I Prayed have prayed
" … Great and amazing are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations! Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship you, for your righteous acts have been revealed" (Revelation 15:3–4).
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Rebellion and witchcraft in America seem to be embodied in Halloween. This year, more than ever, there seem to be massive decorations at many houses. They went up early and seem much more extensive than ever before. Is this related to what is going on in the spiritual realm?

Many years ago, IFA founder Derek Prince described spiritual strongholds that impact particular nations. Having lived in more than four countries and on four continents, he certainly had the background to discern this. There are many forces influencing America, but he said the primary one is rebellion. The Bible says that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23). Thus, the twin strongholds are rebellion and witchcraft. We can pray against these strongholds.

IFA has published a brand-new prayer guide to tackle the spirits running amok in our nation. Download 15 Steps to Freedom from Witchcraft.


Photo by Szabó János on Unsplash.

Plus check out IFA’s new book page for more great Derek Prince teachings on spiritual warfare. Click here.

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Jessica S. Tooma
November 3, 2022

Hi, IFA.
This message about Halloween came on the day of Halloween. The enemy prepares at the start of October, if not sooner, for the various activities that they do during this time.
Please increase the warnings about Halloween on October 1st. But please keep things on the site to point to the danger of participating in Halloween activities.
Halloween can’t be ignored. The activities that occur during October 30th – November 1st must be fought against through prayer.
The other time of heightened demonic activity is December. Former Satanist John Ramirez spoke about what Satanists do in December, ushering in principalities over geographical areas and territories through rituals.

November 1, 2022

Father God thank you for exposing all the evilness that goes on when people think they’re celebrating nothing evil father God please open the eyes up to what is going on and how dangerous it is to play with the d(evil) in Jesus name I pray

Jessica Renshaw
October 31, 2022

I agree with all the passion and points made in the comments below. (Halloween used to be “Hallowed Eve,” or “All Saints Eve,” a Christian holiday, by the way. It was actually stolen from us.)

I want to make a related but separate point, as another holiday season rushes toward us.

I totally agree we must fall out of any and all agreement with death and everything else Halloween represents and celebrates, the participation in a counterfeit belief system.

We must do the same thing with Christmas. We must set aside the participation in and perpetuation of a counterfeit belief system. Who shares the show at Christmas or interweaves himself into the celebration of it in most Christian homes? We welcome him into our activities, ATTRIBUTING TO HIM DIVINE CHARACTERISTICS: we tell our children he is all-knowing (he knows what you are doing, saying, thinking at every moment), everywhere present and performer of miracles (he goes to every home on the planet in a single night–and fits down chimneys), the judge of all (“he knows who is naughty and who is nice) and rewarder of them accordingly, the source of every good gift, the one who answers our prayers.

This is idolatry–and God equates idolatry and witchcraft in I Samuel chapter 15, verse 23. All in the name of a bit of fun (as with Halloween), we parents are guilty of participating in a counterfeit belief system. Further, we require each other to help perpetuate the lie. We are affronted when anyone tells our kids that Santa Claus is a figment of our imaginations–even if extrapolated from a kind human being, St. Nicholas. Giving the credit, honor, and gratitude due God to Santa Claus deprives Him of His rightful glory every bit as much as magnifying darkness and the devil on Halloween. Our understandably “jealous” God is a God without rival or equal, “Who will not share His glory with another.” Isaiah chapter 42 verse 8; Exodus chapter 20 verse 5 and chapter 34, verse 14; Deuteronomy chapter 4 verses 23-24; chapter 5 verse 9; chapter 6 verse 15 and chapter 32 verse 16; Psalm 78 verse 58; and 2 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 2.

How can we raise our children believing in both Jesus Christ and Santa Claus? How will they continue to believe in the One who has all the attributes of Santa Claus–who is invisible, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, who judges the world, answers our prayers, is the source of every good gift–once they find out we were lying about the other?

Eveline Franje
October 31, 2022

Dear Lord Jesus, Last night at our church we celebrated Reformation Sunday with three other churches. It was wonderful , Dear Lord, to glorify your name through hymns, through the remembrance of Martin Luther and his five Solas: Sola Gratia (Grace Alone), Sola Fide (Faith Alone), Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone), Solus Christus (in Christ Alone), Soli Deo Gloria (to the Glory of God Alone). To you, O God Alone be the glory honor and power. May we worship you, not only on Reformation Sunday for all your works through the centuries, but every day of our lives. May we glorify your name always. In your Holy Name I pray, Amen.

