I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray as changes occur in our educational system, let all changes promote Godly learning that will acknowledge you, and guide our children in righteousness, and to a personal knowledge of you.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

To reduce the spread of the coronavirus, public school administrators across America closed school buildings and sent students home for the remainder of the school year. Realizing the responsibility to continue to educate students in a different setting, many public school administrators struggled to adjust from predominately classroom content delivery to virtual online delivery. Public education needed a reset, but few were prepared for changes to happen as rapidly as they did. During this time, the cultural Mountain of Education made significant changes that will most likely be permanent, and it remains to be seen whether or not those changes will benefit America or cause the nation harm. The result will depend on the prayers of believers. Whatever happens, we will forever connect the coronavirus outbreak and consequent closing of school buildings with a seismic shift in education as we currently know it.

The most apparent change to come to education was to online learning as a means to deliver instruction to students. Until the coronavirus, in many school districts online learning existed to accommodate those students who missed school days, needed to make up a missed or failed class to graduate, or who simply functioned better with online learning.

The second significant change is that students will choose when and where they want to learn. Gone will be the “factory model” of education that began over 200 years ago. Manufacturers needed schools to educate workers who went to work when the 8:00 am factory whistle sounded and left work at the same sound at 5:00 pm. The structured school day could now be only a memory of past generations. With online learning, we begin to turn out students educated as independent workers not tied to brick and mortar institutions that require a physical presence in a specific location, bound to a rigid routine. Education has changed.

If we pray, online learning has the potential to upend the secularization of schooling. Horace Mann founded the first public school in 1834, funded with taxpayer money. The use of taxpayer money gave Mann’s progressive supporters two advantages, money to build more schools and the elimination of religious instruction. Parents, wary of sending their children to failing schools, and schools that cause them to leave their faith, now because of virtual learning find themselves with options to select a curriculum that includes religious values.

The disruption of the National Education Association (NEA) will continue its current decline in membership. As the largest labor union in the United States, the NEA is a powerful force in education. The NEA has lost a significant number of members in recent years as 27 states have initiated right-to-work laws. As new school alternatives emerge, educators are less likely to join a union. The NEA is the most prolific promoter of the LGBTQ curriculum in grades K-12 in public schools. As the NEA loses power, we could very well watch as that trend diminishes. Ā 

Charter schools could be the trend of the future. The Department of Education under President Trump and with Secretary Betsy DeVos at the helm has promoted charter schools and school vouchers. President Trump recently said, “I want every single inner-city child in America who is today trapped in a failing school to have the freedom, the civil right, to attend the school of their choice.” With virtual learning and fewer tax dollars going to buildings, textbooks, consultants, etc. we must pray that more school alternatives like online charter schools, online schools, private schools, and even vouchers emerge. Ā 

For the history of schools in America, the gold standard has been hard-copy textbooks. With the advent of more online schools and learning with computers, the new delivery method will be online. Prayer is needed that the newly developed curriculum promotes the values and virtues that will strengthen the beliefs of America’s founding fathers. Ā Ā 

Because of the coronavirus, in a matter of a few weeks, virtual online instruction ceased being a convenience for a few students to being a necessity for all students. Virtual learning has the potential to upend everything that concerns public schools from morning commute traffic to a family’s routine. Students will now be able, even encouraged, to learn anywhere and anytime they wish.

The good news is online learning has the potential to strengthen the families of our nation. Switching to virtual learning gives parents more control over the education of their children.

The closing of public schools gave a wake-up call for parents. As many realized, they had more options available to them than they thought possible. A dream of President Trump has been to return to the parents the right to choose the educational delivery system that would best suit their children.

One thing is for sure: education will no longer be the same in the United States and perhaps across the world. It could be better if we pray.

IFA wants to equip you to spend this time wisely with your children or grandchildren. We published a Family Devotional: The Fruit of the Spirit. This 10 day “devotional” provides a Bible lesson and related activities for each day, focusing on each fruit of the Spirit. Let’s fill some of our extra time with exploring God’s Word with our children. Click the title to sign up.

What is your story? How has this “holy shaking, holy pause, holy reset” affected you and your family? We want to hear from you.

