us that are clearly divisive and not inclusive will only serve to divide us even more, we ask for clarity on how best to address these people who want to drive You out of the narrative, Lord. We need to understand why they seek the words and teachings of people and not You or Your word. We need to also fully understand the agenda(s) behind what is going on in the hearts and minds of these people, Lord, so that we know how to live and move in this ever-changing world. Please help us to do that.

Thank you in advance for Your sovereignty and grace in all things. It’s in Your precious name we pray all of these things. Amen.

July 15, 2023

The ESG movement proves once again that the road to Hell is paved with “good intentions”… by some but not all.

July 15, 2023

Finally our citizens begin to understand harm done to our citizens especially the to our younger generation by DEI push. Good politicians need out continuous support.

Zoe Ella
July 15, 2023

Trouble is, people are not understanding diversity, equality and inclusion. They are insisting it mean anything and everything goes and whatever is most unusual or without limit should be imposed on everyone else as the way to go. This is not diversity – it is the sameness of everyone being a rebel against morality. Equality – it is not equality, as only the odd-ones-out are given the opportunity, recognition and resources. Inclusion – it is not inclusion if a large segment of people – those who disagree – are not included. Yes, diversity is good. People come from all areas and cultures and even divergencies, and each human has inherent human dignity and deserves respect. However, it does not mean a few are lorded over the others. Equality means equality of opportunity, not equality of result. Equality does not mean SAME. Everyone should have the opportunity to achieve and express themselves. It does not mean that resources or respect be taken from those who achieve to give to those who don’t so everyone’s resources are the same. Inclusion – unless they are wielding a weapon and threatening to kill people, for example, people should be included in public events and spaces, and to the extent possible, in private friendships. It means not that no displays are allowed at the courthouse at holiday time, but that anyone who wishes to put up a display should have opportunities to do so – yes, even if atheists’ wish to put up a sign saying “There is no God”. Then the creche would still be there. No displays (given that situation) actually supports an atheistic religion and prioritizes it.
We need to understand the true meaning of diversity, equality and inclusion, not the propagandized version of it – and we need to demonstrate the true meaning with our voices and our lives.

    July 15, 2023

    The article was about Equity not Equality…there is a difference. But good response. I understand your meaning.


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