October 31, 2022

Perfect timing for this THANK YOU‼️I passed along to our INTERCESSORS✝️🙏

    Linda Higdon
    October 31, 2022

    We need to ignore Holloween, PERIOD! We don’t need an alternative to this evil holiday!

      Jessica S. Tooma
      November 3, 2022

      Ignore Halloween?
      Or are you saying to not participate in it?

Adrian Lee Steininger
October 31, 2022

[email protected] I have noticed the push to make witchcraft for years from Elisabeth Montgomery in “Betwitched” to more movies featuring devil’s and witchcraft. The costumes for Halloween have changed from Gypsies, cowboy/girl outfits, and animals to devil’s and evil characters. The movie and book Harry Potter, even Mickey Mouse contain wizards. What ever happened to shows about Lassie, Lucille Ball, cartoons that were funny? Halloween is even dangerous for children with evil people putting razor blades and now drugs in candy. Even the candy itself is not good for children’s weight and teeth! We need to pray the media will stop making these horror movies and t.v. series, Weneed an alternative to Halloween!

    Susan Carol
    October 31, 2022

    Churches have Fall Festivals as an alternative to Halloween.

      October 31, 2022

      Which the devil takes as worship! If we want to celebrate the harvest, we should do it in September or November.

November 1, 2021

Dear Lord, I pray against and push back on halloween with prayer. I pray and plead the blood of Christ over all of innocent children who may not understand what this evil holiday is about. Many are deceived, and I pray that people’s eyes and ears are opened to Your Word and Truth. In Jesus Holy and Precious Name, Amen.

    Adrian Lee Steininger
    October 31, 2022

    Amen to what you wrote! Dear God, please come soon as you promised in Revelation to wipe out all evil for good and judge those who are trying to change our children spiritually, mentally, and physically. I ask this in the name of Your Son Jesus. Amen

October 31, 2021

Father, we ask Your protection over every innocent child who participates in Halloween, not knowing what this is all about. We plead the blood of Jesus over all of them. Lord, open the eyes of their parents understanding that they would see what this “holiday” is really about. Many are deceived, Lord. Your Word says, we shall know the truth, and the truth will set us free! Reveal Your truth to Your children, Father. We pray the Holy Spirit would convict every pastor, every child of God, that this is an evil “holiday” and not to be celebrated, in any way!
We praise You and thank You, that greater are You who is in us, than he that is in the world! You and You alone, are worthy to be praised!

Judy Rekola
October 30, 2021

Lord Jesus you defeated all your enemies on the cross and the power of God raised you from the dead. No one is your equal. Only you are righteous and holy and the creator of all things and only you are worthy of worship. You will rule and reign on this earth for 1000 years and there will be law and order and true justice. The devil and his hoards cannot escape their judgement. Father, I pray you save many people who have been deceived out of the enemy’s control. The Blood of Jesus is still powerful. I pray, as our Lord taught us—Deliver us from evil. In the mighty name of Jesus.

Danny N.C.
October 30, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, evil pervades our nation as never before. Our foe attacks on all fronts, and they are openly using necromancy and witchcraft to achieve political, ideological, social, and spiritual ends. Lord, wicked and Machiavellian are their goals and there seems to be nothing they will not do to try to achieve them. Lord I pray against the necromancy used by the leaders of BLM to blind, confuse, and deceive the masses, to include many professed Christians. Lord I have heard of congregations that have split because of their evil deception. Lord I pray against their evil prayers and offerings to the dead. The dead they seek to invoke through their chants, offerings, and repetition of names were often not good people in this life, and in trying to contact and use the dead they are breaking Your holy law. No doubt any spirits they might conjure are demonic in nature. Lord though they claim to fight for social justice, in the backwards language of the wicked, they really fight for the triumph of injustice, seeking to overturn Your Ten Commandments. Confound ther efforts Lord. In a similar vein, Lord, I also wish to pray against the witches of Tick Tock, who combine technology and the black arts to spread corruption of young souls and further the great deception. It is indeed telling how many of their posts contain instructions for spells against Christian values, law and order, and morality, particularly sexual. Most of them appear to be little more than deceived children themselves, and I pray for their souls as much as I pray against their deeds. May they all yet see Your light and repent. Finally Lord I pray for spiritual and physical protection of all against any evil works by those who would perpetuate them over the coming days and nights. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.