(Editor’s note: Here is my story. There are challenges, but I want to focus on some of the blessings. I work part-time and have 4 children, 3 in college and 1 in 5th grade. I have been praying for months about reading the Bible with my youngest son. We just couldn’t seem to make it work on a regular basis. Now, thanks to quarantine, we read the One Year Bible gospel reading together daily. Also, he has been struggling with math all year. I met with the teacher, bought enrichment materials, and tried a lot of things that basically didn’t work. Now, I am seeing firsthand what the challenges are and addressing them directly. I hadn’t taken the extra time to watch him do his online math work. But now I have the time, and within a couple of days I realized one of the big challenges he faces in math. I consider this a gift from God. –Judy McDonough, IFA Director of Communications)

Now it’s your turn. Leave a comment with how you are handling this time home with your children.


About the Author: Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s Schools. She leads prayer groups to pray at critical educational locations across the US. Currently, Nancy serves as the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) Lead Prayer Coordinator for the Mountain of Education. For additional information go to: https://takingthemountainofeducation.com/author/nancyahuff/



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April 16, 2020

I found it interesting that Washington State schools were closed within days of our State House of Representatives passing the mandate that Comprehensive Sex Education be taught K-12 in all 295 state school districts. It had already passed the Senate. It went to Governor Inslee’s desk and was signed into law. Our local district had brought CSE into the schools at the beginning of the school year, provided by Planned Parenthood, and without the parents knowing until it was too late. Our superintendent & school board refused to respond to irate parents. We fought at the legislative level for five months, to no avail. Because I live near the school and all the traffic it brought, I would drive an alternative route. But The LORD instructed that I drive by the school and make declarations “Thy Kingdom come on our school district! Thy will be done on our school district!”
And then the school closure! This article declares exactly what is happening. Where us grandmas and grandpas couldn’t get our parents to wake up, now they are awakening. PRAISE GOD! HE is saving our children!

April 6, 2020

This to me is a monumental moment we need to take advantage of for such a time as this. It is my prayer and request that a focused prayer call be scheduled to take back this mountain. As soon as possible.
That we the church pray for continued wisdom and His guidance et al for those who will be used to lead this charge and all of us who can stand in the gap – be given strategies, favor wisdom and protection etc.to help make the changes, and all in between areas our minds can’t comprehend – as per the comments below. For a supernatural breakthrough for this situation resulting in the freedom for our families and the family mountain. We ask for the blood of Jesus to cover this divine movement as it develops and as we press in for Victory. All thanks and Glory to YOU God.

April 6, 2020

While I agree that this moment is creating a reset for education and everything as we know it, these points are missing some points that these conversations never consider. What happens to the thousands of kids who live in rural parts of our country who have no or undependable internet access? There will never be charter schools in their areas. Vouchers take away money that educates them in theitpublic school. Most importantly, if Christians take their children out of public school, who is going to witness to the unbelievers? It is a mission field. Instead, we are ā€œshelteringā€ our children when we ought to be equipping them to minister to others. Instead of thinking we can force public education back into the 40s, we need to embrace the mission field that is public education.

April 5, 2020

Praise God!! I began homeschooling my son when at age 5 he started Kindergarten at a public school. He quickly learned that the system didnā€™t allow students to share, achieve, etc. When he expressed his disappointment and after speaking with the teacher and Administration for a couple months, come to find out, the system did not benefit my child. At my sonā€™s urging I agreed to homeschool. Then I found Connections Academy, a free online school. It was an answer to prayer for my family. Now my son age 9 and daughter age 6, both attend. I am very involved in their education and am able to learn and grow with them through every lesson. Connections Academy allows for much freedom. All that to say, God already prepared us for this time. Iā€™ve been praying the doors would be open for more students and families. God has flung open the doors! Praise Him!! My husband is now working from home as a 2nd grade teacher at a Charter School. He and his students are adjusting well. Itā€™s an answer to prayer to have him home. Praise God!! Please pray that God paves the way for my husbandā€™s school and many others to seamlessly transition to online teaching and that God enables families to adjust and be greatly blessed by it. I have learned how valuable it is to be teaching my children at home. My children are receiving a Christian education with me as their at-home teacher. Thank You Jesus!! You love and care about children. Society you cannot have my children. They belong to the Lord! NEA your days are numbered and one day soon will be no more. God is on the move! He is doing great things and greater things are to come!! Whoo hoo!! Praise You Lord! Bless and protect our children and all the families of our nation and all the nations of the world. Holy Spirit, lead them. Holy Spirit, help us teach our children well and raise up a mighty army of God to shine in the darkness and declare that Jesus Christ is Lord and coming again just as He said He would. We are ready! Come Lord Jesus! Amen and Amen!! Shalom