    October 30, 2021

    Praying in agreement in Jesus’ precious name, Amen!

    Thank you Danny, for such a thoughtful, informed and courageous prayer!

    “The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is his name.” ~ Exodus 15:3

      Danny N.C.
      October 31, 2021

      Thanks for reading and praying on this Julie! I am so thankful we have this forum to share our thoughts, prayers, and encouragement.

    October 30, 2021

    Thank you Danny, I prayed your prayer..and- there is also a..passivity in those churches that are not rising up,.- it is fear based,and those hordes you referenced use that weakness as well,which is sin.
    thank you again for your informed and insightful prayer

      Danny N.C.
      October 31, 2021

      Thanks for reading, praying, and replying Herb. I am so grateful we have this forum to share our prayers.

    TRUST in JESUS!!
    October 30, 2021

    Danny, I prayed my own version in agreement with your prayer points! You are correct we MUST pray against and bind the deception that has entered the church. It has been on all kinds of things from the poison shots/bioengineering to blm to life and even marriage. May God weed out those who are imposters and bring deliverance and truth to those believing lies! May He renew ALL of our minds to be in alignment with Christ having HIS mind! I’m wondering how many know we are even supposed to have HIS mind. I don’t mean that judgingly, just literally, we wouldn’t be in this place if the church were as she is supposed to be so we pray with Jesus for John 17 humbly that we ALL NEED HIM to bring us into alignment with HIM and to be one with Him and therefore then with each other so we can function as HIS BODY TOGETHER RECOGNISING and DEFEATING EVIL through HIS AUTHORITY and SACRIFICE! Also that HE cleans EVERYTHING, I mean EVERYTHING in our nation and the world because we want humanity set free! Be blessed!

      Danny N.C.
      October 31, 2021

      Thanks for praying, responding, and sharing these important insights. Your closing points are incredibly important and powerful. I believe the more often and more sincerely we pray on these matters, the more firmly we become one with the body of Christ.

    October 31, 2022


Nancy Berkey
October 30, 2021

Please excuse the ? at the end of one of my comments. I am typing in a tablet and I am a bad typer. It should read Christ defeated Satan and death. He descended into Hades when He rose and preached the Gospel to the unsaved.

October 30, 2021

We as the Body of Christ NEED to pray for God to destroy and remove permanently halloween from our nation and the whole world because EVERYTHING BELONGS TO GOD and NOTHING belongs tot the serpent! There is NO way to redeem a satanic celebration of evil and death! That is why it’s even in this nation to begin with because the church “decided” to try to “reform” it instead of rejecting it whole heartedly and denying it ANY place. WE CANNOT COMPROMISE with the enemy church! It’s the same kind of thing as when God told Saul to kill everything when battling the Amalekites but in his “great” wisdom or so he thought, he left the king alive and took the plunder which God said NOT to do and then told God, trying to justify what he’d done, it was so he could use it as a sacrifice but God said he desires OBEDIENCE OVER SACRIFICE, meaning do what I told you to do in the first place! Evil is evil and is not redeemable, only people are. So we can pray for God to reach the darkened hearts of those caught in the trap of the enemy in the occult, witchcraft, new age, etc. but we CANNOT participate in ANY way with this demonic celebration from hell and we have to stand AGAINST it as Holy Spirit leads us to so the principality that it works through will be removed! Then God will set up His good ones in the place instead! God is BIG enough to ERADICATE this heinous celebration from our nation so we no longer have to avoid certain places in the grocery store or tell our kids to look away. Where people will NOT even want to have anything to do with this evil because they know the truth of it. Daddy God, in the ALL POWERFUL Name of JESUS CHRIST, we humbly in ourselves and boldly in Christ come to Your throne and ask for You to EXPOSE the TRUTH about this atrocity called halloween! We ask You to destroy it’s grip on America and bring us FULL freedom from this horrible hell celebration and the principality/ies behind it! We ask You to EVICT them and set up Your good ones instead and then KEEP them there! We ask You to CHANGE ALL of us in the church to AGREE ONLY with You so we will govern through Christ for Christ Your way so He ALONE is exalted! Bless us to be wise, strong, full of revelation and knowledge of who You are, what You have done for us through Jesus, who we are in Christ, and what to do so we OBEY YOU and will NOT allow the enemy ANY place to squat his nastiness! God HELP us do Your will on earth just as it is in Heaven. Protect the kids, as the parents who don’t know what they’re doing, take them out into this darkness, we pray a hedge of protection by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus over every child and adult who chooses to participate in this. We ask that as they walk around You will flood them with Holy Spirit, CONVICTION, and the help of Your angels to SEE the TRUTH of what they are doing, let their EYES be OPENED and EARS HEAR YOUR VOICE so they WILL REPENT! Silence the voice of the enemy that would lie to them Lord God! Bring them into Your light about this matter and all things in life!! Bring them to salvation, set them free of ALL bondage! Thank You for hearing and answering our prayers dear Jesus, we WANT what You want!! Fill us with righteous indignation and let us see through the eyes of Christ so we know the truth! In Jesus Name, AMEN

    October 30, 2021

    I prayed your prayer,thank you,there are such good insights here- and in all the ifa prayer article sections-..and- in order for boldness from us to take hold,the parts of the church that are scared need prayer too,I will do that,as we all need to be together. People in our army mistakenly think- not all, but many-that we are called to be “understanding”- and that Our Lord will change that to boldness in standing against evil- for freedom. In Jesus Name, Amen

    Jessica Renshaw
    October 31, 2022

    I agree with all the passion and points made in the comments below. (Halloween used to be “Hallowed Eve,” or “All Saints Eve,” a Christian holiday, by the way. It was actually stolen from us.)

    I want to make a related but separate point, as another holiday season rushes toward us.

    I totally agree we must fall out of any and all agreement with death and everything else Halloween represents and celebrates, the participation in a counterfeit belief system.

    We must do the same thing with Christmas. We must set aside the participation in and perpetuation of a counterfeit belief system. Who shares the show at Christmas or interweaves himself into the celebration of it in most Christian homes? We welcome him into our activities, ATTRIBUTING TO HIM DIVINE CHARACTERISTICS: we tell our children he is all-knowing (he knows what you are doing, saying, thinking at every moment), everywhere present and performer of miracles (he goes to every home on the planet in a single night–and fits down chimneys), the judge of all (“he knows who is naughty and who is nice) and rewarder of them accordingly, the source of every good gift, the one who answers our prayers.

    This is idolatry–and God equates idolatry and witchcraft in I Samuel chapter 15, verse 23. All in the name of a bit of fun (as with Halloween), we parents are guilty of participating in a counterfeit belief system. Further, we require each other to help perpetuate the lie. We are affronted when anyone tells our kids that Santa Claus is a figment of our imaginations–even if extrapolated from a kind human being, St. Nicholas. Giving the credit, honor, and gratitude due God to Santa Claus deprives Him of His rightful glory every bit as much as magnifying darkness and the devil on Halloween. Our understandably “jealous” God is a God without rival or equal, “Who will not share His glory with another.” Isaiah chapter 42 verse 8; Exodus chapter 20 verse 5 and chapter 34, verse 14; Deuteronomy chapter 4 verses 23-24; chapter 5 verse 9; chapter 6 verse 15 and chapter 32 verse 16; Psalm 78 verse 58; and 2 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 2.

    How can we raise our children believing in both Jesus Christ and Santa Claus? How will they continue to believe in the One who has all the attributes of Santa Claus–who is invisible, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, who judges the world, answers our prayers, is the source of every good gift–once they find out we were lying about the other?

      TRUST in JESUS!!
      November 2, 2022

      Jessica, I was raised to think halloween was ok and that Santa, Easter bunny, etc. was real, so I had done those things with my children until God began showing me the truth about them. I didn’t want to lie to my kids and have them believe in a man that knows everything who doesn’t actually exist but not teach them about the God who does know everything and is real just as you said! Funny, almost the exact same things I thought about as God was showing me. My kids know that Santa is not real, we do talk about St. Nicholas and what he did do for Christ, and we celebrate the birth of Christ, but our Christmas is only about Jesus because that’s how it should be! Also, we call the other one Resurrection Day because that is what it is too! Same things with St. Patrick’s Day! The truth has to be brought back about all things; life is about Jesus! We need to take back what is ours and evict the enemy OUT of what is designed to glorify God alone! The enemy has no place anywhere at any time! That’s how I look at it! We cannot compromise with the devil. God bless you!

Nancy Berkey
October 30, 2021

Christ’s resurrection is above all.I pray for spiritual revival in the country and this World. I pray the Lord will take the scales from people’s eyes so they see the evil in this present age.