April 5, 2020

Nancy, I appreciate the focus that you are placing on improving education through this crisis and truly hoping education can change for the better especially through prayer. Our educational system definitely needs improvement. Iā€™ve now been in education for 28 years and seen so much and noticed that our education system needs an overhaul. The biggest asset we have our the educators. The relationship we have with people around us is pivotal. We were meant to have people in our lives and in close proximity that can guide us, grow us, encourage us and lead us. We need physical presence and access to other people, including teachers and students. My hope in all of this is that people see the value of resources, including free books in libraries as well as students and teachers. Relationships matter and we need teachers who can guide students. We also need parents who can spend time with their children to nurture and support. Online learning can be powerful but there are problems with that as well. Many parents do not have the time to teach and work especially with the youngest. I agree that prayer can move mountains and change our lives for the best. May we all pray to improve education beyond our wildest imagination and see the value of our educators.

Linda McCamey
April 5, 2020

Prayed for the possibility of schooling to turn towards God.

Judy brumley
April 5, 2020

This is an answer to prayer!! We especially do not want public educators teaching socialism good, homosexuality, and all anti God principals to our children.

Amy Harrod
April 4, 2020


Karen Lester
April 4, 2020

Praise God, I homeschooled, and this is an answer to prayer. No more worrying about what they are learning, peer pressure, bathrooms etc.!

Children safe, and Parents in control, a miracle, and much needed change.

Christopher Ventura
April 4, 2020

Online learning and school of choice is wonderful, but what about those single working parent households and two working parents? Who will monitor the Children? It’s a wonderful picture you’re painting but there are a lot of issues developing as I read this.

    Elizabeth Ferrellf
    April 5, 2020

    My great granddaughter died in Jan. leaving a husband and an 8 year old son. He is too young to be home by himself but his father has to go to work. This is one of many situations where there is no one at home during the day. I don’t know what the answer is except that our public schools would go back to teaching proper education and quite teaching ungodly views and subjects.

Carrie Galloway
April 4, 2020

I donā€™t have any children at home but realized that I could text one of them and he could tell the other what I said only to find out they both have iPhone 11s. Sheesh who knew there was iPhone 11s. Long story short we FaceTimed for about an hour this morning and they were teaching me how to use a lot of apps on my phone. A lot of hilarity ensued and I was able to talk to them about how much Iā€™ve missed them and how much I love them but most importantly that God loves them more than that. I talked about Jesus new commandment . A new command I give to you Love one another as I have loved you. What a blessing technology can be. Iā€™m so grateful that I got forced into using it. I had not seen my grandsons since 2015. Our relationship had not lost any momentum and the love was palpable. Just sayin

April 4, 2020

Just a few thoughts on the Big Picture:
Loss of power and control by school board elites who vote for curriculum that goes against the wishes of parents.
More options available to families who choose to keep their children out of public schools
Fewer public school teachers results in lower union dues going to liberal political parties
Eventual reduction in local real estate taxes to pay public education.
Fewer school referendums will pass voters.
Fewer teachers
Fewer administrators (my district in northern Wisconsin is 50% overhead)
Fewer employees – lunchroom, custodial and building maintenance
More freedom of choice
Less indoctrination
Yes, families are scrambling right now but will develop their own rhythm, style and learn they can teach their OWN precious children.
Fewer teen mothers and fathers as Planned Parenthood has reduced access to impressionable teens.
New family and local cooperatives will develop that benefit members
Communities will demand access to the unused portion of public school for private organizations, that will include faith-based educational options.
The “separation of church and state” will finally melt away as Big G government finally gives way to Big G God.
New building construction everywhere will slow down dramatically.
Remodeling construction will ramp up quickly once Covid-19 slows down.
As more and more people work from home, repairs and road construction will be affected reducing the need for fewer tax dollars for road maintenance
Lower tax revenue for toll roads
More funds remain in the pockets of working Americans
Broadband internet will expand and more options will become available

As Joseph revealed himself to his brothers in Egypt, you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.

We all know that God uses hard times to cause people to turn to Him in times of crisis. I pray this crisis is big enough to turn millions of people to begin a New Revival of Prayer that brings glory to God.

    Nancy Huff
    April 4, 2020

    Really great prayer points! So glad you shared.

    April 4, 2020

    All the people that looked down on homeschooling….will have a different view on it now.