Nancy Berkey
October 30, 2021

“Christ is risen from the dead. Trampling down death by death. And to those in the tomb bestowing life” from Orthodox Christian church Easter chant. We must all remember on that day Christ defeated Satan?

October 30, 2021

Holy Spirit we ask you for your Holy Ghost fire to fall all over the globe tomorrow night opening people’s eyes, pricking their hearts to Satan’s, the demon’s agenda for centuries on Oct. 31st. We stand together as your chosen to declare this agenda thwarted. We plead the blood of Christ around the children, victims. Together we declare no human, animal sacrifices. Strike to the hearts these evil vessels, rendering them helpless against you, awed at your power, the power of a greater God than theirs. We fill their helplessness with the fear of remorse, convicting hearts to repentance, forgiveness a healing relationship with the true God. We ask a spirit of Hope, Love over the earth God created for “us.” We stand in prayer together and in the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen

christine stott
October 30, 2021

It’s refreshing to know I am not the only one who sees “halloween” for the evil that it is….for decades I have tried to show people how this “un-holy-day” celebrates death, and is the opposite of everything good and pure. Good work, and thanks be to God for revealing the truth to you and giving you the courage and platform to make it known.

    Nancy Berkey
    October 30, 2021

    Christ’s resurrection is above all.I pray for spiritual revival in the country and this World. I pray the Lord will take the scales from people’s eyes so they see the evil in this present age.

Charles Downing
October 30, 2021

October 31st is actually Reformation Sunday. The church should be if celebrating anything at this time it is just that. You can’t cutesy Halloween in shape form or fashion. Any form of activity, trunk or treat as an example is still in a major sense recognizing the Druid’s night of devil play.
So I call all Christians and Churches to Celebrate Reformation for that my friend is something to really celebrate.

    Nancy Berkey
    October 30, 2021

    “Christ is risen from the dead. Trampling down death by death. And to those in the tomb bestowing life” from Orthodox Christian church Easter chant. We must all remember on that day Christ defeated Satan?

      Charles Downing
      October 30, 2021

      Yes, and that is why we celebrate life.

        Nancy Berkey
        October 30, 2021

        Please excuse the ? at the end of one of my comments. I am typing in a tablet and I am a bad typer. It should read Christ defeated Satan and death. He descended into Hades when He rose and preached the Gospel to the unsaved.

          October 30, 2021

          hey definitely need an edit feature here… 😉

Cynthia Weatherwax
October 30, 2021

We are hosting a praise, worship and prayer service on Oct 31st 6:30pm at New Hampton Christian church, New Hampton Missouri. This service is for Pastors and leadership to be ministered to. In the process it brings unity, direction from the Lord. I began this Ministry last month and praise the Lord the next service is on Oct. 31st! What better way to bring honor and gloryto the Lord! The songs involve burning up idols and bring Holy Ghost Fire! I have also have received the words rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. We need to operate binding and loosening, casting out the demons, and bring healing restoration to our land, our nation in Jesus name. Pray for us. Cynthia Weatherwax

    October 30, 2021

    I am definitely in agreement with Cynthia here IJN I call upon the words of Scripture in Matt. 18:19-20 once again, where Jesus said – Where two or more believers are gathered together in My name, whatever they ask will be done for them, for I am in the midst” Thanks be to God forever! ~D. Massachusetts

      Cynthia Weatherwax
      November 7, 2021

      Thank you Denise for your comment. God bless you. Cynthia

Jan Niehouse
October 30, 2021

Amen and Amen.

Rosalie Skwiers
October 30, 2021

And Halloween is right before Election Day the first Tuesday of November.

I plead the blood of Jesus over areas that are having elections. Thank you Jesus for the blood !

    Cynthia Weatherwax
    October 30, 2021

    We are hosting a praise, worship and prayer service on Oct 31st 6:30pm at New Hampton Christian church, New Hampton Missouri. This service is for Pastors and leadership to be ministered to. In the process it brings unity, direction from the Lord. I began this Ministry last month and praise the Lord the next service is on Oct. 31st! What better way to bring honor and gloryto the Lord! The songs involve burning up idols and bring Holy Ghost Fire! I have also have received the words rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. We need to operate binding and loosening, casting out the demons, and bring healing restoration to our land, our nation in Jesus name. Pray for us. Bread of Life Ministry, Cynthia Weatherwax,


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