John Curry
April 4, 2020

Dear Felicia, A deep sadness hits me when I think there were many in Jesus’ day who heard Him speak, looked Him straight in the eye, and said, “No. Not for me.” And walked away. They had decided He was selfish (He talked about Himself more than anything else), and bigoted (He decided some of the religious leaders in His society were “children of the Devil”), and self-promoting (He said if you didn’t build your life on the Rock of his teaching you were stupid), and uneducated (He wasn’t the graduate of any rabbinical academy). I do not write this as a criticism of you, for I thought those same things about ’45’ our President. I prayed about it, and God gave me the gift of discernment. He reminded me of what Jesus said to the disciples of John the Baptist (Matthew 11:2-6). In my case, the Word was this, “Pay no attention to what others say about him. Go see what he is actually doing, and what the outcomes are.”
I think you may be viewing President Trump through a filter provided by his enemies. My prayer for you is that you take the opportunity to see what he is actually doing. And I pray that you may NEVER be seen through a screen set up by your enemies! God Bless you every day.

Shain Clark
April 4, 2020

As a retired public school teacher, I am well aware of how broken the system is. I prayed – and pray – that the entire system would be overhauled. The NEA needs to be abolished or re-tooled, and we need to get back to the basics of educating American children. We have far too much wasted time, money and resources in the school system. We can very expertly educate the youth in a fraction of the time we’re spending at present. However, until parents are willing to completely re-structure their work schedules, it won’t be possible to make the necessary changes because the educational system has become nothing more than a cheap babysitter – impotent of authority, but always available.

    April 4, 2020

    Thank you, Shain, for your comment. A great prayer point to cover the schedules of parents so the children have the best opportunity to learn.

    C R
    April 4, 2020

    Many low-income families are relying on the public school system to feed and babysit their children every day. I really don’t know what it would take for families to stop relying on the school system so much.

    Gone are the days of parents raising kids and “brown-bagging” your own lunch.

      Shain Clark
      April 4, 2020

      Unfortunately, that’s very correct, CR. “My, the times they are a changing.'” What happened to parental responsibility for their own children? When did we become such a nanny state? It’s disturbing that many “low income” parents can somehow afford to buy the latest, greatest tennis shoes but not the food that sustains their children. Hmmm…

Darlene Estlow
April 4, 2020

We need to pray for teachers that are doing their teaching online. They are so busy they don’t have time to interact with their own children.
Father, we lift all teachers to you who have to now teach online. Stretch their days to fit their needs and open up time for them to interact with their children. Give them ideas and ways to teach that will expand their time. Thank you for these servants. May your Holy Spirit remind us to lift them up. And I pray for learning disabled children in special schools that they would be able to continue to learn.

Jerry E Sauls
April 4, 2020

Thanks for the article. It gives insight to the positive side of online education and what may well be the continuation of the idea after the virus issue is over. I like the idea of the government being less involved in the choices parents/children will have as it relates to what they learn. I conclude with this prayer, “Our Father, may this ‘new’ venue bring the knowledge of You into the classroom pointing our children to the way of righteousness.” AMEN!

Peggy Wyar
April 4, 2020

I do not presently have children in my home, but I had home educated all three of my daughters in the past. I am noticing that trying to work on their older children’s school work is challenging for many mothers I know who have babies and toddlers. Balancing time and trying to teach concepts that are unfamiliar to them is often difficult. I was blessed that one of our church members reached out this week and asked for help in math for her daughter. It was a privilege for me to use a video chat application to “tutor” her daughter. I challenge other “older” women and men to offer help to families they know who have been so unexpectedly thrust into educating their children. It’s a great way to be a blessing.

John Curry
April 4, 2020

Heavenly Father, I thank you that You have prepared and brought into being, by the mailed fist of Covid-19, a weapon that can crush the brick-and-mortar Public School System. It was such a blessing to me eighty years ago, but has been so corrupted by the agents of the Enemy in the last half-century! Bring the refreshing Spring of Jesus to bear on this crisis. He says,”Behold!, I make all things new!” Raise up, and set to work, a million of my brothers and sisters in Jesus, and equip them with a thousand new and liberating ways to educate this nation’s children. We remember that Jesus said, “I am the Truth”, and we have learned that all truth is Your Truth. Awaken by Your Holy Spirit, whom you sent ‘to lead us into all Truth’, a love for learning within our children, and within our teachers a love for the glory of your creation, the glory of Your Word, and the joy of leading children into Your Ways. In the Name of our Redeemer Jesus. Amen

April 4, 2020

I agree with you on the first part of your comment. There are parents who have no idea how to teach. They want to, but they have no idea how to do it. As a result they become frustrated, short tempered, and impatient. We need to pray for them to have workable solutions. I can think of some.

Concerning the 2nd half of your comment, it is very apparent that you are listening to the media and becoming captive to their lies, slander, and deceit. Educate yourself by taking time to research and find out the true facts from valid, trusted sources. Do your homework and cease being a puppet of the media by helping them spread falsehood and blatant disrespect.

Mary Ahlborn
April 4, 2020

As an educator, and previously a computer instructional specialist, I recognize the benefits of children working online with the many available resources. Children here in our city are sometimes in danger having to sit in the dark on the curb of a street waiting for their bus, and when they attend their public school not able to learn adequately because of the liberal policy of not dealing with other studentā€™s misbehavior.
One important thing that needs prayer: The safety of our young and vulnerable children who are now either left home alone, or are being placed in unsafe childcare circumstances. I have already heard of one child abuse case where a single working mom was forced to place her child with abusive relatives because she could
not find an alternative. She has now found a friend who has agreed to watch her young son. Praise the Lord!
Lord, please return the overseer of our childrenboth, moms and dads back to seeking the well-being of their children rather than seeking a demanding career. And Let us all find in our hearts the compassion to step up to do whatever we can for the sake of the innocent. In Jesus Name.

Kelly Gebadlo
April 4, 2020

Itā€™s bothersome that a lot of these articles focus on a reset…. I would have held this position a few years ago… but God has opened my eyes!
I have homeschooled my children and have read the Bible with them on most days! We have 7 children ranging in age from 11-20. My 2nd and 3rd begged to go to public school two years ago and honestly it was the hardest and longest decision we have ever prayed about but best decision we had made for their education. Every child is different! Not every child struggles in school or walks away from their faith because they are outside the home for education. Keeping them home doesnā€™t guarantee they will walk by faith. We adopted our three youngest and this ā€œschool at homeā€ is a major set back for my son (and large family) who has severe behavioral problems. They do not go to public school, but a small private school. I think we need to be careful with articles like the above. We need to teach our kids how to respond to Godā€™s word positively no matter where they go to school. We can not be naive thinking home is the only place God is present. Make the time to show them God is before everything, she will honor that! My teens are covered in prayer, and have been blessed with God fearing teachers. They have been able to be Christ in a world thatā€™s hurting.

I am thankful every family has the option to choose what is best for their family. Would I exchange the formative homeschool years? Not a chance, but I am thankful I have options and a God who guides when I seek Him!

    April 4, 2020

    Thank you for sharing. Public school was once a good option and there are still good schools out there. My concern is the radical leftist agenda thatā€™s infiltrating public schools. Many children are suffering from another type of abuse in the classroom where dangerous, graphic sexual information is entering their young minds with serious
    lifelong impacts.
    Change wonā€™t be an easy road; there are multifaceted hurdles to overcome. However Iā€™m thankful we can even have this discussion brought to us by Coronavirus. I rest assured that as we prayerfully turn to God, we can trust him to help us navigate through the uncharted waters ahead.

Ken Budz
April 4, 2020

Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Lord please during this time of the virus help us turn towards You. We need You and Your word. Call people and families to You Father. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

April 4, 2020

It amazes me that 1-2 weeks before all this happened, the article on the horrific state of current education was posted. Obscene sexual material, homosexual sex how- toā€™s, etc. It shook me as Iā€™m sure it did many others. When schools started closing my first thought was thank you Lord Jesus for saving the children.

    Julia Kercher
    April 4, 2020

    It is my sincere hope that as parents see firsthand what their children are learning, many will choose not to return their children to public schools. I pray that they will keep them home or choose to enroll them in God-honoring private schools. I pray that COVID-19 leads to the downfall of secular public education.

April 4, 2020

Yes, God sees everything and knows everything and I even agree with you on praying for God’s help for parents and students. But your comments about our President reveal delusion and they go against truth. I pray that you will be delivered from this blindness in Jesus’ name.

April 4, 2020

We are in agreement for this to be a safe, God/nurtured time….
An amber alert for 8 yo Kylie was released As I posted the prayerful comments. O God Almighty, protect children of all ages during this time. Intervene and deliver them from wickedness and harm.

April 4, 2020

I pray protection over children, God protect their innocence, protect the life destiny and Your dreams within them. May children be supernaturally fed spiritually and physically through this season. May only Godly, life bearing ā€˜foodā€™ be consumed. May this time at home be one of peace-filled goodness. We release Gods kindness, endurance, creativity into homes worldwide which brings forth righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Amen


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